AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@tool @tool_usertours @theme_boost
Feature: Reset a tour for Boost
In order to test a tour
As an administrator
I can reset the tour to force it to display again
Given I log in as "admin"
And I add a new user tour with:
| Name | First tour |
| Description | My first tour |
| Apply to URL match | FRONTPAGE |
| Tour is enabled | 1 |
| Show with backdrop | 1 |
And I add steps to the "First tour" tour:
| targettype | Title | id_content | Content type |
| Display in middle of page | Welcome | Welcome tour. | Manual |
Scenario: Reset the tour with desktop view
# Changing the window size to large so we will have the footer button.
Given I change window size to "large"
And I am on site homepage
And I should see "Welcome"
And I press "Got it"
And I should not see "Welcome"
When I click on ".btn-footer-popover" "css_element" in the "#page-footer" "css_element"
Then I should see "Reset user tour on this page"
And I click on "Reset user tour on this page" "link"
And I should see "Welcome"