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* A collection of all the question statistics calculated for an activity instance ie. the stats calculated for slots and
* sub-questions and variants of those questions.
* @package core_question
* @copyright 2014 The Open University
* @author James Pratt
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_question\statistics\questions;
use question_bank;
* A collection of all the question statistics calculated for an activity instance.
* @package core_question
* @copyright 2014 The Open University
* @author James Pratt
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition {
* @var int previously, the time after which statistics are automatically recomputed.
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.3. Use of pre-computed stats is no longer time-limited.
* @todo MDL-78090 Final deprecation in Moodle 4.7
const TIME_TO_CACHE = 900; // 15 minutes.
* @var object[]
public $subquestions = [];
* Holds slot (position) stats and stats for variants of questions in slots.
* @var calculated[]
public $questionstats = array();
* Holds sub-question stats and stats for variants of subqs.
* @var calculated_for_subquestion[]
public $subquestionstats = array();
* Set up a calculated_for_subquestion instance ready to store a randomly selected question's stats.
* @param object $step
* @param int|null $variant Is this to keep track of a variant's stats? If so what is the variant, if not null.
public function initialise_for_subq($step, $variant = null) {
$newsubqstat = new calculated_for_subquestion($step, $variant);
if ($variant === null) {
$this->subquestionstats[$step->questionid] = $newsubqstat;
} else {
$this->subquestionstats[$step->questionid]->variantstats[$variant] = $newsubqstat;
* Set up a calculated instance ready to store a slot question's stats.
* @param int $slot
* @param object $question
* @param int|null $variant Is this to keep track of a variant's stats? If so what is the variant, if not null.
public function initialise_for_slot($slot, $question, $variant = null) {
$newqstat = new calculated($question, $slot, $variant);
if ($variant === null) {
$this->questionstats[$slot] = $newqstat;
} else {
$this->questionstats[$slot]->variantstats[$variant] = $newqstat;
* Do we have stats for a particular quesitonid (and optionally variant)?
* @param int $questionid The id of the sub question.
* @param int|null $variant if not null then we want the object to store a variant of a sub-question's stats.
* @return bool whether those stats exist (yet).
public function has_subq($questionid, $variant = null) {
if ($variant === null) {
return isset($this->subquestionstats[$questionid]);
} else {
return isset($this->subquestionstats[$questionid]->variantstats[$variant]);
* Reference for a item stats instance for a questionid and optional variant no.
* @param int $questionid The id of the sub question.
* @param int|null $variant if not null then we want the object to store a variant of a sub-question's stats.
* @return calculated|calculated_for_subquestion stats instance for a questionid and optional variant no.
* Will be a calculated_for_subquestion if no variant specified.
* @throws \coding_exception if there is an attempt to respond to a non-existant set of stats.
public function for_subq($questionid, $variant = null) {
if ($variant === null) {
if (!isset($this->subquestionstats[$questionid])) {
throw new \coding_exception('Reference to unknown question id ' . $questionid);
} else {
return $this->subquestionstats[$questionid];
} else {
if (!isset($this->subquestionstats[$questionid]->variantstats[$variant])) {
throw new \coding_exception('Reference to unknown question id ' . $questionid .
' variant ' . $variant);
} else {
return $this->subquestionstats[$questionid]->variantstats[$variant];
* ids of all randomly selected question for all slots.
* @return int[] An array of all sub-question ids.
public function get_all_subq_ids() {
return array_keys($this->subquestionstats);
* All slots nos that stats have been calculated for.
* @return int[] An array of all slot nos.
public function get_all_slots() {
return array_keys($this->questionstats);
* Do we have stats for a particular slot (and optionally variant)?
* @param int $slot The slot no.
* @param int|null $variant if provided then we want the object which stores a variant of a position's stats.
* @return bool whether those stats exist (yet).
public function has_slot($slot, $variant = null) {
if ($variant === null) {
return isset($this->questionstats[$slot]);
} else {
return isset($this->questionstats[$slot]->variantstats[$variant]);
* Get position stats instance for a slot and optional variant no.
* @param int $slot The slot no.
* @param int|null $variant if provided then we want the object which stores a variant of a position's stats.
* @return calculated|calculated_for_subquestion An instance of the class storing the calculated position stats.
* @throws \coding_exception if there is an attempt to respond to a non-existant set of stats.
public function for_slot($slot, $variant = null) {
if ($variant === null) {
if (!isset($this->questionstats[$slot])) {
throw new \coding_exception('Reference to unknown slot ' . $slot);
} else {
return $this->questionstats[$slot];
} else {
if (!isset($this->questionstats[$slot]->variantstats[$variant])) {
throw new \coding_exception('Reference to unknown slot ' . $slot . ' variant ' . $variant);
} else {
return $this->questionstats[$slot]->variantstats[$variant];
* Load cached statistics from the database.
* @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids Which question usages to load stats for?
public function get_cached($qubaids) {
global $DB;
$timemodified = self::get_last_calculated_time($qubaids);
$questionstatrecs = $DB->get_records('question_statistics',
['hashcode' => $qubaids->get_hash_code(), 'timemodified' => $timemodified]);
$questionids = array();
foreach ($questionstatrecs as $fromdb) {
if (is_null($fromdb->variant) && !$fromdb->slot) {
$questionids[] = $fromdb->questionid;
$this->subquestions = question_load_questions($questionids);
foreach ($questionstatrecs as $fromdb) {
if (is_null($fromdb->variant)) {
if ($fromdb->slot) {
if (!isset($this->questionstats[$fromdb->slot])) {
debugging('Statistics found for slot ' . $fromdb->slot .
' in stats ' . json_encode($qubaids->from_where_params()) .
' which is not an analysable question.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
} else {
$this->subquestionstats[$fromdb->questionid] = new calculated_for_subquestion();
if (isset($this->subquestions[$fromdb->questionid])) {
$this->subquestionstats[$fromdb->questionid]->question =
} else {
$this->subquestionstats[$fromdb->questionid]->question = question_bank::get_qtype(
'missingtype', false)->make_deleted_instance($fromdb->questionid, 1);
// Add cached variant stats to data structure.
foreach ($questionstatrecs as $fromdb) {
if (!is_null($fromdb->variant)) {
if ($fromdb->slot) {
if (!isset($this->questionstats[$fromdb->slot])) {
debugging('Statistics found for slot ' . $fromdb->slot .
' in stats ' . json_encode($qubaids->from_where_params()) .
' which is not an analysable question.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$newcalcinstance = new calculated();
$this->questionstats[$fromdb->slot]->variantstats[$fromdb->variant] = $newcalcinstance;
$newcalcinstance->question = $this->questionstats[$fromdb->slot]->question;
} else {
$newcalcinstance = new calculated_for_subquestion();
$this->subquestionstats[$fromdb->questionid]->variantstats[$fromdb->variant] = $newcalcinstance;
if (isset($this->subquestions[$fromdb->questionid])) {
$newcalcinstance->question = $this->subquestions[$fromdb->questionid];
} else {
$newcalcinstance->question = question_bank::get_qtype(
'missingtype', false)->make_deleted_instance($fromdb->questionid, 1);
* Find time of non-expired statistics in the database.
* @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids Which question usages to look for stats for?
* @return int|bool Time of cached record that matches this qubaid_condition or false if non found.
public function get_last_calculated_time($qubaids) {
global $DB;
$lastcalculatedtime = $DB->get_field('question_statistics', 'COALESCE(MAX(timemodified), 0)',
['hashcode' => $qubaids->get_hash_code()]);
if ($lastcalculatedtime) {
return $lastcalculatedtime;
} else {
return false;
* Save stats to db, first cleaning up any old ones.
* @param \qubaid_condition $qubaids Which question usages are we caching the stats of?
public function cache($qubaids) {
global $DB;
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$timemodified = time();
foreach ($this->get_all_slots() as $slot) {
$this->for_slot($slot)->cache($qubaids, $timemodified);
foreach ($this->get_all_subq_ids() as $subqid) {
$this->for_subq($subqid)->cache($qubaids, $timemodified);
* Return all sub-questions used.
* @return \object[] array of questions.
public function get_sub_questions() {
return $this->subquestions;
* Return all stats for one slot, stats for the slot itself, and either :
* - variants of question
* - variants of randomly selected questions
* - randomly selected questions
* @param int $slot the slot no
* @param bool|int $limitvariants limit number of variants and sub-questions displayed?
* @return calculated|calculated_for_subquestion[] stats to display
public function structure_analysis_for_one_slot($slot, $limitvariants = false) {
return array_merge(array($this->for_slot($slot)), $this->all_subq_and_variant_stats_for_slot($slot, $limitvariants));
* Call after calculations to output any error messages.
* @return string[] Array of strings describing error messages found during stats calculation.
public function any_error_messages() {
$errors = array();
foreach ($this->get_all_slots() as $slot) {
foreach ($this->for_slot($slot)->get_sub_question_ids() as $subqid) {
if ($this->for_subq($subqid)->differentweights) {
$name = $this->for_subq($subqid)->question->name;
$errors[] = get_string('erroritemappearsmorethanoncewithdifferentweight', 'question', $name);
return $errors;
* Return all stats for variants of question in slot $slot.
* @param int $slot The slot no.
* @return calculated[] The instances storing the calculated stats.
protected function all_variant_stats_for_one_slot($slot) {
$toreturn = array();
foreach ($this->for_slot($slot)->get_variants() as $variant) {
$toreturn[] = $this->for_slot($slot, $variant);
return $toreturn;
* Return all stats for variants of randomly selected questions for one slot $slot.
* @param int $slot The slot no.
* @return calculated[] The instances storing the calculated stats.
protected function all_subq_variants_for_one_slot($slot) {
$toreturn = array();
$displayorder = 1;
foreach ($this->for_slot($slot)->get_sub_question_ids() as $subqid) {
if ($variants = $this->for_subq($subqid)->get_variants()) {
foreach ($variants as $variant) {
$toreturn[] = $this->make_new_subq_stat_for($displayorder, $slot, $subqid, $variant);
return $toreturn;
* Return all stats for randomly selected questions for one slot $slot.
* @param int $slot The slot no.
* @return calculated[] The instances storing the calculated stats.
protected function all_subqs_for_one_slot($slot) {
$displayorder = 1;
$toreturn = array();
foreach ($this->for_slot($slot)->get_sub_question_ids() as $subqid) {
$toreturn[] = $this->make_new_subq_stat_for($displayorder, $slot, $subqid);
return $toreturn;
* Return all variant or 'sub-question' stats one slot, either :
* - variants of question
* - variants of randomly selected questions
* - randomly selected questions
* @param int $slot the slot no
* @param bool $limited limit number of variants and sub-questions displayed?
* @return calculated|calculated_for_subquestion|calculated_question_summary[] stats to display
protected function all_subq_and_variant_stats_for_slot($slot, $limited) {
// Random question in this slot?
if ($this->for_slot($slot)->get_sub_question_ids()) {
$toreturn = array();
if ($limited) {
$randomquestioncalculated = $this->for_slot($slot);
if ($subqvariantstats = $this->all_subq_variants_for_one_slot($slot)) {
// There are some variants from randomly selected questions.
// If we're showing a limited view of the statistics then add a question summary stat
// rather than a stat for each subquestion.
$summarystat = $this->make_new_calculated_question_summary_stat($randomquestioncalculated, $subqvariantstats);
$toreturn = array_merge($toreturn, [$summarystat]);
if ($subqstats = $this->all_subqs_for_one_slot($slot)) {
// There are some randomly selected questions.
// If we're showing a limited view of the statistics then add a question summary stat
// rather than a stat for each subquestion.
$summarystat = $this->make_new_calculated_question_summary_stat($randomquestioncalculated, $subqstats);
$toreturn = array_merge($toreturn, [$summarystat]);
foreach ($toreturn as $index => $calculated) {
$calculated->subqdisplayorder = $index;
} else {
$displaynumber = 1;
foreach ($this->for_slot($slot)->get_sub_question_ids() as $subqid) {
$toreturn[] = $this->make_new_subq_stat_for($displaynumber, $slot, $subqid);
if ($variants = $this->for_subq($subqid)->get_variants()) {
foreach ($variants as $variant) {
$toreturn[] = $this->make_new_subq_stat_for($displaynumber, $slot, $subqid, $variant);
return $toreturn;
} else {
$variantstats = $this->all_variant_stats_for_one_slot($slot);
if ($limited && $variantstats) {
$variantquestioncalculated = $this->for_slot($slot);
// If we're showing a limited view of the statistics then add a question summary stat
// rather than a stat for each variation.
$summarystat = $this->make_new_calculated_question_summary_stat($variantquestioncalculated, $variantstats);
return [$summarystat];
} else {
return $variantstats;
* We need a new object for display. Sub-question stats can appear more than once in different slots.
* So we create a clone of the object and then we can set properties on the object that are per slot.
* @param int $displaynumber The display number for this sub question.
* @param int $slot The slot number.
* @param int $subqid The sub question id.
* @param null|int $variant The variant no.
* @return calculated_for_subquestion The object for display.
protected function make_new_subq_stat_for($displaynumber, $slot, $subqid, $variant = null) {
$slotstat = fullclone($this->for_subq($subqid, $variant));
$slotstat->question->number = $this->for_slot($slot)->question->number;
$slotstat->subqdisplayorder = $displaynumber;
return $slotstat;
* Create a summary calculated object for a calculated question. This is used as a placeholder
* to indicate that a calculated question has sub questions or variations to show rather than listing each
* subquestion or variation directly.
* @param calculated $randomquestioncalculated The calculated instance for the random question slot.
* @param calculated[] $subquestionstats The instances of the calculated stats of the questions that are being summarised.
* @return calculated_question_summary
protected function make_new_calculated_question_summary_stat($randomquestioncalculated, $subquestionstats) {
$question = $randomquestioncalculated->question;
$slot = $randomquestioncalculated->slot;
$calculatedsummary = new calculated_question_summary($question, $slot, $subquestionstats);
return $calculatedsummary;