AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
Feature: Select course sections using classic theme
In order to view course sections when using the classic theme
As a teacher
I need to select the section from the section selector
Given the following "course" exists:
| fullname | Course 1 |
| shortname | C1 |
| numsections | 3 |
| initsections | 1 |
And the following "activities" exist:
| course | activity | name | idnumber | section |
| C1 | assign | Assignment 1 | assign1 | 1 |
| C1 | assign | Assignment 2 | assign2 | 2 |
Scenario: Use the course section selector in classic theme
Given I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "admin"
And I turn editing mode on
When I choose the "View" item in the "Edit" action menu of the "Section 1" "section"
Then I should see "Section 1"
And I should see "Assignment 1"
And I should not see "Assignment 2"
And I select "Section 2" from the "jump" singleselect
And I should see "Section 2"
And I should not see "Assignment 1"
And I should see "Assignment 2"
And the "jump" select box should contain "Section 3"