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@core_reportbuilder @javascript
Feature: Manage card view settings in the report editor
In order to manage a report card view settings
As an admin
I need to be able to edit and save the form
Given the following "core_reportbuilder > Reports" exist:
| name | source | default |
| My report | core_user\reportbuilder\datasource\users | 0 |
And the following "core_reportbuilder > Columns" exist:
| report | uniqueidentifier |
| My report | user:fullname |
| My report | user:email |
| My report | user:city |
And the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email | city |
| l.smith | Lionel | Smith | | Bilbao |
Scenario: Edit card view settings form
When I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
Then I change window size to "large"
And I click on "Show/hide 'Card view'" "button"
# Check default values.
And the following fields match these values:
| Columns visible | 1 |
| First column title | No |
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Columns visible | 3 |
| First column title | Yes |
And I press "Save changes"
And I should see "Card view settings saved"
# Let's check that after switching to preview mode card view form gets rendered again.
And I click on "Switch to preview mode" "button"
And I click on "Switch to edit mode" "button"
And I click on "Show/hide 'Card view'" "button"
And the following fields match these values:
| Columns visible | 3 |
| First column title | Yes |
And I click on "Delete column 'Full name'" "button"
And I click on "Delete" "button" in the "Delete column 'Full name'" "dialogue"
# Check that 'Columns visible' select updates taking into account report maximum columns.
And the field "visiblecolumns" matches value "2"
And the "visiblecolumns" select box should not contain "3"
Scenario: Show Card view
When I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I change window size to "large"
And I press "Switch to preview mode"
And I change window size to "530x812"
# Card view should just show user fullname while collapsed with default settings.
And I should see "Lionel Smith" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "Bilbao" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I click on "Show/hide 'Lionel Smith'" "button" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "Lionel Smith" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "Bilbao" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
# Card view do not show first column title with default settings.
And "[data-cardtitle=\"Full name\"]" "css_element" should not exist in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "[data-cardtitle=\"Email address\"]" "css_element" should exist in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "[data-cardtitle=\"City/town\"]" "css_element" should exist in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
# Change 'Columns visible' to 3 and 'First column title' to yes.
And I change window size to "large"
And I press "Switch to edit mode"
And I click on "Show/hide 'Card view'" "button"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Columns visible | 3 |
| First column title | Yes |
And I press "Save changes"
# Check now all the columns are shown in the card and there is no toggle button.
And I press "Switch to preview mode"
And I change window size to "530x812"
And I should see "Lionel Smith" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "Bilbao" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "[data-cardtitle=\"Full name\"]" "css_element" should exist in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "[data-cardtitle=\"Email address\"]" "css_element" should exist in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "[data-cardtitle=\"City/town\"]" "css_element" should exist in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "Show/hide 'Lionel Smith'" "button" should not exist
Scenario Outline: Toggle card view according to content of first column
Given the following "core_reportbuilder > Reports" exist:
| name | source | default |
| New report | core_user\reportbuilder\datasource\users | 0 |
And the following "core_reportbuilder > Columns" exist:
| report | uniqueidentifier |
| New report | <firstcolumn> |
| New report | user:email |
And the following "core_reportbuilder > Conditions" exist:
| report | uniqueidentifier |
| New report | user:username |
When I am on the "New report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on "Show/hide 'Conditions'" "button"
# Make sure we're only viewing our test user in the report.
And I set the following fields in the "Username" "core_reportbuilder > Condition" to these values:
| Username operator | Is equal to |
| Username value | l.smith |
And I click on "Apply" "button" in the "[data-region='settings-conditions']" "css_element"
# Now use the card show/hide toggle.
And I change window size to "530x812"
And I press "Switch to preview mode"
And I should not see "" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I click on "<togglebutton>" "button" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
Then I should see "" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
| firstcolumn | togglebutton |
| user:fullnamewithlink | Show/hide 'Lionel Smith' |
| user:firstname | Show/hide 'Lionel' |
| user:idnumber | Show/hide card |