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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace repository_dropbox;

 * Tests for the Dropbox API (v2).
 * @package     repository_dropbox
 * @copyright   Andrew Nicols <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class api_test extends \advanced_testcase {
     * Data provider for has_additional_results.
     * @return array
    public function has_additional_results_provider() {
        return [
            'No more results' => [
                (object) [
                    'has_more'  => false,
                    'cursor'    => '',
            'Has more, No cursor' => [
                (object) [
                    'has_more'  => true,
                    'cursor'    => '',
            'Has more, Has cursor' => [
                (object) [
                    'has_more'  => true,
                    'cursor'    => 'example_cursor',
            'Missing has_more' => [
                (object) [
                    'cursor'    => 'example_cursor',
            'Missing cursor' => [
                (object) [
                    'has_more'  => 'example_cursor',

     * Tests for the has_additional_results API function.
     * @dataProvider has_additional_results_provider
     * @param   object      $result     The data to test
     * @param   bool        $expected   The expected result
    public function test_has_additional_results($result, $expected): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $mock->has_additional_results($result));

     * Data provider for check_and_handle_api_errors.
     * @return array
    public function check_and_handle_api_errors_provider() {
        return [
            '200 http_code' => [
                ['http_code' => 200],
            '400 http_code' => [
                ['http_code' => 400],
                'Invalid input parameter passed to DropBox API.',
            '401 http_code' => [
                ['http_code' => 401],
                'Authentication token expired',
            '409 http_code' => [
                ['http_code' => 409],
                json_decode('{"error": "Some value", "error_summary": "Some data here"}'),
                'Endpoint specific error: Some data here',
            '429 http_code' => [
                ['http_code' => 429],
                'Rate limit hit',
            '500 http_code' => [
                ['http_code' => 500],
                'Response body',
                '500: Response body',
            '599 http_code' => [
                ['http_code' => 599],
                'Response body',
                '599: Response body',
            '600 http_code (invalid, but not officially an error)' => [
                ['http_code' => 600],

     * Tests for check_and_handle_api_errors.
     * @dataProvider check_and_handle_api_errors_provider
     * @param   object      $info       The response to test
     * @param   string      $data       The contented returned by the curl call
     * @param   string      $exception  The name of the expected exception
     * @param   string      $exceptionmessage  The expected message in the exception
    public function test_check_and_handle_api_errors($info, $data, $exception, $exceptionmessage): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $mock->info = $info;

        $rc = new \ReflectionClass(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class);
        $rcm = $rc->getMethod('check_and_handle_api_errors');

        if ($exception) {

        if ($exceptionmessage) {

        $result = $rcm->invoke($mock, $data);


     * Data provider for the supports_thumbnail function.
     * @return array
    public function supports_thumbnail_provider() {
        $tests = [
            'Only files support thumbnails' => [
                (object) ['.tag' => 'folder'],
            'Dropbox currently only supports thumbnail generation for files under 20MB' => [
                (object) [
                    '.tag'          => 'file',
                    'size'          => 21 * 1024 * 1024,
            'Unusual file extension containing a working format but ending in a non-working one' => [
                (object) [
                    '.tag'          => 'file',
                    'size'          => 100 * 1024,
                    'path_lower'    => 'Example.jpg.pdf',
            'Unusual file extension ending in a working extension' => [
                (object) [
                    '.tag'          => 'file',
                    'size'          => 100 * 1024,
                    'path_lower'    => 'Example.pdf.jpg',

        // See docs at
        $types = [
                'pdf'   => false,
                'doc'   => false,
                'docx'  => false,
                'jpg'   => true,
                'jpeg'  => true,
                'png'   => true,
                'tiff'  => true,
                'tif'   => true,
                'gif'   => true,
                'bmp'   => true,
        foreach ($types as $type => $result) {
            $tests["Test support for {$type}"] = [
                (object) [
                    '.tag'          => 'file',
                    'size'          => 100 * 1024,
                    'path_lower'    => "example_filename.{$type}",

        return $tests;

     * Test the supports_thumbnail function.
     * @dataProvider supports_thumbnail_provider
     * @param   object      $entry      The entry to test
     * @param   bool        $expected   Whether this entry supports thumbnail generation
    public function test_supports_thumbnail($entry, $expected): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $this->assertEquals($expected, $mock->supports_thumbnail($entry));

     * Test that the logout makes a call to the correct revocation endpoint.
    public function test_logout_revocation(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

            ->with($this->equalTo('auth/token/revoke'), $this->equalTo(null));


     * Test that the logout function catches authentication_exception exceptions and discards them.
    public function test_logout_revocation_catch_auth_exception(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

            ->will($this->throwException(new \repository_dropbox\authentication_exception('Exception should be caught')));


     * Test that the logout function does not catch any other exception.
    public function test_logout_revocation_does_not_catch_other_exceptions(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

            ->will($this->throwException(new \repository_dropbox\rate_limit_exception));


     * Test basic fetch_dropbox_data function.
    public function test_fetch_dropbox_data_endpoint(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $endpoint = 'testEndpoint';

        // The fetch_dropbox_data call should be called against the standard endpoint only.



        // Make the call.
        $rc = new \ReflectionClass(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class);
        $rcm = $rc->getMethod('fetch_dropbox_data');
        $rcm->invoke($mock, $endpoint);

     * Some Dropbox endpoints require that the POSTFIELDS be set to null exactly.
    public function test_fetch_dropbox_data_postfields_null(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $endpoint = 'testEndpoint';

            ->with($this->anything(), $this->callback(function($d) {
                    return $d['CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS'] === 'null';

        // Make the call.
        $rc = new \ReflectionClass(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class);
        $rcm = $rc->getMethod('fetch_dropbox_data');
        $rcm->invoke($mock, $endpoint, null);

     * When data is specified, it should be json_encoded in POSTFIELDS.
    public function test_fetch_dropbox_data_postfields_data(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $endpoint = 'testEndpoint';
        $data = ['something' => 'somevalue'];

            ->with($this->anything(), $this->callback(function($d) use ($data) {
                    return $d['CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS'] === json_encode($data);

        // Make the call.
        $rc = new \ReflectionClass(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class);
        $rcm = $rc->getMethod('fetch_dropbox_data');
        $rcm->invoke($mock, $endpoint, $data);

     * When more results are available, these should be fetched until there are no more.
    public function test_fetch_dropbox_data_recurse_on_additional_records(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $endpoint = 'testEndpoint';

        // We can't detect if fetch_dropbox_data was called twice because
        // we can'
                json_encode(['has_more' => true, 'cursor' => 'Example', 'matches' => ['foo', 'bar']]),
                json_encode(['has_more' => true, 'cursor' => 'Example', 'matches' => ['baz']]),
                json_encode(['has_more' => false, 'cursor' => '', 'matches' => ['bum']])

        // We automatically adjust for the /continue endpoint.
            ->withConsecutive(['testEndpoint'], ['testEndpoint/continue'], ['testEndpoint/continue'])

        // Make the call.
        $rc = new \ReflectionClass(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class);
        $rcm = $rc->getMethod('fetch_dropbox_data');
        $result = $rcm->invoke($mock, $endpoint, null, 'matches');

        ], $result->matches);


     * Base tests for the fetch_dropbox_content function.
    public function test_fetch_dropbox_content(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $data = ['exampledata' => 'examplevalue'];
        $endpoint = 'getContent';
        $url = "{$endpoint}";
        $response = 'Example content';

        // Only the content endpoint should be called.


                [$this->equalTo('Content-Type: ')],
                [$this->equalTo('Dropbox-API-Arg: ' . json_encode($data))]

        // Only one request should be made, and it should forcibly be a POST.
            ->with($this->equalTo($url), $this->callback(function($options) {
                return $options['CURLOPT_POST'] === 1;


        // Make the call.
        $rc = new \ReflectionClass(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class);
        $rcm = $rc->getMethod('fetch_dropbox_content');
        $result = $rcm->invoke($mock, $endpoint, $data);

        $this->assertEquals($response, $result);

     * Test that the get_file_share_info function returns an existing link if one is available.
    public function test_get_file_share_info_existing(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $id = 'LifeTheUniverseAndEverything';
        $file = (object) ['.tag' => 'file', 'id' => $id, 'path_lower' => 'SomeValue'];
        $sharelink = '';

        // Mock fetch_dropbox_data to return an existing file.
                $this->equalTo(['path' => $id])
            ->willReturn((object) ['links' => [$file]]);


        $this->assertEquals($sharelink, $mock->get_file_share_info($id));

     * Test that the get_file_share_info function creates a new link if one is not available.
    public function test_get_file_share_info_new(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $id = 'LifeTheUniverseAndEverything';
        $file = (object) ['.tag' => 'file', 'id' => $id, 'path_lower' => 'SomeValue'];
        $sharelink = '';

        // Mock fetch_dropbox_data to return an existing file.
                [$this->equalTo('sharing/list_shared_links'), $this->equalTo(['path' => $id])],
                [$this->equalTo('sharing/create_shared_link_with_settings'), $this->equalTo([
                    'path' => $id,
                    'settings' => [
                        'requested_visibility' => 'public',
                (object) ['links' => []],


        $this->assertEquals($sharelink, $mock->get_file_share_info($id));

     * Test failure behaviour with get_file_share_info fails to create a new link.
    public function test_get_file_share_info_new_failure(): void {
        $mock = $this->getMockBuilder(\repository_dropbox\dropbox::class)

        $id = 'LifeTheUniverseAndEverything';

        // Mock fetch_dropbox_data to return an existing file.
                [$this->equalTo('sharing/list_shared_links'), $this->equalTo(['path' => $id])],
                [$this->equalTo('sharing/create_shared_link_with_settings'), $this->equalTo([
                    'path' => $id,
                    'settings' => [
                        'requested_visibility' => 'public',
                (object) ['links' => []],

