Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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{"version":3,"file":"repository.min.js","sources":["../src/repository.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle -\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.\n\n/**\n * External function calls for qbank_columnsortorder\n *\n * @module     qbank_columnsortorder/repository\n * @copyright  2023 Catalyst IT Europe Ltd.\n * @author     Mark Johnson <>\n * @license GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\nimport {call as fetchMany} from 'core/ajax';\n\n/**\n * Save the list of hidden columns\n *\n * @param {String[]} columns List of hidden column names\n * @param {Boolean} global Set global config setting, rather than user preference\n * @return {Promise}\n */\nexport const setHiddenColumns = (columns, global = false) => fetchMany([{\n    methodname: 'qbank_columnsortorder_set_hidden_columns',\n    args: {\n        columns,\n        global,\n    },\n}])[0];\n\n/**\n * Save the order of columns\n *\n * @param {String[]} columns List of column names in the desired order\n * @param {Boolean} global Set global config setting, rather than user preference\n * @return {Promise}\n */\nexport const setColumnbankOrder = (columns, global = false) => fetchMany([{\n    methodname: 'qbank_columnsortorder_set_columnbank_order',\n    args: {\n        columns,\n        global,\n    },\n}])[0];\n\n/**\n * Save the column widths\n *\n * @param {String} sizes JSON string encoding an array of objects with \"column\" and \"width\" properties.\n * @param {Boolean} global Set global config setting, rather than user preference\n * @return {Promise}\n */\nexport const setColumnSize = (sizes, global = false) => fetchMany([{\n    methodname: 'qbank_columnsortorder_set_column_size',\n    args: {\n        sizes,\n        global,\n    },\n}])[0];\n\n/**\n * Reset all settings.\n *\n * @param {Boolean} global Reset global config settings, rather than user preference\n * @return {Promise}\n */\nexport const resetColumns = (global = false) => Promise.all(\n    fetchMany([\n        {\n            methodname: 'qbank_columnsortorder_set_column_size',\n            args: {\n                global,\n            },\n        },\n        {\n            methodname: 'qbank_columnsortorder_set_columnbank_order',\n            args: {\n                global,\n            },\n        },\n        {\n            methodname: 'qbank_columnsortorder_set_hidden_columns',\n            args: {\n                global,\n            },\n        },\n    ])\n);\n"],"names":["columns","global","methodname","args","sizes","Promise","all"],"mappings":"wRAiCgC,SAACA,aAASC,sEAAmB,cAAU,CAAC,CACpEC,WAAY,2CACZC,KAAM,CACFH,QAAAA,QACAC,OAAAA,WAEJ,gCAS8B,SAACD,aAASC,sEAAmB,cAAU,CAAC,CACtEC,WAAY,6CACZC,KAAM,CACFH,QAAAA,QACAC,OAAAA,WAEJ,2BASyB,SAACG,WAAOH,sEAAmB,cAAU,CAAC,CAC/DC,WAAY,wCACZC,KAAM,CACFC,MAAAA,MACAH,OAAAA,WAEJ,0BAQwB,eAACA,sEAAmBI,QAAQC,KACpD,cAAU,CACN,CACIJ,WAAY,wCACZC,KAAM,CACFF,OAAAA,SAGR,CACIC,WAAY,6CACZC,KAAM,CACFF,OAAAA,SAGR,CACIC,WAAY,2CACZC,KAAM,CACFF,OAAAA"}