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@core_reportbuilder @javascript
Feature: Configure access to reports based on intended audience
As an admin
I want to restrict which users have access to a report
Given the following "custom profile fields" exist:
| datatype | shortname | name |
| text | fruit | Fruit |
And the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | middlename | lastname | email | profile_field_fruit |
| user1 | User | One | 1 | | Apple |
| user2 | User | Two | 2 | | Banana |
| user3 | User | Three | 3 | | Banana |
And the following "core_reportbuilder > Reports" exist:
| name | source | default |
| My report | core_user\reportbuilder\datasource\users | 1 |
Scenario: Configure report audience with manually added users audience type
When I log in as "user1"
And I follow "Reports" in the user menu
And I should see "Nothing to display"
And I log out
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
And I should see "Nothing to display"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
And I should see "There are no audiences for this report"
And I click on "Add audience 'Manually added users'" "link"
And I should see "Added audience 'Manually added users'"
And I should see "Audience not saved" in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience"
And I set the following fields in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" to these values:
| Add users manually | User 1,User 3 |
And I press "Save changes"
And I should see "Audience saved"
And I should not see "Audience not saved" in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience"
And I should see "User 1, User 3" in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience"
And I should not see "There are no audiences for this report"
And I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
And I should see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "User 2" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User 3" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I log out
And I log in as "user1"
And I follow "Reports" in the user menu
Then I should see "My report" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I click on "My report" "link" in the "My report" "table_row"
And I should see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
Scenario: Configure report audience with administrator audience type
Given I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
When I click on "Add audience 'Site administrators'" "link"
And I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Audience saved"
And I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
And I should see "Admin User" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "User 2" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "User 3" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
Scenario: Configure report audience with has system role audience type
Given the following "role assigns" exist:
| user | role | contextlevel | reference |
| user2 | manager | System | |
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
When I click on "Add audience 'Assigned system role'" "link"
And I should see "Added audience 'Assigned system role'"
And I set the following fields in the "Assigned system role" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" to these values:
| Select a role | Manager |
And I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Audience saved"
And I should see "Manager" in the "Assigned system role" "core_reportbuilder > Audience"
And I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
And I should not see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User 2" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "User 3" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I log out
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > View" page logged in as "user2"
And I should see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
Scenario: Configure report audience with Member of cohort audience type
Given the following "cohorts" exist:
| name | idnumber |
| Cohort1 | cohort1 |
And the following "cohort members" exist:
| cohort | user |
| cohort1 | user3 |
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
When I click on "Add audience 'Member of cohort'" "link"
And I should see "Added audience 'Member of cohort'"
And I set the following fields in the "Member of cohort" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" to these values:
| Select members from cohort | Cohort1 |
And I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Audience saved"
And I should see "Cohort1" in the "Member of cohort" "core_reportbuilder > Audience"
And I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
And I should not see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "User 2" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User 3" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I log out
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > View" page logged in as "user3"
And I should see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
Scenario: Configure report audience with Member of cohort audience type with no cohorts available
Given I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
When I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
Then "Add audience 'All users'" "link" should exist
# This audience type should be disabled because there are no cohorts available.
And "Add audience 'Member of cohort'" "link" should not exist
And the "title" attribute of "//div[@data-region='sidebar-menu']/descendant::div[normalize-space(.)='Member of cohort']" "xpath_element" should contain "Not available"
Scenario: Configure report audience as user who cannot use specific audience
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname |
| manager1 | Manager | 1 |
And the following "role assigns" exist:
| user | role | contextlevel | reference |
| manager1 | manager | System | |
And the following "permission overrides" exist:
| capability | permission | role | contextlevel | reference |
| moodle/reportbuilder:editall | Allow | manager | System | |
| moodle/cohort:view | Prohibit | manager | System | |
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "manager1"
When I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
Then I should not see "Member of cohort" in the "[data-region='sidebar-menu']" "css_element"
Scenario: Search for and add audience to report
Given I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
When I set the field "Search" in the "[data-region=sidebar-menu]" "css_element" to "All users"
Then I should see "All users" in the "[data-region=sidebar-menu]" "css_element"
And I should not see "Member of cohort" in the "[data-region=sidebar-menu]" "css_element"
And I click on "Add audience 'All users'" "link"
And I should see "Added audience 'All users'"
And I press "Save changes"
And I should see "Audience saved"
Scenario: Rename report audience
Given I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
And I click on "Add audience 'All users'" "link"
And I press "Save changes"
When I set the field "Rename audience 'All users'" to "All my lovely users"
And I reload the page
Then I should see "All my lovely users" in the "[data-region='audience-card']" "css_element"
Scenario: Rename report audience using filters
Given the "multilang" filter is "on"
And the "multilang" filter applies to "content and headings"
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
And I click on "Add audience 'All users'" "link"
And I press "Save changes"
When I set the field "Rename audience 'All users'" to "<span class=\"multilang\" lang=\"en\">English</span><span class=\"multilang\" lang=\"es\">Spanish</span>"
And I reload the page
Then I should see "English" in the "[data-region='audience-card']" "css_element"
And I should not see "Spanish" in the "[data-region='audience-card']" "css_element"
Scenario: Delete report audience
Given I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
And I click on "Add audience 'All users'" "link"
And I press "Save changes"
When I click on "Delete audience 'All users'" "button"
And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the audience 'All users'?" in the "Delete audience 'All users'" "dialogue"
And I click on "Delete" "button" in the "Delete audience 'All users'" "dialogue"
Then I should see "Deleted audience 'All users'"
And "All users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" should not exist
And I should see "There are no audiences for this report"
Scenario: Delete report audience used in schedule
Given the following "core_reportbuilder > Audiences" exist:
| report | configdata |
| My report | |
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Schedules" dynamic tab
And I press "New schedule"
And I set the following fields in the "New schedule" "dialogue" to these values:
| Name | My schedule |
| Starting from | ##tomorrow 11:00## |
| All users | 1 |
| Subject | Cause you know just what to say |
| Body | And you know just what to do |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "New schedule" "dialogue"
When I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
Then I should see "This audience is used in a schedule for this report" in the "All users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience"
And I click on "Delete audience 'All users'" "button"
And I should see "This audience is used in a schedule for this report" in the "Delete audience 'All users'" "dialogue"
And I click on "Delete" "button" in the "Delete audience 'All users'" "dialogue"
And I should see "Deleted audience 'All users'"
And "All users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" should not exist
And I should see "There are no audiences for this report"
Scenario: Edit report audience with manually added users audience type
Given I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
And I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
And I should see "Nothing to display"
And I click on the "Audience" dynamic tab
And I click on "Add audience 'Manually added users'" "link"
And I set the following fields in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" to these values:
| Add users manually | User 1,User 3 |
And I press "Save changes"
When I press "Edit audience 'Manually added users'"
And "User 1" "autocomplete_selection" in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" should be visible
And "User 3" "autocomplete_selection" in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" should be visible
And I set the following fields in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience" to these values:
| Add users manually | User 2 |
And I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Audience saved"
And I should see "User 2" in the "Manually added users" "core_reportbuilder > Audience"
And I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
And I should not see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User 2" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "User 3" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
Scenario: View configured user additional names on the access tab
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| alternativefullnameformat | firstname middlename lastname |
And the following "core_reportbuilder > Audiences" exist:
| report | configdata |
| My report | |
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
When I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
Then I should see "User One 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User Two 2" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User Three 3" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
# Now sort each of them.
And I click on "First name" "link" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "Admin User" "table_row" should appear before "User One 1" "table_row"
And I click on "First name" "link" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "User One 1" "table_row" should appear before "Admin User" "table_row"
And I click on "Middle name" "link" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "User Two 2" "table_row" should appear before "User One 1" "table_row"
And I click on "Middle name" "link" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "User One 1" "table_row" should appear before "User Two 2" "table_row"
And I click on "Last name" "link" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "User One 1" "table_row" should appear before "User Two 2" "table_row"
And I click on "Last name" "link" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And "User Two 2" "table_row" should appear before "User One 1" "table_row"
Scenario: View configured user identity fields on the access tab
Given the following config values are set as admin:
| showuseridentity | email,profile_field_fruit |
And the following "core_reportbuilder > Audiences" exist:
| report | configdata |
| My report | |
And I am on the "My report" "reportbuilder > Editor" page logged in as "admin"
When I click on the "Access" dynamic tab
Then the following should exist in the "reportbuilder-table" table:
| -1- | Email address | Fruit |
| User 1 | | Apple |
| User 2 | | Banana |
| User 3 | | Banana |
# Now let's filter them.
And I click on "Filters" "button"
And I set the following fields in the "Fruit" "core_reportbuilder > Filter" to these values:
| Fruit operator | Is equal to |
| Fruit value | Banana |
And I click on "Apply" "button" in the "[data-region='report-filters']" "css_element"
And I should not see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User 2" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User 3" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I set the following fields in the "Email address" "core_reportbuilder > Filter" to these values:
| Email address operator | Contains |
| Email address value | user2 |
And I click on "Apply" "button" in the "[data-region='report-filters']" "css_element"
And I should not see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should see "User 2" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I should not see "User 3" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
Scenario: View report as a user with edit capability
Given the following "roles" exist:
| shortname | name | archetype |
| viewreportsrole | Test role | |
And the following "role assigns" exist:
| user | role | contextlevel | reference |
| user1 | viewreportsrole | System | |
And the following "permission overrides" exist:
| capability | permission | role | contextlevel | reference |
| moodle/reportbuilder:editall | Prohibit | viewreportsrole | System | |
| moodle/reportbuilder:edit | Allow | viewreportsrole | System | |
| moodle/reportbuilder:view | Prohibit | viewreportsrole | System | |
When I log in as "user1"
And I follow "Reports" in the user menu
And I should see "Nothing to display"
And I click on "New report" "button"
And I set the following fields in the "New report" "dialogue" to these values:
| Name | My user1 report |
| Report source | Users |
| Include default setup | 1 |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "New report" "dialogue"
And I click on "Close 'My user1 report' editor" "button"
And I should see "My user1 report" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I press "View report" action in the "My user1 report" report row
And I should see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
Scenario: View report as a user with editall capability
Given the following "roles" exist:
| shortname | name | archetype |
| viewreportsrole | Test role | |
And the following "role assigns" exist:
| user | role | contextlevel | reference |
| user1 | viewreportsrole | System | |
And the following "permission overrides" exist:
| capability | permission | role | contextlevel | reference |
| moodle/reportbuilder:editall | Allow | viewreportsrole | System | |
| moodle/reportbuilder:edit | Prohibit | viewreportsrole | System | |
| moodle/reportbuilder:view | Prohibit | viewreportsrole | System | |
When I log in as "user1"
And I follow "Reports" in the user menu
Then I should see "My report" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"
And I press "View report" action in the "My report" report row
And I should see "User 1" in the "reportbuilder-table" "table"