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@core @core_search
Feature: Use global search interface
In order to search for things
As a user
I need to be able to type search queries and see results
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| enableglobalsearch | 1 |
| searchengine | simpledb |
And the following "courses" exist:
| shortname | fullname |
| F1 | Amphibians |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | intro | course | idnumber |
| page | PageName1 frogs amphibians | PageDesc1 | F1 | PAGE1 |
| forum | ForumName1 toads amphibians | ForumDesc1 | F1 | FORUM1 |
And I update the global search index
And I log in as "admin"
Scenario: Search from header search box with one result
When I search for "frogs" using the header global search box
Then I should see "PageName1"
And I should see "PageDesc1"
# Check the link works.
And I follow "PageName1"
And I should see "PageName1" in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
Scenario: Search from search page with two results
When I search for "zombies" using the header global search box
Then I should see "No results"
And I set the field "id_q" to "amphibians"
# You cannot press "Search" because there's a fieldset with the same name that gets in the way.
And I press "id_submitbutton"
And I should see "ForumName1"
And I should see "ForumDesc1"
And I should see "PageName1"
And I should see "PageDesc1"
# Check the link works.
And I follow "ForumName1"
And I should see "ForumName1" in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
Scenario: Search from search page with quotes
Given I search for "zombies" using the header global search box
And I should see "No results"
When I set the field "id_q" to "\"amphibians\""
# You cannot press "Search" because there's a fieldset with the same name that gets in the way.
And I press "id_submitbutton"
Then I should see "ForumName1"
And I should see "ForumDesc1"
And I should see "PageName1"
And I should see "PageDesc1"
# Check the link works.
And I follow "ForumName1"
And I should see "ForumName1" in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
Scenario: Search starting from site context (no within option)
When I search for "frogs" using the header global search box
And I expand all fieldsets
Then I should not see "Search within"
And I should see "Courses" in the "region-main" "region"
Scenario: Search starting from course context (within option lists course)
When I am on "Amphibians" course homepage
And I search for "frogs" using the header global search box
And I expand all fieldsets
Then I should see "Search within"
And I select "Everywhere you can access" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should see "Courses" in the "region-main" "region"
And I select "Course: Amphibians" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should not see "Courses" in the "region-main" "region"
Scenario: Search starting from forum context (within option lists course and forum)
Given I am on the "ForumName1 toads amphibians" "Forum activity" page
When I search for "frogs" using the header global search box
Then I expand all fieldsets
And I should see "Search within"
And I select "Everywhere you can access" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should see "Courses" in the "region-main" "region"
And I select "Course: Amphibians" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should not see "Courses" in the "region-main" "region"
And I select "Forum: ForumName1" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should not see "Courses" in the "region-main" "region"
Scenario: Check that groups option in search form appears when intended
# Switch to mocked Solr search because simpledb doesn't support groups.
Given solr is installed
And the following config values are set as admin:
| searchengine | solr |
And the following "groups" exist:
| name | course | idnumber |
| A Group | F1 | G1 |
| B Group | F1 | G2 |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | course | idnumber | groupmode |
| forum | ForumSG | F1 | FORUM2 | 1 |
When I am on the ForumSG "Forum activity" page
And global search expects the query "frogs" and will return:
| type | idnumber |
| activity | PAGE1 |
And I search for "frogs" using the header global search box
And I expand all fieldsets
Then I should not see "All groups" in the "region-main" "region"
And I select "Course: Amphibians" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should see "All groups" in the "region-main" "region"
And I set the field "Groups" to "A Group"
And I select "Forum: ForumSG" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should see "A Group" in the "region-main" "region"
And I am on the "ForumName1 toads amphibians" "Forum activity" page
And global search expects the query "frogs" and will return:
| type | idnumber |
| activity | PAGE1 |
And I search for "frogs" using the header global search box
And I expand all fieldsets
Then I should not see "All groups" in the "region-main" "region"
And I select "Course: Amphibians" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should see "All groups" in the "region-main" "region"
And I select "Forum: ForumName1" from the "Search within" singleselect
And I should not see "All groups" in the "region-main" "region"