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// RefreshableScrollView.swift
// twogetskills
// Created by Efrain Yanez Recanatini on 6/21/22.
import SwiftUI
// There are two type of positioning views - one that scrolls with the content,
// and one that stays fixed
private enum PositionType {
case fixed, moving
// This struct is the currency of the Preferences, and has a type
// (fixed or moving) and the actual Y-axis value.
// It's Equatable because Swift requires it to be.
private struct Position: Equatable {
let type: PositionType
let y: CGFloat
// This might seem weird, but it's necessary due to the funny nature of
// how Preferences work. We can't just store the last position and merge
// it with the next one - instead we have a queue of all the latest positions.
private struct PositionPreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
typealias Value = [Position]
static var defaultValue = [Position]()
static func reduce(value: inout [Position], nextValue: () -> [Position]) {
value.append(contentsOf: nextValue())
private struct PositionIndicator: View {
let type: PositionType
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { proxy in
// the View itself is an invisible Shape that fills as much as possible
// Compute the top Y position and emit it to the Preferences queue
.preference(key: PositionPreferenceKey.self, value: [Position(type: type, y: proxy.frame(in: .global).minY)])
// Callback that'll trigger once refreshing is done
public typealias RefreshComplete = () -> Void
// The actual refresh action that's called once refreshing starts. It has the
// RefreshComplete callback to let the refresh action let the View know
// once it's done refreshing.
public typealias OnRefresh = (@escaping RefreshComplete) -> Void
// The offset threshold. 68 is a good number, but you can play
// with it to your liking.
public let defaultRefreshThreshold: CGFloat = 68
// Tracks the state of the RefreshableScrollView - it's either:
// 1. waiting for a scroll to happen
// 2. has been primed by pulling down beyond THRESHOLD
// 3. is doing the refreshing.
public enum RefreshState {
case waiting, primed, loading
// ViewBuilder for the custom progress View, that may render itself
// based on the current RefreshState.
public typealias RefreshProgressBuilder<Progress: View> = (RefreshState) -> Progress
// Default color of the rectangle behind the progress spinner
public let defaultLoadingViewBackgroundColor =
Color(UIColor(hex: Config.COLOR_APP_WINDOW_BACKGROUND) ?? UIColor.systemBackground)
public struct RefreshableScrollView<Progress, Content>: View where Progress: View, Content: View {
let showsIndicators: Bool // if the ScrollView should show indicators
let loadingViewBackgroundColor: Color
let threshold: CGFloat // what height do you have to pull down to trigger the refresh
let onRefresh: OnRefresh // the refreshing action
let progress: RefreshProgressBuilder<Progress> // custom progress view
let content: () -> Content // the ScrollView content
@State private var offset: CGFloat = 0
@State private var state = RefreshState.waiting // the current state
let feedbackGenerator = UINotificationFeedbackGenerator() // haptic feedback
// We use a custom constructor to allow for usage of a @ViewBuilder for the content
public init(showsIndicators: Bool = true,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: Color = defaultLoadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: CGFloat = defaultRefreshThreshold,
onRefresh: @escaping OnRefresh,
@ViewBuilder progress: @escaping RefreshProgressBuilder<Progress>,
@ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content) {
self.showsIndicators = showsIndicators
self.loadingViewBackgroundColor = loadingViewBackgroundColor
self.threshold = threshold
self.onRefresh = onRefresh
self.progress = progress
self.content = content
public var body: some View {
// The root view is a regular ScrollView
ScrollView(showsIndicators: showsIndicators) {
// The ZStack allows us to position the PositionIndicator,
// the content and the loading view, all on top of each other.
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
// The moving positioning indicator, that sits at the top
// of the ScrollView and scrolls down with the content
PositionIndicator(type: .moving)
.frame(height: 0)
// Your ScrollView content. If we're loading, we want
// to keep it below the loading view, hence the alignmentGuide.
.alignmentGuide(.top, computeValue: { _ in
(state == .loading) ? -threshold + offset : 0
// The loading view. It's offset to the top of the content unless we're loading.
ZStack {
.frame(height: threshold)
}.offset(y: (state == .loading) ? -offset : -threshold)
// Put a fixed PositionIndicator in the background so that we have
// a reference point to compute the scroll offset.
.background(PositionIndicator(type: .fixed))
// Once the scrolling offset changes, we want to see if there should
// be a state change.
.onPreferenceChange(PositionPreferenceKey.self) { values in
// Compute the offset between the moving and fixed PositionIndicators
let movingY = values.first { $0.type == .moving }?.y ?? 0
let fixedY = values.first { $0.type == .fixed }?.y ?? 0
offset = movingY - fixedY
if state != .loading { // If we're already loading, ignore everything
// Map the preference change action to the UI thread
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// If the user pulled down below the threshold, prime the view
if offset > threshold && state == .waiting {
state = .primed
// If the view is primed and we've crossed the threshold again on the
// way back, trigger the refresh
} else if offset < threshold && state == .primed {
state = .loading
onRefresh { // trigger the refreshing callback
// once refreshing is done, smoothly move the loading view
// back to the offset position
withAnimation {
self.state = .waiting
// Extension that uses default RefreshActivityIndicator so that you don't have to
// specify it every time.
public extension RefreshableScrollView where Progress == RefreshActivityIndicator {
init(showsIndicators: Bool = true,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: Color = defaultLoadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: CGFloat = defaultRefreshThreshold,
onRefresh: @escaping OnRefresh,
@ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content) {
self.init(showsIndicators: showsIndicators,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: loadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: threshold,
onRefresh: onRefresh,
progress: { state in
RefreshActivityIndicator(isAnimating: state == .loading) {
$0.hidesWhenStopped = false
content: content)
// Wraps a UIActivityIndicatorView as a loading spinner that works on all SwiftUI versions.
public struct RefreshActivityIndicator: UIViewRepresentable {
public typealias UIView = UIActivityIndicatorView
public var isAnimating: Bool = true
public var configuration = { (indicator: UIView) in }
public init(isAnimating: Bool, configuration: ((UIView) -> Void)? = nil) {
self.isAnimating = isAnimating
if let configuration = configuration {
self.configuration = configuration
public func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<Self>) -> UIView {
public func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<Self>) {
isAnimating ? uiView.startAnimating() : uiView.stopAnimating()
#if compiler(>=5.5)
// Allows using RefreshableScrollView with an async block.
@available(iOS 15.0, *)
public extension RefreshableScrollView {
init(showsIndicators: Bool = true,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: Color = defaultLoadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: CGFloat = defaultRefreshThreshold,
action: @escaping @Sendable () async -> Void,
@ViewBuilder progress: @escaping RefreshProgressBuilder<Progress>,
@ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content) {
self.init(showsIndicators: showsIndicators,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: loadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: threshold,
onRefresh: { refreshComplete in
Task {
await action()
progress: progress,
content: content)
public struct RefreshableCompat<Progress>: ViewModifier where Progress: View {
private let showsIndicators: Bool
private let loadingViewBackgroundColor: Color
private let threshold: CGFloat
private let onRefresh: OnRefresh
private let progress: RefreshProgressBuilder<Progress>
public init(showsIndicators: Bool = true,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: Color = defaultLoadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: CGFloat = defaultRefreshThreshold,
onRefresh: @escaping OnRefresh,
@ViewBuilder progress: @escaping RefreshProgressBuilder<Progress>) {
self.showsIndicators = showsIndicators
self.loadingViewBackgroundColor = loadingViewBackgroundColor
self.threshold = threshold
self.onRefresh = onRefresh
self.progress = progress
public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
RefreshableScrollView(showsIndicators: showsIndicators,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: loadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: threshold,
onRefresh: onRefresh,
progress: progress) {
#if compiler(>=5.5)
@available(iOS 15.0, *)
public extension List {
@ViewBuilder func refreshableCompat<Progress: View>(showsIndicators: Bool = true,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: Color = defaultLoadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: CGFloat = defaultRefreshThreshold,
onRefresh: @escaping OnRefresh,
@ViewBuilder progress: @escaping RefreshProgressBuilder<Progress>) -> some View {
if #available(iOS 15.0, macOS 12.0, *) {
self.refreshable {
await withCheckedContinuation { cont in
onRefresh {
} else {
self.modifier(RefreshableCompat(showsIndicators: showsIndicators,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: loadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: threshold,
onRefresh: onRefresh,
progress: progress))
public extension View {
@ViewBuilder func refreshableCompat<Progress: View>(showsIndicators: Bool = true,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: Color = defaultLoadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: CGFloat = defaultRefreshThreshold,
onRefresh: @escaping OnRefresh,
@ViewBuilder progress: @escaping RefreshProgressBuilder<Progress>) -> some View {
self.modifier(RefreshableCompat(showsIndicators: showsIndicators,
loadingViewBackgroundColor: loadingViewBackgroundColor,
threshold: threshold,
onRefresh: onRefresh,
progress: progress))
struct TestView: View {
@State private var now = Date()
var body: some View {
onRefresh: { done in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { = Date()
}) {
VStack {
ForEach(1..<20) {
Text("\( .hour, value: $0, to: now)!)")
.padding(.bottom, 10)
struct TestViewWithLargerThreshold: View {
@State private var now = Date()
var body: some View {
threshold: defaultRefreshThreshold * 3,
onRefresh: { done in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { = Date()
}) {
VStack {
ForEach(1..<20) {
Text("\( .hour, value: $0, to: now)!)")
.padding(.bottom, 10)
struct TestViewWithCustomProgress: View {
@State private var now = Date()
var body: some View {
RefreshableScrollView(onRefresh: { done in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { = Date()
progress: { state in
if state == .waiting {
Text("Pull me down...")
} else if state == .primed {
Text("Now release!")
} else {
) {
VStack {
ForEach(1..<20) {
Text("\( .hour, value: $0, to: now)!)")
.padding(.bottom, 10)
#if compiler(>=5.5)
@available(iOS 15, *)
struct TestViewWithAsync: View {
@State private var now = Date()
var body: some View {
RefreshableScrollView(action: {
await Task.sleep(3_000_000_000)
now = Date()
}, progress: { state in
RefreshActivityIndicator(isAnimating: state == .loading) {
$0.hidesWhenStopped = false
}) {
VStack {
ForEach(1..<20) {
Text("\( .hour, value: $0, to: now)!)")
.padding(.bottom, 10)
struct TestViewCompat: View {
@State private var now = Date()
var body: some View {
VStack {
ForEach(1..<20) {
Text("\( .hour, value: $0, to: now)!)")
.padding(.bottom, 10)
.refreshableCompat(showsIndicators: false,
onRefresh: { done in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { = Date()
}, progress: { state in
RefreshActivityIndicator(isAnimating: state == .loading) {
$0.hidesWhenStopped = false
struct TestView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
struct TestViewWithLargerThreshold_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
struct TestViewWithCustomProgress_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
#if compiler(>=5.5)
@available(iOS 15, *)
struct TestViewWithAsync_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
struct TestViewCompat_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {