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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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namespace qtype_essay;
use question_attempt_step;
use question_display_options;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/tests/helpers.php');
* Unit tests for the matching question definition class.
* @package qtype_essay
* @copyright 2009 The Open University
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class question_test extends \advanced_testcase {
public function test_get_question_summary(): void {
$essay = \test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
$essay->questiontext = 'Hello <img src="" alt="world" />';
$this->assertEquals('Hello [world]', $essay->get_question_summary());
* Test summarise_response() when teachers view quiz attempts and then
* review them to see what has been saved in the response history table.
* @dataProvider summarise_response_provider
* @param int $responserequired
* @param int $attachmentsrequired
* @param string $answertext
* @param int $attachmentuploaded
* @param string $expected
public function test_summarise_response(int $responserequired, int $attachmentsrequired,
string $answertext, int $attachmentuploaded, string $expected): void {
// If number of allowed attachments is set to 'Unlimited', generate 10 attachments for testing purpose.
$numberofattachments = ($attachmentsrequired === -1) ? 10 : $attachmentsrequired;
// Create sample attachments.
$attachments = $this->create_user_and_sample_attachments($numberofattachments);
// Create the essay question under test.
$essay = \test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
$essay->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
$essay->responseformat = 'editor';
$essay->responserequired = $responserequired;
$essay->attachmentsrequired = $attachmentsrequired;
// The space before the number of bytes from display_size is actually a non-breaking space.
$expected = str_replace(' bytes', "\xc2\xa0bytes", $expected);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $essay->summarise_response(
['answer' => $answertext, 'answerformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'attachments' => $attachments[$attachmentuploaded]]));
* Data provider for summarise_response() test cases.
* @return array List of data sets (test cases)
public function summarise_response_provider(): array {
return [
'text input required, not attachments required' =>
[1, 0, 'This is the text input for this essay.', 0, 'This is the text input for this essay.'],
'Text input required, one attachments required, one uploaded' =>
[1, 1, 'This is the text input for this essay.', 1, 'This is the text input for this essay.Attachments: 0 (1 bytes)'],
'Text input is optional, four attachments required, one uploaded' => [0, 4, '', 1, 'Attachments: 0 (1 bytes)'],
'Text input is optional, four attachments required, two uploaded' => [0, 4, '', 2, 'Attachments: 0 (1 bytes), 1 (1 bytes)'],
'Text input is optional, four attachments required, three uploaded' => [0, 4, '', 3, 'Attachments: 0 (1 bytes), 1 (1 bytes), 2 (1 bytes)'],
'Text input is optional, four attachments required, four uploaded' => [0, 4, 'I have attached 4 files.', 4,
'I have attached 4 files.Attachments: 0 (1 bytes), 1 (1 bytes), 2 (1 bytes), 3 (1 bytes)'],
'Text input is optional, unlimited attachments required, one uploaded' => [0, -1, '', 1, 'Attachments: 0 (1 bytes)'],
'Text input is optional, unlimited attachments required, five uploaded' => [0, -1, 'I have attached 5 files.', 5,
'I have attached 5 files.Attachments: 0 (1 bytes), 1 (1 bytes), 2 (1 bytes), 3 (1 bytes), 4 (1 bytes)'],
'Text input is optional, unlimited attachments required, ten uploaded' =>
[0, -1, '', 10, 'Attachments: 0 (1 bytes), 1 (1 bytes), 2 (1 bytes), 3 (1 bytes), 4 (1 bytes), ' .
'5 (1 bytes), 6 (1 bytes), 7 (1 bytes), 8 (1 bytes), 9 (1 bytes)']
public function test_is_same_response(): void {
$essay = \test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
$essay->responsetemplate = '';
$essay->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => ''),
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => ''),
array('answer' => 'Hello'),
array('answer' => 'Hello'),
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => 0),
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => ''),
array('answer' => 0)));
array('answer' => '0'),
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => ''),
array('answer' => '0')));
public function test_is_same_response_with_template(): void {
$essay = \test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
$essay->responsetemplate = 'Once upon a time';
$essay->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
array('answer' => 'Once upon a time')));
array('answer' => ''),
array('answer' => 'Once upon a time')));
array('answer' => 'Once upon a time'),
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => ''),
array('answer' => 'Once upon a time'),
array('answer' => 0),
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => ''),
array('answer' => 0)));
array('answer' => '0'),
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => ''),
array('answer' => '0')));
public function test_is_complete_response(): void {
// Create sample attachments.
$attachments = $this->create_user_and_sample_attachments();
// Create the essay question under test.
$essay = \test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
$essay->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
// Test the "traditional" case, where we must receive a response from the user.
$essay->responserequired = 1;
$essay->attachmentsrequired = 0;
$essay->responseformat = 'editor';
// The empty string should be considered an incomplete response, as should a lack of a response.
$this->assertFalse($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => '')));
// Any nonempty string should be considered a complete response.
$this->assertTrue($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => 'A student response.')));
$this->assertTrue($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => '0 times.')));
$this->assertTrue($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => '0')));
// Test case for minimum and/or maximum word limit.
$response = [];
$response['answer'] = 'In this essay, I will be testing a function called check_input_word_count().';
$essay->minwordlimit = 50; // The answer is shorter than the required minimum word limit.
$essay->minwordlimit = 10; // The word count meets the required minimum word limit.
// The word count meets the required minimum and maximum word limit.
$essay->minwordlimit = 10;
$essay->maxwordlimit = 15;
// Unset the minwordlimit/maxwordlimit variables to avoid the extra check in is_complete_response() for further tests.
$essay->minwordlimit = null;
$essay->maxwordlimit = null;
// Test the case where two files are required.
$essay->attachmentsrequired = 2;
// Attaching less than two files should result in an incomplete response.
$this->assertFalse($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => 'A')));
array('answer' => 'A', 'attachments' => $attachments[0])));
array('answer' => 'A', 'attachments' => $attachments[1])));
// Anything without response text should result in an incomplete response.
array('answer' => '', 'attachments' => $attachments[2])));
// Attaching two or more files should result in a complete response.
array('answer' => 'A', 'attachments' => $attachments[2])));
array('answer' => 'A', 'attachments' => $attachments[3])));
// Test the case in which two files are required, but the inline
// response is optional.
$essay->responserequired = 0;
array('answer' => '', 'attachments' => $attachments[1])));
array('answer' => '', 'attachments' => $attachments[2])));
// Test the case in which both the response and online text are optional.
$essay->attachmentsrequired = 0;
// Providing no answer and no attachment should result in an incomplete
// response.
array('answer' => '')));
array('answer' => '', 'attachments' => $attachments[0])));
// Providing an answer _or_ an attachment should result in a complete
// response.
array('answer' => '', 'attachments' => $attachments[1])));
array('answer' => 'Answer text.', 'attachments' => $attachments[0])));
// Test the case in which we're in "no inline response" mode,
// in which the response is not required (as it's not provided).
$essay->responserequired = 0;
$essay->responseformat = 'noinline';
$essay->attachmentsrequired = 1;
array('attachments' => $attachments[0])));
// Providing an attachment should result in a complete response.
array('attachments' => $attachments[1])));
// Ensure that responserequired is ignored when we're in inline response mode.
$essay->responserequired = 1;
array('attachments' => $attachments[1])));
* test_get_question_definition_for_external_rendering
public function test_get_question_definition_for_external_rendering(): void {
$essay = \test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
$essay->minwordlimit = 15;
$essay->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
$qa = \test_question_maker::get_a_qa($essay);
$displayoptions = new question_display_options();
$options = $essay->get_question_definition_for_external_rendering($qa, $displayoptions);
$this->assertEquals('editor', $options['responseformat']);
$this->assertEquals(1, $options['responserequired']);
$this->assertEquals(15, $options['responsefieldlines']);
$this->assertEquals(0, $options['attachments']);
$this->assertEquals(0, $options['attachmentsrequired']);
$this->assertEquals('', $options['responsetemplate']);
$this->assertEquals(FORMAT_MOODLE, $options['responsetemplateformat']);
$this->assertEquals($essay->minwordlimit, $options['minwordlimit']);
* Test get_validation_error when users submit their input text.
* (The tests are done with a fixed 14-word response.)
* @dataProvider get_min_max_wordlimit_test_cases()
* @param int $responserequired whether response required (yes = 1, no = 0)
* @param int $minwordlimit minimum word limit
* @param int $maxwordlimit maximum word limit
* @param string $expected error message | null
public function test_get_validation_error(int $responserequired,
int $minwordlimit, int $maxwordlimit, string $expected): void {
$question = \test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
$response = ['answer' => 'One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen.'];
$question->responserequired = $responserequired;
$question->minwordlimit = $minwordlimit;
$question->maxwordlimit = $maxwordlimit;
$actual = $question->get_validation_error($response);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
* Data provider for get_validation_error test.
* @return array the test cases.
public function get_min_max_wordlimit_test_cases(): array {
return [
'text input required, min/max word limit not set' => [1, 0, 0, ''],
'text input required, min/max word limit valid (within the boundaries)' => [1, 10, 25, ''],
'text input required, min word limit not reached' => [1, 15, 25,
get_string('minwordlimitboundary', 'qtype_essay', ['count' => 14, 'limit' => 15])],
'text input required, max word limit is exceeded' => [1, 5, 12,
get_string('maxwordlimitboundary', 'qtype_essay', ['count' => 14, 'limit' => 12])],
'text input not required, min/max word limit not set' => [0, 5, 12, ''],
* Test get_word_count_message_for_review when users submit their input text.
* (The tests are done with a fixed 14-word response.)
* @dataProvider get_word_count_message_for_review_test_cases()
* @param int|null $minwordlimit minimum word limit
* @param int|null $maxwordlimit maximum word limit
* @param string $expected error message | null
public function test_get_word_count_message_for_review(?int $minwordlimit, ?int $maxwordlimit, string $expected): void {
$question = \test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
$question->minwordlimit = $minwordlimit;
$question->maxwordlimit = $maxwordlimit;
$response = ['answer' => 'One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen.'];
$this->assertEquals($expected, $question->get_word_count_message_for_review($response));
* Data provider for test_get_word_count_message_for_review.
* @return array the test cases.
public function get_word_count_message_for_review_test_cases() {
return [
'No limit' =>
[null, null, ''],
'min and max, answer within range' =>
[10, 25, get_string('wordcount', 'qtype_essay', 14)],
'min and max, answer too short' =>
[15, 25, get_string('wordcounttoofew', 'qtype_essay', ['count' => 14, 'limit' => 15])],
'min and max, answer too long' =>
[5, 12, get_string('wordcounttoomuch', 'qtype_essay', ['count' => 14, 'limit' => 12])],
'min only, answer within range' =>
[14, null, get_string('wordcount', 'qtype_essay', 14)],
'min only, answer too short' =>
[15, null, get_string('wordcounttoofew', 'qtype_essay', ['count' => 14, 'limit' => 15])],
'max only, answer within range' =>
[null, 14, get_string('wordcount', 'qtype_essay', 14)],
'max only, answer too short' =>
[null, 13, get_string('wordcounttoomuch', 'qtype_essay', ['count' => 14, 'limit' => 13])],
* Create sample attachemnts and retun generated attachments.
* @param int $numberofattachments
* @return array
private function create_user_and_sample_attachments($numberofattachments = 4) {
// Create a new logged-in user, so we can test responses with attachments.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Create sample attachments to use in testing.
$helper = \test_question_maker::get_test_helper('essay');
$attachments = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < ($numberofattachments + 1); ++$i) {
$attachments[$i] = $helper->make_attachments_saver($i);
return $attachments;