Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.


namespace core_reportbuilder\table;

use action_menu;
use action_menu_filler;
use core_table\local\filter\filterset;
use html_writer;
use moodle_exception;
use stdClass;
use core_reportbuilder\{manager, system_report};
use core_reportbuilder\local\models\report;

 * System report dynamic table class
 * @package     core_reportbuilder
 * @copyright   2020 Paul Holden <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class system_report_table extends base_report_table {

    /** @var system_report $report */
    protected $report;

    /** @var string Unique ID prefix for the table */
    private const UNIQUEID_PREFIX = 'system-report-table-';

     * Table constructor. Note that the passed unique ID value must match the pattern "system-report-table-(\d+)" so that
     * dynamic updates continue to load the same report
     * @param string $uniqueid
     * @param array $parameters
     * @throws moodle_exception For invalid unique ID
    public function __construct(string $uniqueid, array $parameters = []) {
        if (!preg_match('/^' . self::UNIQUEID_PREFIX . '(?<id>\d+)$/', $uniqueid, $matches)) {
            throw new moodle_exception('invalidsystemreportid', 'core_reportbuilder', '', null, $uniqueid);


        // If we are loading via a dynamic table AJAX request, defer the report loading until the filterset is added to
        // the table, as it is used to populate the report $parameters during construction.
        $serviceinfo = optional_param('info', null, PARAM_RAW);
        if ($serviceinfo !== 'core_table_get_dynamic_table_content') {
            $this->load_report_instance((int) $matches['id'], $parameters);

     * Load the report persistent, and accompanying system report instance.
     * @param int $reportid
     * @param array $parameters
    private function load_report_instance(int $reportid, array $parameters): void {
        global $PAGE;

        $this->persistent = new report($reportid);
        $this->report = manager::get_report_from_persistent($this->persistent, $parameters);

        // TODO: can probably be removed pending MDL-72974.

        $fields = $this->report->get_base_fields();
        $maintable = $this->report->get_main_table();
        $maintablealias = $this->report->get_main_table_alias();
        $joins = $this->report->get_joins();
        [$where, $params] = $this->report->get_base_condition();

        $this->set_attribute('data-region', 'reportbuilder-table');
        $this->set_attribute('class', $this->attributes['class'] . ' reportbuilder-table');

        // Download options.
        $this->showdownloadbuttonsat = [TABLE_P_BOTTOM];
        $this->is_downloading($parameters['download'] ?? null, $this->report->get_downloadfilename());

        // Retrieve all report columns. If we are downloading the report, remove as required.
        $columns = $this->report->get_active_columns();
        if ($this->is_downloading()) {
            $columns = array_diff_key($columns,

        $columnheaders = $columnsattributes = [];

        // Check whether report has checkbox toggle defined, note that select all is excluded during download.
        if (($checkbox = $this->report->get_checkbox_toggleall(true)) && !$this->is_downloading()) {
            $columnheaders['selectall'] = $PAGE->get_renderer('core')->render($checkbox);

        $columnindex = 1;
        foreach ($columns as $identifier => $column) {

            $columnheaders[$column->get_column_alias()] = $column->get_title();

            // Specify whether column should behave as a user fullname column unless the column has a custom title set.
            if (preg_match('/^user:fullname.*$/', $column->get_unique_identifier()) && !$column->has_custom_title()) {
                $this->userfullnamecolumns[] = $column->get_column_alias();

            // Add each columns fields, joins and params to our report.
            $fields = array_merge($fields, $column->get_fields());
            $joins = array_merge($joins, $column->get_joins());
            $params = array_merge($params, $column->get_params());

            // Disable sorting for some columns.
            if (!$column->get_is_sortable()) {

            // Generate column attributes to be included in each cell.
            $columnsattributes[$column->get_column_alias()] = $column->get_attributes();

        // If the report has any actions then append appropriate column, note that actions are excluded during download.
        if ($this->report->has_actions() && !$this->is_downloading()) {
            $columnheaders['actions'] = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('actions', 'core_reportbuilder'), [
                'class' => 'sr-only',


        // Add column attributes to the table.

        // Initial table sort column.
        if ($sortcolumn = $this->report->get_initial_sort_column()) {
            $this->sortable(true, $sortcolumn->get_column_alias(), $this->report->get_initial_sort_direction());

        // Table configuration.

        // Initialise table SQL properties.
        $fieldsql = implode(', ', $fields);
        $this->init_sql($fieldsql, "{{$maintable}} {$maintablealias}", $joins, $where, $params);

     * Return a new instance of the class for given report ID. We include report parameters here so they are present during
     * initialisation
     * @param int $reportid
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return static
    public static function create(int $reportid, array $parameters): self {
        return new static(self::UNIQUEID_PREFIX . $reportid, $parameters);

     * Set the filterset in the table class. We set the report parameters here so that they are persisted while paging
     * @param filterset $filterset
    public function set_filterset(filterset $filterset): void {
        $reportid = $filterset->get_filter('reportid')->current();
        $parameters = $filterset->get_filter('parameters')->current();

        $this->load_report_instance($reportid, json_decode($parameters, true));


     * Override parent method for retrieving row class with that defined by the system report
     * @param array|stdClass $row
     * @return string
    public function get_row_class($row) {
        return $this->report->get_row_class((object) $row);

     * Format each row of returned data, executing defined callbacks for the row and each column
     * @param array|stdClass $row
     * @return array
    public function format_row($row) {
        global $PAGE;

        $this->report->row_callback((object) $row);

        // Walk over the row, and for any key that matches one of our column aliases, call that columns format method.
        $columnsbyalias = $this->report->get_active_columns_by_alias();
        $row = (array) $row;
        array_walk($row, static function(&$value, $key) use ($columnsbyalias, $row): void {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $columnsbyalias)) {
                $value = $columnsbyalias[$key]->format_value($row);

        // Check whether report has checkbox toggle defined.
        if ($checkbox = $this->report->get_checkbox_toggleall(false, (object) $row)) {
            $row['selectall'] = $PAGE->get_renderer('core')->render($checkbox);

        // Now check for any actions.
        if ($this->report->has_actions()) {
            $row['actions'] = $this->format_row_actions((object) $row);

        return $row;

     * Return formatted actions column for the row
     * @param stdClass $row
     * @return string
    private function format_row_actions(stdClass $row): string {
        global $OUTPUT;

        $menu = new action_menu();
        $menu->set_menu_trigger($OUTPUT->pix_icon('a/setting', get_string('actions', 'core_reportbuilder')));

        $actions = array_filter($this->report->get_actions(), function($action) use ($row) {
            // Only return dividers and action items who can be displayed for current users.
            return $action instanceof action_menu_filler || $action->get_action_link($row);

        $totalactions = count($actions);
        $actionvalues = array_values($actions);
        foreach ($actionvalues as $position => $action) {
            if ($action instanceof action_menu_filler) {
                $ispreviousdivider = array_key_exists($position - 1, $actionvalues) &&
                    ($actionvalues[$position - 1] instanceof action_menu_filler);
                $isnextdivider = array_key_exists($position + 1, $actionvalues) &&
                    ($actionvalues[$position + 1] instanceof action_menu_filler);
                $isfirstdivider = ($position === 0);
                $islastdivider = ($position === $totalactions - 1);

                // Avoid add divider at last/first position and having multiple fillers in a row.
                if ($ispreviousdivider || $isnextdivider || $isfirstdivider || $islastdivider) {
                $actionlink = $action;
            } else {
                // Ensure the action link can be displayed for the current row.
                $actionlink = $action->get_action_link($row);

            if ($actionlink) {
        return $OUTPUT->render($menu);

     * Get the html for the download buttons
     * @return string
    public function download_buttons(): string {
        global $OUTPUT;

        if ($this->report->can_be_downloaded() && !$this->is_downloading()) {
            return $OUTPUT->download_dataformat_selector(
                get_string('downloadas', 'table'),
                new \moodle_url('/reportbuilder/download.php'),
                    'id' => $this->persistent->get('id'),
                    'parameters' => json_encode($this->report->get_parameters()),

        return '';