Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

// stylelint-disable selector-no-qualifying-type

// Base styles
.btn {

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.actions p a,
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.search-results .result-context-info a,
[data-fieldtype="submit"] a,
.path-admin-tag .addstandardtags a,
.edit-link a,
#core-cache-rescan-definitions a,
.continuebutton a,
.gradereport_history_usp .usp-finish input,
.gradereport_history_usp .usp-search input[type="submit"],
#siteconfiglink a,
.cancel a,
.forum-post-footer a,
.comment-area .fd a,
#enterlink a,
.allcoursegrades a,
.reportlink a,
.gradingform_guide.editor .addcriterion input,
.gradingform_guide.editor .addcomment input,
.gradingform_rubric.editor .addlevel input,
.path-tag .tagarea .controls .exclusivemode,
.addbloglink a,
.notesgroup p a,
#page-report-progress-index .progress-actions a,
.glossarypost .commands a,
.rui-form-element-group a,
#page-mod-quiz-report .toggleincludeauto a,
#page-mod-quiz-report .gradetheselink,
.que .info .questionflag a,
.rui-quizattemptcounts a,
.rui-quizattemptsummary .c3 a,
#page-mod-quiz-report .bold .reviewlink,
.categorypagingbarcontainer .paging a,
.midpad a,
.wiki_right a,
.path-auth-oauth2 .main-content h2+a,
#addcontrols input,
#removecontrols input,
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#page-mod-forum-index .subscription .helplink:nth-of-type(2) a,
#page-mod-forum-view .subscription .helplink a,
.chart-table-expand a,
.export-actions a,
.que .comment a,
.path-mod-quiz .othernav a:not(.mod_quiz-next-nav),
.modal-footer a:not(.btn-primary),
#page-grade-edit-letter-index .mdl-align a,
#page-mod-feedback-complete [align="center"] a,
.commentlink a,
.quizsummaryofattempt .c0 a,
#changenumsections a,
.itemnav a,
#page-enrol-index .main-content [type="submit"],
.rui-pre button,
.helpdoclink a,
.que .info .questionflag a,
.path-mod-attendance .attbtn a,
.path-mod-booking #gotop,
.path-mod-booking #goenrol,
.path-mod-booking #searchButton,
.path-mod-booking #buttonclear,
.card-body .footer a,
.cancel a,
.editquestion a,
.course-content-header a,
.course-content-footer a,
.addcomponent //Atto Editor

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// Future-proof disabling of clicks on `<a>` elements
fieldset:disabled a.btn {
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// Alternate buttons

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.btn-success {
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.cancel a {
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// Buttons Outlines
#page-grade-edit-letter-index .mdl-align a,
#enterlink p:nth-of-type(3) a,
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.btn-outline-light {
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.btn-outline-dark {
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// Link buttons

// Make a button look and behave like a link
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  // No need for an active state here

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.btn-link--clean {
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// Button Sizes

.btn-lg {
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.card-body .footer a {
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.search-results .result-context-info a,
.forum-post-footer a,
.comment-area .fd a,
.rui-assign-btns .singlebutton .btn,
.visibleifjs .btn,
#enterlink p:nth-of-type(3) a,
.reportoption .btn,
.allcoursegrades a,
.availability-list .btn,
.addlinks a,
.reportlink a,
.notesgroup .footer a,
#page-report-progress-index .progress-actions a,
.glossarypost .commands a,
#page-mod-quiz-report .gradetheselink,
.rui-quizattemptsummary .c3 a,
.rui-submitbtns--back .btn,
#page-mod-quiz-report .bold .reviewlink,
#page-mod-quiz-edit .add-menu-outer .btn,
.categorypagingbarcontainer .paging a,
.path-mod-wiki .printicon,
.path-auth-oauth2 .main-content h2+a,
#page-mod-forum-index .subscription .helplink:nth-of-type(1) a,
#page-mod-forum-index .subscription .helplink:nth-of-type(2) a,
#page-mod-forum-view .subscription .helplink a,
.export-actions a,
.path-mod-quiz .othernav a:not(.mod_quiz-next-nav),
.resettable a,
#page-grade-edit-letter-index .mdl-align a,
#page-mod-feedback-complete [align="center"] a,
.commentlink a,
.quizsummaryofattempt .c0 a,
.itemnav a,
.que .comment a,
.course-content .collapsible-actions a,
#settingsMenu .btn-secondary,
.rui-pre button,
.helpdoclink a,
.que .info .questionflag a,
.page-header-content .singlebutton .btn,
.course-content-header a,
.course-content-footer a,
.editquestion a {
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.btn-submit {
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// Block button

.btn-block {
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// Specificity overrides
input[type="button"] {
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//Button Primary
.addtagcoll a,
.path-admin-tag .addstandardtags a,
.gradereport_history_usp .usp-finish input,
#siteconfiglink a,
.forum-post-footer a,
.rui-submissionaction .singlebutton .btn,
#enterlink p:nth-of-type(1) a,
.addbloglink a,
#addcontrols input,
#page-mod-forum-index .subscription .helplink:nth-of-type(1) a,
#page-mod-forum-view .subscription .helplink a,
.midpad a,
#enterlink p:nth-of-type(2) a,
.rui-pre button,
.pagenumber .dropdown-btn,
.last-add-menu .dropdown-btn {
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//Button Secondary
.actions p a,
.backlink a,
#page-admin-grade-edit-letter-index .main-content .mdl-align a,
.search-results .result-context-info a,
.edit-link a,
#core-cache-rescan-definitions a,
.continuebutton a,
.gradereport_history_usp .usp-search input[type="submit"],
.comment-area .fd a[id*=post],
.allcoursegrades a,
.addlinks a,
#page-grade-grading-manage .actions .action,
.gradingform_rubric.editor .addlevel input,
.path-tag .tagarea .controls .exclusivemode,
.notesgroup p a,
#page-report-progress-index .progress-actions a,
.glossarypost .commands a,
.rui-form-element-group a,
.categorypagingbarcontainer .paging a,
.path-mod-wiki .printicon,
.path-auth-oauth2 .main-content h2+a,
.subscription .helplink:nth-of-type(2) a,
.rui-contentbank-view-btns .btn,
.chart-table-expand a,
.export-actions a,
.path-mod-quiz .othernav a:not(.mod_quiz-next-nav),
.modal-footer a:not(.btn-primary),
.commentlink a,
.itemnav a,
.que .comment a,
.card-body .footer a,
.course-content-header a,
.course-content-footer a,
.addcomponent {
  @extend .btn-secondary;

//Button Link
[data-fieldtype="submit"] a,
.cancel a,
#page-mod-quiz-report .gradetheselink {
  @extend .btn-link;

//Button Outline Secondary
.comment-area .fd a[id*=cancel],
.visibleifjs .btn,
.gradingform_guide.editor .addcriterion input,
.gradingform_guide.editor .addcomment input,
.message-user-button {
  @extend .btn-outline-secondary;

//Button Outline Danger
#removecontrols input,
.rui-assign-btns .singlebutton:nth-child(2) .btn,
.ajax-contact-button[data-is-contact="1"] {
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//Button additional settings
#page-mod-quiz-report .toggleincludeauto a,
.reportlink a,
#page-mod-quiz-report .bold .reviewlink,
.rui-quizattemptcounts a,
#page-mod-feedback-complete [align="center"] a {
  @extend .btn-info;

.resettable a {
  @extend .btn-danger;

//Button Success
#changenumsections a,
.rui-quizattemptsummary .c3 a,
.quizsummaryofattempt .c0 a,
#page-enrol-index .main-content [type="submit"] {
  @extend .btn-success;

#message-user-button {
  padding: 6px 10px !important;
  margin-left: .5rem;

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.moreless-toggler {
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  display: flex;

.card-body .footer a+br {
  display: none;

// ---- URL:  /filter/manage.php?contextid=78
.rui-quiz-continuebutton .btn,
.backlink a {
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// ---- Module Activity Wiki
.path-mod-wiki .printicon {
  padding-left: 40px;
  background-position: 15px;

.rui-form-element-group a {
  .icon {
    opacity: .7;

  &[data-toggle="popover"] {
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// ---- URL: /course/customfield.php
[data-role="deletecategory"] {
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  padding: 10px;

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  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

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  background-color: $red-100;
  color: $red-800;

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  transition: $transition-base;

  &:hover {
    background-color: $red-200;
    color: $red-800;

  .icon {
    width: auto;
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    font-size: $font-size-xs;

// ---- URL: /user/profile/index.php
#page-admin-user-profile-index {
  .main-content {
    h2 {
      width: 100%;

      display: inline-flex;
      align-items: center;

      a {
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        background-color: $gray-200;
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        color: $gray-800;

        transition: $transition-base;

        &.fa-trash {
          background-color: $red-100;
          color: $red-800;

        &:hover {
          background-color: $blue-200;
          color: $blue-700;

          &.fa-trash {
            background-color: $red-800;
            color: $red-100 !important;

// ---- URL: /admin/category.php?category=webservicesettings
.form-buttons {
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  z-index: $zindex-sticky;

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#page-report-progress-index .progress-actions {
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.path-mod-glossary .printicon {
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.path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .commands {
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.theme-dark.path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .commands a {
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.theme-dark.path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .commands a img.icon {
  filter: invert(1);

.rui-show-sidebar {
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.btn-special-icon {
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.btn-special-icon--hover {
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.btn--disabled {
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.editing_groupsnone {
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.editing_groupsseparate {
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.editing_groupsvisible {
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  color: $green-700;

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    color: $green-600;

  .icon {
    color: $green-600 !important;

.helplink a {
  .icon {
    height: 18px;

.rui-footer-btns {
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      display: none;

.course-content .collapsible-actions a.collapseall,
.course-content .collapsible-actions a.expandall {
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// Dark mode.
.btn--darkmode {
  border: none;
  border-radius: 40px;
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// Button Settings - Turn editin on/off
@include media-breakpoint-between(xs, sm) {
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    display: none;

.btn {
  svg {
    pointer-events: none

// Tool Lp Competencies
// Edit icon next to string
#id_parentcompetencybutton {
  display: inline-flex;

.rui-debug {
  div {
    position: relative;

.btn .rui-btn--icon {
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  line-height: 1;

.btn-disabled {
  cursor: auto;

.path-mod-quiz .othernav a,
.path-mod-quiz .othernav input {
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.activity-add {
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      color: $dm-body-color;

[data-action="toggle-manual-completion"] {
  position: relative;
  height: 42px;

/* File manager, cancel button border fix */
.fp-dlg-butcancel {
  border: 0;

.course-content-header a,
.course-content-footer a {
  padding-left: 3px;

  .icon {
    .theme-dark & {
      filter: invert(1);

.notesgroup p a {
  &:after {
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.dropdown-btn {
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  color: var(--btn-secondary-color-text);

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    color: $dm-body-color;

// Tool Lp Competencies
// Edit icon next to string
#id_parentcompetencybutton {
  display: inline-flex;

.rui-debug {
  div {
    position: relative;

.btn--icon+.btn--name {
  margin-left: .5rem;

.helpdoclink a {
  .icon {
    display: none;

// Grade report user selector
.btn.dropdown-toggle {
  border: 0;

.dropdown-btn.btn-primary {
  color: $white;

.btn-insight {
  border-radius: $btn-border-radius;

// Moodle 4.3
.groupmode-information {
  display: inline-flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  width: max-content;
  max-width: 100%;

  .icon {
    .theme-dark & {
      filter: invert(1);

.btn--completion {
  padding: 0 6px;
  height: 30px;
  border-radius: $btn-border-radius-lg;