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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Class used to fetch participants based on a filterset.
* @package core_user
* @copyright 2020 Michael Hawkins <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_user\table;
use context;
use context_helper;
use core_table\local\filter\filterset;
use core_user;
use moodle_recordset;
use stdClass;
use core_user\fields;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php');
* Class used to fetch participants based on a filterset.
* @package core_user
* @copyright 2020 Michael Hawkins <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class participants_search {
* @var filterset $filterset The filterset describing which participants to include in the search.
protected $filterset;
* @var stdClass $course The course being searched.
protected $course;
* @var context_course $context The course context being searched.
protected $context;
* @var string[] $userfields Names of any extra user fields to be shown when listing users.
protected $userfields;
* Class constructor.
* @param stdClass $course The course being searched.
* @param context $context The context of the search.
* @param filterset $filterset The filterset used to filter the participants in a course.
public function __construct(stdClass $course, context $context, filterset $filterset) {
$this->course = $course;
$this->context = $context;
$this->filterset = $filterset;
$this->userfields = fields::get_identity_fields($this->context);
* Fetch participants matching the filterset.
* @param string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where.
* @param array $additionalparams The additional params used by $additionalwhere.
* @param string $sort Optional SQL sort.
* @param int $limitfrom Return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional).
* @param int $limitnum Return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).
* @return moodle_recordset
public function get_participants(string $additionalwhere = '', array $additionalparams = [], string $sort = '',
int $limitfrom = 0, int $limitnum = 0): moodle_recordset {
global $DB;
'subqueryalias' => $subqueryalias,
'outerselect' => $outerselect,
'innerselect' => $innerselect,
'outerjoins' => $outerjoins,
'innerjoins' => $innerjoins,
'outerwhere' => $outerwhere,
'innerwhere' => $innerwhere,
'params' => $params,
] = $this->get_participants_sql($additionalwhere, $additionalparams);
$sql = "{$outerselect}
FROM ({$innerselect}
FROM {$innerjoins}
) {$subqueryalias}
return $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
* Returns the total number of participants for a given course.
* @param string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where.
* @param array $additionalparams The additional params used by $additionalwhere.
* @return int
public function get_total_participants_count(string $additionalwhere = '', array $additionalparams = []): int {
global $DB;
'subqueryalias' => $subqueryalias,
'innerselect' => $innerselect,
'outerjoins' => $outerjoins,
'innerjoins' => $innerjoins,
'outerwhere' => $outerwhere,
'innerwhere' => $innerwhere,
'params' => $params,
] = $this->get_participants_sql($additionalwhere, $additionalparams);
FROM ({$innerselect}
FROM {$innerjoins}
) {$subqueryalias}
return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
* Generate the SQL used to fetch filtered data for the participants table.
* @param string $additionalwhere Any additional SQL to add to where
* @param array $additionalparams The additional params
* @return array
protected function get_participants_sql(string $additionalwhere, array $additionalparams): array {
global $CFG;
$isfrontpage = ($this->course->id == SITEID);
$accesssince = 0;
// Whether to match on users who HAVE accessed since the given time (ie false is 'inactive for more than x').
$matchaccesssince = false;
// The alias for the subquery that fetches all distinct course users.
$usersubqueryalias = 'targetusers';
// The alias for {user} within the distinct user subquery.
$inneruseralias = 'udistinct';
// Inner query that selects distinct users in a course who are not deleted.
// Note: This ensures the outer (filtering) query joins on distinct users, avoiding the need for GROUP BY.
$innerselect = "SELECT DISTINCT {$inneruseralias}.id";
$innerjoins = ["{user} {$inneruseralias}"];
$innerwhere = "WHERE {$inneruseralias}.deleted = 0 AND {$inneruseralias}.id <> :siteguest";
$params = ['siteguest' => $CFG->siteguest];
$outerjoins = ["JOIN {user} u ON = {$usersubqueryalias}.id"];
$wheres = [];
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('accesssince')) {
$accesssince = $this->filterset->get_filter('accesssince')->current();
// Last access filtering only supports matching or not matching, not any/all/none.
$jointypenone = $this->filterset->get_filter('accesssince')::JOINTYPE_NONE;
if ($this->filterset->get_filter('accesssince')->get_join_type() === $jointypenone) {
$matchaccesssince = true;
// SQL that forms part of the filter.
'sql' => $esql,
// SQL for enrolment filtering that must always be applied (eg due to capability restrictions).
'forcedsql' => $esqlforced,
'params' => $eparams,
] = $this->get_enrolled_sql();
$params = array_merge($params, $eparams);
// Get the fields for all contexts because there is a special case later where it allows
// matches of fields you can't access if they are on your own account.
$userfields = fields::for_identity(null)->with_userpic();
['selects' => $userfieldssql, 'joins' => $userfieldsjoin, 'params' => $userfieldsparams, 'mappings' => $mappings] =
(array)$userfields->get_sql('u', true);
if ($userfieldsjoin) {
$outerjoins[] = $userfieldsjoin;
$params = array_merge($params, $userfieldsparams);
// Include any compulsory enrolment SQL (eg capability related filtering that must be applied).
if (!empty($esqlforced)) {
$outerjoins[] = "JOIN ({$esqlforced}) fef ON =";
// Include any enrolment related filtering.
if (!empty($esql)) {
$outerjoins[] = "LEFT JOIN ({$esql}) ef ON =";
$wheres[] = ' IS NOT NULL';
if ($isfrontpage) {
$outerselect = "SELECT u.lastaccess $userfieldssql";
if ($accesssince) {
$wheres[] = user_get_user_lastaccess_sql($accesssince, 'u', $matchaccesssince);
} else {
$outerselect = "SELECT COALESCE(ul.timeaccess, 0) AS lastaccess $userfieldssql";
// Not everybody has accessed the course yet.
$outerjoins[] = 'LEFT JOIN {user_lastaccess} ul ON (ul.userid = AND ul.courseid = :courseid2)';
$params['courseid2'] = $this->course->id;
if ($accesssince) {
$wheres[] = user_get_course_lastaccess_sql($accesssince, 'ul', $matchaccesssince);
// Make sure we only ever fetch users in the course (regardless of enrolment filters).
$innerjoins[] = "JOIN {user_enrolments} ue ON ue.userid = {$inneruseralias}.id";
$innerjoins[] = 'JOIN {enrol} e ON = ue.enrolid
AND e.courseid = :courseid1';
$params['courseid1'] = $this->course->id;
// Performance hacks - we preload user contexts together with accounts.
$ccselect = ', ' . context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');
$ccjoin = 'LEFT JOIN {context} ctx ON (ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel)';
$params['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_USER;
$outerselect .= $ccselect;
$outerjoins[] = $ccjoin;
// Apply any role filtering.
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('roles')) {
'where' => $roleswhere,
'params' => $rolesparams,
] = $this->get_roles_sql();
if (!empty($roleswhere)) {
$wheres[] = "({$roleswhere})";
if (!empty($rolesparams)) {
$params = array_merge($params, $rolesparams);
// Apply any country filtering.
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('country')) {
'where' => $countrywhere,
'params' => $countryparams,
] = $this->get_country_sql();
if (!empty($countrywhere)) {
$wheres[] = "($countrywhere)";
if (!empty($countryparams)) {
$params = array_merge($params, $countryparams);
// Apply any keyword text searches.
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('keywords')) {
'where' => $keywordswhere,
'params' => $keywordsparams,
] = $this->get_keywords_search_sql($mappings);
if (!empty($keywordswhere)) {
$wheres[] = "({$keywordswhere})";
if (!empty($keywordsparams)) {
$params = array_merge($params, $keywordsparams);
// Add any supplied additional forced WHERE clauses.
if (!empty($additionalwhere)) {
$innerwhere .= " AND ({$additionalwhere})";
$params = array_merge($params, $additionalparams);
// Prepare final values.
$outerjoinsstring = implode("\n", $outerjoins);
$innerjoinsstring = implode("\n", $innerjoins);
if ($wheres) {
switch ($this->filterset->get_join_type()) {
case $this->filterset::JOINTYPE_ALL:
$wherenot = '';
$wheresjoin = ' AND ';
case $this->filterset::JOINTYPE_NONE:
$wherenot = ' NOT ';
$wheresjoin = ' AND NOT ';
// Some of the $where conditions may begin with `NOT` which results in `AND NOT NOT ...`.
// To prevent this from breaking on Oracle the inner WHERE clause is wrapped in brackets, making it
// `AND NOT (NOT ...)` which is valid in all DBs.
$wheres = array_map(function($where) {
return "({$where})";
}, $wheres);
// Default to 'Any' jointype.
$wherenot = '';
$wheresjoin = ' OR ';
$outerwhere = 'WHERE ' . $wherenot . implode($wheresjoin, $wheres);
} else {
$outerwhere = '';
return [
'subqueryalias' => $usersubqueryalias,
'outerselect' => $outerselect,
'innerselect' => $innerselect,
'outerjoins' => $outerjoinsstring,
'innerjoins' => $innerjoinsstring,
'outerwhere' => $outerwhere,
'innerwhere' => $innerwhere,
'params' => $params,
* Prepare SQL and associated parameters for users enrolled in the course.
* @return array SQL query data in the format ['sql' => '', 'forcedsql' => '', 'params' => []].
protected function get_enrolled_sql(): array {
global $USER;
$isfrontpage = ($this->context->instanceid == SITEID);
$prefix = 'eu_';
$filteruid = "{$prefix}";
$sql = '';
$joins = [];
$wheres = [];
$params = [];
// It is possible some statements must always be included (in addition to any filtering).
$forcedprefix = "f{$prefix}";
$forceduid = "{$forcedprefix}";
$forcedsql = '';
$forcedjoins = [];
$forcedwhere = "{$forcedprefix}u.deleted = 0";
if (!$isfrontpage) {
// Prepare any enrolment method filtering.
'joins' => $methodjoins,
'where' => $wheres[],
'params' => $methodparams,
] = $this->get_enrol_method_sql($filteruid);
// Prepare any status filtering.
'joins' => $statusjoins,
'where' => $statuswhere,
'params' => $statusparams,
'forcestatus' => $forcestatus,
] = $this->get_status_sql($filteruid, $forceduid, $forcedprefix);
if ($forcestatus) {
// Force filtering by active participants if user does not have capability to view suspended.
$forcedjoins = array_merge($forcedjoins, $statusjoins);
$statusjoins = [];
$forcedwhere .= " AND ({$statuswhere})";
} else {
$wheres[] = $statuswhere;
$joins = array_merge($joins, $methodjoins, $statusjoins);
$params = array_merge($params, $methodparams, $statusparams);
$groupids = [];
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('groups')) {
$groupids = $this->filterset->get_filter('groups')->get_filter_values();
// Force additional groups filtering if required due to lack of capabilities.
// Note: This means results will always be limited to allowed groups, even if the user applies their own groups filtering.
$canaccessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $this->context);
$forcegroups = ($this->course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS && !$canaccessallgroups);
if ($forcegroups) {
$allowedgroupids = array_keys(groups_get_all_groups($this->course->id, $USER->id));
// Users not in any group in a course with separate groups mode should not be able to access the participants filter.
if (empty($allowedgroupids)) {
// The UI does not support this, so it should not be reachable unless someone is trying to bypass the restriction.
throw new \coding_exception('User must be part of a group to filter by participants.');
$forceduid = "{$forcedprefix}";
$forcedjointype = $this->get_groups_jointype(\core_table\local\filter\filter::JOINTYPE_ANY);
$forcedgroupjoin = groups_get_members_join($allowedgroupids, $forceduid, $this->context, $forcedjointype);
$forcedjoins[] = $forcedgroupjoin->joins;
$forcedwhere .= " AND ({$forcedgroupjoin->wheres})";
$params = array_merge($params, $forcedgroupjoin->params);
// Remove any filtered groups the user does not have access to.
$groupids = array_intersect($allowedgroupids, $groupids);
// Prepare any user defined groups filtering.
if ($groupids) {
$groupjoin = groups_get_members_join($groupids, $filteruid, $this->context, $this->get_groups_jointype());
$joins[] = $groupjoin->joins;
$params = array_merge($params, $groupjoin->params);
if (!empty($groupjoin->wheres)) {
$wheres[] = $groupjoin->wheres;
// Combine the relevant filters and prepare the query.
$joins = array_filter($joins);
if (!empty($joins)) {
$joinsql = implode("\n", $joins);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$prefix}
FROM {user} {$prefix}u
WHERE {$prefix}u.deleted = 0";
$wheres = array_filter($wheres);
if (!empty($wheres)) {
if ($this->filterset->get_join_type() === $this->filterset::JOINTYPE_ALL) {
$wheresql = '(' . implode(') AND (', $wheres) . ')';
} else {
$wheresql = '(' . implode(') OR (', $wheres) . ')';
$sql .= " AND ({$wheresql})";
// Prepare any SQL that must be applied.
if (!empty($forcedjoins)) {
$forcedjoinsql = implode("\n", $forcedjoins);
$forcedsql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$forcedprefix}
FROM {user} {$forcedprefix}u
WHERE {$forcedwhere}";
return [
'sql' => $sql,
'forcedsql' => $forcedsql,
'params' => $params,
* Prepare the enrolment methods filter SQL content.
* @param string $useridcolumn User ID column used in the calling query, e.g.
* @return array SQL query data in the format ['joins' => [], 'where' => '', 'params' => []].
protected function get_enrol_method_sql($useridcolumn): array {
global $DB;
$prefix = 'ejm_';
$joins = [];
$where = '';
$params = [];
$enrolids = [];
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('enrolments')) {
$enrolids = $this->filterset->get_filter('enrolments')->get_filter_values();
if (!empty($enrolids)) {
$jointype = $this->filterset->get_filter('enrolments')->get_join_type();
// Handle 'All' join type.
if ($jointype === $this->filterset->get_filter('enrolments')::JOINTYPE_ALL ||
$jointype === $this->filterset->get_filter('enrolments')::JOINTYPE_NONE) {
$allwheres = [];
foreach ($enrolids as $i => $enrolid) {
$thisprefix = "{$prefix}{$i}";
list($enrolidsql, $enrolidparam) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($enrolid, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, $thisprefix);
$joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {enrol} {$thisprefix}e
ON ({$thisprefix} {$enrolidsql}
AND {$thisprefix}e.courseid = :{$thisprefix}courseid)";
$joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {user_enrolments} {$thisprefix}ue
ON {$thisprefix}ue.userid = {$useridcolumn}
AND {$thisprefix}ue.enrolid = {$thisprefix}";
if ($jointype === $this->filterset->get_filter('enrolments')::JOINTYPE_ALL) {
$allwheres[] = "{$thisprefix} IS NOT NULL";
} else {
// Ensure participants do not match any of the filtered methods when joining by 'None'.
$allwheres[] = "{$thisprefix} IS NULL";
$params["{$thisprefix}courseid"] = $this->course->id;
$params = array_merge($params, $enrolidparam);
if (!empty($allwheres)) {
$where = implode(' AND ', $allwheres);
} else {
// Handle the 'Any'join type.
list($enrolidssql, $enrolidsparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($enrolids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, $prefix);
$joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {enrol} {$prefix}e
ON ({$prefix} {$enrolidssql}
AND {$prefix}e.courseid = :{$prefix}courseid)";
$joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {user_enrolments} {$prefix}ue ON {$prefix}ue.userid = {$useridcolumn}
AND {$prefix}ue.enrolid = {$prefix}";
$where = "{$prefix} IS NOT NULL";
$params["{$prefix}courseid"] = $this->course->id;
$params = array_merge($params, $enrolidsparams);
return [
'joins' => $joins,
'where' => $where,
'params' => $params,
* Prepare the status filter SQL content.
* Note: Users who cannot view suspended users will always have their results filtered to only show active participants.
* @param string $filteruidcolumn User ID column used in the calling query, e.g.
* @param string $forceduidcolumn User ID column used in any forced query, e.g.
* @param string $forcedprefix The prefix to use if forced filtering is required
* @return array SQL query data in the format ['joins' => [], 'where' => '', 'params' => [], 'forcestatus' => true]
protected function get_status_sql($filteruidcolumn, $forceduidcolumn, $forcedprefix): array {
$prefix = $forcedprefix;
$useridcolumn = $forceduidcolumn;
$joins = [];
$where = '';
$params = [];
$forcestatus = true;
// By default we filter to show users with active status only.
$statusids = [ENROL_USER_ACTIVE];
$statusjointype = $this->filterset::JOINTYPE_DEFAULT;
// Allow optional status filtering if the user has relevant capabilities.
if (has_capability('moodle/course:enrolreview', $this->context) &&
(has_capability('moodle/course:viewsuspendedusers', $this->context))) {
$forcestatus = false;
$prefix = 'ejs_';
$useridcolumn = $filteruidcolumn;
// Default to no filtering if capabilities allow for it.
$statusids = [];
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('status')) {
$statusjointype = $this->filterset->get_filter('status')->get_join_type();
$statusfiltervalues = $this->filterset->get_filter('status')->get_filter_values();
// If values are set for the status filter, use them.
if (!empty($statusfiltervalues)) {
$statusids = $statusfiltervalues;
if (!empty($statusids)) {
$enroljoin = 'JOIN {enrol} %1$se ON %1$ = %1$sue.enrolid
AND %1$se.courseid = :%1$scourseid';
$whereactive = '(%1$sue.status = :%2$sactive
AND %1$se.status = :%2$senabled
AND %1$sue.timestart < :%2$snow1
AND (%1$sue.timeend = 0
OR %1$sue.timeend > :%2$snow2))';
$wheresuspended = '(%1$sue.status = :%2$ssuspended
OR %1$se.status != :%2$senabled
OR %1$sue.timestart >= :%2$snow1
OR (%1$sue.timeend > 0
AND %1$sue.timeend <= :%2$snow2))';
// Round 'now' time to help DB caching.
$now = round(time(), -2);
switch ($statusjointype) {
case $this->filterset::JOINTYPE_ALL:
$joinwheres = [];
foreach ($statusids as $i => $statusid) {
$joinprefix = "{$prefix}{$i}";
$joins[] = "JOIN {user_enrolments} {$joinprefix}ue ON {$joinprefix}ue.userid = {$useridcolumn}";
if ($statusid === ENROL_USER_ACTIVE) {
// Conditions to be met if user filtering by active.
$joinwheres[] = sprintf($whereactive, $joinprefix, $joinprefix);
$activeparams = [
"{$joinprefix}active" => ENROL_USER_ACTIVE,
"{$joinprefix}enabled" => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED,
"{$joinprefix}now1" => $now,
"{$joinprefix}now2" => $now,
"{$joinprefix}courseid" => $this->course->id,
$params = array_merge($params, $activeparams);
} else {
// Conditions to be met if filtering by suspended (currently the only other status).
$joinwheres[] = sprintf($wheresuspended, $joinprefix, $joinprefix);
$suspendedparams = [
"{$joinprefix}suspended" => ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED,
"{$joinprefix}enabled" => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED,
"{$joinprefix}now1" => $now,
"{$joinprefix}now2" => $now,
"{$joinprefix}courseid" => $this->course->id,
$params = array_merge($params, $suspendedparams);
$joins[] = sprintf($enroljoin, $joinprefix);
$where = implode(' AND ', $joinwheres);
case $this->filterset::JOINTYPE_NONE:
// Should always be enrolled, just not in any of the filtered statuses.
$joins[] = "JOIN {user_enrolments} {$prefix}ue ON {$prefix}ue.userid = {$useridcolumn}";
$joins[] = sprintf($enroljoin, $prefix);
$joinwheres = [];
$params["{$prefix}courseid"] = $this->course->id;
foreach ($statusids as $i => $statusid) {
$paramprefix = "{$prefix}{$i}";
if ($statusid === ENROL_USER_ACTIVE) {
// Conditions to be met if user filtering by active.
$joinwheres[] = sprintf("NOT {$whereactive}", $prefix, $paramprefix);
$activeparams = [
"{$paramprefix}active" => ENROL_USER_ACTIVE,
"{$paramprefix}enabled" => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED,
"{$paramprefix}now1" => $now,
"{$paramprefix}now2" => $now,
$params = array_merge($params, $activeparams);
} else {
// Conditions to be met if filtering by suspended (currently the only other status).
$joinwheres[] = sprintf("NOT {$wheresuspended}", $prefix, $paramprefix);
$suspendedparams = [
"{$paramprefix}suspended" => ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED,
"{$paramprefix}enabled" => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED,
"{$paramprefix}now1" => $now,
"{$paramprefix}now2" => $now,
$params = array_merge($params, $suspendedparams);
$where = '(' . implode(' AND ', $joinwheres) . ')';
// Handle the 'Any' join type.
$joins[] = "JOIN {user_enrolments} {$prefix}ue ON {$prefix}ue.userid = {$useridcolumn}";
$joins[] = sprintf($enroljoin, $prefix);
$joinwheres = [];
$params["{$prefix}courseid"] = $this->course->id;
foreach ($statusids as $i => $statusid) {
$paramprefix = "{$prefix}{$i}";
if ($statusid === ENROL_USER_ACTIVE) {
// Conditions to be met if user filtering by active.
$joinwheres[] = sprintf($whereactive, $prefix, $paramprefix);
$activeparams = [
"{$paramprefix}active" => ENROL_USER_ACTIVE,
"{$paramprefix}enabled" => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED,
"{$paramprefix}now1" => $now,
"{$paramprefix}now2" => $now,
$params = array_merge($params, $activeparams);
} else {
// Conditions to be met if filtering by suspended (currently the only other status).
$joinwheres[] = sprintf($wheresuspended, $prefix, $paramprefix);
$suspendedparams = [
"{$paramprefix}suspended" => ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED,
"{$paramprefix}enabled" => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED,
"{$paramprefix}now1" => $now,
"{$paramprefix}now2" => $now,
$params = array_merge($params, $suspendedparams);
$where = '(' . implode(' OR ', $joinwheres) . ')';
return [
'joins' => $joins,
'where' => $where,
'params' => $params,
'forcestatus' => $forcestatus,
* Fetch the groups filter's grouplib jointype, based on its filterset jointype.
* This mapping is to ensure compatibility between the two, should their values ever differ.
* @param int|null $forcedjointype If set, specifies the join type to fetch mapping for (used when applying forced filtering).
* If null, then user defined filter join type is used.
* @return int
protected function get_groups_jointype(?int $forcedjointype = null): int {
// If applying forced groups filter and no manual groups filtering is applied, add an empty filter so we can map the join.
if (!is_null($forcedjointype) && !$this->filterset->has_filter('groups')) {
$this->filterset->add_filter(new \core_table\local\filter\integer_filter('groups'));
$groupsfilter = $this->filterset->get_filter('groups');
if (is_null($forcedjointype)) {
// Fetch join type mapping for a user supplied groups filtering.
$filterjointype = $groupsfilter->get_join_type();
} else {
// Fetch join type mapping for forced groups filtering.
$filterjointype = $forcedjointype;
switch ($filterjointype) {
case $groupsfilter::JOINTYPE_NONE:
$groupsjoin = GROUPS_JOIN_NONE;
case $groupsfilter::JOINTYPE_ALL:
$groupsjoin = GROUPS_JOIN_ALL;
// Default to ANY jointype.
$groupsjoin = GROUPS_JOIN_ANY;
return $groupsjoin;
* Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for any roles filtering being performed.
* @return array SQL query data in the format ['where' => '', 'params' => []].
protected function get_roles_sql(): array {
global $DB;
$where = '';
$params = [];
// Limit list to users with some role only.
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('roles')) {
$rolesfilter = $this->filterset->get_filter('roles');
$roleids = $rolesfilter->get_filter_values();
$jointype = $rolesfilter->get_join_type();
// Determine how to match values in the query.
$matchinsql = 'IN';
switch ($jointype) {
case $rolesfilter::JOINTYPE_ALL:
$wherejoin = ' AND ';
case $rolesfilter::JOINTYPE_NONE:
$wherejoin = ' AND NOT ';
$matchinsql = 'NOT IN';
// Default to 'Any' jointype.
$wherejoin = ' OR ';
// We want to query both the current context and parent contexts.
$rolecontextids = $this->context->get_parent_context_ids(true);
// Get users without any role, if needed.
if (($withoutkey = array_search(-1, $roleids)) !== false) {
list($relatedctxsql1, $norolectxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($rolecontextids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relatedctx');
if ($jointype === $rolesfilter::JOINTYPE_NONE) {
$where .= "( IN (SELECT userid FROM {role_assignments} WHERE contextid {$relatedctxsql1}))";
} else {
$where .= "( NOT IN (SELECT userid FROM {role_assignments} WHERE contextid {$relatedctxsql1}))";
$params = array_merge($params, $norolectxparams);
if ($withoutkey !== false) {
// Join if any roles will be included.
if (!empty($roleids)) {
// The NOT case is replaced with AND to prevent a double negative.
$where .= $jointype === $rolesfilter::JOINTYPE_NONE ? ' AND ' : $wherejoin;
// Get users with specified roles, if needed.
if (!empty($roleids)) {
// All case - need one WHERE per filtered role.
if ($rolesfilter::JOINTYPE_ALL === $jointype) {
$numroles = count($roleids);
$rolecount = 1;
foreach ($roleids as $roleid) {
list($relatedctxsql, $relctxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($rolecontextids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relatedctx');
list($roleidssql, $roleidparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($roleid, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'roleids');
$where .= "( IN (
SELECT userid
FROM {role_assignments}
WHERE roleid {$roleidssql}
AND contextid {$relatedctxsql})
if ($rolecount < $numroles) {
$where .= $wherejoin;
$params = array_merge($params, $roleidparams, $relctxparams);
} else {
// Any / None cases - need one WHERE to cover all filtered roles.
list($relatedctxsql, $relctxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($rolecontextids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relatedctx');
list($roleidssql, $roleidsparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($roleids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'roleids');
$where .= "( {$matchinsql} (
SELECT userid
FROM {role_assignments}
WHERE roleid {$roleidssql}
AND contextid {$relatedctxsql})
$params = array_merge($params, $roleidsparams, $relctxparams);
return [
'where' => $where,
'params' => $params,
* Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for country filtering
* @return array SQL query data in the format ['where' => '', 'params' => []].
protected function get_country_sql(): array {
global $DB;
$where = '';
$params = [];
$countryfilter = $this->filterset->get_filter('country');
if ($countrycodes = $countryfilter->get_filter_values()) {
// If filter type is "None", then we negate the comparison.
[$countrywhere, $params] = $DB->get_in_or_equal($countrycodes, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'country',
$countryfilter->get_join_type() !== $countryfilter::JOINTYPE_NONE);
$where = "( {$countrywhere})";
return [
'where' => $where,
'params' => $params,
* Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for any keyword searches being performed.
* @param array $mappings Array of field mappings (fieldname => SQL code for the value)
* @return array SQL query data in the format ['where' => '', 'params' => []].
protected function get_keywords_search_sql(array $mappings): array {
global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
$keywords = [];
$where = '';
$params = [];
$keywordsfilter = $this->filterset->get_filter('keywords');
$jointype = $keywordsfilter->get_join_type();
// None join types in both filter row and filterset require additional 'not null' handling for accurate keywords matches.
$notjoin = false;
// Determine how to match values in the query.
switch ($jointype) {
case $keywordsfilter::JOINTYPE_ALL:
$wherejoin = ' AND ';
case $keywordsfilter::JOINTYPE_NONE:
$wherejoin = ' AND NOT ';
$notjoin = true;
// Default to 'Any' jointype.
$wherejoin = ' OR ';
// Handle filterset None join type.
if ($this->filterset->get_join_type() === $this->filterset::JOINTYPE_NONE) {
$notjoin = true;
if ($this->filterset->has_filter('keywords')) {
$keywords = $keywordsfilter->get_filter_values();
$canviewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->context);
foreach ($keywords as $index => $keyword) {
$searchkey1 = 'search' . $index . '1';
$searchkey2 = 'search' . $index . '2';
$searchkey3 = 'search' . $index . '3';
$searchkey4 = 'search' . $index . '4';
$searchkey5 = 'search' . $index . '5';
$searchkey6 = 'search' . $index . '6';
$searchkey7 = 'search' . $index . '7';
$conditions = [];
// Search by fullname.
[$fullname, $fullnameparams] = fields::get_sql_fullname('u', $canviewfullnames);
$conditions[] = $DB->sql_like($fullname, ':' . $searchkey1, false, false);
$params = array_merge($params, $fullnameparams);
// Search by email.
$email = $DB->sql_like('email', ':' . $searchkey2, false, false);
if ($notjoin) {
$email = "(email IS NOT NULL AND {$email})";
if (!in_array('email', $this->userfields)) {
$maildisplay = 'maildisplay' . $index;
$userid1 = 'userid' . $index . '1';
// Prevent users who hide their email address from being found by others
// who aren't allowed to see hidden email addresses.
$email = "(". $email ." AND (" .
"u.maildisplay <> :$maildisplay " .
"OR = :$userid1". // Users can always find themselves.
$params[$maildisplay] = core_user::MAILDISPLAY_HIDE;
$params[$userid1] = $USER->id;
$conditions[] = $email;
// Search by idnumber.
$idnumber = $DB->sql_like('idnumber', ':' . $searchkey3, false, false);
if ($notjoin) {
$idnumber = "(idnumber IS NOT NULL AND {$idnumber})";
if (!in_array('idnumber', $this->userfields)) {
$userid2 = 'userid' . $index . '2';
// Users who aren't allowed to see idnumbers should at most find themselves
// when searching for an idnumber.
$idnumber = "(". $idnumber . " AND = :$userid2)";
$params[$userid2] = $USER->id;
$conditions[] = $idnumber;
// Search all user identify fields.
$extrasearchfields = fields::get_identity_fields(null);
foreach ($extrasearchfields as $fieldindex => $extrasearchfield) {
if (in_array($extrasearchfield, ['email', 'idnumber', 'country'])) {
// Already covered above.
// The param must be short (max 32 characters) so don't include field name.
$param = $searchkey3 . '_ident' . $fieldindex;
$fieldsql = $mappings[$extrasearchfield];
$condition = $DB->sql_like($fieldsql, ':' . $param, false, false);
$params[$param] = "%$keyword%";
if ($notjoin) {
$condition = "($fieldsql IS NOT NULL AND {$condition})";
if (!in_array($extrasearchfield, $this->userfields)) {
// User cannot see this field, but allow match if their own account.
$userid3 = 'userid' . $index . '3_ident' . $fieldindex;
$condition = "(". $condition . " AND = :$userid3)";
$params[$userid3] = $USER->id;
$conditions[] = $condition;
// Search by middlename.
$middlename = $DB->sql_like('middlename', ':' . $searchkey4, false, false);
if ($notjoin) {
$middlename = "(middlename IS NOT NULL AND {$middlename})";
$conditions[] = $middlename;
// Search by alternatename.
$alternatename = $DB->sql_like('alternatename', ':' . $searchkey5, false, false);
if ($notjoin) {
$alternatename = "(alternatename IS NOT NULL AND {$alternatename})";
$conditions[] = $alternatename;
// Search by firstnamephonetic.
$firstnamephonetic = $DB->sql_like('firstnamephonetic', ':' . $searchkey6, false, false);
if ($notjoin) {
$firstnamephonetic = "(firstnamephonetic IS NOT NULL AND {$firstnamephonetic})";
$conditions[] = $firstnamephonetic;
// Search by lastnamephonetic.
$lastnamephonetic = $DB->sql_like('lastnamephonetic', ':' . $searchkey7, false, false);
if ($notjoin) {
$lastnamephonetic = "(lastnamephonetic IS NOT NULL AND {$lastnamephonetic})";
$conditions[] = $lastnamephonetic;
if (!empty($where)) {
$where .= $wherejoin;
} else if ($jointype === $keywordsfilter::JOINTYPE_NONE) {
// Join type 'None' requires the WHERE to begin with NOT.
$where .= ' NOT ';
$where .= "(". implode(" OR ", $conditions) .") ";
$params[$searchkey1] = "%$keyword%";
$params[$searchkey2] = "%$keyword%";
$params[$searchkey3] = "%$keyword%";
$params[$searchkey4] = "%$keyword%";
$params[$searchkey5] = "%$keyword%";
$params[$searchkey6] = "%$keyword%";
$params[$searchkey7] = "%$keyword%";
return [
'where' => $where,
'params' => $params,