Proyectos de Subversion LeadersLinked - Antes de SPA


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/*global QUnit*/
(function(undefined) {
"use strict";

var global = (0, eval)('this'), // jshint ignore:line

        isIE8 = global.attachEvent && !global.addEventListener,
        isBrowser = !!global.document,

        $ = global.jsrender || global.jQuery; // On Node.js with QUnit, jsrender is added as namespace, to global

if (!isBrowser) {
        global.document = {};

function compileTmpl(template) {
        try {
                return typeof $.templates(template).fn === "function" ? "compiled" : "failed compile";
        } catch(e) {
                return e.message;

function sort(array) {
        var ret = "";
        if (this.tagCtx.props.reverse) {
                // Render in reverse order
                if (arguments.length > 1) {
                        for (i = arguments.length; i; i--) {
                                ret +=, arguments[ i - 1 ]);
                } else {
                        for (var i = array.length; i; i--) {
                                ret += this.tagCtx.render(array[ i - 1 ]);
        } else {
                // Render in original order
                ret += this.tmpl.render(array);
        return ret;

var person = {name: "Jo"},
        people = [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Bill"}],
        towns = [{name: "Seattle"}, {name: "Paris"}, {name: "Delhi"}];

var tmplString = "A_{{:name}}_B";
$.views.tags({sort: sort});

QUnit.test("{{if}} {{else}}", function(assert) {
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("A_{{if true}}{{/if}}_B"), "compiled", "Empty if block: {{if}}{{/if}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("A_{{if true}}yes{{/if}}_B"), "compiled", "{{if}}...{{/if}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("A_{{if true/}}yes{{/if}}_B"), "Syntax error\nUnmatched or missing {{/if}}, in template:\nA_{{if true/}}yes{{/if}}_B", "unmatched or missing tag error");
        assert.equal($.templates("<span id='x'></span> a'b\"c\\").render(), "<span id=\'x\'></span> a\'b\"c\\", "Correct escaping of quotes and backslash");

QUnit.test("syntax errors", function(assert) {
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{^{*:foo}}"), "Syntax error\n{^{*:foo}}", "Syntax error for {^{* ...}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{:foo/}}"), "Syntax error\n{{:foo/}}", "Syntax error for {{: ... /}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{:foo:}}"), "Syntax error\n{{:foo:}}", "Syntax error for {{: ... :}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{^{:foo:}}"), "Syntax error\n{^{:foo:}}", "Syntax error for {^{: ... :}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{mytag foo :}}"), "Syntax error\n{{mytag foo :}}", "Syntax error for {{mytag ... :}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{^{mytag foo :}}"), "Syntax error\n{^{mytag foo :}}", "Syntax error for {^{mytag ... :}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{if foo?bar:baz}}{{/if}}"), "compiled", "No syntax error for {{tag foo?bar:baz}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{for [1,2]/}}"), "Syntax error\n[1,2]", "Syntax error for {{for [1,2]}} - top-level array");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{:constructor()}}"), "Syntax error\nconstructor", "Syntax error for {{: ...constructor ...}}");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{for #tmpl.constructor()}}"), "Syntax error\n#tmpl.constructor", "Syntax error for {{for ...constructor ...}}");

        assert.equal($.templates('{{:#data["constructor"]["constructor"]("alert(0);")()}}').render(), "{Error: Syntax error\n}", 'Syntax error 1 for ["constructor]"');
        assert.equal($.templates('{{:valueOf["constructor"]("alert(1);")()}}').render(1), "{Error: Syntax error\n}", 'Syntax error 2 for ["constructor]"');
        assert.equal($.templates('{{:valueOf["const"+"ructor"]("alert(2);")()}}').render(1), "{Error: Syntax error\n}", 'Syntax error 3 for ["constructor]"');
        assert.equal($.templates('{{if true ~c=toString["con" + foo + "or"]}}{{:convert=~c("alert(3);")}}{{/if}}').render({foo: "struct"}), "{Error: Syntax error\n}", 'Syntax error 1 for indirect ["constructor]"');
        assert.equal($.templates('{{if true ~tmp="constructo"}}{{if true ~tmp2="r"}}{{:toString[~tmp + ~tmp2]}}{{/if}}{{/if}}').render(1), "{Error: Syntax error\n}", 'Syntax error 2 for indirect ["constructor]"');

QUnit.test("{{if}}", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if true}}yes{{/if}}_B").render(), "A_yes_B", "{{if a}}: a");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if false}}yes{{/if}}_B").render(), "A__B", "{{if a}}: !a");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if true}}{{/if}}_B").render(), "A__B", "{{if a}}: empty: a");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if false}}{{/if}}_B").render(), "A__B", "{{if a}}: empty: !a");

QUnit.test("{{if}} {{else}}", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if true}}yes{{else}}no{{/if}}_B").render(), "A_yes_B", "{{if a}} {{else}}: a");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if false}}yes{{else}}no{{/if}}_B").render(), "A_no_B", "{{if a}} {{else}}: !a");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if true}}yes{{else true}}or{{else}}no{{/if}}_B").render(), "A_yes_B", "{{if a}} {{else b}} {{else}}: a");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if false}}yes{{else true}}or{{else}}no{{/if}}_B").render(), "A_or_B", "{{if a}} {{else b}} {{else}}: b");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if false}}yes{{else false}}or{{else}}no{{/if}}_B").render(), "A_no_B", "{{if a}} {{else b}} {{else}}: !a!b");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if undefined}}yes{{else true}}or{{else}}no{{/if}}_B").render({}), "A_or_B", "{{if undefined}} {{else b}} {{else}}: !a!b");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if false}}yes{{else undefined}}or{{else}}no{{/if}}_B").render({}), "A_no_B", "{{if a}} {{else undefined}} {{else}}: !a!b");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if false}}<div title='yes'{{else}}<div title='no'{{/if}}>x</div>_B").render(), "A_<div title='no'>x</div>_B", "{{if}} and {{else}} work across HTML tags");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_<div title='{{if true}}yes'{{else}}no'{{/if}}>x</div>_B").render(), "A_<div title='yes'>x</div>_B", "{{if}} and {{else}} work across quoted strings");

QUnit.test("{{if}} {{else}} external templates", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if true tmpl='yes<br/>'/}}_B").render(), "A_yes<br/>_B", "{{if a tmpl=foo/}}: a");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if false tmpl='yes<br/>'}}{{else false tmpl='or<br/>'}}{{else tmpl='no<br/>'}}{{/if}}_B").render(), "A_no<br/>_B", "{{if a tmpl=foo}}{{else b tmpl=bar}}{{else tmpl=baz}}: !a!b");

QUnit.test("convert", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("{{>#data}}").render("<br/>'\"&"), "&lt;br/&gt;&#39;&#34;&amp;", "default html converter");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{html:#data}}").render("<br/>'\"&"), "&lt;br/&gt;&#39;&#34;&amp;", "html converter");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:#data}}").render("<br/>'\"&"), "<br/>'\"&", "no convert");

        function loc(data) {
                switch (data) {case "desktop": return "bureau";}
        $.views.converters("loc", loc);
        assert.equal($.templates("{{loc:#data}}:{{loc:'desktop'}}").render("desktop"), "bureau:bureau", '$.views.converters("loc", locFunction);... {{loc:#data}}');

QUnit.test("paths", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a}}").render({a: "aVal"}), "aVal", "a");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.b}}").render({a: {b: "bVal"}}), "bVal", "a.b");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.b.c}}").render({a: {b: {c: "cVal"}}}), "cVal", "a.b.c");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{}}").render({a: {name: "aName"}}), "aName", "");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a['name']}}").render({a: {name: "aName"}}), "aName", "a['name']");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a['x - _*!']}}").render({a: {"x - _*!": "aName"}}), "aName", "a['x - _*!']");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:#data['x - _*!']}}").render({"x - _*!": "aName"}), "aName", "#data['x - _*!']");
        assert.equal($.templates('{{:a["x - _*!"]}}').render({a: {"x - _*!": "aName"}}), "aName", 'a["x - _*!"]');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.b[1].d}}").render({a: {b: [0, {d: "dVal"}]}}), "dVal", "a.b[1].d");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.b[1].d}}").render({a: {b: {1:{d: "dVal"}}}}), "dVal", "a.b[1].d");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.b[~incr(1-1)].d}}").render({a: {b: {1:{d: "dVal"}}}}, {incr:function(val) {return val + 1;}}), "dVal", "a.b[~incr(1-1)].d");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.b.c.d}}").render({a: {b: {c:{d: "dVal"}}}}), "dVal", "a.b.c.d");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a[0]}}").render({a: [ "bVal" ]}), "bVal", "a[0]");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.b[1][0].msg}}").render({a: {b: [22,[{msg: " yes - that's right. "}]]}}), " yes - that's right. ", "a.b[1][0].msg");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:#data.a}}").render({a: "aVal"}), "aVal", "#data.a");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{}}").render({a: "aVal"}), "aVal", "");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:#index === 0}}").render([{a: "aVal"}]), "true", "#index");

QUnit.test("types", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:'abc'}}").render(), "abc", "'abc'");
        assert.equal($.templates('{{:"abc"}}').render(), "abc", '"abc"');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:true}}").render(), "true", "true");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:false}}").render(), "false", "false");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:null}}").render(), "", 'null -> ""');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:199}}").render(), "199", "199");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{: 199.9}}").render(), "199.9", "| 199.9 |");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:-33.33}}").render(), "-33.33", "-33.33");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{: -33.33}}").render(), "-33.33", "| -33.33 |");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:-33.33 - 2.2}}").render(), "-35.53", "-33.33 - 2.2");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:notdefined}}").render({}), "", "notdefined");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:}}").render("aString"), "aString", "{{:}} returns current data item");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:x=22}}").render("aString"), "aString", "{{:x=...}} returns current data item");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{html:x=22}}").render("aString"), "aString", "{{html:x=...}} returns current data item");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{>x=22}}").render("aString"), "aString", "{{>x=...}} returns current data item");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:'abc('}}").render(), "abc(", "'abc(': final paren in string is rendered correctly"); //
        assert.equal($.templates('{{:"abc("}}').render(), "abc(", '"abc(": final paren in string is rendered correctly');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:(('(abc('))}}").render(), "(abc(", "(('(abc('))");
        assert.equal($.templates('{{:((")abc)"))}}').render(), ")abc)", '((")abc)"))');

QUnit.test("Fallbacks for missing or undefined paths:\nusing {{:some.path onError = 'fallback'}}, etc.", function(assert) {
        var message;
        try {
        } catch(e) {
                message = e.message;
                "{{:a.missing.willThrow.path}} throws: " + message);

        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}").render({a:1}), "Missing Object",
                '{{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError="Missing Object"}} renders "Missing Object"');
        assert.equal($.templates('{{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError=""}}').render({a:1}), "",
                '{{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError=""}} renders ""');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError=null}}").render({a:1}), "",
                '{{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError=null}} renders ""');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}").render({a:1}), "Missing Object",
                '{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError="Missing Object"}} renders "Missing Object"');
        assert.equal($.templates('{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=""}}').render({a:1}), "",
                '{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=""}} renders ""');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=defaultVal}}").render(
                        defaultVal: "defaultFromData"
                }), "defaultFromData",
                '{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=defaultVal}} renders "defaultFromData"');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=~myOnErrorFunction}}").render({a:1}, {
                myOnErrorFunction: function(e, view) {
                        return "Override onError using a callback: " + view.ctx.helperValue + e.message;
                helperValue: "hlp"
        }).slice(0, 38), "Override onError using a callback: hlp",
                '{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=~myOnErrorFunction}}" >' +
                '\nProviding a function "onError=~myOnErrorFunction" calls the function as onError callback');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=myOnErrorDataMethod}}").render(
                        a: "dataValue",
                        myOnErrorDataMethod: function(e) {
                                var data = this;
                                return "Override onError using a callback data method: " + data.a;
                }), "Override onError using a callback data method: dataValue",
                '{{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=myOnErrorDataMethod}}" >' +
                '\nProviding a function "onError=myOnErrorDataMethod" calls the function as onError callback');

        assert.equal($.templates("1: {{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=defaultVal}}" +
                " 2: {{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}" +
                " 3: {{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError=''}}" +
                " 4: {{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError=null}}" +
                " 5: {{:a onError='missing'}}" +
                " 6: {{:a.undefined onError='missing'}}" +
                " 7: {{:a.missing.willThrow onError=myCb}} end").render(
                        defaultVal: "defaultFromData",
                        myCb: function(e, view) {
                                return "myCallback: " + this.a;
                }), "1: defaultFromData 2: Missing Object 3:  4:  5: aVal 6:  7: myCallback: aVal end",
                'multiple onError fallbacks in same template - correctly concatenated into output');

                markup: "{{withfallback:a.notdefined fallback='fallback for undefined'}}",
                converters: {
                        withfallback: function(val) {
                                return val || this.tagCtx.props.fallback;
        }).render({a:"yes"}), "fallback for undefined",
                '{{withfallback:a.notdefined fallback="fallback for undefined"}}' +
                '\nusing converter to get fallback value for undefined properties');

                markup: "1: {{withfallback:a.missing.y onError='Missing object' fallback='undefined prop'}}" +
                        " 2: {{withfallback:a.undefined onError='Missing object' fallback='undefined prop'}}",
                converters: {
                        withfallback: function(val) {
                                return val || this.tagCtx.props.fallback;
        }).render({a:"yes"}), "1: Missing object 2: undefined prop",
                'both fallback for undefined and onError for missing on same tags');

                markup: "1: {{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=defaultVal}}" +
                " 2: {{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}" +
                " 3: {{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError=''}}" +
                " 4: {{:a onError='missing'}}" +
                " 5: {{:a.undefined onError='missing'}}" +
                " 6: {{:a.missing.willThrow onError=myCb}}" +
                " 7: {{withfallback:a.undefined fallback='undefined prop'}} end",
                converters: {
                        withfallback: function(val) {
                                return val || this.tagCtx.props.fallback;
                defaultVal: "defaultFromData",
                myCb: function(e, view) {
                        return "myCallback: " + this.a;
        }), "1: defaultFromData 2: Missing Object 3:  4: aVal 5:  6: myCallback: aVal 7: undefined prop end",
        'multiple onError fallbacks or undefined property fallbacks in same template - correctly concatenated into output');

        try {
                message = "";
                        markup: "1: {{>a.missing.willThrow.path onError=defaultVal}}" +
                        " 2: {{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}" +
                        " 3: {{:a.missing.willThrow.path onError=''}}" +
                        " 4: {{:a onError='missing'}}" +
                        " 5: {{}}" +
                        " 6: {{:a.undefined onError='missing'}}" +
                        " 7: {{:a.missing.willThrow onError=myCb}}" +
                        " 8: {{withfallback:a.undefined fallback='undefined prop'}} end",
                        converters: {
                                withfallback: function(val) {
                                        return val || this.tagCtx.props.fallback;
                        defaultVal: "defaultFromData",
                        myCb: function(e, view) {
                                return "myCallback: " + this.a;
        } catch(e) {
                message = e.message;

                'onError/fallback converter and regular thrown error message in same template: throws:\n"' + message + '"');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}yes{{/for}}").render({a:1}), "Missing Object",
                '{{for missing.willThrow.path onError="Missing Object"}} -> "Missing Object"');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for true missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}yes{{/for}}").render({a:1}), "Missing Object",
                '{{for true missing.willThrow.path onError="Missing Object"}} -> "Missing Object"');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for true foo=missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}yes{{/for}}").render({a:1}), "Missing Object",
                '{{for ... foo=missing.willThrow.path onError="Missing Object"}} -> "Missing Object"');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for true ~foo=missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}yes{{/for}}").render({a:1}), "Missing Object",
                '{{for ... ~foo=missing.willThrow.path onError="Missing Object"}} -> "Missing Object"');

                        markup: "{{mytag foo='a'/}} {{mytag foo=missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'/}} {{mytag foo='c' bar=missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'/}} {{mytag foo='c' missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'/}} {{mytag foo='b'/}}",
                        tags: {
                                mytag: {template: "MyTag: {{}} end"}
                }).render({a:1}), "MyTag: a end Missing Object Missing Object Missing Object MyTag: b end",
                'onError=... for custom tags: e.g. {{mytag foo=missing.willThrow.path onError="Missing Object"/}}');

                markup: "1: {{for a.missing.willThrow.path onError=defaultVal}}yes{{/for}}" +
                " 2: {{if a.missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}yes{{/if}}" +
                " 3: {{include a.missing.willThrow.path onError=''/}}" +
                " 4: {{if a onError='missing'}}yes{{/if}}" +
                " 5: {{for a.undefined onError='missing'}}yes{{/for}}" +
                " 6: {{if a.missing.willThrow onError=myCb}}yes{{/if}}" +
                " 7: {{withfallback:a.undefined fallback='undefined prop'}} end" +
                " 8: {{mytag foo=missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'/}}",
                converters: {
                        withfallback: function(val) {
                                return val || this.tagCtx.props.fallback;
                tags: {
                        mytag: {template: "MyTag: {{}} end"}
                defaultVal: "defaultFromData",
                myCb: function(e, view) {
                        return "myCallback: " + this.a;
        }), "1: defaultFromData 2: Missing Object 3:  4: yes 5:  6: myCallback: aVal 7: undefined prop end 8: Missing Object",
        'multiple onError fallbacks or undefined property fallbacks in same template - correctly concatenated into output');

        try {
                message = "";
                        markup: "1: {{for a.missing.willThrow.path onError=defaultVal}}yes{{/for}}" +
                        " 2: {{if a.missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}yes{{/if}}" +
                        " 3: {{include a.missing.willThrow.path onError=''/}}" +
                        " 4: {{if a onError='missing'}}yes{{/if}}" +
                        " 5: {{for}}yes{{/for}}" +
                        " 6: {{for a.undefined onError='missing'}}yes{{/for}}" +
                        " 7: {{if a.missing.willThrow onError=myCb}}yes{{/if}}" +
                        " 8: {{withfallback:a.undefined fallback='undefined prop'}} end",
                        converters: {
                                withfallback: function(val) {
                                        return val || this.tagCtx.props.fallback;
                        defaultVal: "defaultFromData",
                        myCb: function(e, view) {
                                return "myCallback: " + this.a;
        } catch(e) {
                message = e.message;

                'onError/fallback converter and regular thrown error message in same template: throws: \n"' + message + '"');

                markup: "1: {{for a.missing.willThrow.path onError=defaultVal}}yes{{/for}}" +
                " 2: {{if a.missing.willThrow.path onError='Missing Object'}}yes{{/if}}" +
                " 3: {{include a.missing.willThrow.path onError=''/}}" +
                " 4: {{if a onError='missing'}}yes{{/if}}" +
                " 5: {{for}}yes{{/for}}" +
                " 6: {{for a.undefined onError='missing'}}yes{{/for}}" +
                " 7: {{if a.missing.willThrow onError=myCb}}yes{{/if}}" +
                " 8: {{withfallback:a.undefined fallback='undefined prop'}} end",
                converters: {
                        withfallback: function(val) {
                                return val || this.tagCtx.props.fallback;
                defaultVal: "defaultFromData",
                myCb: function(e, view) {
                        return "myCallback: " + this.a;
        }).slice(0, 21), "1: defaultFromData 2:",
        'In debug mode, onError/fallback converter and regular thrown error message in same template:' +
        '\override errors and regular thrown error each render for the corrresponding tag');


QUnit.test("comparisons", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:1<2}}").render(), "true", "1<2");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:2<1}}").render(), "false", "2<1");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:5===5}}").render(), "true", "5===5");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:0==''}}").render(), "true", "0==''");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:'ab'=='ab'}}").render(), "true", "'ab'=='ab'");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:2>1}}").render(), "true", "2>1");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:2 == 2}}").render(), "true", "2 == 2");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:2<=2}}").render(), "true", "2<=2");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:'ab'<'ac'}}").render(), "true", "'ab'<'ac'");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:3>=3}}").render(), "true", "3 =3");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:3>=2}}").render(), "true", "3>=2");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:3>=4}}").render(), "false", "3>=4");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:3 !== 2}}").render(), "true", "3 !== 2");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:3 != 2}}").render(), "true", "3 != 2");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:0 !== null}}").render(), "true", "0 !== null");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:(3 >= 4)}}").render(), "false", "3>=4");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:3 >= 4}}").render(), "false", "3>=4");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:(3>=4)}}").render(), "false", "3>=4");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:(3 < 4)}}").render(), "true", "3>=4");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:3 < 4}}").render(), "true", "3>=4");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:(3<4)}}").render(), "true", "3>=4");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:0 != null}}").render(), "true", "0 != null");

QUnit.test("array access", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a[1]}}").render({a: ["a0","a1"]}), "a1", "a[1]");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a[1+1]+5}}").render({a: [11,22,33]}), "38", "a[1+1]+5)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a[~incr(1)]+5}}").render({a: [11,22,33]}, {incr:function(val) {return val + 1;}}), "38", "a[~incr(1)]+5");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:true && (a[0] || 'default')}}").render({a: [0,22,33]}, {incr:function(val) {return val + 1;}}), "default", "true && (a[0] || 'default')");

QUnit.test("context", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:~val}}").render(1, {val: "myvalue"}), "myvalue", "~val");
        function format(value, upper) {
                return value[upper ? "toUpperCase" : "toLowerCase"]();
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:~format(name) + ~format(name, true)}}").render(person, {format: format}), "joJO",
                "render(data, {format: formatFn}); ... {{:~format(name, true)}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for people[0]}}{{:~format(~type) + ~format(name, true)}}{{/for}}").render({people: people}, {format: format, type: "PascalCase"}), "pascalcaseJO",
                "render(data, {format: formatFn}); ... {{:~format(name, true)}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for people ~twn=town}}{{:name}} lives in {{:~format(~twn, true)}}. {{/for}}").render({people: people, town:"Redmond"}, {format: format}),
                "Jo lives in REDMOND. Bill lives in REDMOND. ",
                "Passing in context to nested templates: {{for people ~twn=town}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{if true}}{{for people}}{{:~root.people[0].name}}{{/for}}{{/if}}").render({people: people}), "JoJo",
                "{{:~root}} returns the top-level data");

QUnit.test("values", function(assert) {
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a}}").render({a: 0}), "0", '{{:0}} returns "0"');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a}}").render({}), "", "{{:undefined}} returns empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a}}").render({a: ""}), "", "{{:''}} returns empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a}}").render({a: null}), "", "{{:null}} returns empty string");

QUnit.test("expressions", function(assert) {
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{:a++}}"), "Syntax error\na++", "a++");
        assert.equal(compileTmpl("{{:(a,b)}}"), "Syntax error\n(a,b)", "(a,b)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{: a+2}}").render({a: 2, b: false}), "4", "a+2");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{: b?'yes':'no'}}").render({a: 2, b: false}), "no", "b?'yes':'no'");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:(a||-1) + (b||-1)}}").render({a: 2, b: 0}), "1", "a||-1");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:3*b()*!a*4/3}}").render({a: false, b: function() {return 3;}}), "12", "3*b()*!a*4/3");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:a%b}}").render({a: 30, b: 16}), "14", "a%b");
        assert.equal($.templates("A_{{if v1 && v2 && v3 && v4}}no{{else !v1 && v2 || v3 && v4}}yes{{/if}}_B").render({v1:true,v2:false,v3:2,v4:"foo"}), "A_yes_B", "x && y || z");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:!true}}").render({}), "false", "!true");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{if !true}}yes{{else}}no{{/if}}").render({}), "no", "{{if !true}}...");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:!false}}").render({}), "true", "!false");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{if !false}}yes{{else}}no{{/if}}").render({}), "yes", "{{if !false}}...");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:!!true}}").render({}), "true", "!!true");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{if !!true}}yes{{else}}no{{/if}}").render({}), "yes", "{{if !!true}}...");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:!(true)}}").render({}), "false", "!(true)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:!true === false}}").render({}), "true", "!true === false");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:false === !true}}").render({}), "true", "false === !true");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:false === !null}}").render({}), "false", "false === !null");

QUnit.test("{{for}}", function(assert) {
                forTmpl: "header_{{for people}}{{:name}}{{/for}}_footer",
                templateForArray: "header_{{for #data}}{{:name}}{{/for}}_footer",
                pageTmpl: '{{for [people] tmpl="templateForArray"/}}',
                simpleFor: "a{{for people}}Content{{:#data}}|{{/for}}b",
                forPrimitiveDataTypes: "a{{for people}}|{{:#data}}{{/for}}b",
                testTmpl: "xxx{{:name}} {{:~foo}}"

        assert.equal($.render.forTmpl({people: people}), "header_JoBill_footer", '{{for people}}...{{/for}}');
        assert.equal($.render.templateForArray([people]), "header_JoBill_footer", 'Can render a template against an array, as a "layout template", by wrapping array in an array');
        assert.equal($.render.pageTmpl({people: people}), "header_JoBill_footer", '{{for [people] tmpl="templateForArray"/}}');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for}}xxx{{:name}} {{:~foo}}{{/for}}").render({name: "Jeff"}, {foo:"fooVal"}), "xxxJeff fooVal", "no parameter - renders once with parent #data context: {{for}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for tmpl='testTmpl'/}}").render({name: "Jeff"}, {foo:"fooVal"}), "xxxJeff fooVal", ": {{for tmpl=.../}} no parameter - equivalent to {{include tmpl=.../}} - renders once with parent #data context");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{include tmpl='testTmpl'/}}").render({name: "Jeff"}, {foo:"fooVal"}), "xxxJeff fooVal", "{{include tmpl=.../}} with tmpl parameter - renders once with parent #data context. Equivalent to {{for tmpl=.../}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for missingProperty}}xxx{{:#data===~undefined}}{{/for}}").render({}), "", "missingProperty - renders empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for null}}xxx{{:#data===null}}{{/for}}").render(), "xxxtrue", "null - renders once with #data null: {{for null}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for false}}xxx{{:#data}}{{/for}}").render(), "xxxfalse", "false - renders once with #data false: {{for false}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for 0}}xxx{{:#data}}{{/for}}").render(), "xxx0", "0 - renders once with #data false: {{for 0}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for ''}}xxx{{:#data===''}}{{/for}}").render(), "xxxtrue", "'' - renders once with #data false: {{for ''}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for #data}}{{:name}}{{/for}}").render(people), "JoBill", "If #data is an array, {{for #data}} iterates");

        assert.equal($.render.simpleFor({people:[]}), "ab", 'Empty array renders empty string');
        assert.equal($.render.simpleFor({people:["", false, null, undefined, 1]}), "aContent|Contentfalse|Content|Content|Content1|b", 'Empty string, false, null or undefined members of array are also rendered');
        assert.equal($.render.simpleFor({people:null}), "aContent|b", 'null is rendered once with #data null');
        assert.equal($.render.simpleFor({}), "ab", 'if #data is undefined, renders empty string');
        assert.equal($.render.forPrimitiveDataTypes({people:[0, 1, "abc", "", ,null ,true ,false]}), "a|0|1|abc||||true|falseb", 'Primitive types render correctly, even if falsey');
QUnit.test("{{for start end sort filter reverse}}", function(assert) {
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        function level(aField, bField) {
                return aField > bField ? 1 : aField < bField ? -1 : 0;

        var oddValue = function(item, index, items) { return item%2; };
        var oddIndex = function(item, index, items) { return index%2; };
        var sortAgeName = function(a, b) {
                return level(a.details.role.toLowerCase(), b.details.role.toLowerCase()) // First level sort: by role
                        || (this.props.reverseAge ? level(b.details.age, a.details.age) : level(a.details.age, b.details.age)) // 2nd level sort: sort by age, or reverse sort by age
                        || level(,; // 3rd level sort: sort by name
        var underLimit = function(item, index, items) {
                return item.details.age < this.props.limit;

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=0 end=10}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ", "{{for start=0 end=10}}: Auto-create array");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=5 end=9 reverse=1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "8 7 6 5 ", "{{for start=5 end=9 reverse=1}}: Auto-create array");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=8 end=4 step=-1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "8 7 6 5 ", "{{for start=8 end=4 step=-1}}: Auto-create array");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=8 end=4  step=-1 reverse=true}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "5 6 7 8 ", "{{for start=8 end=4 step=-1 reverse=true}}: Auto-create array, with reverse");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=20 end='10' step=-2}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "20 18 16 14 12 ", "{{for start=20 end='10' step=-2}}: Auto-create array");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=20 end='10' step=2}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "", "{{for start=20 end='10' step=2}}: Auto-create array (outputs nothing)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=2 end=-1.5 step=-.5}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 ", "{{for start=0 end='10' step=-1}}: Auto-create array");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=2}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "", "{{for start=2}}: (outputs nothing)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for end=4}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(), "0 1 2 3 ", "{{for end=4}}: (start defaults to 0)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=8 end=4  step=-1 reverse=true sort=true filter=~oddIndex}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "5 6 7 8 ", "{{for start=8 end=4 step=-1 reverse=true sort=true}}: Auto-create array, sort and filter not supported with auto-create arrays - do nothing");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        var myarray = [1, 9, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 6, 5];

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for #data }}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(myarray, true), "1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 ", "{{for #data}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for #data sort=true}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render(myarray, true), "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ", "{{for #data sort=true}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray reverse=true}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}), "5 6 4 7 3 8 2 9 1 ", "{{for myarray reverse=true}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray start=1 end=-1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}), "9 2 8 3 7 4 6 ", "{{for myarray start=1 end=-1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray start=1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}), "9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 ", "{{for myarray start=1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray end=-1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}), "1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 ", "{{for myarray end=-1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}), "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ", "{{for myarray sort=true}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true reverse=true}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}), "9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ", "{{for myarray sort=true reverse=true}}");

if (!isIE8) { // IE8 does not support filter. Need to add polyfill on sites that want this support
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray filter=~oddValue}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddValue: oddValue}), "1 9 3 7 5 ", "{{for myarray filter=~oddValue}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray filter=~oddIndex}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "9 8 7 6 ", "{{for myarray filter=~oddIndex}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddValue}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddValue: oddValue}), "1 3 5 7 9 ", "{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddValue}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddIndex}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "2 4 6 8 ", "{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddIndex}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddIndex start=1 end=3}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "4 6 ", "{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddIndex start=1 end=3}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddIndex start=-3 end=-1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "4 6 ", "{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddIndex start=-3 end=-1}} Negative start or end count from the end");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddIndex start=3 end=3}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "", "{{for myarray sort=true filter=~oddIndex start=3 end=3}} (outputs nothing)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray step=2 start=1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "9 8 7 6 ", "{{for myarray step=2 start=1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true step=2 start=1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "2 4 6 8 ", "{{for myarray sort=true step=2 start=1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true step=2 start=3 end=6}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "4 6 ", "{{for myarray sort=true step=2 start=3 end=6}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true step=2 start=-6 end=-3}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "4 6 ", "{{for myarray sort=true step=2 start=-6 end=-3}} Negative start or end count from the end");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray sort=true step=2 start=3 end=3}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "", "{{for myarray sort=true step=2 start=3 end=3}} (outputs nothing)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray step=3.5}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "1 8 4 ", "{{for myarray step=3.5}} - equivalent to step=3");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray step=-2}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 ", "{{for myarray step=-2}} equivalent to no step");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for myarray step=1}}{{:}} {{/for}}").render({myarray: myarray}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 ", "{{for myarray step=1}} equivalent to no step");
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        var mypeople = [
                {name: "Jo", details: {age: 22}},
                {name: "Bob", details: {age: 2}},
                {name: "Emma", details: {age: 12}},
                {name: "Jeff", details: {age: 13.5}},
                {name: "Julia", details: {age: 0.6}},
                {name: "Xavier", details: {age: 0}}

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for mypeople sort='name'}}{{:name}}: age {{:details.age}} - {{/for}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}), "Bob: age 2 - Emma: age 12 - Jeff: age 13.5 - Jo: age 22 - Julia: age 0.6 - Xavier: age 0 - ",
                "{{for mypeople  sort='name'}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for mypeople sort='details.age'}}{{:name}}: age {{:details.age}} - {{/for}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}), "Xavier: age 0 - Julia: age 0.6 - Bob: age 2 - Emma: age 12 - Jeff: age 13.5 - Jo: age 22 - ",
                "{{for mypeople  sort='details.age'}}");

if (!isIE8) { // IE8 does not support filter. Need to add polyfill on sites that want this support
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for mypeople sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit limit=20}}{{:name}}: age {{:details.age}} - {{/for}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}, {underLimit: underLimit}), "Jeff: age 13.5 - Emma: age 12 - Bob: age 2 - Julia: age 0.6 - Xavier: age 0 - ",
                "{{for mypeople  sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit...}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for mypeople sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit limit=20 start=1 end=-1}}{{:name}}: age {{:details.age}} - {{/for}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}, {underLimit: underLimit}), "Emma: age 12 - Bob: age 2 - Julia: age 0.6 - ",
                "{{for mypeople  sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit... start=1 end=-1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for mypeople sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit limit=20 start=1 end=-1}}{{:name}}: age {{:details.age}} - {{/for}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}, {underLimit: underLimit}), "Emma: age 12 - Bob: age 2 - Julia: age 0.6 - ",
                "{{for mypeople  sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit... start=1 end=-1}}");
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        var mypeople2 = [
                {name: "Bill", details: {age: 22, role: "Lead"}},
                {name: "Anne", details: {age: 32, role: "Assistant"}},
                {name: "Emma", details: {age: 19.1, role: "Team member"}},
                {name: "Jeff", details: {age: 33.5, role: "Lead"}},
                {name: "Xavier", details: {age: 32, role: "Team member"}},
                {name: "Julia", details: {age: 18, role: "Assistant"}},
                {name: "Bill", details: {age: 32, role: "Team member"}}

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for mypeople sort=~sortAgeName}}{{:name}}: ({{:details.role}}) age {{:details.age}} -{{/for}}").render({mypeople: mypeople2}, {sortAgeName: sortAgeName}),
                "Julia: (Assistant) age 18 -Anne: (Assistant) age 32 -Bill: (Lead) age 22 -Jeff: (Lead) age 33.5 -Emma: (Team member) age 19.1 -Bill: (Team member) age 32 -Xavier: (Team member) age 32 -",
                "{{for mypeople sort=~sortAgeName}}: custom sort function");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for mypeople sort=~sortAgeName reverseAge=true}}{{:name}}: ({{:details.role}}) age {{:details.age}} -{{/for}}").render({mypeople: mypeople2}, {sortAgeName: sortAgeName}),
                "Anne: (Assistant) age 32 -Julia: (Assistant) age 18 -Jeff: (Lead) age 33.5 -Bill: (Lead) age 22 -Bill: (Team member) age 32 -Xavier: (Team member) age 32 -Emma: (Team member) age 19.1 -",
                "{{for mypeople sort=~sortAgeName}}: custom sort function - this pointer is tagCtx");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{for start=0 end=0}}{{else mypeople sort=~sortAgeName reverseAge=true}}{{:name}}: ({{:details.role}}) age {{:details.age}} -{{/for}}").render({mypeople: mypeople2}, {sortAgeName: sortAgeName}),
                "Anne: (Assistant) age 32 -Julia: (Assistant) age 18 -Jeff: (Lead) age 33.5 -Bill: (Lead) age 22 -Bill: (Team member) age 32 -Xavier: (Team member) age 32 -Emma: (Team member) age 19.1 -",
                "{{for start=0 end=0}}{{else mypeople sort=~sortAgeName}}: custom sort function - this pointer is tagCtx (else block)");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        $.views.tags("for2", {
                baseTag: "for"

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

if (!isIE8) { // IE8 does not support filter. Need to add polyfill on sites that want this support
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for2 mypeople sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit limit=20 start=1 end=-1}}{{:name}}: age {{:details.age}} - {{/for2}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}, {underLimit: underLimit}), "Emma: age 12 - Bob: age 2 - Julia: age 0.6 - ",
                "{{for2 mypeople  sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit... start=1 end=-1}} Derived tag");

QUnit.test("{{props}}", function(assert) {
                propsTmpl: "header_{{props person}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{:prop}}| {{/props}}_footer",
                propsTmplObjectArray: "header_{{props people}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{for prop}}{{:name}} {{/for}}{{/props}}_footer",
                propsTmplPrimitivesArray: "header_{{props people}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{for prop}}{{:name}} {{/for}}{{/props}}_footer",
                templatePropsArray: "header_{{props #data}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{for prop}}{{:name}} {{/for}}{{/props}}_footer",
                propTmpl: "Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{:prop}}",
                pageTmpl: '{{props person tmpl="propTmpl"/}}',
                simpleProps: "a{{props people}}Content{{:#data}}|{{/props}}b",
                propsPrimitiveDataTypes: "a{{props people}}|{{:#data}}{{/props}}b",
                testTmpl: "xxx{{:name}} {{:~foo}}"

        assert.equal($.render.propsTmpl({person: people[0]}), "header_Key: name - Prop: Jo| _footer", '{{props person}}...{{/props}} for an object iterates over properties');
        assert.equal($.render.propsTmplObjectArray({people: people}), "header_Key: 0 - Prop: Jo Key: 1 - Prop: Bill _footer", '{{props people}}...{{/props}} for an array iterates over the array - with index as key and object a prop');
        assert.equal($.render.templatePropsArray([people]), "header_Key: 0 - Prop: Jo Key: 1 - Prop: Bill _footer", 'Can render a template against an array, as a "layout template", by wrapping array in an array');
        assert.equal($.render.pageTmpl({person: people[0]}), "Key: name - Prop: Jo", '{{props person tmpl="propTmpl"/}}');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props}}{{:key}} {{:prop}}{{/props}}").render({name: "Jeff"}), "name Jeff", "no parameter - defaults to current data item");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props foo}}xxx{{:key}} {{:prop}} {{:~foo}}{{/props}}").render({name: "Jeff"}), "", "undefined arg - renders nothing");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props tmpl='propTmpl'/}}").render({name: "Jeff"}), "Key: name - Prop: Jeff", ": {{props tmpl=.../}} no parameter - defaults to current data item");

        assert.equal($.templates("{{props null}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{:prop}}| {{/props}}").render(), "", "null - renders nothing");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props false}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{:prop}}| {{/props}}").render(), "", "false - renders nothing");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props 0}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{:prop}}| {{/props}}").render(), "", "0 - renders nothing");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props 'abc'}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{:prop}}| {{/props}}").render(), "", "'abc' - renders nothing");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props ''}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{:prop}}| {{/props}}").render(), "", "'' - renders nothing");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props #data}}Key: {{:key}} - Prop: {{:prop}}| {{/props}}").render(people),
        "Key: name - Prop: Jo| Key: name - Prop: Bill| ",
        "If #data is an array, {{props #data}} iterates");

        assert.equal($.render.propsTmpl({person:{}}), "header__footer", 'Empty object renders empty string');
        assert.equal($.render.propsTmpl({person:{zero: 0, one: 1, str: "abc", emptyStr: "", nullVal: null , trueVal: true , falseVal: false}}),
        "header_Key: zero - Prop: 0| Key: one - Prop: 1| Key: str - Prop: abc| Key: emptyStr - Prop: | Key: nullVal - Prop: | Key: trueVal - Prop: true| Key: falseVal - Prop: false| _footer",
        'Primitive types render correctly, even if falsey');

QUnit.test("{{props start end sort filter reverse}}", function(assert) {
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
                function level(aField, bField) {
                        return aField > bField ? 1 : aField < bField ? -1 : 0;

        var oddValue = function(item, index, items) { return item.prop%2; };
        var oddIndex = function(item, index, items) { return index%2; };
        var sortAgeName = function(a, b) {
                return level(a.prop.details.role.toLowerCase(), b.prop.details.role.toLowerCase()) // First level sort: by role
                        || (this.props.reverseAge ? level(b.prop.details.age, a.prop.details.age) : level(a.prop.details.age, b.prop.details.age)) // 2nd level sort: sort by age, or reverse sort by age
                        || level(,; // 3rd level sort: sort by name

        var underLimit = function(item, index, items) {
                return item.prop.details.age < this.props.limit;

        var myobject = {a: 1, b: 9, c: 2, d:8, A:3, B:7, C:4, D:6, e:5};

        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}), "a 1 - b 9 - c 2 - d 8 - A 3 - B 7 - C 4 - D 6 - e 5 - ", "{{props myobject}} (original order)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props #data sort='prop'}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render(myobject, true), "a 1 - c 2 - A 3 - C 4 - e 5 - D 6 - B 7 - d 8 - b 9 - ", "{{props #data sort='prop'}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props #data sort='key'}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render(myobject, true),   "a 1 - A 3 - b 9 - B 7 - c 2 - C 4 - d 8 - D 6 - e 5 - ", "{{props #data sort='key'}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props #data sort='prop' reverse=true}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render(myobject, true), "b 9 - d 8 - B 7 - D 6 - e 5 - C 4 - A 3 - c 2 - a 1 - ", "{{props #data sort='prop' reverse=true}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props #data sort='key' reverse=true}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render(myobject, true), "e 5 - d 8 - D 6 - c 2 - C 4 - b 9 - B 7 - a 1 - A 3 - ", "{{props #data sort='key' reverse=true}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject reverse=true}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}), "e 5 - D 6 - C 4 - B 7 - A 3 - d 8 - c 2 - b 9 - a 1 - ", "{{props myobject reverse=true}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='key' reverse=true}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}), "e 5 - d 8 - D 6 - c 2 - C 4 - b 9 - B 7 - a 1 - A 3 - ", "{{props myobject sort='key' reverse=true}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject start=1 end=-1}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "b 9 - c 2 - d 8 - A 3 - B 7 - C 4 - D 6 - ", "{{props myobject start=1 end=-1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject start=1}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "b 9 - c 2 - d 8 - A 3 - B 7 - C 4 - D 6 - e 5 - ", "{{props myobject start=1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject end=-1}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}),  "a 1 - b 9 - c 2 - d 8 - A 3 - B 7 - C 4 - D 6 - ", "{{props myobject end=-1}}");

if (!isIE8) { // IE8 does not support filter. Need to add polyfill on sites that want this support
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject filter=~oddValue}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddValue: oddValue}), "a 1 - b 9 - A 3 - B 7 - e 5 - ", "{{props myobject filter=~oddValue}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject filter=~oddIndex}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "b 9 - d 8 - B 7 - D 6 - ", "{{props myobject filter=~oddIndex}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddValue}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddValue: oddValue}), "a 1 - A 3 - e 5 - B 7 - b 9 - ", "{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddValue}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddIndex}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "c 2 - C 4 - D 6 - d 8 - ", "{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddIndex}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddIndex start=1 end=3}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "C 4 - D 6 - ", "{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddIndex start=1 end=3}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddIndex start=-3 end=-1}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "C 4 - D 6 - ", "{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddIndex start=-3 end=-1}} Negative start or end count from the end");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' filter=~oddIndex start=3 end=3}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "", "{{props myobject sort='key' filter=~oddIndex start=3 end=3}} (outputs nothing)");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject step=2 start=1}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "b 9 - d 8 - B 7 - D 6 - ", "{{props myobject step=2 start=1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' step=2 start=1}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "c 2 - C 4 - D 6 - d 8 - ", "{{props myobject sort='prop' step=2 start=1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' step=2 start=3 end=6}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "C 4 - D 6 - ", "{{props myobject sort='prop' step=2 start=3 end=6}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' step=2 start=-6 end=-3}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "C 4 - D 6 - ", "{{props myobject sort='prop' step=2 start=-6 end=-3}} Negative start or end count from the end");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props myobject sort='prop' step=2 start=3 end=3}}{{:key}} {{:prop}} - {{/props}}").render({myobject: myobject}, {oddIndex: oddIndex}), "", "{{props myobject sort='key' step=2 start=3 end=3}} (outputs nothing)");
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        var mypeople = {
                p1: {name: "Jo", details: {age: 22}},
                p2: {name: "Bob", details: {age: 2}},
                p3: {name: "Emma", details: {age: 12}},
                p7: {name: "Jeff", details: {age: 13.5}},
                p6: {name: "Julia", details: {age: 0.6}},
                p5: {name: "Xavier", details: {age: 0}}

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{props mypeople sort=''}}{{}}: age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}), "Bob: age 2 - Emma: age 12 - Jeff: age 13.5 - Jo: age 22 - Julia: age 0.6 - Xavier: age 0 - ", "{{props mypeople  sort='name'}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props mypeople sort='prop.details.age'}}{{}}: age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}), "Xavier: age 0 - Julia: age 0.6 - Bob: age 2 - Emma: age 12 - Jeff: age 13.5 - Jo: age 22 - ", "{{props mypeople  sort='details.age'}}");

if (!isIE8) { // IE8 does not support filter. Need to add polyfill on sites that want this support
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props mypeople sort='prop.details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit limit=20}}{{}}: age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}, {underLimit: underLimit}), "Jeff: age 13.5 - Emma: age 12 - Bob: age 2 - Julia: age 0.6 - Xavier: age 0 - ", "{{props mypeople sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit...}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props mypeople sort='prop.details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit limit=20 start=1 end=-1}}{{}}: age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}, {underLimit: underLimit}), "Emma: age 12 - Bob: age 2 - Julia: age 0.6 - ", "{{props mypeople  sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit... start=1 end=-1}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props mypeople sort='prop.details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit limit=20 start=1 end=-1}}{{}}: age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}, {underLimit: underLimit}), "Emma: age 12 - Bob: age 2 - Julia: age 0.6 - ", "{{props mypeople  sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit... start=1 end=-1}}");
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        var mypeople2 = {
                p1: {name: "Bill", details: {age: 22, role: "Lead"}},
                p2: {name: "Anne", details: {age: 32, role: "Assistant"}},
                p3: {name: "Emma", details: {age: 19.1, role: "Team member"}},
                p7: {name: "Jeff", details: {age: 33.5, role: "Lead"}},
                p6: {name: "Xavier", details: {age: 32, role: "Team member"}},
                p5: {name: "Julia", details: {age: 18, role: "Assistant"}},
                p4: {name: "Bill", details: {age: 32, role: "Team member"}}

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{props mypeople sort=~sortAgeName}}{{}}: ({{:prop.details.role}}) age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props}}").render({mypeople: mypeople2}, {sortAgeName: sortAgeName}),
                "Julia: (Assistant) age 18 - Anne: (Assistant) age 32 - Bill: (Lead) age 22 - Jeff: (Lead) age 33.5 - Emma: (Team member) age 19.1 - Bill: (Team member) age 32 - Xavier: (Team member) age 32 - ",
                "{{props mypeople sort=~sortAgeName}}: custom sort function");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{props mypeople sort=~sortAgeName reverseAge=true}}{{}}: ({{:prop.details.role}}) age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props}}").render({mypeople: mypeople2}, {sortAgeName: sortAgeName}),
                "Anne: (Assistant) age 32 - Julia: (Assistant) age 18 - Jeff: (Lead) age 33.5 - Bill: (Lead) age 22 - Bill: (Team member) age 32 - Xavier: (Team member) age 32 - Emma: (Team member) age 19.1 - ",
                "{{props mypeople sort=~sortAgeName}}: custom sort function - this pointer is tagCtx");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

        assert.equal($.templates("{{props ''}}{{else mypeople sort=~sortAgeName reverseAge=true}}{{}}: ({{:prop.details.role}}) age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props}}").render({mypeople: mypeople2}, {sortAgeName: sortAgeName}),
                "Anne: (Assistant) age 32 - Julia: (Assistant) age 18 - Jeff: (Lead) age 33.5 - Bill: (Lead) age 22 - Bill: (Team member) age 32 - Xavier: (Team member) age 32 - Emma: (Team member) age 19.1 - ",
                "{{props ''}}{{else mypeople sort=~sortAgeName}}: custom sort function - this pointer is tagCtx (else block)");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        $.views.tags("props2", {
                baseTag: "props"

        // ................................ Assert ..................................

if (!isIE8) { // IE8 does not support filter. Need to add polyfill on sites that want this support
        assert.equal($.templates("{{props2 mypeople sort='prop.details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit limit=20 start=1 end=-1}}{{}}: age {{:prop.details.age}} - {{/props2}}").render({mypeople: mypeople}, {underLimit: underLimit}), "Emma: age 12 - Bob: age 2 - Julia: age 0.6 - ", "{{for2 mypeople  sort='details.age' reverse=true filter=~underLimit... start=1 end=-1}} Derived tag");

QUnit.module("{{!-- --}}");
QUnit.test("{{!-- --}}", function(assert) {
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        var result,
                tmpl = $.templates("a {{:'--1'}}\n {{for '--2} }'}} {{:}} {{/for}} \n b"),
                tmplWrappedInComment = $.templates("a {{!-- {{:'--1'}}\n {{for '--2} }'}} {{:}} {{/for}} \n--}} b");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        result = tmpl.render() + "|" + tmplWrappedInComment.render();
        assert.equal(result, "a --1\n  --2} } \n b|a  b",
                "{{!-- --}} comments out blocks including newlines and --");

QUnit.test("{{*}}", function(assert) {
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        global.glob = {a: "AA"};

        var tmpl = $.templates("_{{*:glob.a}}_");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render(), "__",
                "{{*:expression}} returns nothing if allowCode not set to true");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        var result = "" + !!tmpl.allowCode + " " + tmpl.render(); // Still returns "__" until we recompile

        tmpl.allowCode = true;

        result += "|" + !!tmpl.allowCode + " " + tmpl.render(); // Still returns "__" until we recompile

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(result, "false __|true __",
                "If $.settings.allowCode() or tmpl.allowCode are set to true, previously compiled template is unchanged, so {{*}} still inactive");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        tmpl = $.templates("_{{*:glob.a}}_");

        result = "" + !!tmpl.allowCode + " " + tmpl.render(); // Now {{*}} is active

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(result, "true _AA_",
                "If $.settings.allowCode() set to true, {{*: expression}} returns evaluated expression, with access to globals");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "_{{*:glob.a}}_",
                allowCode: true

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render(), "_AA_",
                "If template allowCode property set to true, {{*: expression}} returns evaluated expression, with access to globals");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "_{{*:glob.a}}_"

        result = "" + !!tmpl.allowCode + ":" + tmpl();

        tmpl = $.templates({markup: tmpl, allowCode: true});

        result += "|" + tmpl.allowCode + ":" + tmpl();

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(result, "false:__|true:_AA_",
                "Can recompile tmpl to allow code, using tmpl = $.templates({markup: tmpl, allowCode: true})");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        $.templates("myTmpl", {
                markup: "_{{*:glob.a}}_"

        tmpl = $.templates.myTmpl;

        result = "" + !!tmpl.allowCode + ":" + tmpl();

        $.templates("myTmpl", {markup: $.templates.myTmpl, allowCode: true});

        tmpl = $.templates.myTmpl;

        result += "|" + tmpl.allowCode + ":" + tmpl();

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(result, "false:__|true:_AA_",
                'Can recompile named tmpl to allow code, using $.templates("myTemplateName", {markup: $.templates.myTmpl, allowCode:true})"');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        global.myVar = 0;

        tmpl = $.templates(
                "{{* myvar=2; myvar+=4; }}"
                + "Initial value: {{*:myvar}} "
                + "{{* myvar+=11; }}"
                + "New value: {{*:myvar}}");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render(), "Initial value: 6 New value: 17",
                "{{* expression}} or {{*: expression}} can access globals as window.myVar or myVar");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        global.people = people;
        tmpl = $.templates("{{:start}}"

                + "{{* for (var i=0, l=people.length; i<l; i++) { }}"
                        + " {{:title}} = {{*: people[i].name + ' ' + data.sep + ' '}}!"
                + "{{* } }}"

                + "{{:end}}");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({title: "name", start: "Start", end: "End", sep: "..."}), "Start name = Jo ... ! name = Bill ... !End",
                "If allowCode set to true, on recompiling the template, {{*:expression}} returns evaluated expression, with access to globals");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        global.myFunction = function() {
                return "myGlobalfunction ";
        document.title = "myTitle";
        tmpl = $.templates("{{for people}}"
                + "{{*: ' ' + glob.a}} {{*:}} {{*: view.index}} {{*: view.ctx.myHelper}} {{*: myFunction() + document.title}}"
        + "{{/for}}");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({people: people}, {myHelper: "hi"}), " AA Jo 0 hi myGlobalfunction myTitle AA Bill 1 hi myGlobalfunction myTitle",
                "{{* expression}} or {{*: expression}} can access globals, the data, the view, the view context, global functions etc.");

        document.title = "";



QUnit.test("", function(assert) {

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.views.tags("exclaim", "!!! ");
        var message = "",

                tmpl = $.templates(
                        "{{for towns}}"
                                + "{{>name}}"
                                + "{{* ? ' and ' : view.index< ? ', ': ''}}"
                        + "{{/for}}");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        try {
                tmpl.render({towns: towns});
        } catch(e) {
                message = e.message;

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.ok(!tmpl.useViews && message.indexOf("undefined") > 0,
                "A simple template with useViews=false will not provide access to the views through allowCode");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        message = "";
        tmpl.useViews = true;

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({towns: towns}), "Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "If tmpl.useViews set to true (for an existing template - without recompiling), the template renders with view hierarchy");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        tmpl.useViews = false;

        $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: true});
        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({towns: towns}), "Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "If tmpl.useViews is set to false, but $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: ...}) is set to true, the template renders with view hierarchy, (without recompiling).");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: false});

        tmpl = $.templates({markup: tmpl,
                useViews: true

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
                tmpl = $.templates(
                        "{{:#type}} "
                        + "{{for towns}}"
                                + "{{>name}}"
                                + "{{* ? ' and ' : view.index< ? ', ': ''}}"
                        + "{{/for}}");

        var html = tmpl.render({towns: towns});

        assert.equal(tmpl.useViews && html, "data Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "Recompiling the template with useViews: true will create a template that has tmpl.useViews = true, which renders with a 'data' view");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        tmpl.useViews = false;

        html = tmpl.render({towns: towns});

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(!tmpl.useViews && html, "top Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "If tmpl.useViews set to false (for an existing template - without recompiling), the template renders without a 'data' view");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: true});

        tmpl = $.templates({markup: tmpl});

        $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: false});

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.useViews && tmpl.render({towns: towns}), "data Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "If $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: ...}) was true when the template was compiled, then the template renders with views, even if $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: ...}) is no longer set to true");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: false});

                tmpl = $.templates(
                        + "{{for towns}}"
                                + "{{>name}}"
                                + "{{* ? ' and ' : view.index< ? ', ': ''}}"
                        + "{{/for}}");

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.useViews && tmpl.render({towns: towns}), "!!! Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "A template with richer features, (such as a custom tag, or nested tags) will automatically have tmpl.useViews=true and will render with views, even if $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: ...}) is set to false");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        var originalUseViews = tmpl.useViews;
        tmpl.useViews = false;

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(originalUseViews && !tmpl.useViews && tmpl.render({towns: towns}), "!!! Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "Setting tmpl.useViews=false will NOT prevent a richer template from rendering views.");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
                tmpl = $.templates(
                        "{{for towns}}"
                                + "{{>name}}"
                                + "{{* ? ' and ' : view.index< ? ', ': ''}}"
                        + "{{/for}}");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        originalUseViews = tmpl.useViews;
        tmpl.useViews = true;

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(!originalUseViews && tmpl.useViews && tmpl.render({towns: towns}), "Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "Setting tmpl.useViews=true WILL prevent a simpler template from rendering without views.");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        tmpl.useViews = originalUseViews;
        $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: true});

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(!tmpl.useViews && tmpl.render({towns: towns}), "Seattle, Paris and Delhi",
                "Setting $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: true}) WILL prevent a simpler template from rendering without views.");

        // =========================== Reset settings ============================
        $.views.settings.advanced({useViews: false});
        document.title = "";

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmpl = $.templates("{{:a.getHtml()}} {{if true}}{{:b}} {{/if}}");
        var innerTmpl = $.templates("{{:inner}}"),

                data = {
                        a: {
                                getHtml: function() {
                                        return $.templates("{{:inner}}").render(this);
                                inner: "INNER"
                        b: "OUTER"

        // ................................ Act ..................................
                html = tmpl.render(data);

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(!tmpl.useViews && !innerTmpl.useViews && html, "INNER OUTER ",
                "Nested top-level programmatic template calls which do not use views work correctly");
                // See

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "{{:a.getHtml()}} {{if true}}{{:b}} {{/if}}",
                useViews: true
        innerTmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "{{:inner}}",
                useViews: true
        html = tmpl.render(data);

        // ................................ Assert ..................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.useViews && innerTmpl.useViews && html, "INNER OUTER ",
                "Nested top-level programmatic template calls using views work correctly");
                // See


QUnit.module("All tags");
QUnit.test("itemVar", function(assert) {
        var otherPeople = [
                {name: "Jo", otherTels: [1, 2]},
                {name: "Bill", tels: [91,92]},
                {name: "Fred"}
        var message = "";
        try {
                        "{{for people itemVar='person'}}"
                                + "{{}} "
                        + "{{/for}}"
                        ).render({people: people});
        } catch(e) {
                message = e.message;

        assert.equal(message, "Syntax error\nUse itemVar='~myItem'",
                "Setting itemVar='something' without initial '~' throws syntax error");

                "{{for people itemVar='~person'}}"
                        + "{{}} "
                + "{{/for}}"
                ).render({people: people}),
                "Jo Bill ",
                "Setting {{for people itemVar='~person'}} creates ~person contextual parameter");

                "{{for people}}"
                        + "{{:name}}"
                + "{{else others itemVar='~otherPerson'}}"
                        + "{{}} "
                + "{{/for}}"
                ).render({others: people}),
                "Jo Bill ",
                "Can use itemVar on {{for}}{{else}} too: {{else others itemVar='~otherPerson'}}");

                "{{for people}}"
                        + "{{if tels itemVar='~person'}}"
                                + "{{:name}} {{}} "
                        + "{{else otherTels itemVar='~sameperson'}}"
                                + "{{}} "
                        + "{{else itemVar='~stillperson'}}"
                                + "{{}} "
                        + "{{/if}}"
                + "{{/for}}"
                ).render({people: otherPeople}),
                "Jo Bill Bill Fred ",
                "itemVar works also on {{if}}{{else}}{{/if}} even though the context is same as outer context for {{if}}.");

                "{{for people itemVar='~person'}}"
                        + "{{for tels itemVar='~tel'}}"
                                + "{{}} "
                                + "{{:~tel}} "
                        + "{{else otherTels itemVar='~othertel'}}"
                                + "{{}} "
                                + "{{:~othertel}} "
                        + "{{else itemVar='~theperson'}}"
                                + "{{:~theperson===~person&&~person===#data}} "
                                + "{{}} "
                                + "no phones"
                        + "{{/for}}"
                + "{{/for}}"
                ).render({people: otherPeople}),
                "Jo 1 Jo 2 Bill 91 Bill 92 true Fred no phones",
                "itemVar works also on {{for arr1}}{{else arr2}}{{else}}{{/for}}" +
                "\neven though the context for the final {{else}} is the same as outer context for {{if}}.");

                "{{for people itemVar='~person'}}"
                        + "{{}}"
                        + "{{if ~person.tels itemVar='~ifVar'}}"
                                        + " Phones:"
                                        + "{{for ~ifVar.tels itemVar='~tel'}}"
                                                + " {{:~tel}}"
                                        + "{{/for}}"
                                + "{{/if}}. "
                        + "{{/for}}"
                ).render({people: otherPeople}),
                "Jo. Bill Phones: 91 92. Fred. ",
                "Using itemVar and passing context to nested templates");

                "{{for people itemVar='~person'}}"
                        + "{{}}"
                        + "{{for ~person.tels itemVar='~tel'}}"
                                + " {{:~tel}}"
                        + "{{else otherTels itemVar='~tel'}}"
                                + " {{:~tel}}"
                        + "{{else}}"
                                + " (No phones)"
                        + "{{/for}}"
                        + ". "
                + "{{/for}}"
                ).render({people: otherPeople}),
                "Jo 1 2. Bill 91 92. Fred (No phones). ",
                "Additional example using itemVar and passing context to nested templates");

                        "{{wrappedFor people 'u' itemVar='~person'}}"
                                + "{{}} "
                                + "{{wrappedFor ~person.tels 'i' itemVar='~tel'}}"
                                        + "{{:~tel}} "
                                + "{{else otherTels 'b' itemVar='~tel'}}"
                                        + "{{:~tel}} "
                                + "{{/wrappedFor}}"
                        + "{{/wrappedFor}}",
                        tags: {
                                wrappedFor: function(val, wrapTag) {
                                        if (val) {
                                                return "<" + wrapTag + ">" + this.tagCtx.render(val) + "</" + wrapTag + ">";
                }).render({people: otherPeople}),
                "<u>Jo  <b>1 2 </b>Bill <i>91 92 </i> Fred   </u>",
                "itemVar with custom tags {{wrappedFor}}{{else}}{{/wrappedFor}}, and passing context to nested templates");

                "{{for people itemVar='~person'}}"
                        + "{{props ~person itemVar='~prop'}}"
                                + "{{:~prop.key}}: {{:~prop.prop}} "
                        + "{{/props}}"
                + "{{/for}}"
                ).render({people: otherPeople}),
                "name: Jo otherTels: 1,2 name: Bill tels: 91,92 name: Fred ",
                "itemVar with {{props}}, and passing context to nested templates");

                "{{for people itemVar='~person'}}"
                        + "{{props ~person.tels itemVar='~prop'}}"
                                + "{{}} Tel: {{:~prop.key}}: {{:~prop.prop}} "
                        + "{{else itemVar='~personWithoutTels'}}"
                                + "{{}}: has no tels "
                        + "{{/props}}"
                + "{{/for}}"
                ).render({people: otherPeople}),
                "Jo: has no tels Bill Tel: 0: 91 Bill Tel: 1: 92 Fred: has no tels ",
                "itemVar with {{props}}{{else}}{{/props}}, and passing context to nested templates");

QUnit.module("api no jQuery");
QUnit.test("templates", function(assert) {
        // ................................ Arrange ..................................
        $.templates("./test/templates/file/path.html", null); // In case template has been stored in a previous test

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        var tmpl0 = $.templates({markup: "./test/templates/file/path.html"}); // Compile template but do not cache

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(!$.templates["./test/templates/file/path.html"] && tmpl0.render({name: "Jo0"}),
                isIE8 ? "\nServerRenderedTemplate_Jo0_B" : "ServerRenderedTemplate_Jo0_B",
                "Compile server-generated template, without caching");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        var tmpl1 = $.templates("./test/templates/file/path.html"); // Compile and cache, using path as key

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl1 !== tmpl0 && $.templates["./test/templates/file/path.html"] === tmpl1 && tmpl1.render({name: "Jo1"}),
                isIE8 ? "\nServerRenderedTemplate_Jo1_B" : "ServerRenderedTemplate_Jo1_B",
                "Compile server-generated template, and cache on file path");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        var tmpl2 = $.templates("./test/templates/file/path.html"); // Use cached template, accessed by path as key

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl2 === tmpl1 && tmpl1.render({name: "Jo2"}),
                isIE8 ? "\nServerRenderedTemplate_Jo2_B" : "ServerRenderedTemplate_Jo2_B",
                "Re-use cached server-generated template");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        var tmpl3 = $.templates({markup: "./test/templates/file/path.html"}); // Re-compile template but do not cache. Leaved cached template.

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl3 !== tmpl0 && tmpl3 !== tmpl1 && $.templates["./test/templates/file/path.html"] === tmpl1 && tmpl3.render({name: "Jo3"}),
                isIE8 ? "\nServerRenderedTemplate_Jo3_B" : "ServerRenderedTemplate_Jo3_B",
                "Recompile server-generated template, without caching");

        // ................................ Reset ................................
        delete $.templates["./test/templates/file/path.html"];
        if (isBrowser) {

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmplString = "A_{{:name}}_B";

        var tmpl = $.templates(tmplString);
        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render(person), "A_Jo_B",
                'Compile from string: var tmpl = $.templates(tmplString);');

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl(person), "A_Jo_B",
                'Compiled template is itself the render function: html = tmpl(data);');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        var fnToString = tmpl.fn.toString();

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates("", tmplString).fn.toString() === fnToString && $.templates(null, tmplString).fn.toString() === fnToString && $.templates(undefined, tmplString).fn.toString() === fnToString, true,
                'if name is "", null, or undefined, then var tmpl = $.templates(name, tmplString)' +
                '\nis equivalent to var tmpl = $.templates(tmplString);');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.templates("myTmpl", tmplString);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl(person), "A_Jo_B",
                'Compile and register named template: $.templates("myTmpl", tmplString);');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.templates({myTmpl2: tmplString, myTmpl3: "X_{{:name}}_Y"});

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl2(person) + $.render.myTmpl3(person), "A_Jo_BX_Jo_Y",
                'Compile and register named templates: $.templates({myTmpl: tmplString, myTmpl2: tmplString2});');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.templates("!'-#==", "x");
        $.templates({'&^~>"2': "y"});
        assert.equal($.render["!'-#=="](person) + $.render['&^~>"2'](person), "xy",
                'Named templates can have arbitrary names;');

        $.templates({myTmpl4: "A_B"});

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl4(person), "A_B",
                '$.templates({myTmpl: htmlWithNoTags});');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.templates("myTmpl5", {
                markup: tmplString

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl5(person), "A_Jo_B",
                '$.templates("myTmpl", {markup: markupString});');

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates("", {markup: tmplString}).render(person), "A_Jo_B",
                'Compile from template object without registering: var tmpl = $.templates("", {markup: markupString});');

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates({markup: tmplString}).render(person), "A_Jo_B",
                'Compile from template object without registering: var tmpl = $.templates({markup: markupString});');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
                myTmpl6: {
                        markup: tmplString

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl6(person), "A_Jo_B",
                '$.templates({myTmpl: {markup: markupString}});');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.templates("myTmpl7", tmpl);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl7(person), "A_Jo_B",
                'Cloning a template: $.templates("newName", tmpl);');

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates(tmpl) === tmpl, true,
                '$.templates(tmpl) returns tmpl');

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates("", tmpl) === tmpl, true,
                '$.templates("", tmpl) returns tmpl');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        var tmplWithHelper = $.templates("A_{{:name}}_B{{:~foo}}");
        var result = tmplWithHelper(person, {foo: "thisFoo"});

        var tmplWithHelper2 = $.templates({markup: tmplWithHelper, helpers: {foo: "thatFoo"}});
        result += "|" + tmplWithHelper2(person);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result, "A_Jo_BthisFoo|A_Jo_BthatFoo",
                'Cloning a template to add/replace/change some template properties: var tmpl2 = $.templates({markup: tmpl1, otherOptions...});');

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates("", tmpl) === tmpl, true,
                '$.templates(tmpl) returns tmpl');

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates("").render(), "",
                '$.templates("") is a template with empty string as content');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.templates("myEmptyTmpl", "");

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates.myEmptyTmpl.render(), "",
                '$.templates("myEmptyTmpl", "") is a template with empty string as content');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.templates("myTmpl", null);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates.myTmpl === undefined && $.render.myTmpl === undefined, true,
                'Remove a named template: $.templates("myTmpl", null);');

QUnit.test("render", function(assert) {
        var tmpl1 = $.templates("myTmpl8", tmplString);
                simple: "Content{{:#data}}|",
                templateForArray: "Content{{for #data}}{{:#index}}{{/for}}{{:~foo}}",
                primitiveDataTypes: "|{{:#data}}"

        assert.equal(tmpl1.render(person), "A_Jo_B", 'tmpl1.render(data);');
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl8(person), "A_Jo_B", '$.render.myTmpl8(data);');

        $.templates("myTmpl9", "A_{{for}}inner{{:name}}content{{/for}}_B");
        assert.equal($.templates.myTmpl9.tmpls[0].render(person), "innerJocontent", 'Access nested templates: $.templates["myTmpl9[0]"];');

        $.templates("myTmpl10", "top index:{{:#index}}|{{for 1}}nested index:{{:#get('item').index}}|{{if #get('item').index===0}}nested if index:{{:#get('item').index}}|{{else}}nested else index:{{:#get('item').index}}|{{/if}}{{/for}}");

        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl10(people), "top index:0|nested index:0|nested if index:0|top index:1|nested index:1|nested else index:1|",
                                                                                "#get('item').index gives the integer index even in nested blocks");

        $.templates("myTmpl11", "top index:{{:#index}}|{{for people}}nested index:{{:#index}}|{{if #index===0}}nested if index:{{:#get('item').index}}|{{else}}nested else index:{{:#get('item').index}}|{{/if}}{{/for}}");

        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl11({people: people}), "top index:|nested index:0|nested if index:0|nested index:1|nested else index:1|",
                                                                                "#get('item').index gives the integer index even in nested blocks");

                myWrap: {}

        var templateWithIndex = $.templates(
                        '{{for people}}'
                        + 'a{{:#index}} '
                        + '{{if true}}b{{:#index}}{{/if}} '
                        + 'c{{:#index}} '
                        + '{{myWrap}}d{{:#index}} {{/myWrap}}'
                + '{{/for}}');

        var result = templateWithIndex.render({people: [1,2]});

        var result2 = templateWithIndex.render({people: [1,2]});

        assert.equal(result2 === result && result,
                "a0 bFor #index in nested block use #getIndex(). c0 dFor #index in nested block use #getIndex(). a1 bFor #index in nested block use #getIndex(). c1 dFor #index in nested block use #getIndex(). ",
                "#index gives error message in nested blocks (whether or not debugMode is true).");

        var templateWithGetIndex = $.templates(
                        '{{for people}}'
                        + 'a{{:#getIndex()}} '
                        + '{{if true}}b{{:#getIndex()}}{{/if}} '
                        + 'c{{:#getIndex()}} '
                        + '{{myWrap}}d{{:#getIndex()}} {{/myWrap}}'
                + '{{/for}}');

        assert.equal(templateWithGetIndex.render({people: [1,2]}),
                "a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 ",
                "#getIndex gives inherited index in nested blocks.");

        $.views.helpers({myKeyIsCorrect: function(view) {
                return view.parent.views[view._.key] === view;
        $.templates("myTmpl12", "{{for people}}nested {{:~myKeyIsCorrect(#view)}}|{{if #index===0}}nested if {{:~myKeyIsCorrect(#view)}}|{{else}}nested else {{:~myKeyIsCorrect(#view)}}|{{/if}}{{/for}}");

        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl12({people: people}), "nested true|nested if true|nested true|nested else true|",
                                                                                'view._key gives the key of this view in the parent views collection/object');

        assert.equal($.templates(tmplString).render(person), "A_Jo_B", 'Compile from string: var html = $.templates(tmplString).render(data);');
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl8(people), "A_Jo_BA_Bill_B", '$.render.myTmpl(array);');
        assert.equal($.render.simple([]), "", 'Empty array renders empty string');
        assert.equal($.render.simple(["",false,null,undefined,1]), "Content|Contentfalse|Content|Content|Content1|", 'Empty string, false, null or undefined members of array are also rendered');
        assert.equal($.render.simple(null), "Content|", 'null renders once with #data null');
        assert.equal($.render.simple(), "Content|", 'Undefined renders once with #data undefined');
        assert.equal($.render.simple(false), "Contentfalse|", 'false renders once with #data false');
        assert.equal($.render.simple(0), "Content0|", '0 renders once with #data 0');
        assert.equal($.render.simple(""), "Content|", '"" renders once with #data ""');

        assert.equal($.render.templateForArray([[null,undefined,1]]), "Content012", 'Can render a template against an array without iteration, by wrapping array in an array');
        assert.equal($.render.templateForArray([null,undefined,1], true), "Content012", 'render(array, true) renders an array without iteration');
        assert.equal($.render.templateForArray([null,undefined,1], {foo:"foovalue"}, true), "Content012foovalue", 'render(array, helpers, true) renders an array without iteration, while passing in helpers');
        assert.equal($.templates.templateForArray.render([null,undefined,1], {foo:"foovalue"}, true), "Content012foovalue", 'render(array, helpers, true) renders an array without iteration, while passing in helpers');
        assert.equal($.render.templateForArray([[]]), "Content", 'Can render a template against an empty array without iteration, by wrapping array in an array');
        assert.equal($.render.templateForArray([], true), "Content", 'Can render a template against an empty array without iteration, by passing in true as second parameter');
        assert.equal($.render.templateForArray([], {foo: "foovalue"}, true), "Contentfoovalue", 'Can render a template against an empty array without iteration, by by passing in true as third parameter');
        assert.equal($.render.primitiveDataTypes([0,1,"abc","",,true,false]), "|0|1|abc|||true|false", 'Primitive types render correctly, even if falsey');

QUnit.test("converters", function(assert) {
        function loc(data) {
                switch (data) {case "desktop": return "bureau";}
                return data;
        $.views.converters({loc2: loc});
        assert.equal($.templates("{{loc2:#data}}:{{loc2:'desktop'}}").render("desktop"), "bureau:bureau", "$.views.converters({loc: locFunction})");

        var locFn = $.views.converters("loc", loc);
        assert.equal(locFn === loc && $.views.converters.loc === loc && $.views.converters.loc2 === loc, true, 'locFunction === $.views.converters.loc === $.views.converters.loc2');

        $.views.converters({loc2: null});
        assert.equal($.views.converters.loc2, undefined, '$.views.converters({loc2: null}) to remove registered converter');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{attr:a}}").render({a: 0}), "0", '{{attr:0}} returns "0"');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{attr:a}}").render({}), "", "{{attr:undefined}} returns empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{attr:a}}").render({a: ""}), "", "{{attr:''}} returns empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{attr:a}}").render({a: null}), "", '{{attr:null}} returns empty string');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{attr:a}}").render({a: "<>&'" + '"'}), "&lt;&gt;&amp;&#39;&#34;", '{{attr:"<>&' + "'" + '}} returns "&lt;&gt;&amp;&#39;&#34;"');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a}}").render({a: 0}), "0", '{{>0}} returns "0"');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a}}").render({}), "", "{{>undefined}} returns empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a}}").render({a: ""}), "", "{{>''}} returns empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a}}").render({a: null}), "", "{{>null}} returns empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{>a}}").render({a: "<>&'" + '"'}), "&lt;&gt;&amp;&#39;&#34;", '{{>"<>&' + "'" + '}} returns "&lt;&gt;&amp;&#39;&#34;"');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{loc:a}}").render({a: 0}), "0", '{{cnvt:0}} returns "0"');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{loc:a}}").render({}), "", '{{cnvt:undefined}} returns empty string');
        assert.equal($.templates("{{loc:a}}").render({a: ""}), "", "{{cnvt:''}} returns empty string");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{loc:a}}").render({a: null}), "", "{{cnvt:null}} returns empty string");

        assert.equal($.templates("{{attr:a}}|{{>a}}|{{loc:a}}|{{:a}}").render({}), "|||", "{{attr:undefined}}|{{>undefined}}|{{loc:undefined}}|{{:undefined}} returns correct values");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{attr:a}}|{{>a}}|{{loc:a}}|{{:a}}").render({a:0}), "0|0|0|0", "{{attr:0}}|{{>0}}|{{loc:0}}|{{:0}} returns correct values");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{attr:a}}|{{>a}}|{{loc:a}}|{{:a}}").render({a:false}), "false|false|false|false", "{{attr:false}}|{{>false}}|{{loc:false}}|{{:false}} returns correct values");

QUnit.test("{{sometag convert=converter}}", function(assert) {
        function loc(data) {
                switch (data) {
                        case "desktop": return "bureau";
                        case "a<b": return "a moins <que b";}
                return data;
        $.views.converters("loc", loc);

        assert.equal($.templates("1{{:#data convert='loc'}} 2{{:'desktop' convert='loc'}} 3{{:#data convert=~myloc}} 4{{:'desktop' convert=~myloc}}").render("desktop", {myloc: loc}), "1bureau 2bureau 3bureau 4bureau", "{{: convert=~myconverter}}");
        assert.equal($.templates("1:{{:'a<b' convert=~myloc}} 2:{{> 'a<b'}} 3:{{html: 'a<b' convert=~myloc}} 4:{{> 'a<b' convert=~myloc}} 5:{{attr: 'a<b' convert=~myloc}}").render(1, {myloc: loc}),
                "1:a moins <que b 2:a&lt;b 3:a&lt;b 4:a&lt;b 5:a moins <que b",
                "{{foo: convert=~myconverter}} convert=converter is used rather than {{foo:, but with {{html: convert=~myconverter}}" +
                "\nor {{> convert=~myconverter}} html converter takes precedence and ~myconverter is ignored");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{if true convert=~invert}}yes{{else false convert=~invert}}no{{else}}neither{{/if}}").render('desktop', {invert: function(val) {return !val;}}), "no", "{{if expression convert=~myconverter}}...{{else expression2 convert=~myconverter}}... ");
        assert.equal($.templates("{{for #data convert=~reverse}}{{:#data}}{{/for}}").render([1,2,3], {reverse: function(val) {return val.reverse();}}, true), "321", "{{for expression convert=~myconverter}}");

QUnit.test("tags", function(assert) {
        // ................................ Reset ..................................
        towns = [{name: "Seattle"}, {name: "Paris"}, {name: "Delhi"}];

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        assert.equal($.templates("{{sort people reverse=true}}{{:name}}{{/sort}}").render({people: people}), "BillJo", "$.views.tags({sort: sortFunction})");

        assert.equal($.templates("{^{sort people reverse=true}}{^{:name}}{{/sort}}").render({people: people}), "BillJo", "Calling render() with inline data-binding {^{...}} renders normally without binding");

        assert.equal($.templates("{{sort people reverse=true towns}}{{:name}}{{/sort}}").render({people: people, towns:towns}), "DelhiParisSeattleBillJo", "Multiple parameters in arbitrary order: {{sort people reverse=true towns}}");

        assert.equal($.templates("{{sort reverse=false people reverse=true towns}}{{:name}}{{/sort}}").render({people: people, towns:towns}), "DelhiParisSeattleBillJo", "Duplicate named parameters - last wins: {{sort reverse=false people reverse=true towns}}");

        var sort2 = $.views.tags("sort2", sort);
        assert.equal(sort2.render === sort && $.views.tags.sort.render === sort && $.views.tags.sort2.render === sort, true, 'sortFunction === $.views.tags.sort.render === $.views.tags.sort2.render');

        $.views.tags("sort2", null);
        assert.equal($.views.tags.sort2, undefined, '$.views.tags("sort2", null) to remove registered tag');

        $.views.tags("boldTag", {
                render: function() {
                        return "<em>" + this.tagCtx.render() + "</em>";
                template: "{{:#data}}"
        assert.equal($.templates("{{boldTag}}{{:#data}}{{/boldTag}}").render("theData"), "<em>theData</em>",
                'Data context inside a block tag using tagCtx.render() is the same as the outer context');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{boldTag/}}").render("theData"), "<em>theData</em>",
                'Data context inside the built-in template of a self-closing tag using tagCtx.render() is the same as the outer context');

        assert.equal($.templates("{{sort people reverse=true}}{{:name}}{{/sort}}").render({people: people}), "BillJo", "$.views.tags({sort: sortFunction})");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        // ................................ Act ..................................
        var eventData = "",

                renderedOutput = $.templates({
                        markup: '{^{myWidget name/}}',
                        tags: {
                                myWidget: {
                                        init: function(tagCtx, linkCtx) {
                                                eventData += " init";
                                        render: function(name, things) {
                                                eventData += " render";
                                                return name + " " + this.getType();
                                        getType: function() {
                                                eventData += " getType";
                                                return this.type;
                                        type: "special"

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(renderedOutput + "|" + eventData, "Jo special| init render getType", '{^{myWidget/}} - Events fire in order during rendering: init render');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
                noRenderNoTemplate: {},
                voidRender: function() {},
                emptyRender: function() {return "";},
                emptyTemplate: {
                        template: ""
                templateReturnsEmpty: {
                        template: "{{:a}}"

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates("a{{noRenderNoTemplate/}}b{^{noRenderNoTemplate/}}c{{noRenderNoTemplate}}{{/noRenderNoTemplate}}d{^{noRenderNoTemplate}}{{/noRenderNoTemplate}}e").render(1), "abcde",
        "non-rendering tag (no template, no render function) renders empty string");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{voidRender/}}b{^{voidRender/}}c{{voidRender}}{{/voidRender}}d{^{voidRender}}{{/voidRender}}e").render(1), "abcde",
        "non-rendering tag (no template, no return from render function) renders empty string");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{emptyRender/}}b{^{emptyRender/}}c{{emptyRender}}{{/emptyRender}}d{^{emptyRender}}{{/emptyRender}}e").render(1), "abcde",
        "non-rendering tag (no template, empty string returned from render function) renders empty string");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{emptyTemplate/}}b{^{emptyTemplate/}}c{{emptyTemplate}}{{/emptyTemplate}}d{^{emptyTemplate}}{{/emptyTemplate}}e").render(1), "abcde",
        "non-rendering tag (template has no content, no render function) renders empty string");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{templateReturnsEmpty/}}b{^{templateReturnsEmpty/}}c{{templateReturnsEmpty}}{{/templateReturnsEmpty}}d{^{templateReturnsEmpty}}{{/templateReturnsEmpty}}e").render(1), "abcde",
        "non-rendering tag (template returns empty string, no render function) renders empty string");

                tagJustTemplate: {
                        argDefault: false,
                        template: "{{:#data ? name||length : 'Not defined'}} "
                tagJustTemplateObject: {
                        argDefault: false,
                        template: {markup: "{{:#data ? name||length : 'Not defined'}} "}
                tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesAgainstCurrentData: {
                        template: "{{:#data ? name : 'Not defined'}} ",
                        render: function() {
                                return this.tagCtx.render(); // Renders against current data - and iterates if array
                tagJustRender: function(val) {
                        return + " ";
                tagJustRenderArray: function(val) {
                        return val.length + " ";
                tagWithTemplateNoIteration: {
                        contentCtx: true,
                        render: function(val) {
                                return this.tagCtx.render(val, true); // Render without iteration
                        template: "{{:#data.length}} "
                tagWithTemplateNoIterationWithHelpers: {
                        render: function(val) {
                                return this.tagCtx.render(val, {foo: "foovalue"}, true); // Render without iteration
                        template: "{{:#data.length}} {{:~foo}}"
                tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesFirstArg: {
                        template: "{{:#data ? name : 'Not defined'}} ",
                        render: function(val) {
                                return this.tagCtx.render(val); // Renders against first arg - defaults to current data - and iterates if array
                tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesFirstArgNoDefaultArg: {
                        template: "{{:#data ? name : 'Not defined'}} ",
                        argDefault: false,
                        render: function(val) {
                                return this.tagCtx.render(val); // Renders against first arg and iterates if array. Does not default to current data

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include person}}{{tagJustTemplate/}}{{/include}}").render({person: {name: "Jo"}}), "aJo ",
        "Tag with just a template and no param renders once against current data, if object");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include person}}{{tagJustTemplateObject/}}{{/include}}").render({person: {name: "Jo"}}), "aJo ",
        "Tag with just a template object and no param renders once against current data, if object");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include person}}{{tagJustTemplate undefinedProperty/}}{{/include}}").render({person: {name: "Jo"}}), "aNot defined ",
        "Tag with just a template and a parameter which is not defined renders once against 'undefined'");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include people}}{{tagJustTemplate/}}{{/include}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "a2 ",
        "Tag with just a template and no param renders once against current data, even if array" +
        "\n- but can add render method with tagCtx.render(val) to iterate - (next test)");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include people}}{{tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesAgainstCurrentData/}}{{/include}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "aJo Mary ",
        "Tag with a template and no param and render method calling tagCtx.render() iterates against current data if array");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include people}}{{tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesAgainstCurrentData thisisignored/}}{{/include}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "aJo Mary ",
        "Tag with a template and no param and render method calling tagCtx.render() iterates against current data if array" +
        "\n- and ignores argument if provided");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include people}}{{tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesFirstArg/}}{{/include}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "aJo Mary ",
        "Tag with a template and no param and render method calling tagCtx.render(val) renders against first arg" +
        "\n- or defaults to current data, and iterates if array");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesFirstArg people/}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "aJo Mary ",
        "Tag with a template and no param and render method calling tagCtx.render(val) iterates against argument if array");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include people}}{{tagWithTemplateNoIteration/}}{{/include}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "a2 ",
        "If current data is an array, a tag with a template and a render method calling" +
        "\ntagCtx.render(val, true) and no param renders against array without iteration");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include people}}{{tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesFirstArgNoDefaultArg/}}{{/include}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "aNot defined ",
        "Tag with a template and no param and render method calling tagCtx.render(val) but with tag.argDefault=false renders against first arg" +
        "\n- and does not default to current data if arg is undefined");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include people}}{{tagWithTemplateNoIterationWithHelpers/}}{{/include}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "a2 foovalue",
        "If current data is an array, a tag with a template and a render method calling" +
        "\ntagCtx.render(val, helpers, true) and no param renders against array without iteration");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include person}}{{tagJustRender/}}{{/include}}").render({person: {name: "Jo"}}), "aJo ",
        "Tag with just a render and no param renders once against current data, if object");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{include people}}{{tagJustRenderArray/}}{{/include}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "a2 ",
        "Tag with just a render and no param renders once against current data, even if array - but render method can choose to iterate");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{tagJustTemplate person/}}").render({person: {name: "Jo"}}), "aJo ",
        "Tag with just a template and renders once against first argument data, if object");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{tagJustTemplate people/}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "a2 ",
        "Tag with just a template renders once against first argument data even if it is an array" +
        "\n- but can add render method with tagCtx.render(val) to iterate - (next test)");

        assert.equal($.templates("a{{tagWithTemplateWhichIteratesFirstArg people/}}").render({people: [{name: "Jo"}, {name: "Mary"}]}), "aJo Mary ",
        "Tag with a template and render method calling tagCtx.render(val) renders against first param data, and iterates if array");


QUnit.test("derived tags", function(assert) {
        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        var tmpl = $.templates("a:{{A 1/}} b:{{B 2/}}"),

                tagA = $.views.tags("A",
                        function(val) {return "A" + val;},

                                baseTag: tagA,
                                render: function(val) {
                                        return "B" + val + this.base(val);

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        var result = tmpl.render({});

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result, "a:A1 b:B2A2", "One level tag inheritance chain - calling base method");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmpl = $.templates("a:{{A 1 2 3/}} b:{{B 11 12 13/}} c:{{C 21 22 23/}} d:{{D 31 32 33/}} e:{{E 41 42 43/}}");

                tagA = $.views.tags("A",
                        function(val) {return "A" + val;},

                                baseTag: tagA,
                                foo: function(val) {
                                        return "FOO-B:" + val;
                                render: function(val) {
                                        return "B" + val + this.base(val);

                var tagC = $.views.tags("C",
                                baseTag: "A",
                                foo: function(val) {
                                        return "FOO-C:" + val;
                                bar: function(x, y, z) {
                                        return "BAR-C" + x + y + z;
                                render: function(val) {
                                        return "C" + val + this.base(val) + +, this.tagCtx.args);

                                baseTag: tagC,
                                render: function(val) {
                                        return "D" + val + this.base(val);

                                baseTag: "D",
                                foo: function(val) {
                                        return "FOO-E" + val + this.base(val);
                                bar: function(x, y, z) {
                                        return "BAR-E" + x + y + z + this.baseApply(arguments);
                                render: function(val) {
                                        return "E" + val + this.base(val);

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = tmpl.render({});

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result, "a:A1 b:B11A11 c:C21A21FOO-C:21BAR-C212223 d:D31C31A31FOO-C:31BAR-C313233 e:E41D41C41A41FOO-E41FOO-C:41BAR-E414243BAR-C414243", "Complex multi-level inheritance chain");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmpl = $.templates("a:{{A 1 2 3/}}");

                tagA = $.views.tags("A",
                        function(val) {
                                return "A" + val + this.baseApply(arguments);

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = tmpl.render({});

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result.slice(0, 10), "a:{Error: ", "Calling base or baseApply when there is no base tag: Type Error");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmpl = $.templates("a:{{A 1 2 3/}} b:{{B 11 12 13/}} c:{{C 21 22 23/}}");

                tagA = $.views.tags("A",
                        function(val) {
                                return "A" + val;

                                baseTag: tagA,
                                render: function(val) {
                                        return "B" + val + this.base(val);

                tagC = $.views.tags("C",
                                baseTag: "A",
                                bar: function(x, y, z) {
                                        return "BAR-C" + x + y + z + " Missing base method call: " + this.base(x) + this.baseApply(arguments) + ".";
                                render: function(val) {
                                        return "C" + val +, this.tagCtx.args);

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = tmpl.render({});

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result, "a:A1 b:B11A11 c:C21BAR-C212223 Missing base method call: .",
        'Calling base or baseApply when there is no corresponding method on base tag implementation: noop - returning ""');


QUnit.test('{{include}} and wrapping content', function(assert) {
        var result = $.templates({
                                        'Before {{include tmpl="wrapper"}}'
                                        + '{{:name}}'
                                + '{{/include}} After',
                        templates: {
                                wrapper: "header{{include tmpl=#content/}}footer"

        assert.equal(result, "Before headerJofooter AfterBefore headerBillfooter After", 'Using {{include ... tmpl="wrapper"}}wrapped{{/include}}');

        result = $.templates({
                         'This (render method) replaces: {{mytag override="replacementText" tmpl="wrapper"}}'
                                + '{{:name}}'
                        + '{{/mytag}} | '
                        + 'This (original template) adds: {{mytag}}'
                                + '{{:name}}'
                        + '{{/mytag}} | '
                        + 'This (new template) wraps: {{mytag setTmpl="wrapper"}}'
                                + '{{:name}}'
                        + '{{/mytag}} | ',
                tags: {
                        mytag: {
                                template: "add{{include tmpl=#content/}}",
                                init: function() {
                                        this.template = this.tagCtx.props.setTmpl || this.template;
                                render: function() {
                                        return this.tagCtx.props.override;
                templates: {
                        wrapper: "header{{include tmpl=#content/}}footer"

                "This (render method) replaces: replacementText |"
                + " This (original template) adds: addJo |"
                + " This (new template) wraps: headerJofooter |"
                + " This (render method) replaces: replacementText |"
                + " This (original template) adds: addBill |"
                + " This (new template) wraps: headerBillfooter | ",
                'Custom tag with wrapped content: {{mytag ... tmpl="wrapper"}}wrapped{{/myTmpl}}');

        result = $.templates({
                                'Before {{include tmpl="wrapper"}}'
                                + '{{:name}}'
                        + '{{/include}} After',
                templates: {
                        wrapper: "header{{for people tmpl=#content/}}footer"
        }).render({people: people});

        assert.equal(result, "Before headerJoBillfooter After", 'Using {{for ... tmpl="wrapper"}}wrapped{{/for}}');

        result = $.templates({
                                'This replaces:{{mytag override="replacementText"}}'
                                + '{{:name}}'
                        + '{{/mytag}}'
                        + 'This wraps:{{mytag tmpl="wrapper"}}'
                                + '{{:name}}'
                        + '{{/mytag}}',
                tags: {
                        mytag: function() {
                                return this.tagCtx.props.override;
                templates: {
                        wrapper: "header{{for people tmpl=#content/}}footer"
        }).render({people: people});

        assert.equal(result, "This replaces:replacementTextThis wraps:headerJoBillfooter", 'Using {{mytag ... tmpl="wrapper"}}wrapped{{/myTmpl}}');

        result = $.templates({
                        + '{{:name}}'
                + '{{/mytag}} | '
                + '{{mytag tmpl="innerwrap"}}'
                        + '{{:name}}'
                + '{{/mytag}} | '
                + '{{mytag tmpl="middlewrap"}}'
                        + '{{:name}}'
                + '{{/mytag}} | '
                + '{{mytag tmpl="wrapper"}}'
                        + '{{:name}}'
                + '{{/mytag}} | '

                + '{{mytag2}}'
                        + '{{:name}}'
                + '{{/mytag2}} | '
                + '{{mytag2 tmpl="innerwrap"}}'
                        + '{{:name}}'
                + '{{/mytag2}} | '
                + '{{mytag2 tmpl="middlewrap"}}'
                        + '{{:name}}'
                + '{{/mytag2}} | '
                + '{{mytag2 tmpl="wrapper"}}'
                        + '{{:name}}'
                + '{{/mytag2}} | ',
                templates: {
                        wrapper: "middle {{include tmpl=#content/}} {{include tmpl='middlewrap'/}} {{include tmpl='innerwrap'/}}/middle",
                        middlewrap: "inner {{include tmpl=#content/}} and {{include tmpl='innerwrap'/}} /inner",
                        innerwrap: "innermost {{include tmpl=#content/}} /innermost"
                tags: {
                        mytag: {
                        template: "outer {{include tmpl=#content/}} /outer"
                        mytag2: {

                "outer Jo /outer |"
                + " outer innermost Jo /innermost /outer |"
                + " outer inner Jo and innermost Jo /innermost /inner /outer |"
                + " outer middle Jo inner Jo and innermost Jo /innermost /inner innermost Jo /innermost/middle /outer |"

                + " Jo |"
                + " innermost Jo /innermost |"
                + " inner Jo and innermost Jo /innermost /inner |"
                + " middle Jo inner Jo and innermost Jo /innermost /inner innermost Jo /innermost/middle |"

                + " outer Bill /outer |"
                + " outer innermost Bill /innermost /outer |"
                + " outer inner Bill and innermost Bill /innermost /inner /outer |"
                + " outer middle Bill inner Bill and innermost Bill /innermost /inner innermost Bill /innermost/middle /outer |"

                + " Bill |"
                + " innermost Bill /innermost |"
                + " inner Bill and innermost Bill /innermost /inner |"
                + " middle Bill inner Bill and innermost Bill /innermost /inner innermost Bill /innermost/middle | ",
                'Cascading multi-level wrappers around #content'

        var data = [{
        phones: [
                {number: "Ph0", alt: "Alt0"},
                {number: "Ph1", alt: "Alt1"},
                {number: "Ph2", alt: "Alt2"}

        result = $.templates({
                  '{{mytag tmpl="phonelist"}}'
                        + '{{:number}} '
                + '{{/mytag}} | '
                + '{{mytag2 tmpl="phonelist"}}'
                  + '{{:number}} '
                + '{{/mytag2}}',
                templates: {
                        phonelist: "{{for phones}}{{include tmpl=#content/}}{{/for}}"
                tags: {
                        mytag: {
                                template: "outer {{include tmpl=#content/}} /outer"
                        mytag2: {

                "outer Ph0 Ph1 Ph2  /outer | Ph0 Ph1 Ph2 ",
                'Cascading multi-level wrapper around #content with {{for}}'

        result = $.templates({
                  '{{mytag tmpl="phonelist"}}'
                        + '{{:number}}'
                + '{{else tmpl="altlist"}}'
                  + '{{:alt}}'
                + '{{else tmpl="altlist2"}}'
                  + '{{:alt}}'
                + '{{/mytag}}'
                + '{{mytag2 tmpl="phonelist"}}'
                  + '{{:number}}'
                + '{{else tmpl="altlist"}}'
                  + '{{:alt}}'
                + '{{else tmpl="altlist2"}}'
                  + '{{:alt}}'
                + '{{/mytag2}}',
                templates: {
                        phonelist: "A< {{for phones}}{{include tmpl=#content/}} {{/for}} > ",
                        altlist: "B< {{for phones tmpl='titlewrap'/}} > ",
                        altlist2: "C< {{for phones}}{{include tmpl='titlewrap'/}}{{/for}} > ",
                        titlewrap: "alternate: {{include tmpl=#content/}} "
                tags: {
                        mytag: {
                                template: "outer {{include tmpl=#content/}} /outer | "
                        mytag2: {

                  "outer A< Ph0 Ph1 Ph2  >  /outer |"
                + " outer B< alternate: Alt0 alternate: Alt1 alternate: Alt2  >  /outer |"
                + " outer C< alternate: Alt0 alternate: Alt1 alternate: Alt2  >  /outer |"
                + " A< Ph0 Ph1 Ph2  >"
                + " B< alternate: Alt0 alternate: Alt1 alternate: Alt2  >"
                + " C< alternate: Alt0 alternate: Alt1 alternate: Alt2  > ",
                'Cascading multi-level wrapper around #content with {{for}}{{else}}'

QUnit.test("helpers", function(assert) {
                not: function(value) {
                        return !value;
                concat: function() {
                        return "".concat.apply("", arguments) + "top";
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:~concat(a, 'b', ~not(false))}}").render({a: "aVal"}), "aValbtruetop", "~concat('a')");

        function toUpperCase(value) {
                return value.toUpperCase();
        var toUpperCaseFn = $.views.helpers("toUpperCase", toUpperCase);
        assert.equal($.templates("{{:~toUpperCase(name)}} {{:~toUpperCase('Foo')}}").render(person), "JO FOO", '$.views.helpers("toUpperCase", toUpperCaseFn);... {{:~toUpperCase(name)}}');

        $.views.helpers({toUpperCase2: toUpperCase});
        assert.equal(toUpperCaseFn === toUpperCase && $.views.helpers.toUpperCase === toUpperCase && $.views.helpers.toUpperCase2 === toUpperCase, true, 'sortFunction === $.views.helpers.toUpperCase === $.views.helpers("toUpperCase")');

        $.views.helpers("toUpperCase2", null);
        assert.equal($.views.helpers.toUpperCase2, undefined, '$.views.helpers("toUpperCase2", null) to remove registered helper');

QUnit.test("settings", function(assert) {
        // ................................ Act ..................................
        // Delimiters

        var result = $.templates("A_@%if true%@yes@%/if%@_B").render()
                + "|" + $.views.settings.delimiters() + "|" + $.views.sub.settings.delimiters;

        $.views.settings.delimiters("<<",">>", "*");

        result += "|" + $.views.settings.delimiters() + "|" + $.views.sub.settings.delimiters;

        $.views.settings.delimiters("{{","}}", "^");
        result += "|" + $.templates("A_{{if true}}YES{{/if}}_B").render()
                + "|" + $.views.settings.delimiters() + "|" + $.views.sub.settings.delimiters;

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result, "A_yes_B|@%,%@,^|@%,%@,^|<<,>>,*|<<,>>,*|A_YES_B|{{,}},^|{{,}},^", "Custom delimiters with render()");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        // Debug mode false

        var oldDebugMode = $.views.settings.debugMode();
        var app = {choose: true, name: "Jo"};
        result = "";

        // ................................ Act ..................................

        try {
                result = $.templates('{{:missing.willThrow}}').render(app);
        } catch(e) {
                result += !!e.message;

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.views.settings.debugMode() + " " + result, 'false true',
                'Debug mode false: {{:missing.willThrow}} throws error');

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        // Debug mode true


        try {
                result = $.templates('{{:missing.willThrow}}').render(app);
        } catch(e) {
                result += !!e.message;

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.views.settings.debugMode() + " " + result.slice(0, 8), 'true {Error: ',
                'Debug mode true: {{:missing.willThrow}} renders error');

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        // Debug mode 'onError' handler function with return value

        $.views.settings.debugMode(function(e, fallback, view) {
                var data = this;
                return "Override error - " + (fallback||"") + "_" + (view ? + " " + (e.message.indexOf("undefined")>-1): e); // For syntax errors e is a string, and view is undefined

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = typeof $.views.settings.debugMode() + " ";
        result += $.templates('{{:missing.willThrow}}').render(app);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result, "function Override error - _Jo true",
                "Debug mode 'onError' handler override, with {{:missing.willThrow}}");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = typeof $.views.settings.debugMode() + " ";
        result += $.templates('{{:missing.willThrow onError="myFallback"}}').render(app);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result, "function Override error - myFallback_Jo true",
                'Debug mode \'onError\' handler override, with onError fallback: {{:missing.willThrow onError="myFallback"}}');

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = typeof $.views.settings.debugMode() + " ";
        result += $.templates('{{if missing.willThrow onError="myFallback"}}yes{{/if}}').render(app);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(result, 'function Override error - myFallback_Jo true',
                'Debug mode \'onError\' handler override, with onError fallback: {{if missing.willThrow onError="myFallback"}}');

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        // Debug mode 'onError' handler function without return value
        var ret = "";
        $.views.settings.debugMode(function(e, fallback, view) {
                var data = this;
                ret = "Override error - " + (fallback||"") + "_" + + " " + (e.message.indexOf("undefined")>-1); // For syntax errors e is a string, and view is undefined

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = typeof $.views.settings.debugMode() + " ";
        result += $.templates('{{:missing.willThrow}}').render(app);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(ret + "|" + result.slice(0, 17), "Override error - _Jo true|function {Error: ",
                "Debug mode 'onError' handler (no return) with {{:missing.willThrow}}");

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = typeof $.views.settings.debugMode() + " ";
        result += $.templates('{{:missing.willThrow onError="myFallback"}}').render(app);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(ret + "|" + result, "Override error - myFallback_Jo true|function myFallback",
                'Debug mode \'onError\' handler (no return) with onError fallback: {{:missing.willThrow onError="myFallback"}}');

        // ................................ Act ..................................
        result = typeof $.views.settings.debugMode() + " ";
        result += $.templates('{{if missing.willThrow onError="myFallback"}}yes{{/if}}').render(app);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(ret + "|" + result, "Override error - myFallback_Jo true|function myFallback",
                'Debug mode \'onError\' handler (no return) with onError fallback: {{if missing.willThrow onError="myFallback"}}');

        // ................................ Reset ..................................

QUnit.test("template encapsulation", function(assert) {
                // =============================== Arrange ===============================
                myTmpl6: {
                        markup: "{{sort reverse=true people}}{{:name}}{{/sort}}",
                        tags: {
                                sort: sort

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.render.myTmpl6({people: people}), "BillJo", '$.templates("myTmpl", tmplObjWithNestedItems);');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.views.helpers("h1", "globalHelper");

        var tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "{{if true}}{{:~h1}} {{:~h2}} {{:~h3}}{{/if}}",
                helpers: {
                        h2: "templateHelper"

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({}, {h3:"optionHelper"}), "globalHelper templateHelper optionHelper", 'Passing in helpers - global, template or option');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "{{if true}}{{:~h1}}{{/if}}",
                helpers: {
                        h1: "templateHelper"

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({}), "templateHelper", 'template helper overrides global helper');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "{{if true}}{{:~h1}}{{/if}}"

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({}, {h1: "optionHelper"}), "optionHelper", 'option helper overrides global helper');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "{{if true}}{{:~h2}}{{/if}}",
                helpers: {
                        h2: "templateHelper"

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({}, {h2: "optionHelper"}), "templateHelper", 'template helper overrides option helper');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        $.views.converters("c1", function(val) {return val + "globalCvt";});

        tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "{{if true}}{{c1:1}}{{c2:2}}{{/if}}",
                converters: {
                        c2: function(val) {return val + "templateCvt";}

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({}), "1globalCvt2templateCvt", 'template converter and global converter');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================
        tmpl = $.templates({
                markup: "{{if true}}{{c1:1}}{{/if}}",
                converters: {
                        c1: function(val) {return val + "templateCvt";}

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render({}), "1templateCvt", 'template converter overrides global converter');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

                cascade: "outerCascade",
                nesting: {
                        markup: "{{if true}} {{c1:~h1}} {{include tmpl='inner'/}}{{/if}} {{include tmpl='cascade'/}}",
                        helpers: {
                                h1: "templateHelper"
                        converters: {
                                c1: function(val) {return val + " templateCvt";}
                        templates: {
                                cascade: "innerCascade",
                                inner: {
                                        markup: "{{if true}}{{c1:~h1}}{{/if}} {{include tmpl='cascade'/}}",
                                        helpers: {
                                                h1: "innerTemplateHelper"
                                        converters: {
                                                c1: function(val) {return val + " innerTemplateCvt";}
                                        templates: {
                                                cascade: "innerInnerCascade"

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal($.templates.nesting.render({}, {b: "optionHelper"}), " templateHelper templateCvt innerTemplateHelper innerTemplateCvt innerInnerCascade innerCascade",
                'Inner template, helper, and converter override outer template, helper, and converter');

QUnit.module("Custom tags");

QUnit.test("contentCtx", function(assert) {

var tmpl = $.templates("{{for 'parent'}}{{mytag 'arg1' 'arg2' 'arg3'}}  {{:#data}}A{{else 'elseArg1'}}  {{:#data}}B{{else}}  {{:#data}}C{{/mytag}}{{/for}}");

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

$.views.tags({mytag: {
}}, tmpl);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render("outer"), "  arg1A  elseArg1B  parentC", 'No contentCtx - context is 1st arg or');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

$.views.tags({mytag: {
        contentCtx: function(val) {
                return 0;
}}, tmpl);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render("outer"), "  0A  0B  0C", 'contentCtx returns 0 - context is 0 (even for falsy values like 0');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

$.views.tags({mytag: {
        contentCtx: function(val) {
                return val;
}}, tmpl);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render("outer"), "  arg1A  elseArg1B  parentC", 'contentCtx returns first arg/parentView - context is 1st arg or');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

$.views.tags({mytag: {
        contentCtx: function(val) {
                return this.tagCtx.view;
}}, tmpl);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render("outer"), "  parentA  parentB  parentC", 'contentCtx returns this.tagCtx.view - context is');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

$.views.tags({mytag: {
        contentCtx: function(val) {
}}, tmpl);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render("outer"), "  parentA  parentB  parentC", 'contentCtx returns - context is');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

$.views.tags({mytag: {
        contentCtx: function(val) {
                return this.tagCtxs[0].args[this.tagCtx.index];
}}, tmpl);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render("outer"), "  arg1A  arg2B  arg3C", 'contentCtx returns arg from first tagCtx indexed on else - context is arg1/arg2/arg3');

        // =============================== Arrange ===============================

        tmpl = $.templates("{{for 'outerparent'}}{{for 'parent'}}{{mytag 'arg1' 'arg2' 'arg3'}}  {{:#data}}A{{else 'elseArg1'}}  {{:#data}}B{{else}}  {{:#data}}C{{/mytag}}{{/for}}{{/for}}");

$.views.tags({mytag: {
        contentCtx: function(val) {
                return this.tagCtx.view.parent;
}}, tmpl);

        // ............................... Assert .................................
        assert.equal(tmpl.render("outer"), "  outerparentA  outerparentB  outerparentC", 'contentCtx returns this.tagCtx.view.parent');

