Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

/* UI elements */

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// Delete/Unistall button
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table {
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/* Theme Mod */
h2+table {
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/* Scrollable tables */

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.main-content { {
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// ---- URL:   /tag/manage.php
// ---- URL: /course/customfield.php
// ---- URL: mod/lesson/edit.php
.tag-areas-table .c2 a .icon:not(.spacer),
.fieldslist .table-buttons a .icon:not(.spacer),
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#page-admin-tool-oauth2-issuers .generaltable .c4 a .icon:not(.spacer),
#page-admin-tool-oauth2-issuers .generaltable .c5 a .icon:not(.spacer),
.recordauthor a .icon:not(.fa-spacer),
.recordauthor a .icon:not(.spacer),
#compatibleblockstable a .icon:not(.spacer),
#backpacklist a .icon,
#roles a .icon,
#manage-licenses a .icon {
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#mediaplayerplugins .c5 a:hover,
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#page-admin-tool-oauth2-issuers .generaltable .c4 a:hover,
#page-admin-tool-oauth2-issuers .generaltable .c5 a:hover,
.recordauthor a:hover,
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#manage-licenses a:hover {
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.tag-areas-table .c2 a:hover .icon:not(.spacer),
.fieldslist .table-buttons a:hover .icon:not(.spacer),
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#page-admin-tool-oauth2-issuers .generaltable .c5 a:hover .icon:not(.spacer),
.recordauthor a:hover .icon:not(.fa-spacer),
.recordauthor a:hover .icon:not(.spacer),
#compatibleblockstable a:hover .icon,
#backpacklist a:hover .icon,
#roles a:hover .icon,
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// with delete button
.fieldslist .table-buttons,
#page-mod-lesson-edit .generaltable .c0,
#page-mod-lesson-edit .generaltable .c3,
#mediaplayerplugins .c4,
#mediaplayerplugins .c5,
#page-admin-tool-oauth2-issuers .generaltable .c4,
#page-admin-tool-oauth2-issuers .generaltable .c5 {
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// ---- URL: /course/recommendations.php
// ----      /admin/settings.php?section=editorsettingsatto
table {
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// ---- URL: admin/settings.php?section=managemediaplayers
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// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=managepaymentgateways
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#mediaplayerplugins .c6 a,
#page-admin-setting-managepaymentgateways .generaltable td:nth-of-type(6) a,
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.manageformattable .c3 a,
#localplugins .c2 a,
.managecustomfieldtable .c2 a,
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#page-admin-setting-editorsettingsatto .admintable .c4 a,
#plugins-control-panel .c4 a,
#assignfeedbackplugins .c5 a,
#assignsubmissionplugins .c5 a,
#modules .c5 a,
#filterssetting .c5 a,
#repositoriessetting .c4 a,
.tinymcesubplugins .lastcol a,
#editormanagement .lastcol a,
#courseenrolmentplugins .lastcol a,
#logstoreplugins .lastcol a,
#manageauthtable .lastcol a,
#compatibleblockstable .c6 a,
.attosubplugins .admintable .lastcol a,
#qtypes .c6 a,
#qbehaviours .c5 a,
#mediaplayerplugins .c6 a,
.managecontentbanktable .lastcol a {
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// ---- URL: /user/index.php?id=7
// ---- URL: /admin/modules.php
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=editorsettingstinymce
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=manageeditors
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=webserviceprotocols
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=manageenrols
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=managelogging
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=managefileconverterplugins
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=managecustomfields
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=manageformats
// ---- URL: /admin/tool/availabilityconditions/
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=manageantiviruses
// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=manageauths
#page-admin-setting-managefileconverterplugins .admintable.generaltable,
.managecontentbanktable {
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//Mod Forum
.discussion-list {
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// ---- URL: /admin/reports.php
#repositoriessetting {
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            display: none;

#page-admin-tool-oauth2-issuers {
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.rolecap {
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#page-grade-report-overview-index {
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#page-admin-tool-usertours-configure {
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// ---- URL: /cohort/index.php?contextid=1
#cohorts {
    p {
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                    background-color: $blue-200;
                    color: $blue-700;

                    .theme-dark & {
                        background-color: $blue-700;
                        color: $blue-200;

// ---- URL: /admin/user.php

#users {
    .c5 {
        a {
            &:hover {
                text-decoration: none;

            .icon:not(.spacer) {
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                padding: 10px;

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                    background-color: $blue-200;
                    color: $blue-700;

                    .theme-dark & {
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// ---- URL: admin/tool/monitor/managerules.php?courseid=0
#toolmonitorrules_table {
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#page-admin-tool-monitor-managerules {

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// ---- URL: /admin/plugins.php
#plugins-control-panel {
    width: max-content;

    img.pluginicon {
        margin-right: 13px;

// ---- URL:  /admin/tool/policy/user.php?userid=3&returnurl=%2Fadmin%2Ftool%2Fpolicy%2Facceptances.php
#page-admin-tool-policy-user {
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// ---- URL:  /admin/tool/policy/managedocs.php
#tool-policy-managedocs-wrapper {
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// ---- URL:  /group/groupings.php?id=10
.groupmanagementtable {
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#page-group-groupings {

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            a.dropdown-item {
                display: flex;

// ---- URL:  /user/profile/index.php
.profilefield {
    .lastcol {
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                    color: $blue-700;

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// ---- URL:  /admin/tool/policy/acceptances.php
.tool_policy-user_agreement-actions {
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    a {
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.tool_policy-user_agreement-status {
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// ---- URL:  /report/outline/index.php?id=10
#page-report-outline-index {
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// ---- URL:  /admin/roles/assign.php?contextid=120&roleid=1
#assigningrole {
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// ---- URL:  /admin/tool/monitor/index.php?courseid=1
.toolmonitor {
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// ---- URL:  /admin/tool/policy/acceptances.php
#page-admin-tool-policy-acceptances .colselect {
    width: auto;

// ---- URL:  /mod/feedback/show_entries.php?id=77
#showentrytable {
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// ---- URL:  /admin/tool/lp/plans.php?userid=2
[data-region="plans"] {
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[data-region="managetemplates"] div {
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.path-admin-tool-lp [data-region="filtercompetencies"] input {
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//Edit competency page
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// Table Mod
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// Module Activity Survey
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// ---- Table elements admin roles
#explaincaps {
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        font-size: 1rem;

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// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=webservicetokens
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// ---- URL: /admin/settings.php?section=externalservices
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// ---- URL: /admin/tool/messageinbound/index.php
#page-admin-tool-messageinbound-index .handler-function {
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// ---- URL: /admin/tool/analytics/index.php
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// ---- URL: /blocks/rss_client/managefeeds.php?rssid=0
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// ---- Report Activity Progress Table
#completion-progress {

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// Dark mode.
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// ---- URL: /report/outline/index.php?id=5
#outlinetable {
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        width: 300px;

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            width: 40px;
            height: 40px;

    td {
        min-width: 200px;

// ---- URL: /admin/roles/manage.php
#roles {
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// ---- URL: /admin/tool/monitor/index.php
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// Dark mode.
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