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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Theme functions.
* @package theme_universe
* @copyright 2023 Marcin Czaja (
* @license Commercial
* Get theme setting
* @param string $setting
* @param bool $format
* @return string
function theme_universe_get_setting($setting, $format = false)
$theme = theme_config::load('universe');
if (empty($theme->settings->$setting)) {
return false;
if (!$format) {
return $theme->settings->$setting;
if ($format === 'format_text') {
return format_text($theme->settings->$setting, FORMAT_PLAIN);
if ($format === 'format_html') {
return format_text($theme->settings->$setting, FORMAT_HTML, array('trusted' => true, 'noclean' => true));
return format_string($theme->settings->$setting);
* Post process the CSS tree.
* @param string $tree The CSS tree.
* @param theme_config $theme The theme config object.
function theme_universe_css_tree_post_processor($tree, $theme)
debugging('theme_universe_css_tree_post_processor() is deprecated. Required' .
'prefixes for Bootstrap are now in theme/universe/scss/moodle/prefixes.scss');
$prefixer = new theme_universe\autoprefixer($tree);
* Get the current user preferences that are available
* @return array[]
function theme_universe_user_preferences(): array
return [
'drawer-open-block' => [
'type' => PARAM_BOOL,
'default' => false,
'permissioncallback' => [core_user::class, 'is_current_user'],
'drawer-open-index' => [
'type' => PARAM_BOOL,
'default' => true,
'permissioncallback' => [core_user::class, 'is_current_user'],
'darkmode-on' => [
'type' => PARAM_BOOL,
'default' => false,
'permissioncallback' => [core_user::class, 'is_current_user'],
'sidepre-open' => [
'type' => PARAM_BOOL,
'default' => true,
'permissioncallback' => [core_user::class, 'is_current_user'],
* Inject additional SCSS.
* @param theme_config $theme The theme config object.
* @return string
function theme_universe_get_extra_scss($theme)
$content = '';
// Sets the login background image.
// Check login layout, only layout #1 has background image.
$loginlayout = theme_universe_get_setting('setloginlayout');
$loginlayoutimg = false;
if ($loginlayout == 1 || $loginlayout == 4 || $loginlayout == 5) {
$loginlayoutimg = true;
if ($loginlayout == 2 || $loginlayout == 3) {
$loginlayoutimg = false;
} else {
$loginlayoutimg = false;
$loginbackgroundimageurl = $theme->setting_file_url('loginbg', 'loginbg');
if ($loginlayout == 1) {
if (!empty($loginbackgroundimageurl)) {
$content .= 'body.path-login { ';
$content .= "background-image: url('$loginbackgroundimageurl')!important; background-size: cover!important;";
$content .= ' }';
$forcefwvideo = theme_universe_get_setting('forcefwvideo');
if ($forcefwvideo == 1) {
$content .= '.mediaplugin.mediaplugin_videojs div[style*="max-width"] {margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;
width: 100%; max-width: 100% !important;}';
$content .= '.mediaplugin div {max-width:100%!important;}';
// Always return the background image with the scss when we have it.
return !empty($theme->settings->scss) ? $theme->settings->scss . ' ' . $content : $content;
* Serves any files associated with the theme settings.
* @param stdClass $course
* @param stdClass $cm
* @param context $context
* @param string $filearea
* @param array $args
* @param bool $forcedownload
* @param array $options
* @return bool
function theme_universe_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options = array())
if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM) {
$theme = theme_config::load('universe');
// By default, theme files must be cache-able by both browsers and proxies.
if (!array_key_exists('cacheability', $options)) {
$options['cacheability'] = 'public';
if ($filearea === 'hvp') {
return theme_universe_serve_hvp_css($args[1], $theme);
if ($filearea === 'favicon') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('favicon', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'logo') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('logo', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'loginbg') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('loginbg', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'customloginlogo') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('customloginlogo', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'customlogo') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('customlogo', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'customdmlogo') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('customdmlogo', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'customsidebarlogo') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('customsidebarlogo', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'customsidebardmlogo') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('customsidebardmlogo', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'fontfiles') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('fontfiles', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'universesettingsimgs') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('universesettingsimgs', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if (preg_match("/^block1slideimg[1-9][0-9]?$/", $filearea) !== false) {
return $theme->setting_file_serve($filearea, $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if (preg_match("/^block5itemimg[1-9][0-9]?$/", $filearea) !== false) {
return $theme->setting_file_serve($filearea, $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'block2videoposter') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('block2videoposter', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'block2img') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('block2img', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'block2videomp4') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('block2videomp4', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'block2videowebm') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('block2videowebm', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else if ($filearea === 'footerbgimg') {
return $theme->setting_file_serve('footerbgimg', $args, $forcedownload, $options);
} else {
* Get the URL of files from theme settings.
* @param $setting
* @param $filearea
* @param $theme
* @return array|false|string|string[]|null
* @throws dml_exception
function theme_universe_setting_file_url($setting, $filearea, $theme)
global $CFG;
$component = 'theme_universe';
$itemid = 0;
$filepath = $theme->settings->$filearea;
if (empty($filepath)) {
return false;
$syscontext = context_system::instance();
$url = moodle_url::make_file_url("$CFG->wwwroot/pluginfile.php", "/$syscontext->id/$component/$filearea/$itemid" . $filepath);
// Now this is tricky because the we can not hardcode http or https here, lets use the relative link.
// Note: unfortunately moodle_url does not support //urls yet.
$url = preg_replace('|^https?://|i', '//', $url->out(false));
return $url;
* Returns the main SCSS content.
* @param theme_config $theme The theme config object.
* @return string
function theme_universe_get_main_scss_content($theme)
global $CFG;
$scss = '';
$filename = !empty($theme->settings->preset) ? $theme->settings->preset : null;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$context = context_system::instance();
if ($filename == 'default.scss') {
$scss .= file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/theme/universe/scss/preset/default.scss');
} else if ($filename == 'plain.scss') {
$scss .= file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/theme/universe/scss/preset/plain.scss');
} else if ($filename && ($presetfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'theme_universe', 'preset', 0, '/', $filename))) {
$scss .= $presetfile->get_content();
} else {
// Safety fallback - maybe new installs etc.
$scss .= file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/theme/universe/scss/preset/default.scss');
return $scss;
* Get compiled css.
* @return string compiled css
function theme_universe_get_precompiled_css()
global $CFG;
return file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . '/theme/universe/style/moodle.css');
* Get SCSS to prepend.
* @param theme_config $theme The theme config object.
* @return array
function theme_universe_get_pre_scss($theme)
global $CFG;
$scss = '';
$configurable = [
// Config key => [variableName, ...].
'colorloginbgtext' => ['colorloginbgtext'],
// Blocks.
'block1sliderwrapperbg' => ['block1-wrapper-bg'],
'block2wrapperbg' => ['block2-wrapper-bg'],
'block3wrapperbg' => ['block3-wrapper-bg'],
'block4sliderwrapperbg' => ['block4-wrapper-bg'],
// Customization.
'fontweightheadings' => ['headings-font-weight'],
'fontbody' => ['font-family-base'],
'fontweightregular' => ['font-weight-normal'],
'fontweightmedium' => ['font-weight-medium'],
'fontweightbold' => ['font-weight-bold'],
'fontheadings' => ['fontheadings'],
// 'coursedescwidth' => ['coursedescwidth'],
// 'incoursedescwidth' => ['incoursedescwidth'],
// Text.
'colorbody' => ['body-color'],
'colorbodysecondary' => ['body-color-secondary'],
'colorbodylight' => ['body-color-light'],
'colorlink' => ['link-color'],
'colorlinkhover' => ['link-color-hover'],
// Grays.
'white' => ['white'],
'black' => ['black'],
'colorgray100' => ['gray-100'],
'colorgray200' => ['gray-200'],
'colorgray300' => ['gray-300'],
'colorgray400' => ['gray-400'],
'colorgray500' => ['gray-500'],
'colorgray600' => ['gray-600'],
'colorgray700' => ['gray-700'],
'colorgray800' => ['gray-800'],
'colorgray900' => ['gray-900'],
// Primary.
'colorprimary100' => ['primary-color-100'],
'colorprimary200' => ['primary-color-200'],
'colorprimary300' => ['primary-color-300'],
'colorprimary400' => ['primary-color-400'],
'colorprimary500' => ['primary-color-500'],
'colorprimary600' => ['primary-color-600'],
'colorprimary700' => ['primary-color-700'],
'colorprimary800' => ['primary-color-800'],
'colorprimary900' => ['primary-color-900'],
// Others.
'colorbodybg' => ['body-bg'],
'colorborder' => ['border-color'],
//'colorcoursecardmask' => ['course-card-shadow-color'],
// Topbar.
'topbarheight' => ['navbar-height'],
'colortopbarbg1' => ['topbar-bg'],
'colortopbarbg2' => ['topbar-bg-2'],
'dmcolortopbarbg1' => ['topbar-bg'],
'dmcolortopbarbg2' => ['dm-topbar-bg-2'],
'colortopbartext' => ['dm-topbar-text'],
'colortopbarlink' => ['topbar-link'],
'colortopbarlinkhover' => ['topbar-link-hover'],
'colortopbarbtntext' => ['topbar-btn-text'],
'colortopbarbtnhover' => ['topbar-btn-hover'],
'colortopbarbtnhovertext' => ['topbar-btn-hover-text'],
// Buttons.
'btnborderradius' => ['btn-border-radius'],
// Sidebar.
'colordrawerbg' => ['drawer-bg'],
'colordrawertext' => ['drawer-text'],
'colordrawernavcontainer' => ['drawer-nav-container'],
'colordrawernavbtntext' => ['drawer-nav-btn-text'],
'colordrawernavbtnicon' => ['drawer-nav-btn-icon'],
'colordrawernavbtntexth' => ['drawer-nav-btn-text-hover'],
'colordrawernavbtniconh' => ['drawer-nav-btn-icon-hover'],
'colordrawernavbtnbgh' => ['drawer-nav-btn-bg-hover'],
'colordrawernavbtntextlight' => ['drawer-nav-btn-text-light'],
'colordrawerscrollbar' => ['drawer-scroll-bg-track'],
'colordrawerlink' => ['drawer-link'],
'colordrawerlinkh' => ['drawer-link-h'],
'colordrawernavboxbg' => ['drawer-nav-box-bg'],
'colordrawernavbtnicon' => ['drawer-nav-btn-icon'],
// Footer.
'colorfooterbg' => ['footer-bg'],
'colorfooterborder' => ['footer-border'],
'colorfootertext' => ['footer-text-color'],
'colorfooterlink' => ['footer-link-color'],
'colorfooterlinkhover' => ['footer-link-color-hover'],
'colorcoursecardmask' => ['course-card-mask-color'],
'showcolorcoursecardmask' => ['showcolorcoursecardmask'],
// Login.
'loginbgcolor' => ['login-bgcolor'],
// Icon Colors.
'iconadministration' => ['icon-color-administraion'],
'iconassessment' => ['icon-color-assessment'],
'iconcolleboration' => ['icon-color-collaboration'],
'iconcommunication' => ['icon-color-communication'],
'iconcontent' => ['icon-color-content'],
'iconinterface' => ['icon-color-interface']
// Prepend variables first.
foreach ($configurable as $configkey => $targets) {
$value = isset($theme->settings->{$configkey}) ? $theme->settings->{$configkey} : null;
if (empty($value)) {
array_map(function ($target) use (&$scss, $value) {
$scss .= '$' . $target . ': ' . $value . ";\n";
}, (array) $targets);
// Prepend pre-scss.
if (!empty($theme->settings->scsspre)) {
$scss .= $theme->settings->scsspre;
return $scss;
* Build the guest access hint HTML code.
* @param int $courseid The course ID.
* @return string.
function theme_universe_get_course_guest_access_hint($courseid)
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/self/lib.php');
$html = '';
$instances = enrol_get_instances($courseid, true);
$plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
if (!isset($plugins[$instance->enrol])) {
$plugin = $plugins[$instance->enrol];
if ($plugin->show_enrolme_link($instance)) {
$html = html_writer::tag('div', get_string(
array('url' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/enrol/index.php?id=' . $courseid)
return $html;
* Build the course page information banners HTML code.
* This function evaluates and composes all information banners which may appear on a course page below the full header.
* @return string.
function theme_universe_get_course_information_banners()
// Require user library.
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php');
// Initialize HTML code.
$html = '';
// Check if user is admin, teacher or editing teacher.
if (
user_has_role_assignment($USER->id, '1') ||
user_has_role_assignment($USER->id, '2') ||
user_has_role_assignment($USER->id, '3') ||
user_has_role_assignment($USER->id, '4')
) {
$allowtoshowhint = true;
} else {
$allowtoshowhint = false;
// If the setting showhintcoursehidden is set and the visibility of the course is hidden and
// a hint for the visibility will be shown.
if (
get_config('theme_universe', 'showhintcoursehidden') == 1
&& $allowtoshowhint == true
&& $PAGE->has_set_url()
&& $PAGE->url->compare(new moodle_url('/course/view.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)
&& $COURSE->visible == false
) {
// Prepare template context.
$templatecontext = array('courseid' => $COURSE->id);
// If the user has the capability to change the course settings, an additional link to the course settings is shown.
if (has_capability('moodle/course:update', context_course::instance($COURSE->id))) {
$templatecontext['showcoursesettingslink'] = true;
} else {
$templatecontext['showcoursesettingslink'] = false;
// Render template and add it to HTML code.
$html .= $OUTPUT->render_from_template('theme_universe/course-hint-hidden', $templatecontext);
// If the setting showhintcourseguestaccess is set and the user is accessing the course with guest access,
// a hint for users is shown.
// We also check that the user did not switch the role. This is a special case for roles that can fully access the course
// without being enrolled. A role switch would show the guest access hint additionally in that case and this is not
// intended.
if (
get_config('theme_universe', 'showhintcourseguestaccess') == 1
&& is_guest(\context_course::instance($COURSE->id), $USER->id)
&& $PAGE->has_set_url()
&& $PAGE->url->compare(new moodle_url('/course/view.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)
&& !is_role_switched($COURSE->id)
) {
// Require self enrolment library.
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/self/lib.php');
// Prepare template context.
$templatecontext = array(
'courseid' => $COURSE->id,
'role' => role_get_name(get_guest_role())
// Search for an available self enrolment link in this course.
$templatecontext['showselfenrollink'] = false;
$instances = enrol_get_instances($COURSE->id, true);
$plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
// If the enrolment plugin isn't enabled currently, skip it.
if (!isset($plugins[$instance->enrol])) {
// Remember the enrolment plugin.
$plugin = $plugins[$instance->enrol];
// If there is a self enrolment link.
if ($plugin->show_enrolme_link($instance)) {
$templatecontext['showselfenrollink'] = true;
// Render template and add it to HTML code.
$html .= $OUTPUT->render_from_template('theme_universe/course-hint-guestaccess', $templatecontext);
// If the setting showhintcourseselfenrol is set, a hint for users is shown that the course allows unrestricted self
// enrolment. This hint is only shown if the course is visible, the self enrolment is visible and if the user has the
// capability "theme/universe:viewhintcourseselfenrol".
if (
get_config('theme_universe', 'showhintcourseselfenrol') == 1
&& $allowtoshowhint == true
&& $PAGE->has_set_url()
&& $PAGE->url->compare(new moodle_url('/course/view.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)
&& $COURSE->visible == true
) {
// Get the active enrol instances for this course.
$enrolinstances = enrol_get_instances($COURSE->id, true);
// Prepare to remember when self enrolment is / will be possible.
$selfenrolmentpossiblecurrently = false;
$selfenrolmentpossiblefuture = false;
foreach ($enrolinstances as $instance) {
// Check if unrestricted self enrolment is possible currently or in the future.
$now = (new \DateTime("now", \core_date::get_server_timezone_object()))->getTimestamp();
if (
$instance->enrol == 'self' && empty($instance->password) && $instance->customint6 == 1 &&
(empty($instance->enrolenddate) || $instance->enrolenddate > $now)
) {
// Build enrol instance object with all necessary information for rendering the note later.
$instanceobject = new stdClass();
// Remember instance name.
if (empty($instance->name)) {
$instanceobject->name = get_string('pluginname', 'enrol_self') .
" (" . get_string('defaultcoursestudent', 'core') . ")";
} else {
$instanceobject->name = $instance->name;
// Remember type of unrestrictedness.
if (empty($instance->enrolenddate) && empty($instance->enrolstartdate)) {
$instanceobject->unrestrictedness = 'unlimited';
$selfenrolmentpossiblecurrently = true;
} else if (
empty($instance->enrolstartdate) &&
!empty($instance->enrolenddate) && $instance->enrolenddate > $now
) {
$instanceobject->unrestrictedness = 'until';
$selfenrolmentpossiblecurrently = true;
} else if (
empty($instance->enrolenddate) &&
!empty($instance->enrolstartdate) && $instance->enrolstartdate > $now
) {
$instanceobject->unrestrictedness = 'from';
$selfenrolmentpossiblefuture = true;
} else if (
empty($instance->enrolenddate) &&
!empty($instance->enrolstartdate) && $instance->enrolstartdate <= $now
) {
$instanceobject->unrestrictedness = 'since';
$selfenrolmentpossiblecurrently = true;
} else if (
!empty($instance->enrolstartdate) && $instance->enrolstartdate > $now &&
!empty($instance->enrolenddate) && $instance->enrolenddate > $now
) {
$instanceobject->unrestrictedness = 'fromuntil';
$selfenrolmentpossiblefuture = true;
} else if (
!empty($instance->enrolstartdate) && $instance->enrolstartdate <= $now &&
!empty($instance->enrolenddate) && $instance->enrolenddate > $now
) {
$instanceobject->unrestrictedness = 'sinceuntil';
$selfenrolmentpossiblecurrently = true;
} else {
// This should not happen, thus continue to next instance.
// Remember enrol start date.
if (!empty($instance->enrolstartdate)) {
$instanceobject->startdate = $instance->enrolstartdate;
} else {
$instanceobject->startdate = null;
// Remember enrol end date.
if (!empty($instance->enrolenddate)) {
$instanceobject->enddate = $instance->enrolenddate;
} else {
$instanceobject->enddate = null;
// Remember this instance.
$selfenrolinstances[$instance->id] = $instanceobject;
// If there is at least one unrestricted enrolment instance,
// show the hint with information about each unrestricted active self enrolment in the course.
if (
!empty($selfenrolinstances) &&
($selfenrolmentpossiblecurrently == true || $selfenrolmentpossiblefuture == true)
) {
// Prepare template context.
$templatecontext = array();
// Add the start of the hint t the template context
// depending on the fact if enrolment is already possible currently or will be in the future.
if ($selfenrolmentpossiblecurrently == true) {
$templatecontext['selfenrolhintstart'] = get_string('showhintcourseselfenrolstartcurrently', 'theme_universe');
} else if ($selfenrolmentpossiblefuture == true) {
$templatecontext['selfenrolhintstart'] = get_string('showhintcourseselfenrolstartfuture', 'theme_universe');
// Iterate over all enrolment instances to output the details.
foreach ($selfenrolinstances as $selfenrolinstanceid => $selfenrolinstanceobject) {
// If the user has the capability to config self enrolments, enrich the instance name with the settings link.
if (has_capability('enrol/self:config', \context_course::instance($COURSE->id))) {
$url = new moodle_url('/enrol/editinstance.php', array(
'courseid' => $COURSE->id,
'id' => $selfenrolinstanceid,
'type' => 'self'
$selfenrolinstanceobject->name = html_writer::link($url, $selfenrolinstanceobject->name);
// Add the enrolment instance information to the template context depending on the instance configuration.
if ($selfenrolinstanceobject->unrestrictedness == 'unlimited') {
$templatecontext['selfenrolinstances'][] = get_string(
array('name' => $selfenrolinstanceobject->name)
} else if ($selfenrolinstanceobject->unrestrictedness == 'until') {
$templatecontext['selfenrolinstances'][] = get_string(
'name' => $selfenrolinstanceobject->name,
'until' => userdate($selfenrolinstanceobject->enddate)
} else if ($selfenrolinstanceobject->unrestrictedness == 'from') {
$templatecontext['selfenrolinstances'][] = get_string(
'name' => $selfenrolinstanceobject->name,
'from' => userdate($selfenrolinstanceobject->startdate)
} else if ($selfenrolinstanceobject->unrestrictedness == 'since') {
$templatecontext['selfenrolinstances'][] = get_string(
'name' => $selfenrolinstanceobject->name,
'since' => userdate($selfenrolinstanceobject->startdate)
} else if ($selfenrolinstanceobject->unrestrictedness == 'fromuntil') {
$templatecontext['selfenrolinstances'][] = get_string(
'name' => $selfenrolinstanceobject->name,
'until' => userdate($selfenrolinstanceobject->enddate),
'from' => userdate($selfenrolinstanceobject->startdate)
} else if ($selfenrolinstanceobject->unrestrictedness == 'sinceuntil') {
$templatecontext['selfenrolinstances'][] = get_string(
'name' => $selfenrolinstanceobject->name,
'until' => userdate($selfenrolinstanceobject->enddate),
'since' => userdate($selfenrolinstanceobject->startdate)
// If the user has the capability to config self enrolments, add the call for action to the template context.
if (has_capability('enrol/self:config', \context_course::instance($COURSE->id))) {
$templatecontext['calltoaction'] = true;
} else {
$templatecontext['calltoaction'] = false;
// Render template and add it to HTML code.
$html .= $OUTPUT->render_from_template('theme_universe/course-hint-selfenrol', $templatecontext);
// If the setting showswitchedroleincourse is set and the user has switched his role,
// a hint for the role switch will be shown.
if (
get_config('theme_universe', 'showswitchedroleincourse') == 1
&& is_role_switched($COURSE->id)
) {
// Get the role name switched to.
$opts = \user_get_user_navigation_info($USER, $PAGE);
$role = $opts->metadata['rolename'];
// Get the URL to switch back (normal role).
$url = new moodle_url(
'id' => $COURSE->id,
'sesskey' => sesskey(),
'switchrole' => 0,
'returnurl' => $PAGE->url->out_as_local_url(false)
// Prepare template context.
$templatecontext = array(
'role' => $role,
'url' => $url->out()
// Render template and add it to HTML code.
$html .= $OUTPUT->render_from_template('theme_universe/course-hint-switchedrole', $templatecontext);
// Return HTML code.
return $html;
* Serves the H5P Custom CSS.
* @param string $filename The filename.
* @param theme_config $theme The theme config object.
* @throws dml_exception
function theme_universe_serve_hvp_css($filename, $theme)
global $CFG, $PAGE;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/configonlylib.php'); // For min_enable_zlib_compression.
$themename = $theme->name;
$settings = new \theme_universe\util\theme_settings();
$content = $settings->hvpcss;
$md5content = md5($content);
$md5stored = get_config('theme_universe', 'hvpccssmd5');
if ((empty($md5stored)) || ($md5stored != $md5content)) {
// Content changed, so the last modified time needs to change.
set_config('hvpccssmd5', $md5content, $themename);
$lastmodified = time();
set_config('hvpccsslm', $lastmodified, $themename);
} else {
$lastmodified = get_config($themename, 'hvpccsslm');
if (empty($lastmodified)) {
$lastmodified = time();
// Sixty days only - the revision may get incremented quite often.
$lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 60;
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
header('Etag: "' . $md5content . '"');
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $filename . '"');
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $lastmodified) . ' GMT');
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $lifetime) . ' GMT');
header('Pragma: ');
header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=' . $lifetime);
header('Accept-Ranges: none');
header('Content-Type: text/css; charset=utf-8');
if (!min_enable_zlib_compression()) {
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($content));
echo $content;
* Return the files from the additionalresources file area as templatecontext structure.
* It was designed to compose the files for the settings-additionalresources-filelist.mustache template.
* This function always loads the files from the filearea which is not really performant.
* Thus, you have to take care where and how often you use it (or add some caching).
* @return array|null
* @throws coding_exception
* @throws dml_exception
function theme_universe_get_additionalresources_templatecontext()
global $OUTPUT;
// Static variable to remember the files for subsequent calls of this function.
static $filesforcontext = null;
if ($filesforcontext == null) {
// Get the system context.
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
// Get filearea.
$fs = get_file_storage();
// Get all files from filearea.
$files = $fs->get_area_files($systemcontext->id, 'theme_universe', 'additionalresources', false, 'itemid', false);
// Iterate over the files and fill the templatecontext of the file list.
$filesforcontext = [];
foreach ($files as $af) {
$urlpersistent = new moodle_url('/pluginfile.php/1/theme_universe/additionalresources/0/' . $af->get_filename());
$urlrevisioned = new moodle_url('/pluginfile.php/1/theme_universe/additionalresources/' . theme_get_revision() .
'/' . $af->get_filename());
$filesforcontext[] = [
'filename' => $af->get_filename(),
'filetype' => $af->get_mimetype(),
'filesize' => display_size($af->get_filesize()),
'fileicon' => $OUTPUT->image_icon(file_file_icon($af), get_mimetype_description($af)),
'fileurlpersistent' => $urlpersistent->out(),
'fileurlrevisioned' => $urlrevisioned->out(),
return $filesforcontext;
* Return the files from the customfonts file area as templatecontext structure.
* It was designed to compose the files for the settings-customfonts-filelist.mustache template.
* This function always loads the files from the filearea which is not really performant.
* Thus, you have to take care where and how often you use it (or add some caching).
* @return array|null
* @throws coding_exception
* @throws dml_exception
* Credits: Boost_Union
function theme_universe_get_customfonts_templatecontext()
global $OUTPUT;
// Static variable to remember the files for subsequent calls of this function.
static $filesforcontext = null;
if ($filesforcontext == null) {
// Get the system context.
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
// Get filearea.
$fs = get_file_storage();
// Get all files from filearea.
$files = $fs->get_area_files($systemcontext->id, 'theme_universe', 'fontfiles', false, 'itemid', false);
// Get the webfonts extensions list.
$webfonts = theme_universe_get_webfonts_extensions();
// Iterate over the files.
$filesforcontext = [];
foreach ($files as $af) {
// Get the filename.
$filename = $af->get_filename();
// Check if the file is really a font file (as we can't really rely on the upload restriction in settings.php)
// according to its file suffix (as the filetype might not have a known mimetype).
// If it isn't a font file, skip it.
$filenamesuffix = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!in_array('.' . $filenamesuffix, $webfonts)) {
// Otherwise, fill the templatecontext of the file list.
$urlpersistent = new moodle_url('/pluginfile.php/1/theme_universe/fontfiles/0/' . $filename);
$filesforcontext[] = [
'filename' => $filename,
'fileurlpersistent' => $urlpersistent->out(),
return $filesforcontext;
* Helper function which returns an array of accepted webfonts extensions (including the dots).
* @return array
* Credits: Boost_Union
function theme_universe_get_webfonts_extensions()
return ['.eot', '.otf', '.svg', '.ttf', '.woff', '.woff2'];
* Helper function which makes sure that all webfont file types are registered in the system.
* The webfont file types need to be registered in the system, otherwise the admin settings filepicker wouldn't allow restricting
* the uploadable file types to webfonts only.
* Please note: If custom filetypes are defined in config.php, registering additional filetypes is not possible
* due to a restriction in the set_custom_types() function in Moodle core. In this case, this function does not
* register anything and will return false.
* @return boolean true if the filetypes were registered, false if not.
* @throws coding_exception
* Credits: Boost_Union
function theme_universe_register_webfonts_filetypes()
global $CFG;
// If customfiletypes are set in config.php or PHP tests are running, we can't do anything.
if (array_key_exists('customfiletypes', $CFG->config_php_settings) || PHPUNIT_TEST) {
return false;
// Our array of webfont file types to register.
// As we want to keep things simple, we do not set a particular icon for these file types.
// Likewise, we do not set any type groups or use descriptions from the language pack.
$webfonts = [
'eot' => [
'extension' => 'eot',
'mimetype' => 'application/',
'coreicon' => 'unknown',
'otf' => [
'extension' => 'otf',
'mimetype' => 'font/otf',
'coreicon' => 'unknown',
'svg' => [
'extension' => 'svg',
'mimetype' => 'image/svg+xml',
'coreicon' => 'unknown',
'ttf' => [
'extension' => 'ttf',
'mimetype' => 'font/ttf',
'coreicon' => 'unknown',
'woff' => [
'extension' => 'woff',
'mimetype' => 'font/woff',
'coreicon' => 'unknown',
'woff2' => [
'extension' => 'woff2',
'mimetype' => 'font/woff2',
'coreicon' => 'unknown',
// First, get the list of currently registered file types.
$currenttypes = core_filetypes::get_types();
// Iterate over the webfonts file types.
foreach ($webfonts as $f) {
// If the file type is already registered, skip it.
if (array_key_exists($f['extension'], $currenttypes)) {
// Otherwise, register the file type.
core_filetypes::add_type($f['extension'], $f['mimetype'], $f['coreicon']);
return true;
function theme_universe_get_default_blocks()
return array(
'course-view' => array(
'custom-region' => array('comments', 'messageteacher')
'course' => array(
'custom-region' => array('comments', 'messageteacher')
'incourse' => array(
'custom-region' => array('comments', 'messageteacher')