AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@qtype @qtype_gapselect @_switch_window
Feature: Test all the basic functionality of this question type
In order to evaluate students responses, As a teacher I need to
create and preview gapselect (Select missing words) questions.
Given the following "users" exist:
| username |
| teacher |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher | C1 | editingteacher |
And the following config values are set as admin:
| enableasyncbackup | 0 |
Scenario: Create, edit then preview a gapselect question.
When I am on the "Course 1" "core_question > course question bank" page logged in as teacher
# Create a new question.
And I add a "Select missing words" question filling the form with:
| Question name | Select missing words 001 |
| Question text | The [[1]] [[2]] on the [[3]]. |
| General feedback | The cat sat on the mat. |
| id_choices_0_answer | cat |
| id_choices_1_answer | sat |
| id_choices_1_choicegroup | 2 |
| id_choices_2_answer | mat |
| id_choices_3_answer | dog |
| id_choices_4_answer | table |
| id_choices_5_answer | ran |
| id_choices_5_choicegroup | 2 |
| Hint 1 | First hint |
| Hint 2 | Second hint |
Then I should see "Select missing words 001"
# Preview it.
And I choose "Preview" action for "Select missing words 001" in the question bank
# Gaps (drop-down menus) do not have labels. ids and names are generated
# dynamically and therefore not reliable, i.e. this is an accessibility bug
# which need to be fixed at some stage. Meanwhile, I use the ids and increment
# them as appropriate (e.g.: q3_1_p1 become q4_1_p1, etc.).
# Set display and behaviour options
And I set the following fields to these values:
| How questions behave | Interactive with multiple tries |
| Marked out of | 3 |
| Marks | Show mark and max |
| Specific feedback | Shown |
| Right answer | Shown |
And I press "Save preview options and start again"
# Answer question correctly
And I set space "1" to "cat" in the select missing words question
And I set space "2" to "sat" in the select missing words question
And I set space "3" to "mat" in the select missing words question
And I press "Check"
And I should see "Your answer is correct"
And I should see "The cat sat on the mat"
And I should see "The correct answer is: The [cat] [sat] on the [mat]."
And I press "Start again"
# Answer question partially correct twice and then correct
And I set space "1" to "cat" in the select missing words question
And I set space "2" to "sat" in the select missing words question
And I set space "3" to "dog" in the select missing words question
And I press "Check"
And I should see "Your answer is partially correct"
And I should see "First hint"
And I press "Try again"
And I set space "3" to "table" in the select missing words question
And I press "Check"
And I should see "Your answer is partially correct"
And I should see "Second hint"
And I press "Try again"
And I set space "3" to "mat" in the select missing words question
And I press "Check"
And I should see "Your answer is correct"
And I should see "The cat sat on the mat"
And I should see "The correct answer is: The [cat] [sat] on the [mat]."
# Set behaviour options
And I set the following fields to these values:
| behaviour | immediatefeedback |
And I press "Save preview options and start again"
# Answer question correctly
And I press "Check"
And I should see "Please put an answer in each box."
And I set space "1" to "cat" in the select missing words question
And I set space "2" to "sat" in the select missing words question
And I set space "3" to "mat" in the select missing words question
And I press "Check"
Then I should see "Your answer is correct"
And I should see "The cat sat on the mat"
And I should see "The correct answer is: The [cat] [sat] on the [mat]."
And I press "Start again"
# Answer question partially correct
And I set space "1" to "dog" in the select missing words question
And I set space "2" to "sat" in the select missing words question
And I set space "3" to "cat" in the select missing words question
And I press "Check"
And I should see "Your answer is partially correct"
And I should see "You have correctly selected 1."
And I should see "The cat sat on the mat"
And I should see "The correct answer is: The [cat] [sat] on the [mat]."
And I press "Start again"
# Answer question incorrectly
And I set space "1" to "mat" in the select missing words question
And I set space "2" to "ran" in the select missing words question
And I set space "3" to "table" in the select missing words question
And I press "Check"
And I should see "Your answer is incorrect"
And I should see "The cat sat on the mat"
And I should see "The correct answer is: The [cat] [sat] on the [mat]."
And I press "Close preview"
# Backup the course and restore it.
And I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I backup "Course 1" course using this options:
| Confirmation | Filename | test_backup.mbz |
And I restore "test_backup.mbz" backup into a new course using this options:
| Schema | Course name | Course 2 |
And I am on the "Course 2 copy 1" "core_question > course question bank" page
And I should see "Select missing words 001"
# Edit the copy and verify the form field contents.
And I choose "Edit question" action for "Select missing words 001" in the question bank
And the following fields match these values:
| Question name | Select missing words 001 |
| Question text | The [[1]] [[2]] on the [[3]]. |
| General feedback | The cat sat on the mat. |
| id_choices_0_answer | cat |
| id_choices_1_answer | sat |
| id_choices_1_choicegroup | 2 |
| id_choices_2_answer | mat |
| id_choices_3_answer | dog |
| id_choices_4_answer | table |
| id_choices_5_answer | ran |
| id_choices_5_choicegroup | 2 |
| Hint 1 | First hint |
| Hint 2 | Second hint |
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Question name | Edited question name |
And I press "id_submitbutton"
And I should see "Edited question name"