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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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* Version information
* @package report_coursesize
* @copyright 2014 Catalyst IT {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['backupsize'] = 'Backup size';
$string['cachedef_topuserdata'] = 'Cached info about the users with the largest total amount of data';
$string['catsystemuse'] = 'System and category use outside users and courses is {$a}.';
$string['catsystembackupuse'] = 'System and category backup use is {$a}.';
$string['coursesize'] = 'Course size';
$string['coursebytes'] = '{$a->bytes} bytes used by course {$a->shortname}';
$string['coursebackupbytes'] = '{$a->backupbytes} bytes used for backup by course {$a->shortname}';
$string['coursereport'] = 'Summary of plugin types - NOTE this may be different than the main course listing and is probably more accurate.';
$string['coursesize:view'] = 'View course size report';
$string['diskusage'] = 'Total';
$string['nouserfiles'] = 'No user files listed.';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Course size';
$string['sizepermitted'] = '(Permitted usage {$a}MB)';
$string['sitefilesusage'] = 'File usage report';
$string['totalsitedata'] = 'Total sitedata usage: {$a}';
$string['userstopnum'] = 'Users (top {$a})';
$string['emptycourseshidden'] = 'Courses that do not use any file storage have been excluded from this report.';
$string['coursesize_desc'] = '<p>This report only provides approximate values, if a file is used multiple times within a course or in multiple courses the report counts each instance even though Moodle only stores one physical version on disk.</p>';
$string['sharedusage'] = 'Shared Usage';
$string['coursesummary'] = '(view stats)';
$string['sharedusagecourse'] = 'Approx {$a} is shared with other courses.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Course size plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['exportcsv'] = 'Export CSV';
$string['lastupdatenever'] = 'Waiting for scheduled task to generate stats.';
$string['lastupdate'] = '(Last updated {$a})';
$string['calcmethod'] = 'Update main report';
$string['calcmethodcron'] = 'Scheduled task';
$string['calcmethodlive'] = 'On page load';
$string['calcmethodhelp'] = 'If calculated by scheduled task, the report will update at the scheduled time and cache the results for later viewing. This is recommended over instant calculations because this can be an intensive/slow query to run.';
$string['numberofusers'] = 'Top number of users';
$string['numberofusershelp'] = 'How many of the top users the report will show.';
$string['filearea'] = 'File area';
$string['allcourses'] = 'All courses';