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* Ordering editing form definition
* @package qtype_ordering
* @copyright 2013 Gordon Bateson (
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class qtype_ordering_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
/** Rows count in answer field */
/** Cols count in answer field */
const TEXTFIELD_COLS = 60;
/** Number of answers in question by default */
/** Minimum number of answers to show */
const NUM_ITEMS_MIN = 3;
/** Number of answers to add on demand */
const NUM_ITEMS_ADD = 1;
public function qtype(): string {
return 'ordering';
* Plugin name is class name without trailing "_edit_form"
* @return string
public function plugin_name(): string {
return 'qtype_ordering';
public function definition_inner($mform): void {
// Field for layouttype.
$options = qtype_ordering_question::get_layout_types();
$mform->addElement('select', 'layouttype', get_string('layouttype', 'qtype_ordering'), $options);
$mform->addHelpButton('layouttype', 'layouttype', 'qtype_ordering');
$mform->setDefault('layouttype', $this->get_default_value('layouttype', qtype_ordering_question::LAYOUT_VERTICAL));
// Field for selecttype.
$options = qtype_ordering_question::get_select_types();
$mform->addElement('select', 'selecttype', get_string('selecttype', 'qtype_ordering'), $options);
$mform->addHelpButton('selecttype', 'selecttype', 'qtype_ordering');
$mform->setDefault('selecttype', $this->get_default_value('selecttype', qtype_ordering_question::SELECT_ALL));
// Field for selectcount.
$mform->addElement('text', 'selectcount', get_string('selectcount', 'qtype_ordering'), ['size' => 2]);
$mform->setDefault('selectcount', qtype_ordering_question::MIN_SUBSET_ITEMS);
$mform->setType('selectcount', PARAM_INT);
// Hide the field if 'Item selection type' is set to select all items.
$mform->hideIf('selectcount', 'selecttype', 'eq', qtype_ordering_question::SELECT_ALL);
$mform->addHelpButton('selectcount', 'selectcount', 'qtype_ordering');
$mform->addRule('selectcount', null, 'numeric', null, 'client');
// Field for gradingtype.
$options = qtype_ordering_question::get_grading_types();
$mform->addElement('select', 'gradingtype', get_string('gradingtype', 'qtype_ordering'), $options);
$mform->addHelpButton('gradingtype', 'gradingtype', 'qtype_ordering');
$this->get_default_value('gradingtype', qtype_ordering_question::GRADING_ABSOLUTE_POSITION)
// Field for showgrading.
$options = [0 => get_string('hide'), 1 => get_string('show')];
$mform->addElement('select', 'showgrading', get_string('showgrading', 'qtype_ordering'), $options);
$mform->addHelpButton('showgrading', 'showgrading', 'qtype_ordering');
$mform->setDefault('showgrading', $this->get_default_value('showgrading', 1));
// Field for numberingstyle.
$options = qtype_ordering_question::get_numbering_styles();
$mform->addElement('select', 'numberingstyle', get_string('numberingstyle', 'qtype_ordering'), $options);
$mform->addHelpButton('numberingstyle', 'numberingstyle', 'qtype_ordering');
$this->get_default_value('numberingstyle', qtype_ordering_question::NUMBERING_STYLE_DEFAULT)
$mform->addElement('header', 'answersheader', get_string('draggableitems', 'qtype_ordering'));
$mform->setExpanded('answersheader', true);
// Field for the answers.
$elements = [];
$options = [];
$elements[] = $mform->createElement('editor', 'answer', get_string('draggableitemno', 'qtype_ordering'),
$this->get_editor_attributes(), $this->get_editor_options());
$elements[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'answer' . 'removeeditor', get_string('removeeditor', 'qtype_ordering'),
['onclick' => 'skipClientValidation = true;']);
$options['answer'] = ['type' => PARAM_RAW];
$this->add_repeat_elements($mform, 'answer', $elements, $options);
// Adjust HTML editor and removal buttons.
$this->adjust_html_editors($mform, 'answer');
// Adding feedback fields (=Combined feedback).
// Adding interactive settings (=Multiple tries).
$this->add_interactive_settings(false, true);
* Returns answer repeats count
* @param stdClass $question
* @return int
protected function get_answer_repeats(stdClass $question): int {
if (isset($question->id)) {
$repeats = count($question->options->answers);
} else {
$repeats = self::NUM_ITEMS_DEFAULT;
if ($repeats < self::NUM_ITEMS_MIN) {
$repeats = self::NUM_ITEMS_MIN;
return $repeats;
* Returns editor attributes
* @return array
protected function get_editor_attributes(): array {
return [
'rows' => self::TEXTFIELD_ROWS,
'cols' => self::TEXTFIELD_COLS,
* Returns editor options
* @return array
protected function get_editor_options(): array {
return [
'context' => $this->context,
'noclean' => true,
* Resets editor format to specified
* @param MoodleQuickForm_editor $editor
* @param int|string $format
* @return int
protected function reset_editor_format(MoodleQuickForm_editor $editor, int|string $format = FORMAT_MOODLE): int {
$value = $editor->getValue();
$value['format'] = $format;
return $format;
* Adjust HTML editor and removal buttons.
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param string $name
protected function adjust_html_editors(MoodleQuickForm $mform, string $name): void {
// Cache the number of formats supported
// by the preferred editor for each format.
$count = [];
if (isset($this->question->options->answers)) {
$ids = array_keys($this->question->options->answers);
} else {
$ids = [];
$defaultanswerformat = get_config('qtype_ordering', 'defaultanswerformat');
$repeats = 'count'.$name.'s'; // E.g. countanswers.
if ($mform->elementExists($repeats)) {
// Use mform element to get number of repeats.
$repeats = $mform->getElement($repeats)->getValue();
} else {
// Determine number of repeats by object sniffing.
$repeats = 0;
while ($mform->elementExists($name."[$repeats]")) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $repeats; $i++) {
$editor = $mform->getElement($name."[$i]");
$id = $ids[$i] ?? 0;
// The old/new name of the button to remove the HTML editor
// old : the name of the button when added by repeat_elements
// new : the simplified name of the button to satisfy "no_submit_button_pressed()" in lib/formslib.php.
$oldname = $name.'removeeditor['.$i.']';
$newname = $name.'removeeditor_'.$i;
// Remove HTML editor, if necessary.
if (optional_param($newname, 0, PARAM_RAW)) {
$format = $this->reset_editor_format($editor);
$_POST['answer'][$i]['format'] = $format; // Overwrite incoming data.
} else if ($id) {
$format = $this->question->options->answers[$id]->answerformat;
} else {
$format = $this->reset_editor_format($editor, $defaultanswerformat);
// Check we have a submit button - it should always be there !!
if ($mform->elementExists($oldname)) {
if (!isset($count[$format])) {
$editor = editors_get_preferred_editor($format);
$count[$format] = $editor->get_supported_formats();
$count[$format] = count($count[$format]);
if ($count[$format] > 1) {
} else {
$submit = $mform->getElement($oldname);
protected function get_hint_fields($withclearwrong = false, $withshownumpartscorrect = false): array {
$mform = $this->_form;
$repeated = [];
$repeated[] = $mform->createElement('editor', 'hint', get_string('hintn', 'question'),
['rows' => 5], $this->editoroptions);
$repeatedoptions['hint']['type'] = PARAM_RAW;
$optionelements = [];
if ($withshownumpartscorrect) {
$optionelements[] = $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', 'hintshownumcorrect', '',
get_string('shownumpartscorrect', 'question'));
$optionelements[] = $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', 'hintoptions', '',
get_string('highlightresponse', 'qtype_ordering'));
if (count($optionelements)) {
$repeated[] = $mform->createElement('group', 'hintoptions',
get_string('hintnoptions', 'question'), $optionelements, null, false);
return [$repeated, $repeatedoptions];
public function data_preprocessing($question): stdClass {
$question = parent::data_preprocessing($question);
$question = $this->data_preprocessing_answers($question, true);
// Preprocess feedback.
$question = $this->data_preprocessing_combined_feedback($question, true);
$question = $this->data_preprocessing_hints($question, false, true);
// Preprocess answers and fractions.
$question->answer = [];
$question->fraction = [];
if (empty($question->options->answers)) {
$answerids = [];
} else {
$answerids = array_keys($question->options->answers);
$defaultanswerformat = get_config('qtype_ordering', 'defaultanswerformat');
$repeats = $this->get_answer_repeats($question);
for ($i = 0; $i < $repeats; $i++) {
if ($answerid = array_shift($answerids)) {
$answer = $question->options->answers[$answerid];
} else {
$answer = (object) ['answer' => '', 'answerformat' => $defaultanswerformat];
$answerid = 0;
if (empty($question->id)) {
$question->answer[$i] = $answer->answer;
} else {
$itemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid("answer[$i]");
$format = $answer->answerformat;
$text = file_prepare_draft_area($itemid, $this->context->id, 'question', 'answer',
$answerid, $this->editoroptions, $answer->answer);
$question->answer[$i] = [
'text' => $text,
'format' => $format,
'itemid' => $itemid,
$question->fraction[$i] = ($i + 1);
// Defining default values.
$names = [
'layouttype' => qtype_ordering_question::LAYOUT_VERTICAL,
'selecttype' => qtype_ordering_question::SELECT_ALL,
'selectcount' => qtype_ordering_question::MIN_SUBSET_ITEMS,
'gradingtype' => qtype_ordering_question::GRADING_ABSOLUTE_POSITION,
'showgrading' => 1, // 1 means SHOW.
'numberingstyle' => qtype_ordering_question::NUMBERING_STYLE_DEFAULT,
foreach ($names as $name => $default) {
$question->$name = $question->options->$name ?? $this->get_default_value($name, $default);
return $question;
protected function data_preprocessing_hints($question, $withclearwrong = false, $withshownumpartscorrect = false): stdClass {
if (empty($question->hints)) {
return $question;
parent::data_preprocessing_hints($question, $withclearwrong, $withshownumpartscorrect);
$question->hintoptions = [];
foreach ($question->hints as $hint) {
$question->hintoptions[] = $hint->options;
return $question;
public function validation($data, $files): array {
$errors = [];
$minsubsetitems = qtype_ordering_question::MIN_SUBSET_ITEMS;
// Make sure the entered size of the subset is no less than the defined minimum.
if ($data['selecttype'] != qtype_ordering_question::SELECT_ALL && $data['selectcount'] < $minsubsetitems) {
$errors['selectcount'] = get_string('notenoughsubsetitems', 'qtype_ordering', $minsubsetitems);
// Identify duplicates and report as an error.
$answers = [];
$answercount = 0;
foreach ($data['answer'] as $answer) {
if (is_array($answer)) {
$answer = $answer['text'];
if ($answer = trim($answer)) {
if (in_array($answer, $answers)) {
$i = array_search($answer, $answers);
$item = get_string('draggableitemno', 'qtype_ordering');
$item = str_replace('{no}', $i + 1, $item);
$item = html_writer::link("#id_answer_$i", $item);
$a = (object) ['text' => $answer, 'item' => $item];
$errors["answer[$answercount]"] = get_string('duplicatesnotallowed', 'qtype_ordering', $a);
} else {
$answers[] = $answer;
// If there are no answers provided, show error message under first 2 answer boxes
// If only 1 answer provided, show error message under second answer box.
if ($answercount < 2) {
$errors['answer[1]'] = get_string('notenoughanswers', 'qtype_ordering', 2);
if ($answercount == 0) {
$errors['answer[0]'] = get_string('notenoughanswers', 'qtype_ordering', 2);
// If adding a new ordering question, update defaults.
if (empty($errors) && empty($data['id'])) {
$fields = [
'layouttype', 'selecttype', 'selectcount',
'gradingtype', 'showgrading', 'numberingstyle',
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $data)) {
question_bank::get_qtype($this->qtype())->set_default_value($field, $data[$field]);
return $errors;
* Get array of countable item types
* @param string $type
* @param int $max
* @return array (type => description)
protected function get_addcount_options(string $type, int $max = 10): array {
// Generate options.
$options = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++) {
if ($i == 1) {
$options[$i] = get_string('addsingle'.$type, 'qtype_ordering');
} else {
$options[$i] = get_string('addmultiple'.$type.'s', 'qtype_ordering', $i);
return $options;
* Add repeated elements with a button allowing a selectable number of new elements
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform the Moodle form object
* @param string $type
* @param array $elements
* @param array $options
* @return void, but will update $mform
protected function add_repeat_elements(MoodleQuickForm $mform, string $type, array $elements, array $options): void {
// Cache element names.
$types = $type.'s';
$addtypes = 'add'.$types;
$counttypes = 'count'.$types;
$addtypescount = $addtypes.'count';
$addtypesgroup = $addtypes.'group';
$repeats = $this->get_answer_repeats($this->question);
$count = optional_param($addtypescount, self::NUM_ITEMS_ADD, PARAM_INT);
$label = ($count == 1 ? 'addsingle'.$type : 'addmultiple'.$types);
$label = get_string($label, 'qtype_ordering', $count);
$this->repeat_elements($elements, $repeats, $options, $counttypes, $addtypes, $count, $label, true);
// Remove the original "Add xxx" button ...
// ... and replace it with "Add" button + select group.
$options = $this->get_addcount_options($type);
$mform->createElement('submit', $addtypes, get_string('add')),
$mform->createElement('select', $addtypescount, '', $options),
], $addtypesgroup, '', ' ', false);
// Set default value and type of select element.
$mform->setDefault($addtypescount, $count);
$mform->setType($addtypescount, PARAM_INT);