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This file is part of Moodle -
Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
Context variables required for this template:
* sitename - The name of the site
* output - The core renderer for the page
* bodyattributes - attributes for the body tag as a string of html attributes
* sidepreblocks - HTML for the blocks
* hasblocks - true if there are blocks on this page
* navdraweropen - true if the nav drawer should be open on page load
* regionmainsettingsmenu - HTML for the region main settings menu
* hasregionmainsettingsmenu - There is a region main settings menu on this page.
Example context (json):
"sitename": "Moodle",
"output": {
"doctype": "<!DOCTYPE html>",
"page_title": "Test page",
"favicon": "favicon.ico",
"main_content": "<h1>Headings make html validators happier</h1>"
"sidepreblocks": "<h2>Blocks html goes here</h2>",
"regionmainsettingsmenu": "",
"hasregionmainsettingsmenu": false
{{> theme_universe/head }}
<body {{{ bodyattributes }}}>
{{> core/local/toast/wrapper}}
<div id="page-wrapper" class="d-print-block {{#output.courseheadermenu}}rui--course-with-nav{{/output.courseheadermenu}} {{^output.courseheadermenu}}rui--course-witout-nav{{/output.courseheadermenu}}">
{{{ output.standard_top_of_body_html }}}
{{< theme_universe/drawer }}
{{> theme_universe/courseindexdrawercontrols}}
{{$drawerclasses}}drawer drawer-left {{#courseindexopen}}show{{/courseindexopen}}{{/drawerclasses}}
{{{ output.display_course_progress }}}
{{$closebuttontext}}{{#str}}closecourseindex, core{{/str}}{{/closebuttontext}}
{{/ theme_universe/drawer}}
{{> theme_universe_child/navbar }}
<div id="page" data-region="mainpage" data-usertour="scroller" class="drawers {{#topbarcustomhtml}}topbar--ext{{/topbarcustomhtml}} {{#courseindexopen}}show-drawer-left{{/courseindexopen}} {{#blockdraweropen}}show-hidden-drawer show-drawer-right{{/blockdraweropen}} drag-container">
<div id="topofscroll" class="main-inner">
<div id="page-content" class="page-content wrapper-fw">
<div class="drawer-toggles d-flex">
<div class="drawer-toggler drawer-left-toggle open-nav d-print-none">
class="btn-drawer btn-drawer--left drawertoggle"
title="{{#str}}opendrawerindex, core{{/str}}"
<span class="sr-only">{{#str}}opendrawerindex, core{{/str}}</span>
<svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M2 5.99519C2 5.44556 2.44556 5 2.99519 5H11.0048C11.5544 5 12 5.44556 12 5.99519C12 6.54482 11.5544 6.99039 11.0048 6.99039H2.99519C2.44556 6.99039 2 6.54482 2 5.99519Z" fill="currentColor" /><path d="M2 11.9998C2 11.4501 2.44556 11.0046 2.99519 11.0046H21.0048C21.5544 11.0046 22 11.4501 22 11.9998C22 12.5494 21.5544 12.9949 21.0048 12.9949H2.99519C2.44556 12.9949 2 12.5494 2 11.9998Z" fill="currentColor" /><path d="M2.99519 17.0096C2.44556 17.0096 2 17.4552 2 18.0048C2 18.5544 2.44556 19 2.99519 19H15.0048C15.5544 19 16 18.5544 16 18.0048C16 17.4552 15.5544 17.0096 15.0048 17.0096H2.99519Z" fill="currentColor" /></svg>
<div id="region-main-box" class="region-main-course-wrapper">
<section id="region-main" aria-label="{{#str}}content{{/str}}">
<div class="wrapper-fw">
{{{ output.simple_header }}}
<div class="wrapper-fw">
{{{ output.main_content }}}
{{> core/activity_header }}
<div class="rui-blocks-wrapper wrapper--with-margin wrapper-xl">
<div class="wrapper-page-withblocks">
{{< theme_universe/drawer }}
{{$drawerclasses}}drawer drawer-right{{#blockdraweropen}} show{{/blockdraweropen}}{{/drawerclasses}}
<div class="card text-center incourse-menu">
<div class="card-header">
<div class="nav btn-group d-inline-flex mx-auto" id="blocks_buttons"></div>
<div class="card-body">
<section class="d-print-none block-region" aria-label="{{#str}}blocks{{/str}}">
{{{ sidepreblocks }}}
{{$closebuttontext}}{{#str}}closeblockdrawer, core{{/str}}{{/closebuttontext}}
{{/ theme_universe/drawer}}
{{> theme_universe/footer }}
{{{ output.activity_navigation }}}
{{{ output.standard_after_main_region_html }}}
require(['theme_universe/loader', 'theme_universe/drawer', 'jquery'], function(Loader, Drawer, $) {
function resizeVideoIframe(){
// Seleccionamos el iframe
const $iframe = $('iframe');
// Verificamos si el iframe existe
if ($iframe.length) {
// Obtenemos el contenido del iframe
const $iframeContents = $iframe.contents();
// Seleccionamos el primer contenedor de vídeo H5P dentro del contenido del iframe
const $h5pVideoWrapper = $iframeContents.find('.h5p-video').first();
// Verificamos si el contenedor del vídeo H5P existe
if ($h5pVideoWrapper.length) {
// Seleccionamos el primer vídeo con la clase 'h5p-video' dentro del contenedor
const $h5Video = $h5pVideoWrapper.find('video.h5p-video').first();
// Verificamos si el vídeo existe
if ($h5Video.length) {
// Aplicamos el estilo CSS al vídeo
$h5Video.css("height", "93vh");
function renderBlockButtons(){
const buttonsContainer = $("#blocks_buttons");
const blocksContainer = $(".block-region");
const blocks = blocksContainer.find("section.block").toArray();
const blocksObjs = []
$(blocks).each((index, block) => {
const blckId = $(block).attr("id").trim()
const blckTitle = $(block).find(".card-title").text()
$(block).addClass("tab-pane fade")
if(index === 0) $(block).addClass("active show")
const blckObj = { id: blckId, title: blckTitle }
blocksObjs.forEach(({ id, title }, index)=> {
const blockBtn = `
<button class="btn nav-link ${index === 0 ? 'active' : ''}" data-toggle="tab" data-target="#${id}" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="nav-home" aria-selected="true">${title}</button>