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{"version":3,"file":"question.min.js","sources":["../src/question.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle -\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.\n\n/**\n * Question class for drag and drop marker question type, used to support the question and preview pages.\n *\n * @module qtype_ddmarker/question\n * @copyright 2018 The Open University\n * @license
yleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\ndefine([\n 'jquery',\n 'core/dragdrop',\n 'qtype_ddmarker/shapes',\n 'core/key_codes',\n 'core_form/changechecker'\n], function(\n $,\n dragDrop,\n Shapes,\n keys,\n FormChangeChecker\n) {\n\n \"use strict\";\n\n /**\n * Object to handle one drag-drop markers question.\n *\n * @param {String} containerId id of the outer div for this question.\n * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is being displayed read-only.\n * @param {Object[]} visibleDropZones the geometry of any drop-zones to show.\n * Objects have fields shape, coords and markertext.\n * @constructor\n */\n function DragDropMarkersQuestion(containerId, readOnly, visibleDropZones) {\n var thisQ = this;\n this.containerId = containerId;\n this.visibleDropZones = visibleDropZones;\n this.shapes = [];\n this.shapeSVGs = [];\n this.isPrinting = false;\n this.questionAnswer = {};\
n if (readOnly) {\n this.getRoot().addClass('qtype_ddmarker-readonly');\n }\n thisQ.allImagesLoaded = false;\n thisQ.getNotYetLoadedImages().one('load', function() {\n thisQ.waitForAllImagesToBeLoaded();\n });\n thisQ.waitForAllImagesToBeLoaded();\n }\n\n /**\n * Draws the svg shapes of any drop zones that should be visible for feedback purposes.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.drawDropzones = function() {\n if (this.visibleDropZones.length > 0) {\n var bgImage = this.bgImage();\n\n this.getRoot().find('div.dropzones').html('<svg xmlns=\"\" class=\"dropzones\" ' +\n 'width=\"' + bgImage.outerWidth() + '\" ' +\n 'height=\"' + bgImage.outerHeight() + '\"></svg>');\n var svg = this.getRoot().find('svg.dropzones');\n\n var nextColourIndex = 0;\n for (var dropZoneNo = 0; dropZoneNo < this.visibleDropZones.len
gth; dropZoneNo++) {\n var colourClass = 'color' + nextColourIndex;\n nextColourIndex = (nextColourIndex + 1) % 8;\n this.addDropzone(svg, dropZoneNo, colourClass);\n }\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Adds a dropzone shape with colour, coords and link provided to the array of shapes.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} svg the SVG image to which to add this drop zone.\n * @param {int} dropZoneNo which drop-zone to add.\n * @param {string} colourClass class name\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.addDropzone = function(svg, dropZoneNo, colourClass) {\n var dropZone = this.visibleDropZones[dropZoneNo],\n shape = Shapes.make(dropZone.shape, ''),\n existingmarkertext,\n bgRatio = this.bgRatio();\n if (!shape.parse(dropZone.coords, bgRatio)) {\n return;\n }\n\n existingmarkertext = this.getRoot().find('div.markertexts span.markertext' + dropZoneNo);\n if (ex
istingmarkertext.length) {\n if (dropZone.markertext !== '') {\n existingmarkertext.html(dropZone.markertext);\n } else {\n existingmarkertext.remove();\n }\n } else if (dropZone.markertext !== '') {\n var classnames = 'markertext markertext' + dropZoneNo;\n this.getRoot().find('div.markertexts').append('<span class=\"' + classnames + '\">' +\n dropZone.markertext + '</span>');\n var markerspan = this.getRoot().find('div.ddarea div.markertexts span.markertext' + dropZoneNo);\n if (markerspan.length) {\n var handles = shape.getHandlePositions();\n var positionLeft = handles.moveHandle.x - (markerspan.outerWidth() / 2) - 4;\n var positionTop = handles.moveHandle.y - (markerspan.outerHeight() / 2);\n markerspan\n .css('left', positionLeft)\n .css('top', positionTop);\n mark
erspan\n .data('originX', markerspan.position().left / bgRatio)\n .data('originY', markerspan.position().top / bgRatio);\n this.handleElementScale(markerspan, 'center');\n }\n }\n\n var shapeSVG = shape.makeSvg(svg[0]);\n shapeSVG.setAttribute('class', 'dropzone ' + colourClass);\n\n this.shapes[this.shapes.length] = shape;\n this.shapeSVGs[this.shapeSVGs.length] = shapeSVG;\n };\n\n /**\n * Draws the drag items on the page (and drop zones if required).\n * The idea is to re-draw all the drags and drops whenever there is a change\n * like a widow resize or an item dropped in place.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.repositionDrags = function() {\n var root = this.getRoot(),\n thisQ = this;\n\n root.find('div.draghomes .marker').not('.dragplaceholder').each(function(key, item) {\n $(item).addClass('unneeded');\n });\n\n root.find('
input.choices').each(function(key, input) {\n var choiceNo = thisQ.getChoiceNoFromElement(input),\n imageCoords = thisQ.getImageCoords(input);\n if (imageCoords.length) {\n var drag = thisQ.getRoot().find('.draghomes' + ' span.marker' + '.choice' + choiceNo).not('.dragplaceholder');\n drag.remove();\n for (var i = 0; i < imageCoords.length; i++) {\n var dragInDrop = drag.clone();\n // Convert image coords to screen coords.\n const screenCoords = thisQ.convertToWindowXY(imageCoords[i]);\n'pagex', screenCoords.x).data('pagey', screenCoords.y);\n // Save image coords to the drag item so we can use it later.\n'imageCoords', imageCoords[i]);\n // We always save the coordinates in the 1:1 ratio.\n // So we need to set the scale ratio to 1 for the init
ial load.\n'scaleRatio', 1);\n thisQ.sendDragToDrop(dragInDrop, false, true);\n }\n thisQ.getDragClone(drag).addClass('active');\n thisQ.cloneDragIfNeeded(drag);\n }\n });\n\n // Save the question answer.\n thisQ.questionAnswer = thisQ.getQuestionAnsweredValues();\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the question answered values.\n *\n * @return {Object} Contain key-value with key is the input id and value is the input value.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getQuestionAnsweredValues = function() {\n let result = {};\n this.getRoot().find('input.choices').each((i, inputNode) => {\n result[] = inputNode.value;\n });\n\n return result;\n };\n\n /**\n * Check if the question is being interacted or not.\n *\n * @return {boolean} Return true if the user has changed the question-answer.\n */\n
DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.isQuestionInteracted = function() {\n const oldAnswer = this.questionAnswer;\n const newAnswer = this.getQuestionAnsweredValues();\n let isInteracted = false;\n\n // First, check both answers have the same structure or not.\n if (JSON.stringify(newAnswer) !== JSON.stringify(oldAnswer)) {\n isInteracted = true;\n return isInteracted;\n }\n // Check the values.\n Object.keys(newAnswer).forEach(key => {\n if (newAnswer[key] !== oldAnswer[key]) {\n isInteracted = true;\n }\n });\n\n return isInteracted;\n };\n\n /**\n * Determine what drag items need to be shown and\n * return coords of all drag items except any that are currently being dragged\n * based on contents of hidden inputs and whether drags are 'infinite' or how many\n * drags should be shown.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} inputNode\n * @returns {Point[]} image co
ordinates of however many copies of the drag item should be shown.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getImageCoords = function(inputNode) {\n var imageCoords = [],\n val = $(inputNode).val();\n if (val !== '') {\n var coordsStrings = val.split(';');\n for (var i = 0; i < coordsStrings.length; i++) {\n imageCoords[i] = Shapes.Point.parse(coordsStrings[i]);\n }\n }\n return imageCoords;\n };\n\n /**\n * Converts the relative x and y position coordinates into\n * absolute x and y position coordinates.\n *\n * @param {Point} point relative to the background image.\n * @returns {Point} point relative to the page.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.convertToWindowXY = function(point) {\n var bgImage = this.bgImage();\n // The +1 seems rather odd, but seems to give the best results in\n // the three main browsers at a range of zoom levels.\n // (Its
due to the 1px border around the image, that shifts the\n // image pixels by 1 down and to the left.)\n return point.offset(bgImage.offset().left + 1, bgImage.offset().top + 1);\n };\n\n /**\n * Utility function converting window coordinates to relative to the\n * background image coordinates.\n *\n * @param {Point} point relative to the page.\n * @returns {Point} point relative to the background image.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.convertToBgImgXY = function(point) {\n var bgImage = this.bgImage();\n return point.offset(-bgImage.offset().left - 1, -bgImage.offset().top - 1);\n };\n\n /**\n * Is the point within the background image?\n *\n * @param {Point} point relative to the BG image.\n * @return {boolean} true it they are.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.coordsInBgImg = function(point) {\n var bgImage = this.bgImage();\n var bgPosition = bgImage.offset();\n\n return point.x
>= bgPosition.left && point.x < bgPosition.left + bgImage.width()\n && point.y >= && point.y < + bgImage.height();\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the outer div for this question.\n * @returns {jQuery} containing that div.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getRoot = function() {\n return $(document.getElementById(this.containerId));\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the img that is the background image.\n * @returns {jQuery} containing that img.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.bgImage = function() {\n return this.getRoot().find('img.dropbackground');\n };\n\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.handleDragStart = function(e) {\n var thisQ = this,\n dragged = $('.marker');\n\n var info = dragDrop.prepare(e);\n if (!info.start) {\n return;\n }\n\n dragged.addClass('beingdragged').css('transform', '');\n\n var placed = !dragged.hasClass('un
needed');\n if (!placed) {\n var hiddenDrag = thisQ.getDragClone(dragged);\n if (hiddenDrag.length) {\n hiddenDrag.addClass('active');\n dragged.offset(hiddenDrag.offset());\n }\n }\n\n dragDrop.start(e, dragged, function() {\n void (1);\n }, function(x, y, dragged) {\n thisQ.dragEnd(dragged);\n });\n };\n\n /**\n * Functionality at the end of a drag drop.\n * @param {jQuery} dragged the marker that was dragged.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.dragEnd = function(dragged) {\n var placed = false,\n choiceNo = this.getChoiceNoFromElement(dragged),\n bgRatio = this.bgRatio(),\n dragXY;\n\n'pagex', dragged.offset().left).data('pagey', dragged.offset().top);\n dragXY = new Shapes.Point('pagex'),'pagey'));\n if (this.coordsInBgImg(dragXY)) {\n this.sendDrag
ToDrop(dragged, true);\n placed = true;\n // Since we already move the drag item to new position.\n // Remove the image coords if this drag item have it.\n // We will get the new image coords for this drag item in saveCoordsForChoice.\n if ('imageCoords')) {\n'imageCoords', null);\n }\n // It seems that the dragdrop sometimes leaves the drag\n // one pixel out of position. Put it in exactly the right place.\n var bgImgXY = this.convertToBgImgXY(dragXY);\n bgImgXY = new Shapes.Point(bgImgXY.x / bgRatio, bgImgXY.y / bgRatio);\n'originX', bgImgXY.x).data('originY', bgImgXY.y);\n }\n\n if (!placed) {\n this.sendDragHome(dragged);\n this.removeDragIfNeeded(dragged);\n } else {\n this.cloneDragIfNeeded(dragged);\n }\n\n this.saveCoordsForChoice(choiceNo);\n };\n\n /**
\n * Save the coordinates for a dropped item in the form field.\n * @param {Number} choiceNo which copy of the choice this was.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.saveCoordsForChoice = function(choiceNo) {\n let imageCoords = [];\n var items = this.getRoot().find('div.droparea span.marker.choice' + choiceNo),\n thiQ = this,\n bgRatio = this.bgRatio();\n\n if (items.length) {\n items.each(function() {\n var drag = $(this);\n if (!drag.hasClass('beingdragged') && !'imageCoords')) {\n if ('scaleRatio') !== bgRatio) {\n // The scale ratio for the draggable item was changed. We need to update that.\n'pagex', drag.offset().left).data('pagey', drag.offset().top);\n }\n var dragXY = new Shapes.Point('pagex'),'pagey'));\n if (thiQ.coordsInBgIm
g(dragXY)) {\n var bgImgXY = thiQ.convertToBgImgXY(dragXY);\n bgImgXY = new Shapes.Point(bgImgXY.x / bgRatio, bgImgXY.y / bgRatio);\n imageCoords[imageCoords.length] = bgImgXY;\n }\n } else if ('imageCoords')) {\n imageCoords[imageCoords.length] ='imageCoords');\n }\n });\n }\n\n this.getRoot().find('input.choice' + choiceNo).val(imageCoords.join(';'));\n if (this.isQuestionInteracted()) {\n // The user has interacted with the draggable items. We need to mark the form as dirty.\n questionManager.handleFormDirty();\n // Save the new answered value.\n this.questionAnswer = this.getQuestionAnsweredValues();\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Handle key down / press events on markers.\n * @param {KeyboardEvent} e\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.handleKeyPress
= function(e) {\n var drag = $('.marker'),\n point = new Shapes.Point(drag.offset().left, drag.offset().top),\n choiceNo = this.getChoiceNoFromElement(drag);\n\n switch (e.keyCode) {\n case keys.arrowLeft:\n case 65: // A.\n point.x -= 1;\n break;\n case keys.arrowRight:\n case 68: // D.\n point.x += 1;\n break;\n case keys.arrowDown:\n case 83: // S.\n point.y += 1;\n break;\n case keys.arrowUp:\n case 87: // W.\n point.y -= 1;\n break;\n case\n case keys.escape:\n point = null;\n break;\n default:\n return; // Ingore other keys.\n }\n e.preventDefault();\n\n if (point !== null) {\n point = this.constrainToBgImg(point);\n
drag.offset({'left': point.x, 'top': point.y});\n'pagex', drag.offset().left).data('pagey', drag.offset().top);\n var dragXY = this.convertToBgImgXY(new Shapes.Point('pagex'),'pagey')));\n'originX', dragXY.x / this.bgRatio()).data('originY', dragXY.y / this.bgRatio());\n if (this.coordsInBgImg(new Shapes.Point(drag.offset().left, drag.offset().top))) {\n if (drag.hasClass('unneeded')) {\n this.sendDragToDrop(drag, true);\n var hiddenDrag = this.getDragClone(drag);\n if (hiddenDrag.length) {\n hiddenDrag.addClass('active');\n }\n this.cloneDragIfNeeded(drag);\n }\n }\n } else {\n drag.css('left', '').css('top', '');\n'pagex', drag.offset().left).data('pagey', drag.offset().top);\n this.sendDragHome(drag);\n
this.removeDragIfNeeded(drag);\n }\n drag.focus();\n this.saveCoordsForChoice(choiceNo);\n };\n\n /**\n * Makes sure the dragged item always exists within the background image area.\n *\n * @param {Point} windowxy\n * @returns {Point} coordinates\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.constrainToBgImg = function(windowxy) {\n var bgImg = this.bgImage(),\n bgImgXY = this.convertToBgImgXY(windowxy);\n bgImgXY.x = Math.max(0, bgImgXY.x);\n bgImgXY.y = Math.max(0, bgImgXY.y);\n bgImgXY.x = Math.min(bgImg.width(), bgImgXY.x);\n bgImgXY.y = Math.min(bgImg.height(), bgImgXY.y);\n return this.convertToWindowXY(bgImgXY);\n };\n\n /**\n * Returns the choice number for a node.\n *\n * @param {Element|jQuery} node\n * @returns {Number}\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getChoiceNoFromElement = function(node) {\n return Number(this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(node, 'choice'
));\n };\n\n /**\n * Returns the numeric part of a class with the given prefix.\n *\n * @param {Element|jQuery} node\n * @param {String} prefix\n * @returns {Number|null}\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getClassnameNumericSuffix = function(node, prefix) {\n var classes = $(node).attr('class');\n if (classes !== undefined && classes !== '') {\n var classesarr = classes.split(' ');\n for (var index = 0; index < classesarr.length; index++) {\n var patt1 = new RegExp('^' + prefix + '([0-9])+$');\n if (patt1.test(classesarr[index])) {\n var patt2 = new RegExp('([0-9])+$');\n var match = patt2.exec(classesarr[index]);\n return Number(match[0]);\n }\n }\n }\n return null;\n };\n\n /**\n * Handle when the window is resized.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.handleResize = function() {\n
var thisQ = this,\n bgRatio = this.bgRatio();\n if (this.isPrinting) {\n bgRatio = 1;\n }\n\n this.getRoot().find('div.droparea .marker').not('.beingdragged').each(function(key, drag) {\n $(drag)\n .css('left', parseFloat($(drag).data('originX')) * parseFloat(bgRatio))\n .css('top', parseFloat($(drag).data('originY')) * parseFloat(bgRatio));\n thisQ.handleElementScale(drag, 'left top');\n });\n\n this.getRoot().find('div.droparea svg.dropzones')\n .width(this.bgImage().width())\n .height(this.bgImage().height());\n\n for (var dropZoneNo = 0; dropZoneNo < this.visibleDropZones.length; dropZoneNo++) {\n var dropZone = thisQ.visibleDropZones[dropZoneNo];\n var originCoords = dropZone.coords;\n var shape = thisQ.shapes[dropZoneNo];\n var shapeSVG = thisQ.shapeSVGs[dropZoneNo];\n shape.parse(originCoords, bgRatio);\n
shape.updateSvg(shapeSVG);\n\n var handles = shape.getHandlePositions();\n var markerSpan = this.getRoot().find('div.ddarea div.markertexts span.markertext' + dropZoneNo);\n markerSpan\n .css('left', handles.moveHandle.x - (markerSpan.outerWidth() / 2) - 4)\n .css('top', handles.moveHandle.y - (markerSpan.outerHeight() / 2));\n thisQ.handleElementScale(markerSpan, 'center');\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Clone the drag.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.cloneDrags = function() {\n var thisQ = this;\n this.getRoot().find('div.draghomes span.marker').each(function(index, draghome) {\n var drag = $(draghome);\n var placeHolder = drag.clone();\n placeHolder.removeClass();\n placeHolder.addClass('marker');\n placeHolder.addClass('choice' + thisQ.getChoiceNoFromElement(drag));\n placeHolder.addClass(thisQ.getDragNoClass(drag, false))
;\n placeHolder.addClass('dragplaceholder');\n drag.before(placeHolder);\n });\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the drag number of a drag.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag the drag.\n * @returns {Number} the drag number.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getDragNo = function(drag) {\n return this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'dragno');\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the drag number prefix of a drag.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag the drag.\n * @param {Boolean} includeSelector include the CSS selector prefix or not.\n * @return {String} Class name\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getDragNoClass = function(drag, includeSelector) {\n var className = 'dragno' + this.getDragNo(drag);\n if (this.isInfiniteDrag(drag)) {\n className = 'infinite';\n }\n\n if (includeSelector) {\n return '.' + className;\n }\n\n return className;\n };\n\n /**\n * Get drag clo
ne for a given drag.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag the drag.\n * @returns {jQuery} the drag's clone.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getDragClone = function(drag) {\n return this.getRoot().find('.draghomes' + ' span.marker' +\n '.choice' + this.getChoiceNoFromElement(drag) + this.getDragNoClass(drag, true) + '.dragplaceholder');\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the drop area element.\n * @returns {jQuery} droparea element.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.dropArea = function() {\n return this.getRoot().find('div.droparea');\n };\n\n /**\n * Animate a drag back to its home.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag the item being moved.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.sendDragHome = function(drag) {\n drag.removeClass('beingdragged')\n .addClass('unneeded')\n .css('top', '')\n .css('left', '')\n .css('transform', '');\n var placeHolder = this.getDragClone(drag);\n
placeHolder.after(drag);\n placeHolder.removeClass('active');\n };\n\n /**\n * Animate a drag item into a given place.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag the item to place.\n * @param {boolean} isScaling Scaling or not.\n * @param {boolean} initialLoad Whether it is the initial load or not.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.sendDragToDrop = function(drag, isScaling, initialLoad = false) {\n var dropArea = this.dropArea(),\n bgRatio = this.bgRatio();\n drag.removeClass('beingdragged').removeClass('unneeded');\n var dragXY = this.convertToBgImgXY(new Shapes.Point('pagex'),'pagey')));\n if (isScaling) {\n'originX', dragXY.x / bgRatio).data('originY', dragXY.y / bgRatio);\n drag.css('left', dragXY.x).css('top', dragXY.y);\n } else {\n'originX', dragXY.x).data('originY', dragXY.y);\n drag.css('left', dragXY.x * bgRatio).css('top', dra
gXY.y * bgRatio);\n }\n // We need to save the original scale ratio for each draggable item.\n if (!initialLoad) {\n // Only set the scale ratio for a current being-dragged item, not for the initial loading.\n'scaleRatio', bgRatio);\n }\n dropArea.append(drag);\n this.handleElementScale(drag, 'left top');\n };\n\n /**\n * Clone the drag at the draghome area if needed.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag the item to place.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.cloneDragIfNeeded = function(drag) {\n var inputNode = this.getInput(drag),\n noOfDrags = Number(this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(inputNode, 'noofdrags')),\n displayedDragsInDropArea = this.getRoot().find('div.droparea .marker.choice' +\n this.getChoiceNoFromElement(drag) + this.getDragNoClass(drag, true)).length,\n displayedDragsInDragHomes = this.getRoot().find('div.draghomes .marker.choice' +\n
this.getChoiceNoFromElement(drag) + this.getDragNoClass(drag, true)).not('.dragplaceholder').length;\n\n if ((this.isInfiniteDrag(drag) ||\n !this.isInfiniteDrag(drag) && displayedDragsInDropArea < noOfDrags) && displayedDragsInDragHomes === 0) {\n var dragClone = drag.clone();\n dragClone.addClass('unneeded')\n .css('top', '')\n .css('left', '')\n .css('transform', '');\n this.getDragClone(drag)\n .removeClass('active')\n .after(dragClone);\n questionManager.addEventHandlersToMarker(dragClone);\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Remove the clone drag at the draghome area if needed.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag the item to place.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.removeDragIfNeeded = function(drag) {\n var dragsInHome = this.getRoot().find('div.draghomes .marker.choice' +\n this.getChoiceNoFromElement(drag) + this.getDrag
NoClass(drag, true)).not('.dragplaceholder');\n var displayedDrags = dragsInHome.length;\n while (displayedDrags > 1) {\n dragsInHome.first().remove();\n displayedDrags--;\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * Get the input belong to drag.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag the item to place.\n * @returns {jQuery} input element.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getInput = function(drag) {\n var choiceNo = this.getChoiceNoFromElement(drag);\n return this.getRoot().find('input.choices.choice' + choiceNo);\n };\n\n /**\n * Return the background ratio.\n *\n * @returns {number} Background ratio.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.bgRatio = function() {\n var bgImg = this.bgImage();\n var bgImgNaturalWidth = bgImg.get(0).naturalWidth;\n var bgImgClientWidth = bgImg.width();\n\n return bgImgClientWidth / bgImgNaturalWidth;\n };\n\n /**\n * Scale the drag if needed.\n *\n
* @param {jQuery} element the item to place.\n * @param {String} type scaling type\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.handleElementScale = function(element, type) {\n var bgRatio = parseFloat(this.bgRatio());\n if (this.isPrinting) {\n bgRatio = 1;\n }\n $(element).css({\n '-webkit-transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',\n '-moz-transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',\n '-ms-transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',\n '-o-transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',\n 'transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',\n 'transform-origin': type\n });\n };\n\n /**\n * Check if the given drag is in infinite mode or not.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} drag The drag item need to check.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.isInfiniteDrag = function(drag) {\n return drag.hasClass('infinite');\n };\n\n /**\n * Waits until all images are loaded before calling setupQuestion()
.\n *\n * This function is called from the onLoad of each image, and also polls with\n * a time-out, because image on-loads are allegedly unreliable.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.waitForAllImagesToBeLoaded = function() {\n\n // This method may get called multiple times (via image on-loads or timeouts.\n // If we are already done, don't do it again.\n if (this.allImagesLoaded) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Clear any current timeout, if set.\n if (this.imageLoadingTimeoutId !== null) {\n clearTimeout(this.imageLoadingTimeoutId);\n }\n\n // If we have not yet loaded all images, set a timeout to\n // call ourselves again, since apparently images on-load\n // events are flakey.\n if (this.getNotYetLoadedImages().length > 0) {\n this.imageLoadingTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {\n this.waitForAllImagesToBeLoaded();\n }, 100);\n return;\n
}\n\n // We now have all images. Carry on, but only after giving the layout a chance to settle down.\n this.allImagesLoaded = true;\n this.cloneDrags();\n this.repositionDrags();\n this.drawDropzones();\n };\n\n /**\n * Get any of the images in the drag-drop area that are not yet fully loaded.\n *\n * @returns {jQuery} those images.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.getNotYetLoadedImages = function() {\n return this.getRoot().find('.ddmarker img.dropbackground').not(function(i, imgNode) {\n return this.imageIsLoaded(imgNode);\n });\n };\n\n /**\n * Check if an image has loaded without errors.\n *\n * @param {HTMLImageElement} imgElement an image.\n * @returns {boolean} true if this image has loaded without errors.\n */\n DragDropMarkersQuestion.prototype.imageIsLoaded = function(imgElement) {\n return imgElement.complete && imgElement.naturalHeight !== 0;\n };\n\n /**\n *
Singleton that tracks all the DragDropToTextQuestions on this page, and deals\n * with event dispatching.\n *\n * @type {Object}\n */\n var questionManager = {\n\n /**\n * {boolean} ensures that the event handlers are only initialised once per page.\n */\n eventHandlersInitialised: false,\n\n /**\n * {Object} ensures that the marker event handlers are only initialised once per question,\n * indexed by containerId (id on the .que div).\n */\n markerEventHandlersInitialised: {},\n\n /**\n * {boolean} is printing or not.\n */\n isPrinting: false,\n\n /**\n * {boolean} is keyboard navigation.\n */\n isKeyboardNavigation: false,\n\n /**\n * {Object} all the questions on this page, indexed by containerId (id on the .que div).\n */\n questions: {}, // An object containing all the information about each question on the page.\n\n /**\n
* Initialise one question.\n *\n * @param {String} containerId the id of the div.que that contains this question.\n * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is read-only.\n * @param {Object[]} visibleDropZones data on any drop zones to draw as part of the feedback.\n */\n init: function(containerId, readOnly, visibleDropZones) {\n questionManager.questions[containerId] =\n new DragDropMarkersQuestion(containerId, readOnly, visibleDropZones);\n if (!questionManager.eventHandlersInitialised) {\n questionManager.setupEventHandlers();\n questionManager.eventHandlersInitialised = true;\n }\n if (!questionManager.markerEventHandlersInitialised.hasOwnProperty(containerId)) {\n questionManager.markerEventHandlersInitialised[containerId] = true;\n // We do not use the body event here to prevent the other event on Mobile device, such as s
croll event.\n var questionContainer = document.getElementById(containerId);\n if (questionContainer.classList.contains('ddmarker') &&\n !questionContainer.classList.contains('qtype_ddmarker-readonly')) {\n // TODO: Convert all the jQuery selectors and events to native Javascript.\n questionManager.addEventHandlersToMarker($(questionContainer).find('div.draghomes .marker'));\n questionManager.addEventHandlersToMarker($(questionContainer).find('div.droparea .marker'));\n }\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Set up the event handlers that make this question type work. (Done once per page.)\n */\n setupEventHandlers: function() {\n $(window).on('resize', function() {\n questionManager.handleWindowResize(false);\n });\n window.addEventListener('beforeprint', function() {\n questionManager.isPrintin
g = true;\n questionManager.handleWindowResize(questionManager.isPrinting);\n });\n window.addEventListener('afterprint', function() {\n questionManager.isPrinting = false;\n questionManager.handleWindowResize(questionManager.isPrinting);\n });\n setTimeout(function() {\n questionManager.fixLayoutIfThingsMoved();\n }, 100);\n },\n\n /**\n * Binding the event again for newly created element.\n *\n * @param {jQuery} element Element to bind the event\n */\n addEventHandlersToMarker: function(element) {\n element\n .on('mousedown touchstart', questionManager.handleDragStart)\n .on('keydown keypress', questionManager.handleKeyPress)\n .focusin(function(e) {\n questionManager.handleKeyboardFocus(e, true);\n })\n .focusout(function(e) {\n
questionManager.handleKeyboardFocus(e, false);\n });\n },\n\n /**\n * Handle mouse down / touch start events on markers.\n * @param {Event} e the DOM event.\n */\n handleDragStart: function(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var question = questionManager.getQuestionForEvent(e);\n if (question) {\n question.handleDragStart(e);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Handle key down / press events on markers.\n * @param {Event} e\n */\n handleKeyPress: function(e) {\n var question = questionManager.getQuestionForEvent(e);\n if (question) {\n question.handleKeyPress(e);\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Handle when the window is resized.\n * @param {boolean} isPrinting\n */\n handleWindowResize: function(isPrinting) {\n for (var containerId in questionManager.questions) {\n
if (questionManager.questions.hasOwnProperty(containerId)) {\n questionManager.questions[containerId].isPrinting = isPrinting;\n questionManager.questions[containerId].handleResize();\n }\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Handle focus lost events on markers.\n * @param {Event} e\n * @param {boolean} isNavigating\n */\n handleKeyboardFocus: function(e, isNavigating) {\n questionManager.isKeyboardNavigation = isNavigating;\n },\n\n /**\n * Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things change in a way that cannot\n * be specifically caught (e.g. dock expanding or collapsing in Boost).\n * Therefore, we need to periodically check everything is in the right position.\n */\n fixLayoutIfThingsMoved: function() {\n if (!questionManager.isKeyboardNavigation) {\n this.handleWindowResize(questionManager.isPrinting)
;\n }\n // We use setTimeout after finishing work, rather than setInterval,\n // in case positioning things is slow. We want 100 ms gap\n // between executions, not what setInterval does.\n setTimeout(function() {\n questionManager.fixLayoutIfThingsMoved(questionManager.isPrinting);\n }, 100);\n },\n\n /**\n * Given an event, work out which question it effects.\n * @param {Event} e the event.\n * @returns {DragDropMarkersQuestion|undefined} The question, or undefined.\n */\n getQuestionForEvent: function(e) {\n var containerId = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.que.ddmarker').attr('id');\n return questionManager.questions[containerId];\n },\n\n /**\n * Handle when the form is dirty.\n */\n handleFormDirty: function() {\n const responseForm = document.getElementById('responseform');\n FormChangeChecker
.markFormAsDirty(responseForm);\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * @alias module:qtype_ddmarker/question\n */\n return {\n /**\n * Initialise one drag-drop markers question.\n *\n * @param {String} containerId id of the outer div for this question.\n * @param {String} bgImgUrl the URL of the background image.\n * @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is being displayed read-only.\n * @param {String[]} visibleDropZones the geometry of any drop-zones to show.\n */\n init: questionManager.init\n };\n});\n"],"names":["define","$","dragDrop","Shapes","keys","FormChangeChecker","DragDropMarkersQuestion","containerId","readOnly","visibleDropZones","thisQ","this","shapes","shapeSVGs","isPrinting","questionAnswer","getRoot","addClass","allImagesLoaded","getNotYetLoadedImages","one","waitForAllImagesToBeLoaded","prototype","drawDropzones","length","bgImage","find","html","outerWidth","outerHeight","svg","nextColourIndex","dropZ