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* JavaScript for the user selectors.
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* @package userselector
// Define the core_user namespace if it has not already been defined
M.core_user = M.core_user || {};
// Define a user selectors array for against the cure_user namespace
M.core_user.user_selectors = [];
* Retrieves an instantiated user selector or null if there isn't one by the requested name
* @param {string} name The name of the selector to retrieve
* @return bool
M.core_user.get_user_selector = function (name) {
return this.user_selectors[name] || null;
* Initialise a new user selector.
* @param {YUI} Y The YUI3 instance
* @param {string} name the control name/id.
* @param {string} hash the hash that identifies this selector in the user's session.
* @param {array} extrafields extra fields we are displaying for each user in addition to fullname.
* @param {string} lastsearch The last search that took place
* @param {int} searchtype the last search option that took place
M.core_user.init_user_selector = function(Y, name, hash, extrafields, lastsearch, searchtype) {
// Creates a new user_selector object
var user_selector = {
/** This id/name used for this control in the HTML. */
name : name,
/** Array of fields to display for each user, in addition to fullname. */
extrafields: extrafields,
/** Number of seconds to delay before submitting a query request */
querydelay : 0.5,
/** The input element that contains the search term. */
searchfield :'#' + name + '_searchtext'),
/** The clear button. */
clearbutton : null,
/** The select element that contains the list of users. */
listbox :'#' + name),
/** Used to hold the timeout id of the timeout that waits before doing a search. */
timeoutid : null,
/** Stores any in-progress remote requests. */
iotransactions : {},
/** The last string that we searched for, so we can avoid unnecessary repeat searches. */
lastsearch : lastsearch,
/** Whether any options where selected last time we checked. Used by
* handle_selection_change to track when this status changes. */
selectionempty : true,
/** The last search option that we use for*/
searchtype: searchtype,
* Initialises the user selector object
* @constructor
init : function() {
// Hide the search button and replace it with a label.
var searchbutton ='#' + + '_searchbutton');
this.searchfield.insert(Y.Node.create('<label for="' + + '_searchtext">' + searchbutton.get('value') + '</label>'), this.searchfield);
// Hook up the event handler for when the search text changes.
this.searchfield.on('keyup', this.handle_keyup, this);
// Hook up the event handler for when the selection changes.
this.listbox.on('keyup', this.handle_selection_change, this);
this.listbox.on('click', this.handle_selection_change, this);
this.listbox.on('change', this.handle_selection_change, this);
// And when the search any substring preference changes. Do an immediate re-search.'#userselector_searchfromstartid').on('click', this.handle_searchtype_change, this);'#userselector_searchanywhereid').on('click', this.handle_searchtype_change, this);'#userselector_searchexactmatchesonlyid').on('click', this.handle_searchtype_change, this);
// Define our custom event.
this.selectionempty = this.is_selection_empty();
// Replace the Clear submit button with a clone that is not a submit button.
var clearbtn ='#' + + '_clearbutton');
this.clearbutton = Y.Node.create('<input type="button" value="' + clearbtn.get('value') + '" class="btn btn-secondary mx-1"/>');
this.clearbutton.set('id', + "_clearbutton");
this.clearbutton.on('click', this.handle_clear, this);
this.clearbutton.set('disabled', (this.get_search_text() == ''));
* Key up hander for the search text box.
* @param {Y.Event} e the keyup event.
handle_keyup : function(e) {
// Trigger an ajax search after a delay.
this.timeoutid = Y.later(this.querydelay * 1000, e, function(obj){obj.send_query(false)}, this);
// Enable or diable the clear button.
this.clearbutton.set('disabled', (this.get_search_text() == ''));
// If enter was pressed, prevent a form submission from happening.
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
* Handles when the selection has changed. If the selection has changed from
* empty to not-empty, or vice versa, then fire the event handlers.
handle_selection_change : function() {
var isselectionempty = this.is_selection_empty();
if (isselectionempty !== this.selectionempty) {'user_selector:selectionchanged', isselectionempty);
this.selectionempty = isselectionempty;
* Trigger a re-search and set the user prefs when the search radio option is changed.
* @param {Y.Event} e the change event.
handle_searchtype_change: function(e) {
e.currentTarget.set('checked', 1);
this.searchtype = e.currentTarget.get('value');
require(['core_user/repository'], function(UserRepository) {
UserRepository.setUserPreference('userselector_searchtype', e.currentTarget.get('value'));
if (this.lastsearch != '' && this.get_search_text() != '') {
* Click handler for the clear button..
handle_clear : function() {
this.searchfield.set('value', '');
* Clear all checked state in the radio search option.
clear_search_radio_state: function() {'#userselector_searchfromstartid').set('checked', 0);'#userselector_searchanywhereid').set('checked', 0);'#userselector_searchexactmatchesonlyid').set('checked', 0);
* Fires off the ajax search request.
send_query : function(forceresearch) {
// Cancel any pending timeout.
var value = this.get_search_text();
this.searchfield.set('class', '');
if (this.lastsearch == value && !forceresearch) {
// Try to cancel existing transactions.
Y.Object.each(this.iotransactions, function(trans) {
var iotrans = + '/user/selector/search.php', {
method: 'POST',
data: 'selectorid=' + hash + '&sesskey=' + M.cfg.sesskey +
'&search=' + value + '&userselector_searchtype=' + this.searchtype,
on: {
complete: this.handle_response
this.iotransactions[] = iotrans;
this.lastsearch = value;
this.listbox.setStyle('background','url(' + M.util.image_url('i/loading', 'moodle') + ') no-repeat center center');
* Handle what happens when we get some data back from the search.
* @param {int} requestid not used.
* @param {object} response the list of users that was returned.
handle_response : function(requestid, response) {
try {
delete this.iotransactions[requestid];
if (!Y.Object.isEmpty(this.iotransactions)) {
// More searches pending. Wait until they are all done.
var data = Y.JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if (data.error) {
return new M.core.ajaxException(data);
// If updated userSummaries are present, overwrite the global variable
// that's output by group_non_members_selector::print_user_summaries() in user/selector/lib.php
if (typeof data.userSummaries !== "undefined") {
/* global userSummaries:true */
/* exported userSummaries */
userSummaries = data.userSummaries;
} catch (e) {
return new M.core.exception(e);
* This method should do the same sort of thing as the PHP method
* user_selector_base::output_options.
* @param {object} data the list of users to populate the list box with.
output_options : function(data) {
// Clear out the existing options, keeping any ones that are already selected.
var selectedusers = {};
if (option.get('selected')) {
selectedusers[option.get('value')] = {
id : option.get('value'),
name : option.get('innerText') || option.get('textContent'),
disabled: option.get('disabled')
}, this);
}, this);
// Output each optgroup.
var count = 0;
for (var key in data.results) {
var groupdata = data.results[key];
this.output_group(, groupdata.users, selectedusers, true);
count ++;
if (!count) {
var searchstr = (this.lastsearch != '') ? this.insert_search_into_str(M.util.get_string('nomatchingusers', 'moodle'), this.lastsearch) : M.util.get_string('none', 'moodle');
this.output_group(searchstr, {}, selectedusers, true)
// If there were previously selected users who do not match the search, show them too.
if (this.get_option('preserveselected') && selectedusers) {
this.output_group(this.insert_search_into_str(M.util.get_string('previouslyselectedusers', 'moodle'), this.lastsearch), selectedusers, true, false);
* This method should do the same sort of thing as the PHP method
* user_selector_base::output_optgroup.
* @param {string} groupname the label for this optgroup.v
* @param {object} users the users to put in this optgroup.
* @param {boolean|object} selectedusers if true, select the users in this group.
* @param {boolean} processsingle
output_group : function(groupname, users, selectedusers, processsingle) {
var optgroup = Y.Node.create('<optgroup></optgroup>');
var count = 0;
for (var key in users) {
var user = users[key];
var option = Y.Node.create('<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>');
if (user.disabled) {
option.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
} else if (selectedusers === true || selectedusers[]) {
option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
delete selectedusers[];
if (user.infobelow) {
extraoption = Y.Node.create('<option disabled="disabled" class="userselector-infobelow"/>');
count ++;
if (count > 0) {
optgroup.set('label', groupname + ' (' + count + ')');
if (processsingle && count === 1 && this.get_option('autoselectunique') && option.get('disabled') == false) {
option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
} else {
optgroup.set('label', groupname);
optgroup.append(Y.Node.create('<option disabled="disabled">\u00A0</option>'));
* Replace
* @param {string} str
* @param {string} search The search term
* @return string
insert_search_into_str : function(str, search) {
return str.replace("%%SEARCHTERM%%", search);
* Gets the search text
* @return String the value to search for, with leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
get_search_text : function() {
return this.searchfield.get('value').toString().replace(/^ +| +$/, '');
* Returns true if the selection is empty (nothing is selected)
* @return Boolean check all the options and return whether any are selected.
is_selection_empty : function() {
var selection = false;
if (this.get('selected')) {
selection = true;
return !(selection);
* Cancel the search delay timeout, if there is one.
cancel_timeout : function() {
if (this.timeoutid) {
this.timeoutid = null;
* @param {string} name The name of the option to retrieve
* @return the value of one of the option checkboxes.
get_option : function(name) {
var checkbox ='#userselector_' + name + 'id');
if (checkbox) {
return (checkbox.get('checked'));
} else {
return false;
// Augment the user selector with the EventTarget class so that we can use
// custom events
Y.augment(user_selector, Y.EventTarget, null, null, {});
// Initialise the user selector
// Store the user selector so that it can be retrieved
this.user_selectors[name] = user_selector;
// Return the user selector
return user_selector;
* Initialise a class that updates the user's preferences when they change one of
* the options checkboxes.
* @constructor
* @param {YUI} Y
* @return Tracker object
M.core_user.init_user_selector_options_tracker = function(Y) {
// Create a user selector options tracker
var user_selector_options_tracker = {
* Initlises the option tracker and gets everything going.
* @constructor
init : function() {
var settings = [
for (var s in settings) {
var setting = settings[s];'#' + setting + 'id').on('click', this.set_user_preference, this, setting);
* Sets a user preference for the options tracker
* @param {Y.Event|null} e
* @param {string} name The name of the preference to set
set_user_preference : function(e, name) {
require(['core_user/repository'], function(UserRepository) {
UserRepository.setUserPreference(name,'#' + name + 'id').get('checked'));
// Initialise the options tracker
// Return it just incase it is ever wanted
return user_selector_options_tracker;