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// Every file should have GPL and copyright in the header - we skip it in tutorials but you should not skip it for real.
// This line protects the file from being accessed by a URL directly.
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
// This is used for performance, we don't need to know about these settings on every page in Moodle, only when
// we are looking at the admin settings pages.
if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
// Boost provides a nice setting page which splits settings onto separate tabs. We want to use it here.
$settings = new theme_universe_admin_settingspage_tabs('themesettinguniverse_child', get_string('configtitle', 'theme_universe_child'));
// Each page is a tab - the first is the "General" tab.
$page = new admin_settingpage('theme_universe_child_general', get_string('generalsettings', 'theme_universe_child'));
// Replicate the preset setting from boost.
$name = 'theme_universe_child/preset';
$title = get_string('preset', 'theme_universe_child');
$description = get_string('preset_desc', 'theme_universe_child');
$default = 'default.scss';
// We list files in our own file area to add to the drop down. We will provide our own function to
// load all the presets from the correct paths.
$context = context_system::instance();
$fs = get_file_storage();
$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'theme_universe_child', 'preset', 0, 'itemid, filepath, filename', false);
$choices = [];
foreach ($files as $file) {
$choices[$file->get_filename()] = $file->get_filename();
// These are the built in presets from Boost.
$choices['default.scss'] = 'default.scss';
$choices['plain.scss'] = 'plain.scss';
$setting = new admin_setting_configselect($name, $title, $description, $default, $choices);
// Preset files setting.
$name = 'theme_universe_child/presetfiles';
$title = get_string('presetfiles','theme_universe_child');
$description = get_string('presetfiles_desc', 'theme_universe_child');
$setting = new admin_setting_configstoredfile($name, $title, $description, 'preset', 0,
array('maxfiles' => 20, 'accepted_types' => array('.scss')));
// Variable $brand-color.
// We use an empty default value because the default colour should come from the preset.
$name = 'theme_universe_child/brandcolor';
$title = get_string('brandcolor', 'theme_universe_child');
$description = get_string('brandcolor_desc', 'theme_universe_child');
$setting = new admin_setting_configcolourpicker($name, $title, $description, '');
// Must add the page after definiting all the settings!
// Advanced settings.
$page = new admin_settingpage('theme_universe_child_advanced', get_string('advancedsettings', 'theme_universe_child'));
// Raw SCSS to include before the content.
$setting = new admin_setting_configtextarea('theme_universe_child/scsspre',
get_string('rawscsspre', 'theme_universe_child'), get_string('rawscsspre_desc', 'theme_universe_child'), '', PARAM_RAW);
// Raw SCSS to include after the content.
$setting = new admin_setting_configtextarea('theme_universe_child/scss', get_string('rawscss', 'theme_universe_child'),
get_string('rawscss_desc', 'theme_universe_child'), '', PARAM_RAW);