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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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namespace qbank_managecategories;
use core\output\datafilter;
use core_question\local\bank\condition;
use core_question\local\bank\view;
* This class controls from which category questions are listed.
* @package qbank_managecategories
* @copyright 2013 Ray Morris
* @author 2021 Safat Shahin <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class category_condition extends condition {
/** @var \stdClass The course record. */
protected $course;
/** @var \stdClass The category record. */
protected $category;
/** @var array of contexts. */
protected $contexts;
/** @var string categoryID,contextID as used with question_bank_view->display(). */
protected $cat;
/** @var int The maximum displayed length of the category info. */
public $maxinfolength;
/** @var bool Include questions in subcategories of the specified category? */
public $includesubcategories;
* Constructor to initialize the category filter condition.
* @param view $qbank qbank view
public function __construct(view $qbank = null) {
if (is_null($qbank)) {
$this->cat = $qbank->get_pagevars('cat');
$this->contexts = $qbank->contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($qbank->get_pagevars('tabname'));
$this->course = $qbank->course;
[$categoryid, $contextid] = self::validate_category_param($this->cat);
if (is_null($categoryid)) {
$this->category = self::get_category_record($categoryid, $contextid);
$this->includesubcategories = $this->filter['filteroptions']['includesubcategories'] ?? false;
* Return default category
* @return \stdClass default category
public function get_default_category(): \stdClass {
if (empty($this->category)) {
return question_get_default_category(\context_course::instance($this->course->id)->id);
return $this->category;
public static function get_condition_key() {
return 'category';
* Returns course id.
* @return string Course id.
public function get_course_id() {
return $this->course->id;
* Called by question_bank_view to display the GUI for selecting a category
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.3 MDL-72321 - please do not use this function any more.
* @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-78090
public function display_options() {
debugging('Function display_options() is deprecated, please use filtering objects', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
global $PAGE;
$displaydata = [];
$catmenu = helper::question_category_options($this->contexts, true, 0,
true, -1, false);
$displaydata['categoryselect'] = \html_writer::select($catmenu, 'category', $this->cat, [],
array('class' => 'searchoptions custom-select', 'id' => 'id_selectacategory'));
$displaydata['categorydesc'] = '';
if ($this->category) {
$displaydata['categorydesc'] = $this->print_category_info($this->category);
return $PAGE->get_renderer('qbank_managecategories')->render_category_condition($displaydata);
* Displays the recursion checkbox GUI.
* question_bank_view places this within the section that is hidden by default
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.3 MDL-72321 - please do not use this function any more.
* @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-78090
public function display_options_adv() {
debugging('Function display_options_adv() is deprecated, please use filtering objects', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
global $PAGE;
$displaydata = [];
if ($this->recurse) {
$displaydata['checked'] = 'checked';
return $PAGE->get_renderer('qbank_managecategories')->render_category_condition_advanced($displaydata);
* Display the drop down to select the category.
* @param array $contexts of contexts that can be accessed from here.
* @param \moodle_url $pageurl the URL of this page.
* @param string $current 'categoryID,contextID'.
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.3
* @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-78090
protected function display_category_form($contexts, $pageurl, $current) {
'Function display_category_form() is deprecated, please use the core_question renderer instead.',
echo \html_writer::start_div('choosecategory');
$catmenu = question_category_options($contexts, true, 0, true, -1, false);
echo \html_writer::label(get_string('selectacategory', 'question'), 'id_selectacategory', true, ["class" => "mr-1"]);
echo \html_writer::select($catmenu, 'category', $current, [],
array('class' => 'searchoptions custom-select', 'id' => 'id_selectacategory'));
echo \html_writer::end_div() . "\n";
* Print the text if category id not available.
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.3
* @todo Final deprecation in Moodle 4.7 MDL-78090
public static function print_choose_category_message(): void {
'Function print_choose_category_message() is deprecated, please use ' .
'qbank_managecategories/choose_category template instead.',
global $OUTPUT;
echo $OUTPUT->render_from_template('qbank_managecategories/choose_category', []);
* Look up the category record based on category ID and context
* @param string $categoryandcontext categoryID,contextID as used with question_bank_view->display()
* @return \stdClass The category record
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.3
* @todo Final deprecation in Moodle 4.7 MDL-78090
public static function get_current_category($categoryandcontext) {
debugging('Function get_current_category() is deprecated. Please do not use it anymore.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
global $DB, $OUTPUT;
[$categoryid, $contextid] = explode(',', $categoryandcontext);
if (!$categoryid) {
return false;
if (!$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories', ['id' => $categoryid, 'contextid' => $contextid])) {
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox questionbank');
echo $OUTPUT->notification('Category not found!');
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
return false;
return $category;
* Return category and context ID from compound parameter.
* @param string $categoryandcontext Comma-separated list of category and context IDs.
* @return int[]|null[]
public static function validate_category_param(string $categoryandcontext): array {
[$categoryid, $contextid] = explode(',', $categoryandcontext);
if (!$categoryid) {
return [null, null];
return [clean_param($categoryid, PARAM_INT), clean_param($contextid, PARAM_INT)];
* Fetch the question category record matching the provided category and context IDs.
* @param int $categoryid
* @param int $contextid
* @return \stdClass
* @throws \dml_exception
public static function get_category_record($categoryid, $contextid): \stdClass {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_record('question_categories',
['id' => $categoryid, 'contextid' => $contextid],
* Print the category description
* @param \stdClass $category the category information form the database.
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.3 MDL-72321 - please do not use this function any more.
* @todo Final deprecation on Moodle 4.7 MDL-78090
protected function print_category_info($category): string {
debugging('Function print_category_info() is deprecated. Please do not use it anymore', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$formatoptions = new \stdClass();
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$formatoptions->overflowdiv = true;
if (isset($this->maxinfolength)) {
return shorten_text(format_text($category->info, $category->infoformat, $formatoptions, $this->course->id),
return format_text($category->info, $category->infoformat, $formatoptions, $this->course->id);
public static function build_query_from_filter(array $filter): array {
global $DB;
$recursive = false;
if (isset($filter['filteroptions']['includesubcategories'])) {
$recursive = (bool)$filter['filteroptions']['includesubcategories'];
// Sub categories.
if ($recursive) {
$categories = $filter['values'];
$categoriesandsubcategories = [];
foreach ($categories as $categoryid) {
$categoriesandsubcategories += question_categorylist($categoryid);
} else {
$categoriesandsubcategories = $filter['values'];
$jointype = $filter['jointype'] ?? self::JOINTYPE_DEFAULT;
$equal = !($jointype === datafilter::JOINTYPE_NONE);
[$insql, $params] = $DB->get_in_or_equal($categoriesandsubcategories, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'cat', $equal);
$where = 'qbe.questioncategoryid ' . $insql;
return [$where, $params];
public function get_title() {
return get_string('category', 'core_question');
public function get_filter_class() {
return 'qbank_managecategories/datafilter/filtertypes/categories';
public function allow_custom() {
return false;
public function allow_multiple() {
return false;
public function allow_empty() {
return false;
public function get_join_list(): array {
return [
public function get_initial_values() {
$catmenu = helper::question_category_options($this->contexts, true, 0, true, -1, false);
$values = [];
foreach ($catmenu as $menu) {
foreach ($menu as $heading => $catlist) {
$values[] = (object) [
// Add a list item for each question category context. This will serve as a "heading" within the list
// and we will use CSS to disable pointer events so it cannot be selected.
'value' => '',
'title' => $heading,
'disabled' => true,
'classes' => 'suggestions-heading',
foreach ($catlist as $key => $value) {
$values[] = (object) [
// Remove contextid from value.
'value' => str_contains($key, ',') ? substr($key, 0, strpos($key, ',')) : $key,
'title' => $value,
'selected' => ($key === $this->cat),
return $values;
public function get_filteroptions(): \stdClass {
return (object)[
'includesubcategories' => $this->includesubcategories,
public function is_required(): bool {
return true;