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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/behat_question_base.php');
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode as TableNode;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException as ExpectationException;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException as ElementNotFoundException;
* Steps definitions related with the question bank management.
* @package core_question
* @category test
* @copyright 2013 David Monllaó
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_core_question extends behat_question_base {
* Convert page names to URLs for steps like 'When I am on the "[page name]" page'.
* Recognised page names are:
* | None so far! | |
* @param string $page name of the page, with the component name removed e.g. 'Admin notification'.
* @return moodle_url the corresponding URL.
* @throws Exception with a meaningful error message if the specified page cannot be found.
protected function resolve_page_url(string $page): moodle_url {
switch (strtolower($page)) {
throw new Exception('Unrecognised core_question page type "' . $page . '."');
* Convert page names to URLs for steps like 'When I am on the "[identifier]" "[page type]" page'.
* Recognised page names are:
* | pagetype | name meaning | description |
* | course question bank | Course name | The question bank for a course |
* | course question import | Course name | The import questions screen for a course |
* | course question export | Course name | The export questions screen for a course |
* | preview | Question name | The screen to preview a question |
* | edit | Question name | The screen to edit a question |
* @param string $type identifies which type of page this is, e.g. 'Preview'.
* @param string $identifier identifies the particular page, e.g. 'My question'.
* @return moodle_url the corresponding URL.
* @throws Exception with a meaningful error message if the specified page cannot be found.
protected function resolve_page_instance_url(string $type, string $identifier): moodle_url {
switch (strtolower($type)) {
case 'course question bank':
// The question bank does not handle fields at the edge of the viewport well.
// Increase the size to avoid this.
$this->execute('behat_general::i_change_window_size_to', ['window', 'large']);
return new moodle_url('/question/edit.php', [
'courseid' => $this->get_course_id($identifier),
case 'course question categories':
return new moodle_url('/question/bank/managecategories/category.php',
['courseid' => $this->get_course_id($identifier)]);
case 'course question import':
return new moodle_url('/question/bank/importquestions/import.php',
['courseid' => $this->get_course_id($identifier)]);
case 'course question export':
return new moodle_url('/question/bank/exportquestions/export.php',
['courseid' => $this->get_course_id($identifier)]);
case 'preview':
[$questionid, $otheridtype, $otherid] = $this->find_question_by_name($identifier);
return new moodle_url('/question/bank/previewquestion/preview.php',
['id' => $questionid, $otheridtype => $otherid]);
case 'edit':
[$questionid, $otheridtype, $otherid] = $this->find_question_by_name($identifier);
return new moodle_url('/question/bank/editquestion/question.php',
['id' => $questionid, $otheridtype => $otherid]);
throw new Exception('Unrecognised core_question page type "' . $type . '."');
* Find a question, and where it is, from the question name.
* This is a helper used by resolve_page_instance_url.
* @param string $questionname
* @return array with three elemnets, int question id, a string 'cmid' or 'courseid',
* and int either cmid or courseid as applicable.
protected function find_question_by_name(string $questionname): array {
global $DB;
$questionid = $DB->get_field('question', 'id', ['name' => $questionname], MUST_EXIST);
$question = question_bank::load_question_data($questionid);
$context = context_helper::instance_by_id($question->contextid);
if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {
return [$questionid, 'cmid', $context->instanceid];
} else if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
return [$questionid, 'courseid', $context->instanceid];
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Unsupported context level ' . $context->contextlevel);
* Creates a question in the current course questions bank with the provided data.
* This step can only be used when creating question types composed by a single form.
* @Given /^I add a "(?P<question_type_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" question filling the form with:$/
* @param string $questiontypename The question type name
* @param TableNode $questiondata The data to fill the question type form.
public function i_add_a_question_filling_the_form_with($questiontypename, TableNode $questiondata) {
// Click on create question.
$this->execute('behat_forms::press_button', get_string('createnewquestion', 'question'));
// Add question.
$this->finish_adding_question($questiontypename, $questiondata);
* Checks the state of the specified question.
* @Then /^the state of "(?P<question_description_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" question is shown as "(?P<state_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @param string $questiondescription
* @param string $state
public function the_state_of_question_is_shown_as($questiondescription, $state) {
// Using xpath literal to avoid quotes problems.
$questiondescriptionliteral = behat_context_helper::escape($questiondescription);
$stateliteral = behat_context_helper::escape($state);
// Split in two checkings to give more feedback in case of exception.
$exception = new ElementNotFoundException($this->getSession(), 'Question "' . $questiondescription . '" ');
$questionxpath = "//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' que ')]" .
"[contains(div[@class='content']/div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' formulation ')]," .
$this->find('xpath', $questionxpath, $exception);
$exception = new ExpectationException('Question "' . $questiondescription .
'" state is not "' . $state . '"', $this->getSession());
$xpath = $questionxpath . "/div[@class='info']/div[@class='state' and contains(., {$stateliteral})]";
$this->find('xpath', $xpath, $exception);
* Activates a particular action on a particular question in the question bank UI.
* @When I choose :action action for :questionname in the question bank
* @param string $action the label for the action you want to activate.
* @param string $questionname the question name.
public function i_action_the_question($action, $questionname) {
if ($this->running_javascript()) {
// This method isn't allowed unless Javascript is running.
$this->execute('behat_action_menu::i_open_the_action_menu_in', [
$this->execute('behat_action_menu::i_choose_in_the_open_action_menu', [
} else {
// This method doesn't open the menu correctly when Javascript is running.
$this->execute('behat_action_menu::i_choose_in_the_named_menu_in_container', [
get_string('edit', 'core'),
* Checks that action does exist for a question.
* @Then the :action action should exist for the :questionname question in the question bank
* @param string $action the label for the action you want to activate.
* @param string $questionname the question name.
public function action_exists($action, $questionname) {
$this->execute('behat_action_menu::item_should_exist_in_the', [
get_string('edit', 'core'),
* Checks that action does not exist for a question.
* @Then the :action action should not exist for the :questionname question in the question bank
* @param string $action the label for the action you want to activate.
* @param string $questionname the question name.
public function action_not_exists($action, $questionname) {
$this->execute('behat_action_menu::item_should_not_exist_in_the', [
get_string('edit', 'core'),
* A particular bulk action is visible in the question bank UI.
* @When I should see question bulk action :action
* @param string $action the value of the input for the action.
public function i_should_see_question_bulk_action($action) {
// Check if its visible.
["#bulkactionsui-container input[name='$action']", "css_element"]);
* A particular bulk action should not be visible in the question bank UI.
* @When I should not see question bulk action :action
* @param string $action the value of the input for the action.
public function i_should_not_see_question_bulk_action($action) {
// Check if its visible.
["#bulkactionsui-container input[name='$action']", "css_element"]);
* A click on a particular bulk action in the question bank UI.
* @When I click on question bulk action :action
* @param string $action the value of the input for the action.
public function i_click_on_question_bulk_action($action) {
// Click the bulk action.
["#bulkactionsui-container input[name='$action']", "css_element"]);
* Change the question type of the give question to a type that does not exist.
* This is useful for testing robustness of the code when a question type
* has been uninstalled, even though there are still questions of that type
* or attempts at them.
* In order to set things up, you probably need to start by generating
* questions of a valid type, then using this to change the type once the
* data is created.
* @Given question :questionname is changed to simulate being of an uninstalled type
* @param string $questionname the question name.
public function change_question_to_nonexistant_type($questionname) {
global $DB;
[$id] = $this->find_question_by_name($questionname);
// Check our assumption.
$nonexistanttype = 'invalidqtype';
if (question_bank::is_qtype_installed($nonexistanttype)) {
throw new coding_exception('This code assumes that the qtype_' . $nonexistanttype .
' is not a valid plugin name, but that plugin now seems to exist!');
$DB->set_field('question', 'qtype', $nonexistanttype, ['id' => $id]);
* Forcibly delete a question from the database.
* This is useful for testing robustness of the code when a question
* record is no longer in the database, even though it is referred to.
* Obviously, this should never happen, but it has been known to in the past
* and so we sometimes need to be able to test the code can handle this situation.
* In order to set things up, you probably need to start by generating
* a valid questions, then using this to remove it once the data is created.
* @Given question :questionname no longer exists in the database
* @param string $questionname the question name.
public function remove_question_from_db($questionname) {
global $DB;
[$id] = $this->find_question_by_name($questionname);
$DB->delete_records('question', ['id' => $id]);
* Add a question bank filter
* This will add the filter if it does not exist, but leave the value empty.
* @When I add question bank filter :filtertype
* @param string $filtertype The filter we are adding
public function i_add_question_bank_filter(string $filtertype) {
$filter = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css',
'[data-filterregion=filter] [data-field-title="' . $filtertype . '"]');
if ($filter === null) {
$this->execute('behat_forms::press_button', [get_string('addcondition')]);
$this->execute('behat_forms::i_set_the_field_in_container_to', [
"[data-filterregion=filter]:last-child fieldset",
* Apply question bank filter.
* This will change the existing value of the specified filter, or add the filter and set its value if it doesn't already
* exist.
* @When I apply question bank filter :filtertype with value :value
* @param string $filtertype The filter to apply. This should match the get_title() return value from the
* filter's condition class.
* @param string $value The value to set for the condition.
public function i_apply_question_bank_filter(string $filtertype, string $value) {
// Add the filter if needed.
$this->execute('behat_core_question::i_add_question_bank_filter', [
// Set the filter value.
$this->execute('behat_forms::i_set_the_field_to', [
// Apply filters.
$this->execute("behat_forms::press_button", [get_string('applyfilters')]);