Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@core @core_filepicker @_file_upload
Feature: Delete files and folders from the file manager
In order to clean the file manager contents
As a user
I need to delete files from file areas
Given the following "blocks" exist:
| blockname | contextlevel | reference | pagetypepattern | defaultregion |
| private_files | System | 1 | my-index | side-post |
@javascript @_bug_phantomjs
Scenario: Delete a file and a folder
Given I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I upload "lib/tests/fixtures/empty.txt" file to "Files" filemanager
And I create "Delete me" folder in "Files" filemanager
And I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
When I delete "empty.txt" from "Files" filemanager
And I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
Then I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I delete "Delete me" from "Files" filemanager
And I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I should not see "Delete me" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
Scenario: Delete a file and a folder using bulk functionality (individually)
Given I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I upload "lib/tests/fixtures/empty.txt" file to "Files" filemanager
And I create "Delete me later" folder in "Files" filemanager
And I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I click on "Display folder with file details" "link"
And I set the field "Select file 'empty.txt'" to "1"
When I click on "Delete" "link"
Then I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the selected 1 file(s)?"
When I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
Then I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
But I should see "Delete me later" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
When I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
Then I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
But I should see "Delete me later" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I set the field "Select file 'Delete me later'" to "1"
And I click on "Delete" "link"
And I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
Then I should not see "Delete me later" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
When I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
Then I should not see "Delete me later" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
Scenario: Delete a file and a folder using bulk functionality (multiple)
Given I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I upload "lib/tests/fixtures/empty.txt" file to "Files" filemanager
And I create "Delete me" folder in "Files" filemanager
And I create "Do not delete me" folder in "Files" filemanager
And I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I click on "Display folder with file details" "link"
And I set the field "Select file 'empty.txt'" to "1"
And I set the field "Select file 'Delete me'" to "1"
When I click on "Delete" "link"
Then I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the selected 2 file(s)?"
When I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
Then I should not see "Delete me" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
But I should see "Do not delete me" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
When I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
Then I should not see "Delete me" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I am on homepage
Then I should not see "Delete me" in the "Private files" "block"
And I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Private files" "block"
But I should see "Do not delete me" in the "Private files" "block"
Scenario: Delete files using the select all checkbox
Given I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I upload "lib/tests/fixtures/empty.txt" file to "Files" filemanager
And I create "Delete me" folder in "Files" filemanager
And I create "Delete me too" folder in "Files" filemanager
And I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I click on "Display folder with file details" "link"
When I click on "Select all/none" "checkbox"
Then the following fields match these values:
| Select file 'empty.txt' | 1 |
| Select file 'Delete me' | 1 |
| Select file 'Delete me too' | 1 |
When I click on "Delete" "link"
Then I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the selected 3 file(s)?"
When I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
Then I should not see "Delete me" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I should not see "Delete me too" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
When I press "Save changes"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
Then I should not see "Delete me" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Manage private files" "dialogue"
And I am on homepage
Then I should not see "Delete me" in the "Private files" "block"
And I should not see "empty.txt" in the "Private files" "block"
And I should not see "Delete me too" in the "Private files" "block"
Scenario: Verify system logs for deleted draft files
Given I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Manage private files..."
And I upload "lib/tests/fixtures/update_validator/zips/" file to "Files" filemanager
And I follow ""
And I click on "Unzip" "button"
And I click on "Display folder with file details" "link"
And I set the field "Select file 'one'" to "1"
And I click on "Delete" "link"
And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the selected 1 file(s)?"
And I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
And I click on "Save changes" "button"
And I am on the "System logs report" page
And I click on "Get these logs" "button"
And I should see "The user with id '2' has deleted folder '/one/.' from the draft file area with item id" in the "has deleted folder '/one/.'" "table_row"
And I should see "Size: 0 bytes. Content hash:" in the "has deleted folder '/one/.'" "table_row"
Then I should see "The user with id '2' has deleted file '/one/version.php' from the draft file area with item id" in the "has deleted file '/one/version.php'" "table_row"
And I should see "Size: 40 bytes. Content hash:" in the "has deleted file '/one/version.php'" "table_row"