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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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@template tool_dataprivacy/component_status
Data registry main page.
Classes required for JS:
* none
Data attributes required for JS:
* none
Context variables required for this template:
* none
Example context (json):
"compliant" : "True",
"raw_component" : "core_comment",
"component" : "Core comment",
"external" : "True",
"metadata" : {
"name" : "comments",
"type" : "database_table",
"summary" : "Stores comments of users",
"fields" : {
"field_name" : "content",
"field_summary" : "Stores the text of the content."
<div class="list-group-item py-1">
<div class="row">
<a class="component-expand" data-component="{{raw_component}}" href='#'>
<h5 class="d-flex align-items-center py-3 pl-5 my-0" id="{{raw_component}}">{{#pix}}t/collapsed, moodle, {{#str}}expandplugin, tool_dataprivacy{{/str}}{{/pix}}<span class="pl-1">{{component}}</span></h5>
<h5 class="d-inline pl-6 " id="{{raw_component}}">{{component}}</h5>
<span>{{#pix}}i/risk_xss, moodle, {{#str}}requiresattention, tool_dataprivacy{{/str}}{{/pix}}</span>
<span class="mx-2 badge badge-sm badge-info">{{#str}}external, tool_dataprivacy{{/str}}</span>
<span class="mx-2 badge badge-sm badge-warning">{{#str}}deprecated, tool_dataprivacy{{/str}}</span>
<span class="mx-2 badge badge-sm badge-warning">{{#str}}userlistnoncompliant, tool_dataprivacy{{/str}}</span>
<div class="hide" data-section="{{raw_component}}" aria-expanded="false" role="contentinfo">
<div class="pl-6 py-3">
<dl class="p-0 m-0">
<a href="#{{name}}"><strong style="word-wrap:break-word">{{name}}</strong></a>
<strong style="word-wrap:break-word">{{name}}</strong>
<div class="small text-muted" style="word-wrap:break-word">{{type}}</div>
<dd class="small mt-2">{{summary}}</dd>
<dl class="py-3 m-0">
<dt style="word-wrap:break-word">{{field_name}}</dt>
<dd class="small mt-2">{{field_summary}}</dd>
<div class="pl-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="pb-2 pl-2">