Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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 * Contains helper class for the payment subsystem.
 * @package    core_payment
 * @copyright  2019 Shamim Rezaie <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace core_payment;

use core_payment\event\account_created;
use core_payment\event\account_deleted;
use core_payment\event\account_updated;

 * Helper class for the payment subsystem.
 * @copyright  2019 Shamim Rezaie <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class helper {

     * Returns an accumulated list of supported currencies by all payment gateways.
     * @return string[] An array of the currency codes in the three-character ISO-4217 format
    public static function get_supported_currencies(): array {
        $currencies = [];

        $plugins = \core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_enabled_plugins('paygw');
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            /** @var \paygw_paypal\gateway $classname */
            $classname = '\paygw_' . $plugin . '\gateway';

            $currencies = array_merge($currencies, component_class_callback($classname, 'get_supported_currencies', [], []));

        $currencies = array_unique($currencies);

        return $currencies;

     * Returns the list of gateways that can process payments in the given currency.
     * @param string $component Name of the component that the paymentarea and itemid belong to
     * @param string $paymentarea Payment area
     * @param int $itemid An identifier that is known to the component
     * @return string[]
    public static function get_available_gateways(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid): array {
        $gateways = [];

        $payable = static::get_payable($component, $paymentarea, $itemid);
        $account = new account($payable->get_account_id());

        if (!$account->get('id') || !$account->get('enabled')) {
            return $gateways;

        $currency = $payable->get_currency();
        foreach ($account->get_gateways() as $plugin => $gateway) {
            if (!$gateway->get('enabled')) {
            /** @var gateway $classname */
            $classname = '\paygw_' . $plugin . '\gateway';

            $currencies = component_class_callback($classname, 'get_supported_currencies', [], []);
            if (in_array($currency, $currencies)) {
                $gateways[] = $plugin;

        return $gateways;

     * Rounds the cost based on the currency fractional digits, can also apply surcharge
     * @param float $amount amount in the currency units
     * @param string $currency currency, used for calculating the number of fractional digits
     * @param float $surcharge surcharge in percents
     * @return float
    public static function get_rounded_cost(float $amount, string $currency, float $surcharge = 0): float {
        $amount = $amount * (100 + $surcharge) / 100;

        $locale = get_string('localecldr', 'langconfig');
        $fmt = \NumberFormatter::create($locale, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
        $localisedcost = numfmt_format_currency($fmt, $amount, $currency);

        return numfmt_parse_currency($fmt, $localisedcost, $currency);

     * Returns human-readable amount with correct number of fractional digits and currency indicator, can also apply surcharge
     * @param float $amount amount in the currency units
     * @param string $currency The currency
     * @param float $surcharge surcharge in percents
     * @return string
    public static function get_cost_as_string(float $amount, string $currency, float $surcharge = 0): string {
        $amount = $amount * (100 + $surcharge) / 100;

        $locale = get_string('localecldr', 'langconfig');
        $fmt = \NumberFormatter::create($locale, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
        $localisedcost = numfmt_format_currency($fmt, $amount, $currency);

        return $localisedcost;

     * Returns the percentage of surcharge that is applied when using a gateway
     * @param string $gateway Name of the gateway
     * @return float
    public static function get_gateway_surcharge(string $gateway): float {
        return (float)get_config('paygw_' . $gateway, 'surcharge');

     * Returns the attributes to place on a pay button.
     * @param string $component Name of the component that the paymentarea and itemid belong to
     * @param string $paymentarea Payment area
     * @param int $itemid An internal identifier that is used by the component
     * @param string $description Description of the payment
     * @return array
    public static function gateways_modal_link_params(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid,
            string $description): array {

        $payable = static::get_payable($component, $paymentarea, $itemid);
        $successurl = static::get_success_url($component, $paymentarea, $itemid);

        return [
            'id' => 'gateways-modal-trigger',
            'role' => 'button',
            'data-action' => 'core_payment/triggerPayment',
            'data-component' => $component,
            'data-paymentarea' => $paymentarea,
            'data-itemid' => $itemid,
            'data-cost' => static::get_cost_as_string($payable->get_amount(), $payable->get_currency()),
            'data-description' => $description,
            'data-successurl' => $successurl->out(false),

     * Get the name of the service provider class
     * @param string $component The component
     * @return string
     * @throws \coding_exception
    private static function get_service_provider_classname(string $component) {
        $providerclass = "$component\\payment\\service_provider";

        if (class_exists($providerclass)) {
            $rc = new \ReflectionClass($providerclass);
            if ($rc->implementsInterface(local\callback\service_provider::class)) {
                return $providerclass;

        throw new \coding_exception("$component does not have an eligible implementation of payment service_provider.");

     * Asks the payable from the related component.
     * @param string $component Name of the component that the paymentarea and itemid belong to
     * @param string $paymentarea Payment area
     * @param int $itemid An internal identifier that is used by the component
     * @return local\entities\payable
    public static function get_payable(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid): local\entities\payable {
        $providerclass = static::get_service_provider_classname($component);

        return component_class_callback($providerclass, 'get_payable', [$paymentarea, $itemid]);

     * Fetches the URL of the page the user should be redirected to from the related component
     * @param string $component Name of the component that the paymentarea and itemid belong to
     * @param string $paymentarea Payment area
     * @param int $itemid An identifier that is known to the component
     * @return \moodle_url
    public static function get_success_url(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid): \moodle_url {
        $providerclass = static::get_service_provider_classname($component);
        return component_class_callback($providerclass, 'get_success_url', [$paymentarea, $itemid]);

     * Returns the gateway configuration for given component and gateway
     * @param string $component Name of the component that the paymentarea and itemid belong to
     * @param string $paymentarea Payment area
     * @param int $itemid An identifier that is known to the component
     * @param string $gatewayname The gateway name
     * @return array
     * @throws \moodle_exception
    public static function get_gateway_configuration(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid,
            string $gatewayname): array {
        $payable = self::get_payable($component, $paymentarea, $itemid);
        $gateway = null;
        $account = new account($payable->get_account_id());
        if ($account && $account->get('enabled')) {
            $gateway = $account->get_gateways()[$gatewayname] ?? null;
        if (!$gateway) {
            throw new \moodle_exception('gatewaynotfound', 'payment');
        return $gateway->get_configuration();

     * Delivers what the user paid for.
     * @uses \core_payment\local\callback\service_provider::deliver_order()
     * @param string $component Name of the component that the paymentarea and itemid belong to
     * @param string $paymentarea Payment area
     * @param int $itemid An internal identifier that is used by the component
     * @param int $paymentid payment id as inserted into the 'payments' table, if needed for reference
     * @param int $userid The userid the order is going to deliver to
     * @return bool Whether successful or not
    public static function deliver_order(string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid, int $paymentid, int $userid): bool {
        $providerclass = static::get_service_provider_classname($component);
        $result = component_class_callback($providerclass, 'deliver_order', [$paymentarea, $itemid, $paymentid, $userid]);

        return $result;

     * Stores essential information about the payment and returns the "id" field of the payment record in DB.
     * Each payment gateway may then store the additional information their way.
     * @param int $accountid Account id
     * @param string $component Name of the component that the paymentarea and itemid belong to
     * @param string $paymentarea Payment area
     * @param int $itemid An internal identifier that is used by the component
     * @param int $userid Id of the user who is paying
     * @param float $amount Amount of payment
     * @param string $currency Currency of payment
     * @param string $gateway The gateway that is used for the payment
     * @return int
    public static function save_payment(int $accountid, string $component, string $paymentarea, int $itemid, int $userid,
            float $amount, string $currency, string $gateway): int {
        global $DB;

        $record = new \stdClass();
        $record->component = $component;
        $record->paymentarea = $paymentarea;
        $record->itemid = $itemid;
        $record->userid = $userid;
        $record->amount = $amount;
        $record->currency = $currency;
        $record->gateway = $gateway;
        $record->accountid = $accountid;
        $record->timecreated = $record->timemodified = time();

        $id = $DB->insert_record('payments', $record);

        return $id;

     * This functions adds the settings that are common for all payment gateways.
     * @param \admin_settingpage $settings The settings object
     * @param string $gateway The gateway name prefixed with paygw_
    public static function add_common_gateway_settings(\admin_settingpage $settings, string $gateway): void {
        $settings->add(new \admin_setting_configtext($gateway . '/surcharge', get_string('surcharge', 'core_payment'),
                get_string('surcharge_desc', 'core_payment'), 0, PARAM_INT));


     * Save a new or edited payment account (used in management interface)
     * @param \stdClass $data
     * @return account
    public static function save_payment_account(\stdClass $data): account {

        if (empty($data->id)) {
            $account = new account(0, $data);
        } else {
            $account = new account($data->id);

        return $account;

     * Delete a payment account (used in management interface)
     * @param account $account
    public static function delete_payment_account(account $account): void {
        global $DB;
        if ($DB->record_exists('payments', ['accountid' => $account->get('id')])) {
            $account->set('archived', 1);
            account_updated::create_from_account($account, ['archived' => 1])->trigger();

        foreach ($account->get_gateways(false) as $gateway) {
            if ($gateway->get('id')) {
        $event = account_deleted::create_from_account($account);

     * Restore archived payment account (used in management interface)
     * @param account $account
    public static function restore_payment_account(account $account): void {
        $account->set('archived', 0);
        account_updated::create_from_account($account, ['restored' => 1])->trigger();

     * Save a payment gateway linked to an existing account (used in management interface)
     * @param \stdClass $data
     * @return account_gateway
    public static function save_payment_gateway(\stdClass $data): account_gateway {
        if (empty($data->id)) {
            $records = account_gateway::get_records(['accountid' => $data->accountid, 'gateway' => $data->gateway]);
            if ($records) {
                $gateway = reset($records);
            } else {
                $gateway = new account_gateway(0, $data);
        } else {
            $gateway = new account_gateway($data->id);
        unset($data->accountid, $data->gateway, $data->id);

        $account = $gateway->get_account();
        return $gateway;

     * Returns the list of payment accounts in the given context (used in management interface)
     * @param \context $context
     * @return account[]
    public static function get_payment_accounts_to_manage(\context $context, bool $showarchived = false): array {
        $records = account::get_records(['contextid' => $context->id] + ($showarchived ? [] : ['archived' => 0]));
        \core_collator::asort_objects_by_method($records, 'get_formatted_name');
        return $records;

     * Get list of accounts available in the given context
     * @param \context $context
     * @return array
    public static function get_payment_accounts_menu(\context $context): array {
        global $DB;
        [$sql, $params] = $DB->get_in_or_equal($context->get_parent_context_ids(true));
        $accounts = array_filter(account::get_records_select('contextid '.$sql, $params), function($account) {
            return $account->is_available() && !$account->get('archived');
        return array_map(function($account) {
            return $account->get_formatted_name();
        }, $accounts);