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namespace LeadersLinked\Service;
class StorageService
// The directory where we save image files.
private $saveToDir = './data/upload/';
// Returns path to the directory where we save the image files.
public function getSaveToDir()
return $this->saveToDir;
// Returns the array of uploaded file names.
public function getSavedFiles()
// The directory where we plan to save uploaded files.
// Check whether the directory already exists, and if not,
// create the directory.
if(!is_dir($this->saveToDir)) {
if(!mkdir($this->saveToDir)) {
throw new \Exception('Could not create directory for uploads: ' .
// Scan the directory and create the list of uploaded files.
$files = [];
$handle = opendir($this->saveToDir);
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if($entry=='.' || $entry=='..')
continue; // Skip current dir and parent dir.
$files[] = $entry;
// Return the list of uploaded files.
return $files;
// Returns the path to the saved file.
public function getFilePathByName($fileName)
// Take some precautions to make file name secure.
$fileName = str_replace("/", "", $fileName); // Remove slashes.
$fileName = str_replace("\\", "", $fileName); // Remove back-slashes.
// Return concatenated directory name and file name.
return $this->saveToDir . $fileName;
// Returns the file content. On error, returns boolean false.
public function getFileContent($filePath)
return file_get_contents($filePath);
// Retrieves the file information (size, MIME type) by image path.
public function getImageFileInfo($filePath)
// Try to open file
if (!is_readable($filePath)) {
return false;
// Get file size in bytes.
$fileSize = filesize($filePath);
// Get MIME type of the file.
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
$mimeType = finfo_file($finfo, $filePath);
if($mimeType===false) {
$mimeType = 'application/octet-stream';
return [
'size' => $fileSize,
'type' => $mimeType
// Resizes the image, keeping its aspect ratio.
public function resizeImage($filePath, $desiredWidth = 240)
// Get original image dimensions.
list($originalWidth, $originalHeight) = getimagesize($filePath);
// Calculate aspect ratio
$aspectRatio = $originalWidth/$originalHeight;
// Calculate the resulting height
$desiredHeight = $desiredWidth/$aspectRatio;
// Get image info
$fileInfo = $this->getImageFileInfo($filePath);
// Resize the image
$resultingImage = imagecreatetruecolor($desiredWidth, $desiredHeight);
if (substr($fileInfo['type'], 0, 9) =='image/png') {
$originalImage = imagecreatefrompng($filePath);
} else {
$originalImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($filePath);
imagecopyresampled($resultingImage, $originalImage, 0, 0, 0, 0,
$desiredWidth, $desiredHeight, $originalWidth, $originalHeight);
// Save the resized image to temporary location
$tmpFileName = tempnam("/tmp", "FOO");
imagejpeg($resultingImage, $tmpFileName, 80);
// Return the path to resulting image.
return $tmpFileName;