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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* @package theme_universe
* @copyright 2022 Marcin Czaja (
* @license Commercial
* @copyright 2015 Jeremy Hopkins (Coventry University)
* @copyright 2015 Fernando Acedo (
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* Class to configure html editor for admin settings allowing use of repositories.
* TODO: Does not remove old files when no longer in use! No separate file area for each setting.
* Special thanks to Iban Cardona i Subiela (
* This post laid the ground work for most of the code featured in this file.
class universe_setting_confightmleditor extends admin_setting_configtext {
/** @var int number of rows */
private $rows;
/** @var int number of columns */
private $cols;
/** @var string filearea - filearea within Moodle repository API */
private $filearea;
* Constructor
* @param string $name
* @param string $visiblename
* @param string $description
* @param mixed $defaultsetting string or array
* @param mixed $paramtype
* @param int $cols
* @param int $rows
* @param string $filearea
public function __construct(
$paramtype = PARAM_RAW,
$cols = '60',
$rows = '8',
$filearea = 'spacesettingsimgs'
) {
$this->rows = $rows;
$this->cols = $cols;
$this->filearea = $filearea;
$this->nosave = (during_initial_install() || CLI_SCRIPT);
parent::__construct($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $paramtype);
* Gets the file area options.
* @param context_user $ctx
* @return array
private function get_options(context_user $ctx) {
$default = [];
$default['noclean'] = false;
$default['context'] = $ctx;
$default['maxbytes'] = 0;
$default['maxfiles'] = -1;
$default['forcehttps'] = false;
$default['subdirs'] = false;
$default['changeformat'] = 0;
$default['areamaxbytes'] = FILE_AREA_MAX_BYTES_UNLIMITED;
$default['return_types'] = (FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL);
return $default;
* Returns an XHTML string for the editor
* @param string $data
* @param string $query
* @return string XHTML string for the editor
public function output_html($data, $query = '') {
$userid = 2; // Admin user.
} else {
global $USER;
$userid = $USER->id;
$default = $this->get_defaultsetting();
$defaultinfo = $default;
if (!is_null($default) && $default !== '') {
$defaultinfo = "\n" . $default;
$ctx = context_user::instance($userid);
$editor = editors_get_preferred_editor(FORMAT_HTML);
$options = $this->get_options($ctx);
$draftitemid = file_get_unused_draft_itemid();
$component = is_null($this->plugin) ? 'core' : $this->plugin;
$data = file_prepare_draft_area(
$this->get_full_name() . '_draftitemid',
$fpoptions = [];
$args = new stdClass();
// Need these three to filter repositories list.
$args->accepted_types = ['web_image'];
$args->return_types = $options['return_types'];
$args->context = $ctx;
$args->env = 'filepicker';
// Advimage plugin.
$imageoptions = initialise_filepicker($args);
$imageoptions->context = $ctx;
$imageoptions->client_id = uniqid();
$imageoptions->maxbytes = $options['maxbytes'];
$imageoptions->areamaxbytes = $options['areamaxbytes'];
$imageoptions->env = 'editor';
$imageoptions->itemid = $draftitemid;
// Moodlemedia plugin.
$args->accepted_types = ['video', 'audio'];
$mediaoptions = initialise_filepicker($args);
$mediaoptions->context = $ctx;
$mediaoptions->client_id = uniqid();
$mediaoptions->maxbytes = $options['maxbytes'];
$mediaoptions->areamaxbytes = $options['areamaxbytes'];
$mediaoptions->env = 'editor';
$mediaoptions->itemid = $draftitemid;
// Advlink plugin.
$args->accepted_types = '*';
$linkoptions = initialise_filepicker($args);
$linkoptions->context = $ctx;
$linkoptions->client_id = uniqid();
$linkoptions->maxbytes = $options['maxbytes'];
$linkoptions->areamaxbytes = $options['areamaxbytes'];
$linkoptions->env = 'editor';
$linkoptions->itemid = $draftitemid;
$fpoptions['image'] = $imageoptions;
$fpoptions['media'] = $mediaoptions;
$fpoptions['link'] = $linkoptions;
$editor->use_editor($this->get_id(), $options, $fpoptions);
return format_admin_setting(
'<div class="form-textarea">
<textarea rows="' . $this->rows .
'" cols="' .
$this->cols .
'" id="' .
$this->get_id() .
'" name="' .
$this->get_full_name() .
'"spellcheck="true">' . s($data) . '
<input value="' .
$draftitemid .
'" name="' .
$this->get_full_name() .
'_draftitemid" type="hidden" />',
* Writes the setting to the database.
* @param mixed $data
* @return string
* @throws coding_exception
* @throws dml_exception
* @throws file_exception
* @throws stored_file_creation_exception
public function write_setting($data) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if ($this->nosave) {
return '';
if ($this->paramtype === PARAM_INT && $data === '') {
// Do not complain if '' used instead of 0 !
$data = 0;
// ... $data is a string.
$validated = $this->validate($data);
if ($validated !== true) {
return $validated;
$options = $this->get_options(context_user::instance($USER->id));
$fs = get_file_storage();
$component = is_null($this->plugin) ? 'core' : $this->plugin;
$wwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
if ($options['forcehttps']) {
$wwwroot = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $wwwroot);
$draftitemidname = sprintf('%s_draftitemid', $this->get_full_name());
if (PHPUNIT_TEST || !isset($_REQUEST[$draftitemidname])) {
$draftitemid = 0;
} else {
$draftitemid = $_REQUEST[$draftitemidname];
$hasfiles = false;
$draftfiles = $fs->get_area_files($options['context']->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftitemid, 'id');
foreach ($draftfiles as $file) {
if (!$file->is_directory()) {
$urlfilename = rawurlencode($file->get_filename());
$strtosearch = "$wwwroot/draftfile.php/" . $options['context']->id . "/user/draft/$draftitemid/" . $urlfilename;
if (stripos($data, $strtosearch) !== false) {
$filerecord = [
'contextid' => context_system::instance()->id,
'component' => $component,
'filearea' => $this->filearea,
'filename' => $file->get_filename(),
'filepath' => '/',
'itemid' => 0,
'timemodified' => time(),
if (
!$filerec = $fs->get_file(
) {
$filerec = $fs->create_file_from_storedfile($filerecord, $file);
$url = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url(
$data = str_ireplace($strtosearch, $url, $data);
$hasfiles = true;
if (!$hasfiles) {
if (trim(html_to_text($data)) === '') {
$data = '';
return ($this->config_write($this->name, $data) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin'));
* No setting - just heading and text.
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class universe_setting_specialsettingheading extends admin_setting {
* not a setting, just text
* @param string $name unique ascii name, either 'mysetting' for settings that in config,
* or 'myplugin/mysetting' for ones in config_plugins.
* @param string $heading heading
* @param string $information text in box
public function __construct($name, $heading, $information) {
$this->nosave = true;
parent::__construct($name, $heading, $information, '');
* Always returns true
* @return bool Always returns true
public function get_setting() {
return true;
* Always returns true
* @return bool Always returns true
public function get_defaultsetting() {
return true;
* Never write settings
* @return string Always returns an empty string
public function write_setting($data) {
// Do not write any setting.
return '';
* Returns an HTML string
* @return string Returns an HTML string
public function output_html($data, $query = '') {
global $OUTPUT;
$title = $this->visiblename;
$description = $this->description;
$descriptionformatted = highlight($query, markdown_to_html($this->description));
$output = '<div class="rui-setting-heading-wrapper--special">
<h3 class="lead-2 mb-2">' . $title . '</h3><div class="rui-setting-desc pb-3 mb-4">' .
$descriptionformatted .
return $output;
* No setting - just heading and text.
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class universe_setting_infosettingheading extends admin_setting {
* not a setting, just text
* @param string $name unique ascii name, either 'mysetting' for settings that in config,
* or 'myplugin/mysetting' for ones in config_plugins.
* @param string $heading heading
* @param string $information text in box
public function __construct($name, $heading, $information) {
$this->nosave = true;
parent::__construct($name, $heading, $information, '');
* Always returns true
* @return bool Always returns true
public function get_setting() {
return true;
* Always returns true
* @return bool Always returns true
public function get_defaultsetting() {
return true;
* Never write settings
* @return string Always returns an empty string
public function write_setting($data) {
// Do not write any setting.
return '';
* Returns an HTML string
* @return string Returns an HTML string
public function output_html($data, $query = '') {
global $OUTPUT;
$title = $this->visiblename;
$description = $this->description;
$descriptionformatted = highlight($query, markdown_to_html($this->description));
$output = '<div class="rui-setting-heading-wrapper--info">
<h3 class="display-4 mb-2">' . $title . '</h3><div class="rui-setting-desc">' .
$descriptionformatted .
return $output;