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@qbank @qbank_previewquestion
Feature: A teacher can preview questions in the question bank
In order to ensure the questions are properly created
As a teacher
I need to preview the questions
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | format |
| Course 1 | C1 | weeks |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | course | idnumber |
| quiz | Test quiz | C1 | quiz1 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
And the following "question categories" exist:
| contextlevel | reference | name |
| Course | C1 | Test questions |
And the following "questions" exist:
| questioncategory | qtype | name |
| Test questions | numerical | Test question to be previewed |
And I am on the "Test quiz" "mod_quiz > question bank" page logged in as "teacher1"
When I choose "Preview" action for "Test question to be previewed" in the question bank
Scenario: Question preview shows the question and other information
Then the state of "What is pi to two d.p.?" question is shown as "Not yet answered"
And I should see "(latest)"
And I should see "Marked out of 1.00"
And I should see "Technical information"
And I should see "Display options"
And I should see "Preview options"
And I should see "Comments"
And I click on "Comments" "link"
And I should see "Save comment"
And I should see "ID number"
And "Numerical" "icon" should exist
And I should see "Version"
And I click on "Preview options" "link"
And I should see "These settings are for testing the question. The options you select only affect the preview."
And I should see "Question version"
Scenario: Preview lets the teacher see what happens when an answer is saved
When I set the field "Answer:" to "1"
And I press "Save"
Then the state of "What is pi to two d.p.?" question is shown as "Answer saved"
Scenario: Preview lets the teacher see what happens when an answer is submitted
When I set the field "Answer:" to "3.14"
And I press "Submit and finish"
Then the state of "What is pi to two d.p.?" question is shown as "Correct"
Scenario: Preview lets the teacher see what happens with different review options
Given I set the field "Answer:" to "3.14"
And I press "Submit and finish"
And I press "Display options"
When I set the field "Whether correct" to "Not shown"
And I set the field "Decimal places in grades" to "5"
And I press "Update display options"
And I set the field "Answer:" to "3.14"
And I press "Submit and finish"
Then the state of "What is pi to two d.p.?" question is shown as "Complete"
And I should see "1.00000"
Scenario: Preview lets the teacher see what happens with different behaviours
When I press "Preview options"
And I set the field "How questions behave" to "Immediate feedback"
And I set the field "Marked out of" to "3"
And I press "Save preview options and start again"
And I set the field "Answer:" to "3.1"
And I press "Check"
Then the state of "What is pi to two d.p.?" question is shown as "Incorrect"
And I should see "Mark 0.00 out of 3.00"
And I should see "Not accurate enough."
Scenario: Preview lets the teacher "Start again" while previewing
Given I set the field "Answer:" to "1"
And I press "Submit and finish"
When I press "Start again"
Then the state of "What is pi to two d.p.?" question is shown as "Not yet answered"
Scenario: Preview lets the teacher "Fill in correct response" while previewing
When I press "Fill in correct responses"
Then the field "Answer:" matches value "3.14"
Scenario: Preview a question with very small grade
When I press "Preview options"
And I set the field "Marked out of" to "0.00000123456789"
And I press "Save preview options and start again"
Then the field "Marked out of" matches value "0.00000123456789"
Scenario: Question version is updated when edited and teacher can change question version
Given I should see "Version 1"
And I press "Close preview"
And I choose "Edit question" action for "Test question to be previewed" in the question bank
And I set the field "Question name" to "New version"
And I set the field "Question text" to "New text version"
And I click on "submitbutton" "button"
And I choose "Preview" action for "New version" in the question bank
When I expand all fieldsets
And I should see "Version 2"
And I should see "(latest)"
And I should see "New version"
And I should see "New text version"
And I should not see "Test question to be previewed"
And I should not see "Version 1"
And I should see "1" in the "Question version" "select"
And I should see "2" in the "Question version" "select"
And I set the field "Question version" to "1"
And I press "Save preview options and start again"
Then I should see "Version 1"
And I should not see "Version 2"
And I should not see "(latest)"
Scenario: The preview always uses the latest question version by default.
Given the following "core_question > updated questions" exist:
| questioncategory | question | questiontext |
| Test questions | Test question to be previewed | Question version 2 |
And I should see "Version 1 (latest)"
And I expand all fieldsets
And the field "Question version" matches value "Always latest"
And I set the field "Answer:" to "3.14"
And I press "Submit and finish"
And I should see "Version 1"
When I press "Start again"
Then I should not see "Version 1"
And I should see "Version 2 (latest)"
Scenario: Detect a newer version during always latest preview and offer to switch to the latest
Given I should not see "This preview is using version 1"
And the following "core_question > updated questions" exist:
| questioncategory | question | questiontext |
| Test questions | Test question to be previewed | Question version 2 |
And I should see "Version 1 (latest)"
And I set the field "Answer:" to "3.14"
When I press "Submit and finish"
And I should see "This preview is using an older version of the question."
And I press "Use latest version"
Then I should not see "Version 1"
And I should see "Version 2 (latest)"
Scenario: Previewing from the question history will not always show the latest version
Given I press "Close preview"
And the following "core_question > updated questions" exist:
| questioncategory | question | questiontext |
| Test questions | Test question to be previewed | Question version 2 |
And I choose "History" action for "Test question to be previewed" in the question bank
And I choose "Preview" action for "Test question to be previewed" in the question bank
And I should see "Version 1 (of 2)"
And I expand all fieldsets
And the field "Question version" matches value "1"
And I set the field "Answer:" to "3.14"
And I press "Submit and finish"
And I should see "Version 1 (of 2)"
And I should not see "The latest version is 2."
And the following "core_question > updated questions" exist:
| questioncategory | question | questiontext |
| Test questions | Test question to be previewed | Question version 3 |
When I press "Start again"
Then I should see "Version 1 (of 3)"
And I should not see "Version 3 (latest)"
Scenario: Question preview can be closed
And I press "Close preview"
Then I should not see "(latest)"
And I should see "Test quiz"