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* JavaScript to allow dragging options to slots (using mouse down or touch) or tab through slots using keyboard.
* @module qtype_ddimageortext/question
* @copyright 2018 The Open University
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
], function(
) {
"use strict";
* Initialise one drag-drop onto image question.
* @param {String} containerId id of the outer div for this question.
* @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is being displayed read-only.
* @param {Array} places Information about the drop places.
* @constructor
function DragDropOntoImageQuestion(containerId, readOnly, places) {
this.containerId = containerId;
this.questionAnswer = {};
M.util.js_pending('qtype_ddimageortext-init-' + this.containerId);
this.places = places;
this.allImagesLoaded = false;
this.imageLoadingTimeoutId = null;
this.isPrinting = false;
if (readOnly) {
var thisQ = this;
this.getNotYetLoadedImages().one('load', function() {
* Waits until all images are loaded before calling setupQuestion().
* This function is called from the onLoad of each image, and also polls with
* a time-out, because image on-loads are allegedly unreliable.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.waitForAllImagesToBeLoaded = function() {
var thisQ = this;
// This method may get called multiple times (via image on-loads or timeouts.
// If we are already done, don't do it again.
if (this.allImagesLoaded) {
// Clear any current timeout, if set.
if (this.imageLoadingTimeoutId !== null) {
// If we have not yet loaded all images, set a timeout to
// call ourselves again, since apparently images on-load
// events are flakey.
if (this.getNotYetLoadedImages().length > 0) {
this.imageLoadingTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
// We now have all images. Carry on, but only after giving the layout a chance to settle down.
this.allImagesLoaded = true;
* Get any of the images in the drag-drop area that are not yet fully loaded.
* @returns {jQuery} those images.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getNotYetLoadedImages = function() {
var thisQ = this;
return this.getRoot().find('.ddarea img').not(function(i, imgNode) {
return thisQ.imageIsLoaded(imgNode);
* Check if an image has loaded without errors.
* @param {HTMLImageElement} imgElement an image.
* @returns {boolean} true if this image has loaded without errors.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.imageIsLoaded = function(imgElement) {
return imgElement.complete && imgElement.naturalHeight !== 0;
* Set up the question, once all images have been loaded.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.setupQuestion = function() {
M.util.js_complete('qtype_ddimageortext-init-' + this.containerId);
* In each group, resize all the items to be the same size.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.resizeAllDragsAndDrops = function() {
var thisQ = this;
this.getRoot().find('.draghomes > div').each(function(i, node) {
thisQ.getClassnameNumericSuffix($(node), 'dragitemgroup'));
* In a given group, set all the drags and drops to be the same size.
* @param {int} group the group number.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.resizeAllDragsAndDropsInGroup = function(group) {
var root = this.getRoot(),
dragHomes = root.find('.dragitemgroup' + group + ' .draghome'),
maxWidth = 0,
maxHeight = 0;
// Find the maximum size of any drag in this groups.
dragHomes.each(function(i, drag) {
maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, Math.ceil(drag.offsetWidth));
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, Math.ceil(drag.offsetHeight));
// The size we will want to set is a bit bigger than this.
maxWidth += 10;
maxHeight += 10;
// Set each drag home to that size.
dragHomes.each(function(i, drag) {
var left = Math.round((maxWidth - drag.offsetWidth) / 2),
top = Math.floor((maxHeight - drag.offsetHeight) / 2);
// Set top and left padding so the item is centred.
'padding-left': left + 'px',
'padding-right': (maxWidth - drag.offsetWidth - left) + 'px',
'padding-top': top + 'px',
'padding-bottom': (maxHeight - drag.offsetHeight - top) + 'px'
// Create the drops and make them the right size.
for (var i in this.places) {
if (!this.places.hasOwnProperty((i))) {
var place = this.places[i],
label = place.text;
if (parseInt( !== group) {
if (label === '') {
label = M.util.get_string('blank', 'qtype_ddimageortext');
root.find('.dropzones').append('<div class="dropzone active group' + +
' place' + i + '" tabindex="0">' +
'<span class="accesshide">' + label + '</span> </div>');
root.find('' + i).width(maxWidth - 2).height(maxHeight - 2);
* Invisible 'drag homes' are output by the renderer. These have the same properties
* as the drag items but are invisible. We clone these invisible elements to make the
* actual drag items.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.cloneDrags = function() {
var thisQ = this;
thisQ.getRoot().find('.draghome').each(function(index, dragHome) {
var drag = $(dragHome);
var placeHolder = drag.clone();
placeHolder.addClass('draghome choice' +
thisQ.getChoice(drag) + ' group' +
thisQ.getGroup(drag) + ' dragplaceholder');
* Clone drag item for one choice.
* @param {jQuery} dragHome the drag home to clone.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.cloneDragsForOneChoice = function(dragHome) {
if (dragHome.hasClass('infinite')) {
var noOfDrags = this.noOfDropsInGroup(this.getGroup(dragHome));
for (var i = 0; i < noOfDrags; i++) {
} else {
* Clone drag item.
* @param {jQuery} dragHome
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.cloneDrag = function(dragHome) {
var drag = dragHome.clone();
.addClass('drag unplaced moodle-has-zindex')
* Update the position of drags.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.positionDragsAndDrops = function() {
var thisQ = this,
root = this.getRoot(),
bgRatio = this.bgRatio();
// Move the drops into position.
root.find('.ddarea .dropzone').each(function(i, dropNode) {
var drop = $(dropNode),
place = thisQ.places[thisQ.getPlace(drop)];
// The xy values come from PHP as strings, so we need parseInt to stop JS doing string concatenation.
drop.css('left', parseInt(place.xy[0]) * bgRatio)
.css('top', parseInt(place.xy[1]) * bgRatio);'originX', parseInt(place.xy[0]))
.data('originY', parseInt(place.xy[1]));
thisQ.handleElementScale(drop, 'left top');
// First move all items back home.
root.find('.draghome').not('.dragplaceholder').each(function(i, dragNode) {
var drag = $(dragNode),
currentPlace = thisQ.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'inplace');
if (currentPlace !== null) {
drag.removeClass('inplace' + currentPlace);
// Then place the ones that should be placed.
root.find('input.placeinput').each(function(i, inputNode) {
var input = $(inputNode),
choice = input.val();
if (choice.length === 0 || (choice.length > 0 && choice === '0')) {
// No item in this place.
var place = thisQ.getPlace(input);
// Get the unplaced drag.
var unplacedDrag = thisQ.getUnplacedChoice(thisQ.getGroup(input), choice);
// Get the clone of the drag.
var hiddenDrag = thisQ.getDragClone(unplacedDrag);
if (hiddenDrag.length) {
if (unplacedDrag.hasClass('infinite')) {
var noOfDrags = thisQ.noOfDropsInGroup(thisQ.getGroup(unplacedDrag));
var cloneDrags = thisQ.getInfiniteDragClones(unplacedDrag, false);
if (cloneDrags.length < noOfDrags) {
var cloneDrag = unplacedDrag.clone();
// Sometimes, for the question that has a lot of input groups and unlimited draggable items,
// this 'clone' process takes longer than usual, so the questionManager.init() method
// will not add the eventHandler for this cloned drag.
// We need to make sure to add the eventHandler for the cloned drag too.
} else {
} else {
// Send the drag to drop.
var drop = root.find('' + place);
thisQ.sendDragToDrop(unplacedDrag, drop);
// Save the question answer.
thisQ.questionAnswer = thisQ.getQuestionAnsweredValues();
* Get the question answered values.
* @return {Object} Contain key-value with key is the input id and value is the input value.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getQuestionAnsweredValues = function() {
let result = {};
this.getRoot().find('input.placeinput').each((i, inputNode) => {
result[] = inputNode.value;
return result;
* Check if the question is being interacted or not.
* @return {boolean} Return true if the user has changed the question-answer.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.isQuestionInteracted = function() {
const oldAnswer = this.questionAnswer;
const newAnswer = this.getQuestionAnsweredValues();
let isInteracted = false;
// First, check both answers have the same structure or not.
if (JSON.stringify(newAnswer) !== JSON.stringify(oldAnswer)) {
isInteracted = true;
return isInteracted;
// Check the values.
Object.keys(newAnswer).forEach(key => {
if (newAnswer[key] !== oldAnswer[key]) {
isInteracted = true;
return isInteracted;
* Handles the start of dragging an item.
* @param {Event} e the touch start or mouse down event.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.handleDragStart = function(e) {
var thisQ = this,
drag = $('.draghome'),
currentIndex = this.calculateZIndex(),
newIndex = currentIndex + 2;
var info = dragDrop.prepare(e);
if (!info.start || drag.hasClass('beingdragged')) {
drag.addClass('beingdragged').css('transform', '').css('z-index', newIndex);
var currentPlace = this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'inplace');
if (currentPlace !== null) {
this.setInputValue(currentPlace, 0);
drag.removeClass('inplace' + currentPlace);
var hiddenDrop = thisQ.getDrop(drag, currentPlace);
if (hiddenDrop.length) {
} else {
var hiddenDrag = thisQ.getDragClone(drag);
if (hiddenDrag.length) {
if (drag.hasClass('infinite')) {
var noOfDrags = this.noOfDropsInGroup(thisQ.getGroup(drag));
var cloneDrags = this.getInfiniteDragClones(drag, false);
if (cloneDrags.length < noOfDrags) {
var cloneDrag = drag.clone();
} else {
} else {
dragDrop.start(e, drag, function(x, y, drag) {
thisQ.dragMove(x, y, drag);
}, function(x, y, drag) {
thisQ.dragEnd(x, y, drag);
* Called whenever the currently dragged items moves.
* @param {Number} pageX the x position.
* @param {Number} pageY the y position.
* @param {jQuery} drag the item being moved.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.dragMove = function(pageX, pageY, drag) {
var thisQ = this,
highlighted = false;
this.getRoot().find('' + this.getGroup(drag)).each(function(i, dropNode) {
var drop = $(dropNode);
if (thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, drop) && !highlighted) {
highlighted = true;
} else {
this.getRoot().find('' + this.getGroup(drag)).not('.beingdragged').each(function(i, dropNode) {
var drop = $(dropNode);
if (thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, drop) && !highlighted && !thisQ.isDragSameAsDrop(drag, drop)) {
highlighted = true;
} else {
* Called when user drops a drag item.
* @param {Number} pageX the x position.
* @param {Number} pageY the y position.
* @param {jQuery} drag the item being moved.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.dragEnd = function(pageX, pageY, drag) {
var thisQ = this,
root = this.getRoot(),
placed = false;
// Looking for drag that was dropped on a dropzone.
root.find('' + this.getGroup(drag)).each(function(i, dropNode) {
var drop = $(dropNode);
if (!thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, drop)) {
// Not this drop.
return true;
// Now put this drag into the drop.
thisQ.sendDragToDrop(drag, drop);
placed = true;
return false; // Stop the each() here.
if (!placed) {
// Looking for drag that was dropped on a placed drag.
root.find('' + this.getGroup(drag)).not('.beingdragged').each(function(i, placedNode) {
var placedDrag = $(placedNode);
if (!thisQ.isPointInDrop(pageX, pageY, placedDrag) || thisQ.isDragSameAsDrop(drag, placedDrag)) {
// Not this placed drag.
return true;
// Now put this drag into the drop.
var currentPlace = thisQ.getClassnameNumericSuffix(placedDrag, 'inplace');
var drop = thisQ.getDrop(drag, currentPlace);
thisQ.sendDragToDrop(drag, drop);
placed = true;
return false; // Stop the each() here.
if (!placed) {
* Animate a drag item into a given place (or back home).
* @param {jQuery|null} drag the item to place. If null, clear the place.
* @param {jQuery} drop the place to put it.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.sendDragToDrop = function(drag, drop) {
// Is there already a drag in this drop? if so, evict it.
var oldDrag = this.getCurrentDragInPlace(this.getPlace(drop));
if (oldDrag.length !== 0) {
var currentPlace = this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(oldDrag, 'inplace');
var hiddenDrop = this.getDrop(oldDrag, currentPlace);
if (drag.length === 0) {
this.setInputValue(this.getPlace(drop), 0);
if ('isfocus')) {
} else {
this.setInputValue(this.getPlace(drop), this.getChoice(drag));
.addClass('placed inplace' + this.getPlace(drop));
drag.attr('tabindex', 0);
this.animateTo(drag, drop);
* Animate a drag back to its home.
* @param {jQuery} drag the item being moved.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.sendDragHome = function(drag) {
var currentPlace = this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'inplace');
if (currentPlace !== null) {
drag.removeClass('inplace' + currentPlace);
}'unplaced', true);
this.animateTo(drag, this.getDragHome(this.getGroup(drag), this.getChoice(drag)));
* Handles keyboard events on drops.
* Drops are focusable. Once focused, right/down/space switches to the next choice, and
* left/up switches to the previous. Escape clear.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} e
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.handleKeyPress = function(e) {
var drop = $('.dropzone');
if (drop.length === 0) {
var placedDrag = $(;
var currentPlace = this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(placedDrag, 'inplace');
if (currentPlace !== null) {
drop = this.getDrop(placedDrag, currentPlace);
var currentDrag = this.getCurrentDragInPlace(this.getPlace(drop)),
nextDrag = $();
switch (e.keyCode) {
case keys.arrowRight:
case keys.arrowDown:
nextDrag = this.getNextDrag(this.getGroup(drop), currentDrag);
case keys.arrowLeft:
case keys.arrowUp:
nextDrag = this.getPreviousDrag(this.getGroup(drop), currentDrag);
case keys.escape:
questionManager.isKeyboardNavigation = false;
questionManager.isKeyboardNavigation = false;
return; // To avoid the preventDefault below.
if (nextDrag.length) {'isfocus', true);
var hiddenDrag = this.getDragClone(nextDrag);
if (hiddenDrag.length) {
if (nextDrag.hasClass('infinite')) {
var noOfDrags = this.noOfDropsInGroup(this.getGroup(nextDrag));
var cloneDrags = this.getInfiniteDragClones(nextDrag, false);
if (cloneDrags.length < noOfDrags) {
var cloneDrag = nextDrag.clone();
} else {
} else {
} else {'isfocus', true);
this.sendDragToDrop(nextDrag, drop);
* Choose the next drag in a group.
* @param {int} group which group.
* @param {jQuery} drag current choice (empty jQuery if there isn't one).
* @return {jQuery} the next drag in that group, or null if there wasn't one.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getNextDrag = function(group, drag) {
var choice,
numChoices = this.noOfChoicesInGroup(group);
if (drag.length === 0) {
choice = 1; // Was empty, so we want to select the first choice.
} else {
choice = this.getChoice(drag) + 1;
var next = this.getUnplacedChoice(group, choice);
while (next.length === 0 && choice < numChoices) {
next = this.getUnplacedChoice(group, choice);
return next;
* Choose the previous drag in a group.
* @param {int} group which group.
* @param {jQuery} drag current choice (empty jQuery if there isn't one).
* @return {jQuery} the next drag in that group, or null if there wasn't one.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getPreviousDrag = function(group, drag) {
var choice;
if (drag.length === 0) {
choice = this.noOfChoicesInGroup(group);
} else {
choice = this.getChoice(drag) - 1;
var previous = this.getUnplacedChoice(group, choice);
while (previous.length === 0 && choice > 1) {
previous = this.getUnplacedChoice(group, choice);
// Does this choice exist?
return previous;
* Animate an object to the given destination.
* @param {jQuery} drag the element to be animated.
* @param {jQuery} target element marking the place to move it to.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.animateTo = function(drag, target) {
var currentPos = drag.offset(),
targetPos = target.offset(),
thisQ = this;
M.util.js_pending('qtype_ddimageortext-animate-' + thisQ.containerId);
// Animate works in terms of CSS position, whereas locating an object
// on the page works best with jQuery offset() function. So, to get
// the right target position, we work out the required change in
// offset() and then add that to the current CSS position.
left: parseInt(drag.css('left')) + targetPos.left - currentPos.left,
top: parseInt(drag.css('top')) + -
duration: 'fast',
done: function() {
$('body').trigger('qtype_ddimageortext-dragmoved', [drag, target, thisQ]);
M.util.js_complete('qtype_ddimageortext-animate-' + thisQ.containerId);
* Detect if a point is inside a given DOM node.
* @param {Number} pageX the x position.
* @param {Number} pageY the y position.
* @param {jQuery} drop the node to check (typically a drop).
* @return {boolean} whether the point is inside the node.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.isPointInDrop = function(pageX, pageY, drop) {
var position = drop.offset();
if (drop.hasClass('draghome')) {
return pageX >= position.left && pageX < position.left + drop.outerWidth()
&& pageY >= && pageY < + drop.outerHeight();
return pageX >= position.left && pageX < position.left + drop.width()
&& pageY >= && pageY < + drop.height();
* Set the value of the hidden input for a place, to record what is currently there.
* @param {int} place which place to set the input value for.
* @param {int} choice the value to set.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.setInputValue = function(place, choice) {
this.getRoot().find('' + place).val(choice);
* Get the outer div for this question.
* @returns {jQuery} containing that div.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getRoot = function() {
return $(document.getElementById(this.containerId));
* Get the img that is the background image.
* @returns {jQuery} containing that img.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.bgImage = function() {
return this.getRoot().find('img.dropbackground');
* Get drag home for a given choice.
* @param {int} group the group.
* @param {int} choice the choice number.
* @returns {jQuery} containing that div.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getDragHome = function(group, choice) {
if (!this.getRoot().find('' + group + '.choice' + choice).is(':visible')) {
return this.getRoot().find('.dragitemgroup' + group +
' .draghome.infinite' +
'.choice' + choice +
'.group' + group);
return this.getRoot().find('' + group + '.choice' + choice);
* Get an unplaced choice for a particular group.
* @param {int} group the group.
* @param {int} choice the choice number.
* @returns {jQuery} jQuery wrapping the unplaced choice. If there isn't one, the jQuery will be empty.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getUnplacedChoice = function(group, choice) {
return this.getRoot().find('.ddarea' + group + '.choice' + choice + '.unplaced').slice(0, 1);
* Get the drag that is currently in a given place.
* @param {int} place the place number.
* @return {jQuery} the current drag (or an empty jQuery if none).
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getCurrentDragInPlace = function(place) {
return this.getRoot().find('.ddarea .draghome.inplace' + place);
* Return the number of blanks in a given group.
* @param {int} group the group number.
* @returns {int} the number of drops.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.noOfDropsInGroup = function(group) {
return this.getRoot().find('' + group).length;
* Return the number of choices in a given group.
* @param {int} group the group number.
* @returns {int} the number of choices.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.noOfChoicesInGroup = function(group) {
return this.getRoot().find('.dragitemgroup' + group + ' .draghome').length;
* Return the number at the end of the CSS class name with the given prefix.
* @param {jQuery} node
* @param {String} prefix name prefix
* @returns {Number|null} the suffix if found, else null.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getClassnameNumericSuffix = function(node, prefix) {
var classes = node.attr('class');
if (classes !== '') {
var classesArr = classes.split(' ');
for (var index = 0; index < classesArr.length; index++) {
var patt1 = new RegExp('^' + prefix + '([0-9])+$');
if (patt1.test(classesArr[index])) {
var patt2 = new RegExp('([0-9])+$');
var match = patt2.exec(classesArr[index]);
return Number(match[0]);
return null;
* Get the choice number of a drag.
* @param {jQuery} drag the drag.
* @returns {Number} the choice number.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getChoice = function(drag) {
return this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(drag, 'choice');
* Given a DOM node that is significant to this question
* (drag, drop, ...) get the group it belongs to.
* @param {jQuery} node a DOM node.
* @returns {Number} the group it belongs to.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getGroup = function(node) {
return this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(node, 'group');
* Get the place number of a drop, or its corresponding hidden input.
* @param {jQuery} node the DOM node.
* @returns {Number} the place number.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getPlace = function(node) {
return this.getClassnameNumericSuffix(node, 'place');
* Get drag clone for a given drag.
* @param {jQuery} drag the drag.
* @returns {jQuery} the drag's clone.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getDragClone = function(drag) {
return this.getRoot().find('.dragitemgroup' +
this.getGroup(drag) +
' .draghome' +
'.choice' + this.getChoice(drag) +
'.group' + this.getGroup(drag) +
* Get infinite drag clones for given drag.
* @param {jQuery} drag the drag.
* @param {Boolean} inHome in the home area or not.
* @returns {jQuery} the drag's clones.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getInfiniteDragClones = function(drag, inHome) {
if (inHome) {
return this.getRoot().find('.dragitemgroup' +
this.getGroup(drag) +
' .draghome' +
'.choice' + this.getChoice(drag) +
'.group' + this.getGroup(drag) +
return this.getRoot().find('.draghome' +
'.choice' + this.getChoice(drag) +
'.group' + this.getGroup(drag) +
* Get drop for a given drag and place.
* @param {jQuery} drag the drag.
* @param {Integer} currentPlace the current place of drag.
* @returns {jQuery} the drop's clone.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.getDrop = function(drag, currentPlace) {
return this.getRoot().find('' + this.getGroup(drag) + '.place' + currentPlace);
* Handle when the window is resized.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.handleResize = function() {
var thisQ = this,
bgRatio = this.bgRatio();
if (this.isPrinting) {
bgRatio = 1;
this.getRoot().find('.ddarea .dropzone').each(function(i, dropNode) {
.css('left', parseInt($(dropNode).data('originX')) * parseFloat(bgRatio))
.css('top', parseInt($(dropNode).data('originY')) * parseFloat(bgRatio));
thisQ.handleElementScale(dropNode, 'left top');
this.getRoot().find('div.droparea .draghome').not('.beingdragged').each(function(key, drag) {
.css('left', parseFloat($(drag).data('originX')) * parseFloat(bgRatio))
.css('top', parseFloat($(drag).data('originY')) * parseFloat(bgRatio));
thisQ.handleElementScale(drag, 'left top');
* Return the background ratio.
* @returns {number} Background ratio.
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.bgRatio = function() {
var bgImg = this.bgImage();
var bgImgNaturalWidth = bgImg.get(0).naturalWidth;
var bgImgClientWidth = bgImg.width();
return bgImgClientWidth / bgImgNaturalWidth;
* Scale the drag if needed.
* @param {jQuery} element the item to place.
* @param {String} type scaling type
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.handleElementScale = function(element, type) {
var bgRatio = parseFloat(this.bgRatio());
if (this.isPrinting) {
bgRatio = 1;
'-webkit-transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',
'-moz-transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',
'-ms-transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',
'-o-transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',
'transform': 'scale(' + bgRatio + ')',
'transform-origin': type
* Calculate z-index value.
* @returns {number} z-index value
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.calculateZIndex = function() {
var zIndex = 0;
this.getRoot().find('.ddarea .dropzone, div.droparea .draghome').each(function(i, dropNode) {
dropNode = $(dropNode);
// Note that webkit browsers won't return the z-index value from the CSS stylesheet
// if the element doesn't have a position specified. Instead it'll return "auto".
var itemZIndex = dropNode.css('z-index') ? parseInt(dropNode.css('z-index')) : 0;
if (itemZIndex > zIndex) {
zIndex = itemZIndex;
return zIndex;
* Check that the drag is drop to it's clone.
* @param {jQuery} drag The drag.
* @param {jQuery} drop The drop.
* @returns {boolean}
DragDropOntoImageQuestion.prototype.isDragSameAsDrop = function(drag, drop) {
return this.getChoice(drag) === this.getChoice(drop) && this.getGroup(drag) === this.getGroup(drop);
* Singleton object that handles all the DragDropOntoImageQuestions
* on the page, and deals with event dispatching.
* @type {Object}
var questionManager = {
* {boolean} ensures that the event handlers are only initialised once per page.
eventHandlersInitialised: false,
* {Object} ensures that the drag event handlers are only initialised once per question,
* indexed by containerId (id on the .que div).
dragEventHandlersInitialised: {},
* {boolean} is printing or not.
isPrinting: false,
* {boolean} is keyboard navigation or not.
isKeyboardNavigation: false,
* {Object} all the questions on this page, indexed by containerId (id on the .que div).
questions: {}, // An object containing all the information about each question on the page.
* Initialise one question.
* @method
* @param {String} containerId the id of the div.que that contains this question.
* @param {boolean} readOnly whether the question is read-only.
* @param {Array} places data.
init: function(containerId, readOnly, places) {
questionManager.questions[containerId] =
new DragDropOntoImageQuestion(containerId, readOnly, places);
if (!questionManager.eventHandlersInitialised) {
questionManager.eventHandlersInitialised = true;
if (!questionManager.dragEventHandlersInitialised.hasOwnProperty(containerId)) {
questionManager.dragEventHandlersInitialised[containerId] = true;
// We do not use the body event here to prevent the other event on Mobile device, such as scroll event.
var questionContainer = document.getElementById(containerId);
if (questionContainer.classList.contains('ddimageortext') &&
!questionContainer.classList.contains('qtype_ddimageortext-readonly')) {
// TODO: Convert all the jQuery selectors and events to native Javascript.
* Set up the event handlers that make this question type work. (Done once per page.)
setupEventHandlers: function() {
'.que.ddimageortext:not(.qtype_ddimageortext-readonly) .dropzones .dropzone',
'.que.ddimageortext:not(.qtype_ddimageortext-readonly) .draghome.placed:not(.beingdragged)',
.on('qtype_ddimageortext-dragmoved', questionManager.handleDragMoved);
$(window).on('resize', function() {
window.addEventListener('beforeprint', function() {
questionManager.isPrinting = true;
window.addEventListener('afterprint', function() {
questionManager.isPrinting = false;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
* Binding the drag/touch event again for newly created element.
* @param {jQuery} element Element to bind the event
addEventHandlersToDrag: function(element) {
// Unbind all the mousedown and touchstart events to prevent double binding.
element.unbind('mousedown touchstart');
element.on('mousedown touchstart', questionManager.handleDragStart);
* Handle mouse down / touch start events on drags.
* @param {Event} e the DOM event.
handleDragStart: function(e) {
var question = questionManager.getQuestionForEvent(e);
if (question) {
* Handle key down / press events on drags.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} e
handleKeyPress: function(e) {
if (questionManager.isKeyboardNavigation) {
questionManager.isKeyboardNavigation = true;
var question = questionManager.getQuestionForEvent(e);
if (question) {
* Handle when the window is resized.
* @param {boolean} isPrinting
handleWindowResize: function(isPrinting) {
for (var containerId in questionManager.questions) {
if (questionManager.questions.hasOwnProperty(containerId)) {
questionManager.questions[containerId].isPrinting = isPrinting;
* Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things change in a way that cannot
* be specifically caught (e.g. dock expanding or collapsing in Boost).
* Therefore, we need to periodically check everything is in the right position.
fixLayoutIfThingsMoved: function() {
// We use setTimeout after finishing work, rather than setInterval,
// in case positioning things is slow. We want 100 ms gap
// between executions, not what setInterval does.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
* Handle when drag moved.
* @param {Event} e the event.
* @param {jQuery} drag the drag
* @param {jQuery} target the target
* @param {DragDropOntoImageQuestion} thisQ the question.
handleDragMoved: function(e, drag, target, thisQ) {
drag.removeClass('beingdragged').css('z-index', '');
drag.css('top', target.position().top).css('left', target.position().left);
if (typeof'unplaced') !== 'undefined' &&'unplaced') === true) {
drag.css('top', '')
.css('left', '')
.css('transform', '');
if (drag.hasClass('infinite') && thisQ.getInfiniteDragClones(drag, true).length > 1) {
thisQ.getInfiniteDragClones(drag, true).first().remove();
} else {'originX','originX')).data('originY','originY'));
thisQ.handleElementScale(drag, 'left top');
if (typeof'isfocus') !== 'undefined' &&'isfocus') === true) {
if (typeof'isfocus') !== 'undefined' &&'isfocus') === true) {
if (questionManager.isKeyboardNavigation) {
questionManager.isKeyboardNavigation = false;
if (thisQ.isQuestionInteracted()) {
// The user has interacted with the draggable items. We need to mark the form as dirty.
// Save the new answered value.
thisQ.questionAnswer = thisQ.getQuestionAnsweredValues();
* Given an event, work out which question it effects.
* @param {Event} e the event.
* @returns {DragDropOntoImageQuestion|undefined} The question, or undefined.
getQuestionForEvent: function(e) {
var containerId = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.que.ddimageortext').attr('id');
return questionManager.questions[containerId];
* Handle when the form is dirty.
handleFormDirty: function() {
const responseForm = document.getElementById('responseform');
* @alias module:qtype_ddimageortext/question
return {
init: questionManager.init