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* Auto backups table.
* @package report_allbackups
* @copyright 2020 Catalyst IT
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace report_allbackups\output;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
use moodle_url, html_writer, context_system, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php');
* Table to display automated backups stored on disk.
* @package report_allbackups
* @copyright 2020 Catalyst IT
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class autobackups_table extends \flexible_table {
* autobackups_table constructor.
* @param string $uniqueid
* @throws \coding_exception
public function __construct($uniqueid) {
global $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
$url = $PAGE->url;
$url->param('tab', 'autobackup');
if (!optional_param('downloadallselectedfiles', 0, PARAM_ALPHA)) {
// Set Download flag so we can check it before defining columns/headers to show.
// Don't set if downloading files.
$this->is_downloading(optional_param('download', '', PARAM_ALPHA), 'allbackups');
// Define the list of columns to show.
$columns = array();
$headers = array();
// Add selector column if not downloading report.
if (!$this->is_downloading()) {
// Add selector column to report.
$columns[] = 'selector';
$options = [
'id' => 'check-items',
'name' => 'check-items',
'value' => 1,
$mastercheckbox = new \core\output\checkbox_toggleall('items', true, $options);
$headers[] = $OUTPUT->render($mastercheckbox);
$columns = array_merge($columns, array('filename', 'size', 'timemodified'));
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(get_string('name'), get_string('size'), get_string('date')));
// Add actions column if not downloading this report.
if (!$this->is_downloading()) {
array_push($columns, 'action');
array_push($headers, get_string('action'));
* Helper function to add data to table.
* Implements custom sort/pagination as we don't use sql to build this table.
* @throws \dml_exception
public function adddata() {
global $SESSION;
$rows = array();
$backupdest = get_config('backup', 'backup_auto_destination');
$directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($backupdest);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory);
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
// Sanity check and only include .mbz files.
if ($file->isFile() && $file->getExtension() == 'mbz') {
$filename = $file->getFilename();
// Check against filename filters.
if (!$this->filter_filename($filename)) {
$row = new \stdClass();
$row->filename = $filename;
$row->timemodified = $file->getMTime();
$row->size = $file->getSize();
// Check against timemodified filters.
if (!$this->filter_timemodified($row->timemodified)) {
$rows[] = $row;
// Sort based on fields.
$tsort = optional_param('tsort', '', PARAM_TEXT);
$tdir = optional_param('tdir', 0, PARAM_INT);
if (!empty($tsort) && array_key_exists($tsort, $this->get_sort_columns())) {
$sort = array_column($rows, $tsort);
array_multisort($sort, $tdir, $rows);
$this->totalrows = count($rows);
if (!$this->is_downloading()) {
// Only add rows that we want based on page.
$rowstoprint = array_slice($rows, $this->get_page_start(), $this->get_page_size());
} else {
$rowstoprint = $rows;
* Display action row.
* @param \stdClass $row
* @return string
public function col_action($row) {
global $USER;
$context = \context_system::instance();
$fileurl = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url(
$output = \html_writer::link($fileurl, get_string('download'));
if (has_capability('moodle/restore:restorecourse', $context)) {
$params = array();
$params['filename'] = $row->filename;
$restoreurl = new moodle_url('/report/allbackups/restorehandler.php', $params);
$output .= ' | '. html_writer::link($restoreurl, get_string('restore'));
if (has_capability('report/allbackups:delete', $context)) {
$params = array('delete' => $row->filename, 'filename' => $row->filename, 'tab' => 'autobackup');
$deleteurl = new moodle_url('/report/allbackups/index.php', $params);
$output .= ' | '. html_writer::link($deleteurl, get_string('delete'));
return $output;
* Display size row.
* @param \stdClass $row
* @return \lang_string|string
public function col_size($row) {
return display_size($row->size);
* Display timemodified.
* @param \stdClass $row
* @return string
public function col_timemodified($row) {
return userdate($row->timemodified);
* Function to display the checkbox for bulk actions.
* @param \stdClass $row the data from the db containing all fields from the current row.
* @return string
public function col_selector($row) {
global $OUTPUT;
if ($this->is_downloading()) {
return '';
$options = [
'id' => 'item'.$row->filename,
'name' => 'item'.$row->filename,
'value' => $row->filename,
$itemcheckbox = new \core\output\checkbox_toggleall('items', false, $options);
return $OUTPUT->render($itemcheckbox);
* Function to filter results using the filename.
* @param string $filename
* @return bool|int
private function filter_filename($filename) {
global $SESSION;
$found = true;
if (!empty($SESSION->user_filtering['filename'])) {
foreach ($SESSION->user_filtering['filename'] as $filter) {
$found = $this->filter_filename_helper($filter['operator'], $filter['value'], $filename);
return $found;
* Helper function to select appropriate regex for filter.
* @param string $operator
* @param string $value
* @param string $filename
* @return false|int
private function filter_filename_helper($operator, $value, $filename) {
// Filter rows based on any filters set.
switch ($operator) {
case 0: // Contains.
$regex = "/" . $value . "/";
case 1: // Does not contain.
$regex = "/^((?!" . $value . ").)*$/";
case 2: // Equal to.
$regex = "/^" . $value . "$/";
case 3: // Starts with.
$regex = "/^" . $value . "/";
case 4: // Ends with.
$regex = "/" . $value . "$/";
case 5: // Empty.
$regex = "/^$/";
return preg_match($regex, $filename);
* Filter for timemodified.
* @param int $timemodified
* @return bool
private function filter_timemodified($timemodified) {
global $SESSION;
$found = true;
if (!empty($SESSION->user_filtering['timecreated'])) {
foreach ($SESSION->user_filtering['timecreated'] as $filter) {
$found = $this->filter_timemodified_helper($filter['before'], $filter['after'], $timemodified);
return $found;
* Helper function for filter_timemodified.
* @param int $before
* @param int $after
* @param int $timemodified
* @return bool
private function filter_timemodified_helper($before, $after, $timemodified) {
$found = true;
if (!empty($before)) { // Only if the before value is not empty.
if ($before < $timemodified) {
$found = false;
if (!empty($after)) {
if ($after > $timemodified) {
$found = false;
return $found;