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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace repository_nextcloud;
use testable_access_controlled_link_manager;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/webdavlib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/nextcloud/tests/fixtures/testable_access_controlled_link_manager.php');
* Class repository_nextcloud_testcase
* @package repository_nextcloud
* @group repository_nextcloud
* @copyright 2017 Project seminar (Learnweb, University of Münster)
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class access_controlled_link_manager_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** @var null|testable_access_controlled_link_manager a malleable variant of the access_controlled_link_manager. */
public $linkmanager = null;
/** @var null|\repository_nextcloud\ocs_client The ocs_client used to send requests. */
public $ocsmockclient = null;
/** @var null|\core\oauth2\client Mock oauth client for the system account. */
private $oauthsystemmock = null;
/** @var null|\core\oauth2\issuer which belongs to the repository_nextcloud object. */
public $issuer = null;
/** @var string system account username. */
public $systemaccountusername;
* SetUp to create an repository instance.
protected function setUp(): void {
// Admin is necessary to create issuer object.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('repository_nextcloud');
$this->issuer = $generator->test_create_issuer();
// Mock clients.
$this->ocsmockclient = $this->getMockBuilder(ocs_client::class
$this->oauthsystemmock = $this->getMockBuilder(\core\oauth2\client::class
$systemwebdavclient = $this->getMockBuilder(\webdav_client::class
$systemocsclient = $systemocsclient = $this->getMockBuilder(ocs_client::class
// Pseudo system account user.
$this->systemaccountusername = 'pseudouser';
$record = new \stdClass();
$record->issuerid = $this->issuer->get('id');
$record->refreshtoken = 'pseudotoken';
$record->grantedscopes = 'scopes';
$record->email = '';
$record->username = $this->systemaccountusername;
$systemaccount = new \core\oauth2\system_account(0, $record);
$this->linkmanager = new testable_access_controlled_link_manager($this->ocsmockclient,
$this->oauthsystemmock, $systemocsclient,
$this->issuer, 'Nextcloud', $systemwebdavclient);
* Function to test the private function create_share_user_sysaccount.
public function test_create_share_user_sysaccount_user_shares(): void {
$params = [
'path' => "/ambient.txt",
'shareType' => \repository_nextcloud\ocs_client::SHARE_TYPE_USER,
'publicUpload' => false,
'shareWith' => $this->systemaccountusername,
'permissions' => \repository_nextcloud\ocs_client::SHARE_PERMISSION_READ,
$expectedresponse = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
$this->ocsmockclient->expects($this->once())->method('call')->with('create_share', $params)->will(
$result = $this->linkmanager->create_share_user_sysaccount("/ambient.txt");
$xml = simplexml_load_string($expectedresponse);
$expected = array();
$expected['statuscode'] = (int)$xml->meta->statuscode;
$expected['shareid'] = (int)$xml->data->id;
$expected['filetarget'] = (string)$xml->data[0]->file_target;
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* Test the delete_share_function. In case the request fails, the function throws an exception, however this
* can not be tested in phpUnit since it is javascript.
public function test_delete_share_dataowner_sysaccount(): void {
$shareid = 5;
$deleteshareparams = [
'share_id' => $shareid
$returnxml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
$this->ocsmockclient->expects($this->once())->method('call')->with('delete_share', $deleteshareparams)->will(
$this->linkmanager->delete_share_dataowner_sysaccount($shareid, 'repository_nextcloud');
* Function which test that create folder path does return the adequate results (path and success).
* Additionally mock checks whether the right params are passed to the corresponding functions.
public function test_create_folder_path_folders_are_not_created(): void {
$mocks = $this->set_up_mocks_for_create_folder_path(true, 'somename');
$this->set_private_property($mocks['mockclient'], 'systemwebdavclient', $this->linkmanager);
$result = $this->linkmanager->create_folder_path_access_controlled_links($mocks['mockcontext'], "mod_resource",
'content', 0);
$this->assertEquals('/somename (ctx )/mod_resource/content/0', $result);
* Function which test that create folder path does return the adequate results (path and success).
* Additionally mock checks whether the right params are passed to the corresponding functions.
public function test_create_folder_path_folders_are_created(): void {
// In Context is okay, number of context counts for number of iterations.
$mocks = $this->set_up_mocks_for_create_folder_path(false, 'somename/withslash', true, 201);
$this->set_private_property($mocks['mockclient'], 'systemwebdavclient', $this->linkmanager);
$result = $this->linkmanager->create_folder_path_access_controlled_links($mocks['mockcontext'], "mod_resource",
'content', 0);
$this->assertEquals('/somenamewithslash (ctx )/mod_resource/content/0', $result);
* Test whether the create_folder_path methode throws exception.
public function test_create_folder_path_folder_creation_fails(): void {
$mocks = $this->set_up_mocks_for_create_folder_path(false, 'somename', true, 400);
$this->set_private_property($mocks['mockclient'], 'systemwebdavclient', $this->linkmanager);
$this->linkmanager->create_folder_path_access_controlled_links($mocks['mockcontext'], "mod_resource",
'content', 0);
* Helper function to generate mocks for testing create folder path.
* @param bool $returnisdir Return value mocking the result of invoking is_dir
* @param bool $returnestedcontext Name of the folder that is simulated to be checked/created
* @param bool $callmkcol Also mock creation of the folder
* @param int $returnmkcol Return value mocking the result of invoking mkcol
* @return array ['mockcontext' context_module mock, 'mockclient' => webdav client mock]
protected function set_up_mocks_for_create_folder_path($returnisdir, $returnestedcontext, $callmkcol = false,
$returnmkcol = 201) {
$mockcontext = $this->createMock(\context_module::class);
$mockclient = $this->getMockBuilder(\webdav_client::class
$parsedwebdavurl = parse_url($this->issuer->get_endpoint_url('webdav'));
$webdavprefix = $parsedwebdavurl['path'];
// Empty ctx 'id' expected because using code will not be able to access $ctx->id.
$cleanedcontextname = clean_param($returnestedcontext, PARAM_FILE);
$dirstring = $webdavprefix . '/' . $cleanedcontextname . ' (ctx )';
$dirstring, $dirstring . '/mod_resource', $dirstring . '/mod_resource/content',
$dirstring . '/mod_resource/content/0'))->willReturn($returnisdir);
if ($callmkcol == true) {
$mockcontext->method('get_parent_contexts')->willReturn(array('1' => $mockcontext));
return array('mockcontext' => $mockcontext, 'mockclient' => $mockclient);
* Test whether the right methods from the webdavclient are called when the storage_folder is created.
* 1. Directory already exist -> no further action needed.
public function test_create_storage_folder_success(): void {
$mockwebdavclient = $this->createMock(\webdav_client::class);
$url = $this->issuer->get_endpoint_url('webdav');
$parsedwebdavurl = parse_url($url);
$webdavprefix = $parsedwebdavurl['path'];
$mockwebdavclient->expects($this->once())->method('is_dir')->with($webdavprefix . 'myname')->willReturn(true);
$this->linkmanager->create_storage_folder('myname', $mockwebdavclient);
* Test whether the right methods from the webdavclient are called when the storage_folder is created.
* 2. Directory does not exist. It is created with mkcol and returns a success.
public function test_create_storage_folder_success_mkcol(): void {
$mockwebdavclient = $this->createMock(\webdav_client::class);
$url = $this->issuer->get_endpoint_url('webdav');
$parsedwebdavurl = parse_url($url);
$webdavprefix = $parsedwebdavurl['path'];
$mockwebdavclient->expects($this->once())->method('is_dir')->with($webdavprefix . 'myname')->willReturn(false);
$mockwebdavclient->expects($this->once())->method('mkcol')->with($webdavprefix . 'myname')->willReturn(201);
$this->linkmanager->create_storage_folder('myname', $mockwebdavclient);
* Test whether the right methods from the webdavclient are called when the storage_folder is created.
* 3. Request to create Folder fails.
public function test_create_storage_folder_failure(): void {
$mockwebdavclient = $this->createMock(\webdav_client::class);
$url = $this->issuer->get_endpoint_url('webdav');
$parsedwebdavurl = parse_url($url);
$webdavprefix = $parsedwebdavurl['path'];
$mockwebdavclient->expects($this->once())->method('is_dir')->with($webdavprefix . 'myname')->willReturn(false);
$mockwebdavclient->expects($this->once())->method('mkcol')->with($webdavprefix . 'myname')->willReturn(400);
$this->linkmanager->create_storage_folder('myname', $mockwebdavclient);
* Test whether the webdav client gets the right params and whether function differentiates between move and copy.
public function test_transfer_file_to_path_copyfile(): void {
// Initialize params.
$parsedwebdavurl = parse_url($this->issuer->get_endpoint_url('webdav'));
$webdavprefix = $parsedwebdavurl['path'];
$srcpath = 'sourcepath';
$dstpath = "destinationpath/another/path";
// Mock the Webdavclient and set expected methods.
$systemwebdavclientmock = $this->createMock(\webdav_client::class);
$systemwebdavclientmock->expects($this->once())->method('copy_file')->with($webdavprefix . $srcpath,
$webdavprefix . $dstpath . '/' . $srcpath, true)->willReturn(201);
$this->set_private_property($systemwebdavclientmock, 'systemwebdavclient', $this->linkmanager);
// Call of function.
$result = $this->linkmanager->transfer_file_to_path($srcpath, $dstpath, 'copy');
$this->assertEquals(201, $result);
* Test whether the webdav client gets the right params and whether function handles overwrite.
* @covers \repository_nextcloud\access_controlled_link_manager::transfer_file_to_path
public function test_transfer_file_to_path_overwritefile(): void {
// Initialize params.
$parsedwebdavurl = parse_url($this->issuer->get_endpoint_url('webdav'));
$webdavprefix = $parsedwebdavurl['path'];
$srcpath = 'sourcepath';
$dstpath = "destinationpath/another/path";
// Mock the Webdavclient and set expected methods.
$systemwebdavclientmock = $this->createMock(\webdav_client::class);
$systemwebdavclientmock->expects($this->once())->method('copy_file')->with($webdavprefix . $srcpath,
$webdavprefix . $dstpath . '/' . $srcpath, true)->willReturn(204);
$this->set_private_property($systemwebdavclientmock, 'systemwebdavclient', $this->linkmanager);
// Call of function.
$result = $this->linkmanager->transfer_file_to_path($srcpath, $dstpath, 'copy');
$this->assertEquals(204, $result);
* This function tests whether the function transfer_file_to_path() moves or copies a given file to a given path
* It tests whether the webdav_client gets the right parameter and whether function distinguishes between move and copy.
public function test_transfer_file_to_path_copyfile_movefile(): void {
// Initialize params.
$parsedwebdavurl = parse_url($this->issuer->get_endpoint_url('webdav'));
$webdavprefix = $parsedwebdavurl['path'];
$srcpath = 'sourcepath';
$dstpath = "destinationpath/another/path";
$systemwebdavclientmock = $this->createMock(\webdav_client::class);
$this->set_private_property($systemwebdavclientmock, 'systemwebdavclient', $this->linkmanager);
$webdavclientmock = $this->createMock(\webdav_client::class);
$webdavclientmock->expects($this->once())->method('move')->with($webdavprefix . $srcpath,
$webdavprefix . $dstpath . '/' . $srcpath, false)->willReturn(201);
$result = $this->linkmanager->transfer_file_to_path($srcpath, $dstpath, 'move', $webdavclientmock);
$this->assertEquals(201, $result);
* Test the get_shares_from path() function. This function extracts from an list of shares the share of a given user
* (the username is a parameter in the function call) and returns the id. The test firstly test whether the right fileid
* for user1 is extracted then for user2 and last but least whether an error is thrown if the user does not have a share.
* @throws moodle_exception
public function test_get_shares_from_path(): void {
$params = [
'path' => '/Kernsystem/Kursbereich Miscellaneous/Kurs Example Course/Datei zet/mod_resource/content/0/picture.png',
'reshares' => true
$reference = new \stdClass();
$reference->link = "/Kernsystem/Kursbereich Miscellaneous/Kurs Example Course/Datei zet/mod_resource/content/0/picture.png";
$reference->name = "f\u00fcrdennis.png";
$reference->usesystem = true;
$expectedresponse = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<file_target>/fehler (3).png</file_target>
<file_target>/fehler (3).png</file_target>
$this->set_private_property($this->ocsmockclient, 'systemocsclient', $this->linkmanager);
$this->ocsmockclient->expects($this->exactly(3))->method('call')->with('get_shares', $params)->will(
$xmlobjuser1 = (int) $this->linkmanager->get_shares_from_path($reference->link, 'user2');
$xmlobjuser2 = (int) $this->linkmanager->get_shares_from_path($reference->link, 'user1');
$this->assertEquals(293, $xmlobjuser1);
$this->assertEquals(292, $xmlobjuser2);
$this->expectExceptionMessage('A request to Nextcloud has failed. The requested file could not be accessed. Please ' .
'check whether you have chosen a valid file and you are authenticated with the right account.');
$this->linkmanager->get_shares_from_path($reference->link, 'user3');
/** Test whether the systemwebdav client is constructed correctly. Port is set to 443 in case of https, to 80 in
* case of http and exception is thrown when endpoint does not exist.
* @throws \repository_nextcloud\configuration_exception
* @throws coding_exception
public function test_create_system_dav(): void {
// Initialize mock and params.
$fakeaccesstoken = new \stdClass();
$fakeaccesstoken->token = "fake access token";
// Use `atLeastOnce` instead of `exactly(2)` because it is only called a second time on dev systems that allow http://.
$parsedwebdavurl = parse_url($this->issuer->get_endpoint_url('webdav'));
// Call function and create own client.
$dav = $this->linkmanager->create_system_dav();
$mydav = new \webdav_client($parsedwebdavurl['host'], '', '', 'bearer', 'ssl://',
"fake access token", $parsedwebdavurl['path']);
$mydav->port = 443;
$mydav->debug = false;
$this->assertEquals($mydav, $dav);
// Deletes the old webdav endpoint and ...
// Creates a new one which requires different ports.
try {
$endpoint = new \stdClass();
$endpoint->name = "webdav_endpoint";
$endpoint->url = 'http://www.default.test/webdav/index.php';
$endpoint->issuerid = $this->issuer->get('id');
// Call function and create own client.
$dav = $this->linkmanager->create_system_dav();
$mydav = new \webdav_client($parsedwebdavurl['host'], '', '', 'bearer', '',
"fake access token");
$mydav->port = 80;
$mydav->debug = false;
$this->assertEquals($mydav, $dav);
} catch (core\invalid_persistent_exception $e) {
// In some cases Moodle does not allow to create http connections. In those cases the exception
// is catched here and the test are executed.
} finally {
// Delte endpoints and ...
// Do not insert new ones, therefore exception is thrown.
* Tests the function get_share_information_from_shareid(). From a response with two element it is tested
* whether the right file_target is extracted and lastly it is checked whether an error is thrown in case no suitable
* element exists.
* @throws \repository_nextcloud\request_exception
* @throws coding_exception
public function test_get_share_information_from_shareid(): void {
$params303 = [
'share_id' => 303,
$params302 = [
'share_id' => 302,
$expectedresponse = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<path>/some/target (2).png</path>
<path>/some/target (2).pdf</path>
$this->set_private_property($this->ocsmockclient, 'systemocsclient', $this->linkmanager);
$this->logicalOr($params303, $params302))->will($this->returnValue($expectedresponse));
// Test function for two different users. Setting the id is just a dummy value since always $expectedresponse ...
// ... is returned.
$filetarget = $this->linkmanager->get_share_information_from_shareid(303, 'user2');
$this->assertEquals('/some/target.pdf', $filetarget);
$filetarget = $this->linkmanager->get_share_information_from_shareid(302, 'user1');
$this->assertEquals('/some/target.png', $filetarget);
// Expect exception in case no suitable elemtn exist in the response.
$this->expectExceptionMessage('A request to Nextcloud has failed. The requested file could not be accessed. Please ' .
'check whether you have chosen a valid file and you are authenticated with the right account.');
$this->linkmanager->get_share_information_from_shareid(302, 'user3');
* Helper method which inserts a value into a non-public field of an object.
* @param mixed $value mock value that will be inserted.
* @param string $propertyname name of the private property.
* @param object $class Instance that is being modified.
* @return ReflectionProperty the resulting reflection property.
protected function set_private_property($value, $propertyname, $class) {
$refclient = new \ReflectionClass($class);
$private = $refclient->getProperty($propertyname);
$private->setValue($class, $value);
return $private;
* Helper method which gets a value from a non-public field of an object.
* @param string $propertyname name of the private property.
* @param object $class Instance that is being modified.
* @return mixed the resulting value.
protected function get_private_property($propertyname, $class) {
$refclient = new \ReflectionClass($class);
$private = $refclient->getProperty($propertyname);
$property = $private->getValue($private);
return $property;
* Deletes all endpoint with the given name.
* @param string $endpointname
* @return array|null
* @throws moodle_exception
protected function delete_endpoints($endpointname) {
$endpoints = \core\oauth2\api::get_endpoints($this->issuer);
$arrayofids = array();
foreach ($endpoints as $endpoint) {
$name = $endpoint->get('name');
if ($name === $endpointname) {
$arrayofids[$endpoint->get('id')] = $endpoint->get('id');
if (empty($arrayofids)) {
foreach ($arrayofids as $id) {