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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace core_reportbuilder\local\report;
use coding_exception;
use context;
use lang_string;
use core_reportbuilder\local\entities\base as entity_base;
use core_reportbuilder\local\filters\base as filter_base;
use core_reportbuilder\local\helpers\database;
use core_reportbuilder\local\helpers\user_filter_manager;
use core_reportbuilder\local\models\report;
* Base class for all reports
* @package core_reportbuilder
* @copyright 2020 Paul Holden <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class base {
/** @var int Custom report type value */
public const TYPE_CUSTOM_REPORT = 0;
/** @var int System report type value */
public const TYPE_SYSTEM_REPORT = 1;
/** @var int Default paging limit */
public const DEFAULT_PAGESIZE = 30;
/** @var report $report Report persistent */
private $report;
/** @var string $maintable */
private $maintable = '';
/** @var string $maintablealias */
private $maintablealias = '';
/** @var array $sqljoins */
private $sqljoins = [];
/** @var array $sqlwheres */
private $sqlwheres = [];
/** @var array $sqlparams */
private $sqlparams = [];
/** @var entity_base[] $entities */
private $entities = [];
/** @var lang_string[] */
private $entitytitles = [];
/** @var column[] $columns */
private $columns = [];
/** @var filter[] $conditions */
private $conditions = [];
/** @var filter[] $filters */
private $filters = [];
/** @var bool $downloadable Set if the report can be downloaded */
private $downloadable = false;
/** @var string $downloadfilename Name of the downloaded file */
private $downloadfilename = '';
/** @var int Default paging size */
private $defaultperpage = self::DEFAULT_PAGESIZE;
/** @var array $attributes */
private $attributes = [];
/** @var lang_string $noresultsnotice */
private $noresultsnotice;
* Base report constructor
* @param report $report
public function __construct(report $report) {
$this->report = $report;
$this->noresultsnotice = new lang_string('nothingtodisplay');
// Initialise and validate the report.
* Returns persistent class used when initialising this report
* @return report
final public function get_report_persistent(): report {
return $this->report;
* Return user friendly name of the report
* @return string
abstract public static function get_name(): string;
* Initialise report. Specify which columns, filters, etc should be present
* To set the base query use:
* - {@see set_main_table}
* - {@see add_base_condition_simple} or {@see add_base_condition_sql}
* - {@see add_join}
* To add content to the report use:
* - {@see add_entity}
* - {@see add_column}
* - {@see add_filter}
* - etc
abstract protected function initialise(): void;
* Get the report availability. Sub-classes should override this method to declare themselves unavailable, for example if
* they require classes that aren't present due to missing plugin
* @return bool
public static function is_available(): bool {
return true;
* Perform some basic validation about expected class properties
* @throws coding_exception
protected function validate(): void {
if (empty($this->maintable)) {
throw new coding_exception('Report must define main table by calling $this->set_main_table()');
if (empty($this->columns)) {
throw new coding_exception('Report must define at least one column by calling $this->add_column()');
* Set the main table and alias for the SQL query
* @param string $tablename
* @param string $tablealias
final public function set_main_table(string $tablename, string $tablealias = ''): void {
$this->maintable = $tablename;
$this->maintablealias = $tablealias;
* Get the main table name
* @return string
final public function get_main_table(): string {
return $this->maintable;
* Get the alias for the main table
* @return string
final public function get_main_table_alias(): string {
return $this->maintablealias;
* Adds report JOIN clause that is always added
* @param string $join
* @param array $params
* @param bool $validateparams Some queries might add non-standard params and validation could fail
protected function add_join(string $join, array $params = [], bool $validateparams = true): void {
if ($validateparams) {
$this->sqljoins[trim($join)] = trim($join);
$this->sqlparams += $params;
* Return report JOIN clauses
* @return array
public function get_joins(): array {
return array_values($this->sqljoins);
* Define simple "field = value" clause to apply to the report query
* @param string $fieldname
* @param mixed $fieldvalue
final public function add_base_condition_simple(string $fieldname, $fieldvalue): void {
if ($fieldvalue === null) {
$this->add_base_condition_sql("{$fieldname} IS NULL");
} else {
$fieldvalueparam = database::generate_param_name();
$this->add_base_condition_sql("{$fieldname} = :{$fieldvalueparam}", [
$fieldvalueparam => $fieldvalue,
* Define more complex/non-empty clause to apply to the report query
* @param string $where
* @param array $params Note that the param names should be generated by {@see database::generate_param_name}
final public function add_base_condition_sql(string $where, array $params = []): void {
// Validate parameters always, so that potential errors are caught early.
if ($where !== '') {
$this->sqlwheres[] = trim($where);
$this->sqlparams = $params + $this->sqlparams;
* Return base select/params for the report query
* @return array [string $select, array $params]
final public function get_base_condition(): array {
return [
implode(' AND ', $this->sqlwheres),
* Adds given entity, along with it's columns and filters, to the report
* @param entity_base $entity
final protected function add_entity(entity_base $entity): void {
$entityname = $entity->get_entity_name();
$this->annotate_entity($entityname, $entity->get_entity_title());
$this->entities[$entityname] = $entity->initialise();
* Returns the entity added to the report from the given entity name
* @param string $name
* @return entity_base
* @throws coding_exception
final protected function get_entity(string $name): entity_base {
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->entities)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid entity name', $name);
return $this->entities[$name];
* Returns the list of all the entities added to the report
* @return entity_base[]
final protected function get_entities(): array {
return $this->entities;
* Define a new entity for the report
* @param string $name
* @param lang_string $title
* @throws coding_exception
final protected function annotate_entity(string $name, lang_string $title): void {
if ($name === '' || $name !== clean_param($name, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT)) {
throw new coding_exception('Entity name must be comprised of alphanumeric character, underscore or dash');
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->entitytitles)) {
throw new coding_exception('Duplicate entity name', $name);
$this->entitytitles[$name] = $title;
* Returns title of given report entity
* @param string $name
* @return lang_string
* @throws coding_exception
final public function get_entity_title(string $name): lang_string {
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->entitytitles)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid entity name', $name);
return $this->entitytitles[$name];
* Adds a column to the report
* @param column $column
* @return column
* @throws coding_exception
final protected function add_column(column $column): column {
if (!array_key_exists($column->get_entity_name(), $this->entitytitles)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid entity name', $column->get_entity_name());
$name = $column->get_name();
if (empty($name) || $name !== clean_param($name, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT)) {
throw new coding_exception('Column name must be comprised of alphanumeric character, underscore or dash');
$uniqueidentifier = $column->get_unique_identifier();
if (array_key_exists($uniqueidentifier, $this->columns)) {
throw new coding_exception('Duplicate column identifier', $uniqueidentifier);
$this->columns[$uniqueidentifier] = $column;
return $column;
* Add given column to the report from an entity
* The entity must have already been added to the report before calling this method
* @param string $uniqueidentifier
* @return column
final protected function add_column_from_entity(string $uniqueidentifier): column {
[$entityname, $columnname] = explode(':', $uniqueidentifier, 2);
return $this->add_column($this->get_entity($entityname)->get_column($columnname));
* Add given columns to the report from one or more entities
* Each entity must have already been added to the report before calling this method
* @param string[] $columns Unique identifier of each entity column
final protected function add_columns_from_entities(array $columns): void {
foreach ($columns as $column) {
* Return report column by unique identifier
* @param string $uniqueidentifier
* @return column|null
final public function get_column(string $uniqueidentifier): ?column {
return $this->columns[$uniqueidentifier] ?? null;
* Return all available report columns
* @return column[]
final public function get_columns(): array {
return array_filter($this->columns, static function(column $column): bool {
return $column->get_is_available();
* Return all active report columns (by default, all available columns)
* @return column[]
public function get_active_columns(): array {
$columns = $this->get_columns();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
if ($column->get_is_deprecated()) {
debugging("The column '{$column->get_unique_identifier()}' is deprecated, please do not use it any more." .
" {$column->get_is_deprecated_message()}", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return $columns;
* Return all active report columns, keyed by their alias (only active columns in a report would have a valid alias/index)
* @return column[]
final public function get_active_columns_by_alias(): array {
$columns = [];
foreach ($this->get_active_columns() as $column) {
$columns[$column->get_column_alias()] = $column;
return $columns;
* Adds a condition to the report
* @param filter $condition
* @return filter
* @throws coding_exception
final protected function add_condition(filter $condition): filter {
if (!array_key_exists($condition->get_entity_name(), $this->entitytitles)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid entity name', $condition->get_entity_name());
$name = $condition->get_name();
if (empty($name) || $name !== clean_param($name, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT)) {
throw new coding_exception('Condition name must be comprised of alphanumeric character, underscore or dash');
$uniqueidentifier = $condition->get_unique_identifier();
if (array_key_exists($uniqueidentifier, $this->conditions)) {
throw new coding_exception('Duplicate condition identifier', $uniqueidentifier);
$this->conditions[$uniqueidentifier] = $condition;
return $condition;
* Add given condition to the report from an entity
* The entity must have already been added to the report before calling this method
* @param string $uniqueidentifier
* @return filter
final protected function add_condition_from_entity(string $uniqueidentifier): filter {
[$entityname, $conditionname] = explode(':', $uniqueidentifier, 2);
return $this->add_condition($this->get_entity($entityname)->get_condition($conditionname));
* Add given conditions to the report from one or more entities
* Each entity must have already been added to the report before calling this method
* @param string[] $conditions Unique identifier of each entity condition
final protected function add_conditions_from_entities(array $conditions): void {
foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
* Return report condition by unique identifier
* @param string $uniqueidentifier
* @return filter|null
final public function get_condition(string $uniqueidentifier): ?filter {
return $this->conditions[$uniqueidentifier] ?? null;
* Return all available report conditions
* @return filter[]
final public function get_conditions(): array {
return array_filter($this->conditions, static function(filter $condition): bool {
return $condition->get_is_available();
* Return all active report conditions (by default, all available conditions)
* @return filter[]
public function get_active_conditions(): array {
$conditions = $this->get_conditions();
foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
if ($condition->get_is_deprecated()) {
debugging("The condition '{$condition->get_unique_identifier()}' is deprecated, please do not use it any more." .
" {$condition->get_is_deprecated_message()}", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return $conditions;
* Return all active report condition instances
* @return filter_base[]
final public function get_condition_instances(): array {
return array_map(static function(filter $condition): filter_base {
/** @var filter_base $conditionclass */
$conditionclass = $condition->get_filter_class();
return $conditionclass::create($condition);
}, $this->get_active_conditions());
* Set the condition values of the report
* @param array $values
* @return bool
final public function set_condition_values(array $values): bool {
$this->report->set('conditiondata', json_encode($values))
return true;
* Get the condition values of the report
* @return array
final public function get_condition_values(): array {
$conditions = (string) $this->report->get('conditiondata');
return (array) json_decode($conditions);
* Set the settings values of the report
* @param array $values
* @return bool
final public function set_settings_values(array $values): bool {
$currentsettings = $this->get_settings_values();
$settings = array_merge($currentsettings, $values);
$this->report->set('settingsdata', json_encode($settings))
return true;
* Get the settings values of the report
* @return array
final public function get_settings_values(): array {
$settings = (string) $this->report->get('settingsdata');
return (array) json_decode($settings);
* Adds a filter to the report
* @param filter $filter
* @return filter
* @throws coding_exception
final protected function add_filter(filter $filter): filter {
if (!array_key_exists($filter->get_entity_name(), $this->entitytitles)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid entity name', $filter->get_entity_name());
$name = $filter->get_name();
if (empty($name) || $name !== clean_param($name, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT)) {
throw new coding_exception('Filter name must be comprised of alphanumeric character, underscore or dash');
$uniqueidentifier = $filter->get_unique_identifier();
if (array_key_exists($uniqueidentifier, $this->filters)) {
throw new coding_exception('Duplicate filter identifier', $uniqueidentifier);
$this->filters[$uniqueidentifier] = $filter;
return $filter;
* Add given filter to the report from an entity
* The entity must have already been added to the report before calling this method
* @param string $uniqueidentifier
* @return filter
final protected function add_filter_from_entity(string $uniqueidentifier): filter {
[$entityname, $filtername] = explode(':', $uniqueidentifier, 2);
return $this->add_filter($this->get_entity($entityname)->get_filter($filtername));
* Add given filters to the report from one or more entities
* Each entity must have already been added to the report before calling this method
* @param string[] $filters Unique identifier of each entity filter
final protected function add_filters_from_entities(array $filters): void {
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
* Return report filter by unique identifier
* @param string $uniqueidentifier
* @return filter|null
final public function get_filter(string $uniqueidentifier): ?filter {
return $this->filters[$uniqueidentifier] ?? null;
* Return all available report filters
* @return filter[]
final public function get_filters(): array {
return array_filter($this->filters, static function(filter $filter): bool {
return $filter->get_is_available();
* Return all active report filters (by default, all available filters)
* @return filter[]
public function get_active_filters(): array {
$filters = $this->get_filters();
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
if ($filter->get_is_deprecated()) {
debugging("The filter '{$filter->get_unique_identifier()}' is deprecated, please do not use it any more." .
" {$filter->get_is_deprecated_message()}", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return $filters;
* Return all active report filter instances
* @return filter_base[]
final public function get_filter_instances(): array {
return array_map(static function(filter $filter): filter_base {
/** @var filter_base $filterclass */
$filterclass = $filter->get_filter_class();
return $filterclass::create($filter);
}, $this->get_active_filters());
* Set the filter values of the report
* @param array $values
* @return bool
final public function set_filter_values(array $values): bool {
return user_filter_manager::set($this->report->get('id'), $values);
* Get the filter values of the report
* @return array
final public function get_filter_values(): array {
return user_filter_manager::get($this->report->get('id'));
* Return the number of filter instances that are being applied based on the report's filter values (i.e. user has
* configured them from their initial "Any value" state)
* @return int
final public function get_applied_filter_count(): int {
$values = $this->get_filter_values();
$applied = array_filter($this->get_filter_instances(), static function(filter_base $filter) use ($values): bool {
return $filter->applies_to_values($values);
return count($applied);
* Set if the report can be downloaded.
* @param bool $downloadable
* @param string|null $downloadfilename If downloadable, then the name of the file (defaults to the name of the current report)
final public function set_downloadable(bool $downloadable, ?string $downloadfilename = null): void {
$this->downloadable = $downloadable;
$this->downloadfilename = $downloadfilename ?? static::get_name();
* Get if the report can be downloaded.
* @return bool
final public function is_downloadable(): bool {
return $this->downloadable;
* Return the downloadable report filename
* @return string
final public function get_downloadfilename(): string {
return $this->downloadfilename;
* Returns the report context
* @return context
public function get_context(): context {
return $this->report->get_context();
* Set the default 'per page' size
* @param int $defaultperpage
public function set_default_per_page(int $defaultperpage): void {
$this->defaultperpage = $defaultperpage;
* Set the default lang string for the notice used when no results are found.
* @param lang_string|null $notice string, or null to tell the report to omit the notice entirely.
* @return void
public function set_default_no_results_notice(?lang_string $notice): void {
$this->noresultsnotice = $notice;
* Get the default lang string for the notice used when no results are found.
* @return lang_string|null the lang_string instance or null if the report prefers not to use one.
public function get_default_no_results_notice(): ?lang_string {
return $this->noresultsnotice;
* Default 'per page' size
* @return int
public function get_default_per_page(): int {
return $this->defaultperpage;
* Add report attributes (data-, class, etc.) that will be included in HTML when report is displayed
* @param array $attributes
* @return self
public function add_attributes(array $attributes): self {
$this->attributes = $attributes + $this->attributes;
return $this;
* Returns the report HTML attributes
* @return array
public function get_attributes(): array {
return $this->attributes;