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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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namespace core_reportbuilder\task;
use advanced_testcase;
use core_collator;
use core_reportbuilder_generator;
use core_reportbuilder\manager;
use core_reportbuilder\local\filters\user;
use core_reportbuilder\local\models\schedule;
use core_reportbuilder\local\filters\text;
use core_reportbuilder\reportbuilder\audience\manual;
use core_user;
use core_user\reportbuilder\datasource\users;
* Unit tests for ad-hoc task for sending report schedule
* @package core_reportbuilder
* @covers \core_reportbuilder\task\send_schedule
* @copyright 2021 Paul Holden <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class send_schedule_test extends advanced_testcase {
* Data provider for {@see test_execute_viewas_user}
* @return array[]
public function execute_report_viewas_user_provider(): array {
return [
'View report as schedule creator' => [schedule::REPORT_VIEWAS_CREATOR, null, 'admin', 'admin'],
'View report as schedule recipient' => [schedule::REPORT_VIEWAS_RECIPIENT, null, 'userone', 'usertwo'],
'View report as specific user' => [null, 'userone', 'userone', 'userone'],
* Test executing task for a schedule with differing "View as user" configuration
* @param int|null $viewasuser
* @param string|null $viewasusername
* @param string $useronesees
* @param string $usertwosees
* @dataProvider execute_report_viewas_user_provider
public function test_execute_report_viewas_user(
?int $viewasuser,
?string $viewasusername,
string $useronesees,
string $usertwosees
): void {
$userone = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'username' => 'userone',
'email' => '',
'firstname' => 'Zoe',
'lastname' => 'Zebra',
$usertwo = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'username' => 'usertwo',
'email' => '',
'firstname' => 'Henrietta',
'lastname' => 'Hamster',
/** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
// Create a report, with a single column and condition that the current user only sees themselves.
$report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'Myself', 'source' => users::class, 'default' => false]);
$generator->create_column(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'uniqueidentifier' => 'user:username']);
$generator->create_condition(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'uniqueidentifier' => 'user:userselect']);
->set_condition_values(['user:userselect_operator' => user::USER_CURRENT]);
// Add audience/schedule for our two test users.
$audience = $generator->create_audience([
'reportid' => $report->get('id'),
'classname' => manual::class,
'configdata' => [
'users' => [$userone->id, $usertwo->id],
// If "View as user" isn't specified, it should be the ID of the given "View as username".
if ($viewasuser === null) {
$viewasuser = core_user::get_user_by_username($viewasusername, '*', null, MUST_EXIST)->id;
$schedule = $generator->create_schedule([
'reportid' => $report->get('id'),
'name' => 'My schedule',
'userviewas' => $viewasuser,
'audiences' => json_encode([$audience->get_persistent()->get('id')]),
// Send the schedule, catch emails in sink (noting the users are sorted alphabetically).
$sink = $this->redirectEmails();
$this->expectOutputRegex("/^Sending schedule: My schedule\n" .
" Sending to: " . fullname($usertwo) . "\n" .
" Sending to: " . fullname($userone) . "\n" .
"Sending schedule complete\n/"
$sendschedule = new send_schedule();
$sendschedule->set_custom_data(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'scheduleid' => $schedule->get('id')]);
$messages = $sink->get_messages();
$this->assertCount(2, $messages);
// Ensure caught messages are consistently ordered by recipient email prior to assertions.
core_collator::asort_objects_by_property($messages, 'to');
$messages = array_values($messages);
$messageoneattachment = self::extract_message_attachment($messages[0]->body);
$this->assertEquals($userone->email, $messages[0]->to);
$this->assertStringEndsWith("Username\n{$useronesees}\n", $messageoneattachment);
$messagetwoattachment = self::extract_message_attachment($messages[1]->body);
$this->assertEquals($usertwo->email, $messages[1]->to);
$this->assertStringEndsWith("Username\n{$usertwosees}\n", $messagetwoattachment);
* Test executing task where the schedule "View as user" is an inactive account
public function test_execute_report_viewas_user_invalid(): void {
/** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
$report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);
$audience = $generator->create_audience(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'configdata' => []]);
$schedule = $generator->create_schedule([
'reportid' => $report->get('id'),
'name' => 'My schedule',
'userviewas' => 42,
'audiences' => json_encode([$audience->get_persistent()->get('id')]),
$this->expectOutputRegex("/^Sending schedule: My schedule\nInvalid schedule view as user: Invalid user/");
$sendschedule = new send_schedule();
$sendschedule->set_custom_data(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'scheduleid' => $schedule->get('id')]);
* Test executing task for a schedule that is configured to not send empty reports
public function test_execute_report_empty(): void {
/** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
// Create a report that won't return any data.
$report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'Myself', 'source' => users::class, 'default' => false]);
$generator->create_column(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'uniqueidentifier' => 'user:username']);
$generator->create_condition(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'uniqueidentifier' => 'user:username']);
'user:username_operator' => text::IS_EQUAL_TO,
'user:username_value' => 'baconlettucetomato',
$audience = $generator->create_audience(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'configdata' => []]);
$schedule = $generator->create_schedule([
'reportid' => $report->get('id'),
'name' => 'My schedule',
'audiences' => json_encode([$audience->get_persistent()->get('id')]),
'reportempty' => schedule::REPORT_EMPTY_DONT_SEND,
$this->expectOutputString("Sending schedule: My schedule\n" .
" Empty report, skipping\n" .
"Sending schedule complete\n");
$sendschedule = new send_schedule();
$sendschedule->set_custom_data(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'scheduleid' => $schedule->get('id')]);
* Test executing task for a schedule that contains no recipients
public function test_execute_schedule_no_recipients(): void {
/** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
$report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);
$schedule = $generator->create_schedule(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule']);
$this->expectOutputString("Sending schedule: My schedule\n" .
"Sending schedule complete\n");
$sendschedule = new send_schedule();
$sendschedule->set_custom_data(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'scheduleid' => $schedule->get('id')]);
* Test executing task where the schedule creator is an inactive account
public function test_execute_schedule_creator_invalid(): void {
/** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
$report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);
$schedule = $generator->create_schedule(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule', 'usercreated' => 42]);
$this->expectOutputRegex("/^Sending schedule: My schedule\nInvalid schedule creator: Invalid user/");
$sendschedule = new send_schedule();
$sendschedule->set_custom_data(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'scheduleid' => $schedule->get('id')]);
* Test executing task given invalid schedule data
public function test_execute_schedule_invalid(): void {
/** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
$report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);
$this->expectOutputString("Invalid schedule\n");
$sendschedule = new send_schedule();
$sendschedule->set_custom_data(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'scheduleid' => 42]);
* Given a multi-part message in MIME format, return the base64 encoded attachment contained within
* @param string $messagebody
* @return string
private static function extract_message_attachment(string $messagebody): string {
$mimepart = preg_split('/Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="My schedule.csv"\s+/m', $messagebody);
// Extract the base64 encoded content after the "Content-Disposition" header.
preg_match_all('/^([A-Z0-9\/\+=]+)\s/im', $mimepart[1], $matches);
return base64_decode(implode($matches[0]));