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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* Course renderer.
* @package theme_universe
* @copyright 2023 Marcin Czaja (
* @license Commercial
namespace theme_universe\output\core;
use moodle_url;
use html_writer;
use core_course_category;
use coursecat_helper;
use stdClass;
use core_course_list_element;
use single_select;
use lang_string;
use cm_info;
use core_text;
use completion_info;
use course_handler;
use context_course;
use theme_universe\util\course;
* @package theme_universe
* @copyright 2023 Marcin Czaja - Rosea Themes -
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class course_renderer extends \core_course_renderer {
* Renders html to display a course search form
* @param string $value default value to populate the search field
* @return string
public function course_search_form($value = '') {
$data = [
'action' => \core_search\manager::get_course_search_url(),
'btnclass' => 'btn-primary',
'inputname' => 'q',
'searchstring' => get_string('searchcourses'),
'hiddenfields' => (object) ['name' => 'areaids', 'value' => 'core_course-course'],
'query' => $value
return $this->render_from_template('core/search_input_fw', $data);
* Renders the list of courses
* This is internal function, please use core_course_renderer::courses_list() or another public
* method from outside of the class
* If list of courses is specified in $courses; the argument $chelper is only used
* to retrieve display options and attributes, only methods get_show_courses(),
* get_courses_display_option() and get_and_erase_attributes() are called.
* @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
* @param array $courses the list of courses to display
* @param int|null $totalcount total number of courses (affects display mode if it is AUTO or pagination if applicable),
* defaulted to count($courses)
* @return string
* @throws \coding_exception
* @throws \dml_exception
* @throws \moodle_exception
protected function coursecat_courses(coursecat_helper $chelper, $courses, $totalcount = null) {
global $CFG, $COURSE;
$theme = \theme_config::load('universe');
if ($totalcount === null) {
$totalcount = count($courses);
if (!$totalcount) {
// Courses count is cached during courses retrieval.
return '';
if ($chelper->get_show_courses() == self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_AUTO) {
// In 'auto' course display mode we analyse if number of courses is more or less than $CFG->courseswithsummarieslimit.
if ($totalcount <= $CFG->courseswithsummarieslimit) {
} else {
// Prepare content of paging bar if it is needed.
$paginationurl = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('paginationurl');
$paginationallowall = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('paginationallowall');
if ($totalcount > count($courses)) {
// There are more results that can fit on one page.
if ($paginationurl) {
// The option paginationurl was specified, display pagingbar.
$perpage = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('limit', $CFG->coursesperpage);
$page = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('offset') / $perpage;
$pagingbar = $this->paging_bar(
$paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => $perpage))
if ($paginationallowall) {
$pagingbar .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link(
$paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => 'all')),
get_string('showall', '', $totalcount)
), array('class' => 'paging paging-showall'));
} else if (($totalcount > $CFG->coursesperpage) && $paginationurl && $paginationallowall) {
// There are more than one page of results and we are in 'view all' mode, suggest to go back to paginated view mode.
$pagingbar = html_writer::tag(
array('perpage' => $CFG->coursesperpage)
get_string('showperpage', '', $CFG->coursesperpage)
array('class' => 'paging paging-showperpage')
// Display list of courses.
$attributes = $chelper->get_and_erase_attributes('courses');
$content = html_writer::start_tag('div', $attributes);
if (!empty($pagingbar)) {
$content .= $pagingbar;
$coursecount = 1;
if ($theme->settings->courselistview == 1) {
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'rui-course--list mt-2'));
} else {
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'rui-course-card-deck mt-2'));
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$content .= $this->coursecat_coursebox($chelper, $course);
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
if (!empty($pagingbar)) {
$content .= $pagingbar;
if (!empty($morelink)) {
$content .= $morelink;
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // End courses.
return $content;
protected function coursecat_subcategories(coursecat_helper $chelper, $coursecat, $depth) {
global $CFG;
$subcategories = array();
if (!$chelper->get_categories_display_option('nodisplay')) {
$subcategories = $coursecat->get_children($chelper->get_categories_display_options());
$totalcount = $coursecat->get_children_count();
if (!$totalcount) {
// Note that we call core_course_category::get_children_count() AFTER core_course_category::get_children().
// To avoid extra DB requests.
// Categories count is cached during children categories retrieval.
return '';
// Prepare content of paging bar or more link if it is needed.
$paginationurl = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('paginationurl');
$paginationallowall = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('paginationallowall');
if ($totalcount > count($subcategories)) {
if ($paginationurl) {
// The option 'paginationurl was specified, display pagingbar.
$perpage = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('limit', $CFG->coursesperpage);
$page = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('offset') / $perpage;
$pagingbar = $this->paging_bar(
$paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => $perpage))
if ($paginationallowall) {
$pagingbar .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link(
$paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => 'all')),
get_string('showall', '', $totalcount)
), array('class' => 'paging paging-showall'));
} else if ($viewmoreurl = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('viewmoreurl')) {
// The option 'viewmoreurl' was specified, display more link (if it is link to category view page, add category id).
if ($viewmoreurl->compare(new moodle_url('/course/index.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)) {
$viewmoreurl->param('categoryid', $coursecat->id);
$viewmoretext = $chelper->get_categories_display_option('viewmoretext', new lang_string('viewmore'));
$morelink = html_writer::tag(
html_writer::link($viewmoreurl, $viewmoretext, array('class' => 'btn btn-secondary w-100')),
array('class' => 'paging paging-morelink wrapper-fw')
} else if (($totalcount > $CFG->coursesperpage) && $paginationurl && $paginationallowall) {
// There are more than one page of results and we are in 'view all' mode, suggest to go back to paginated view mode.
$pagingbar = html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link(
$paginationurl->out(false, array('perpage' => $CFG->coursesperpage)),
get_string('showperpage', '', $CFG->coursesperpage)
), array('class' => 'paging paging-showperpage'));
// Display list of subcategories.
$content = html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'subcategories'));
if (!empty($pagingbar)) {
$content .= $pagingbar;
foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
$content .= $this->coursecat_category($chelper, $subcategory, $depth);
if (!empty($pagingbar)) {
$content .= $pagingbar;
if (!empty($morelink)) {
$content .= $morelink;
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
return $content;
* Returns HTML to display course content (summary, course contacts and optionally category name)
* This method is called from coursecat_coursebox() and may be re-used in AJAX
* @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
* @param stdClass|core_course_list_element $course
* @return string
* @throws \coding_exception
* @throws \dml_exception
* @throws \moodle_exception
protected function coursecat_coursebox_content(coursecat_helper $chelper, $course) {
global $DB, $COURSE;
$theme = \theme_config::load('universe');
if ($course instanceof stdClass) {
$course = new core_course_list_element($course);
$cccteachers = $theme->settings->cccteachers;
$cccsummary = $theme->settings->cccsummary;
$coursecarddesclimit = $theme->settings->coursecarddesclimit;
$courseprogressbar = $theme->settings->courseprogressbar;
$courseutil = new course($course);
$coursecontacts = $courseutil->get_course_contacts();
$courseenrolmenticons = $courseutil->get_enrolment_icons();
$courseenrolmenticons = !empty($courseenrolmenticons) ? $this->render_enrolment_icons($courseenrolmenticons) : false;
$courseprogress = $courseutil->get_progress();
$hasprogress = $courseprogress != null;
if ($theme->settings->courselangbadge == 1) {
$forcedlanguage = strval($course->lang);
} else {
$forcedlanguage = null;
if ($theme->settings->showcustomfields == 1) {
$showcustomfields = true;
} else {
$showcustomfields = false;
$data = [
'id' => $course->id,
'fullname' => $chelper->get_course_formatted_name($course),
'visible' => $course->visible,
'image' => $courseutil->get_summary_image(),
'summary' => $courseutil->get_summary($chelper),
'category' => $courseutil->get_category(),
'customfields' => $courseutil->course_get_taux(),
'showcustomfields' => $showcustomfields,
'hasprogress' => $hasprogress,
'progress' => (int) $courseprogress,
'hasenrolmenticons' => $courseenrolmenticons != false,
'enrolmenticons' => $courseenrolmenticons,
'hascontacts' => !empty($coursecontacts),
'contacts' => $coursecontacts,
'courseprogressbar' => $courseprogressbar,
'cccteachers' => $cccteachers,
'cccsummary' => $cccsummary,
'coursecarddesclimit' => $coursecarddesclimit,
'forcedlanguage' => $forcedlanguage
if ($theme->settings->courselistview == 1) {
return $this->render_from_template('theme_universe/custom_courselist', $data);
} else {
return $this->render_from_template('theme_universe/custom_coursecard', $data);
* Displays one course in the list of courses.
* This is an internal function, to display an information about just one course
* please use core_course_renderer::course_info_box()
* @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
* @param core_course_list_element|stdClass $course
* @param string $additionalclasses additional classes to add to the main <div> tag (usually
* depend on the course position in list - first/last/even/odd)
* @return string
protected function coursecat_coursebox(coursecat_helper $chelper, $course, $additionalclasses = '') {
if (!isset($this->strings->summary)) {
$this->strings->summary = get_string('summary');
if ($chelper->get_show_courses() <= self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COUNT) {
return '';
if ($course instanceof stdClass) {
$course = new core_course_list_element($course);
return $this->coursecat_coursebox_content($chelper, $course);
* Returns HTML to display a tree of subcategories and courses in the given category
* @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
* @param core_course_category $coursecat top category (this category's name and description will NOT be added to the tree)
* @return string
protected function coursecat_tree(coursecat_helper $chelper, $coursecat) {
// Reset the category expanded flag for this course category tree first.
$this->categoryexpandedonload = false;
$categorycontent = $this->coursecat_category_content($chelper, $coursecat, 1);
if (empty($categorycontent)) {
return '';
// Start content generation.
$content = '';
$attributes = $chelper->get_and_erase_attributes('course_category_tree clearfix');
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', $attributes);
if ($coursecat->get_children_count()) {
$classes = array(
'collapseexpand', 'aabtn'
// Check if the category content contains subcategories with children's content loaded.
if ($this->categoryexpandedonload) {
$classes[] = 'collapse-all';
$linkname = get_string('collapseall');
} else {
$linkname = get_string('expandall');
// Only show the collapse/expand if there are children to expand.
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'wrapper-fw collapsible-actions position-relative'));
$content .= html_writer::link('#', $linkname, array('class' => implode(' ', $classes)));
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
$this->page->requires->strings_for_js(array('collapseall', 'expandall'), 'moodle');
$content .= html_writer::tag('div', $categorycontent, array('class' => 'content'));
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // End course_category_tree.
return $content;
* Returns HTML to display a course category as a part of a tree
* This is an internal function, to display a particular category and all its contents
* use {@link core_course_renderer::course_category()}
* @param coursecat_helper $chelper various display options
* @param core_course_category $coursecat
* @param int $depth depth of this category in the current tree
* @return string
protected function coursecat_category(coursecat_helper $chelper, $coursecat, $depth) {
// Open category tag.
$classes = array('category');
if (empty($coursecat->visible)) {
$classes[] = 'dimmed_category';
if ($chelper->get_subcat_depth() > 0 && $depth >= $chelper->get_subcat_depth()) {
// Do not load content.
$categorycontent = '';
$classes[] = 'notloaded';
if (
$coursecat->get_children_count() ||
($chelper->get_show_courses() >= self::COURSECAT_SHOW_COURSES_COLLAPSED && $coursecat->get_courses_count())
) {
$classes[] = 'with_children';
$classes[] = 'collapsed';
} else {
// Load category content.
$categorycontent = $this->coursecat_category_content($chelper, $coursecat, $depth);
$classes[] = 'loaded';
if (!empty($categorycontent)) {
$classes[] = 'with_children';
// Category content loaded with children.
$this->categoryexpandedonload = true;
// Make sure JS file to expand category content is included.
$content = html_writer::start_tag('div', array(
'class' => join(' ', $classes),
'data-categoryid' => $coursecat->id,
'data-depth' => $depth,
'data-showcourses' => $chelper->get_show_courses(),
'data-type' => self::COURSECAT_TYPE_CATEGORY,
// Category name.
$categoryname = html_writer::link(
new moodle_url(
array('categoryid' => $coursecat->id)
array('class' => 'rui-category-link')
$icon = '<svg class="mr-1" width="18" height="18" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path stroke="currentColor"
d="M19.25 5.75C19.25 5.19772 18.8023 4.75 18.25 4.75H14C12.8954 4.75
12 5.64543 12 6.75V19.25L12.8284 18.4216C13.5786 17.6714 14.596 17.25 15.6569
17.25H18.25C18.8023 17.25 19.25 16.8023 19.25 16.25V5.75Z"></path>
<path stroke="currentColor"
d="M4.75 5.75C4.75 5.19772 5.19772 4.75 5.75 4.75H10C11.1046 4.75 12
5.64543 12 6.75V19.25L11.1716 18.4216C10.4214
17.6714 9.40401 17.25 8.34315 17.25H5.75C5.19772 17.25 4.75 16.8023
4.75 16.25V5.75Z"></path>
$a = $coursecat->get_courses_count();
$b = $coursecat->get_children_count();
$coursesum = $a + $b;
$coursescount = $icon . $coursesum;
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'wrapper-fw info'));
$content .= html_writer::start_tag('h5', array('class' => 'categoryname aabtn'));
$content .= $categoryname;
$acontent = '';
if ($viewmoreurl = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('viewmoreurl')) {
// The option for 'View more' link was specified, display more link.
$viewmoretext = $chelper->get_courses_display_option('viewmoretext', new \lang_string('viewmore'));
// The option 'viewmoreurl' was specified, display more link (if it is link to category view page, add category id).
if ($viewmoreurl->compare(new moodle_url('/course/index.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)) {
$viewmoreurl->param('categoryid', $coursecat->id);
$acontent .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link(
array('class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-light ml-2')
$content .= '<div class="rui-number-of-courses d-inline-flex">' .
html_writer::tag('span', $coursescount, array('class' => 'badge badge-sq badge-primary')) . $acontent . '</div>';
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('h5');
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // End .info.
// Add category content to the output.
$content .= html_writer::tag('div', $categorycontent, array('class' => 'content'));
$content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // End .category.
// Return the course category tree HTML.
return $content;
* Returns the first course's summary issue
* @param \core_course_list_element $course
* @param string $courselink
* @return string
public static function get_course_summary_image($course, $courselink) {
global $CFG;
$contentimage = '';
foreach ($course->get_course_overviewfiles() as $file) {
$isimage = $file->is_valid_image();
$url = moodle_url::make_file_url(
'/' . $file->get_contextid() . '/' . $file->get_component() . '/' .
$file->get_filearea() . $file->get_filepath() . $file->get_filename(),
if ($isimage) {
$contentimage .= '<a href="' . $courselink . '">
<figure class="rui-course-card-img-top" style="background-image: url(' . $url . ');"></figure>
if (empty($contentimage)) {
$contentimage = '';
return $contentimage;
* Returns enrolment icons
* @param array $icons
* @return array
protected function render_enrolment_icons(array $icons): array {
$data = [];
foreach ($icons as $icon) {
$data[] = $this->render($icon);
return $data;