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// This file is part of the Zoom plugin for Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Unit tests for get_meeting_reports task class.
* @package mod_zoom
* @copyright 2019 UC Regents
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_zoom;
use advanced_testcase;
use context_course;
use html_writer;
use moodle_url;
use stdClass;
* PHPunit testcase class.
* @covers \mod_zoom\task\get_meeting_reports
final class get_meeting_reports_test extends advanced_testcase {
* Scheduled task object.
* @var \mod_zoom\task\get_meeting_reports
private $meetingtask;
* Fake data to return for mocked get_meeting_participants() call.
* @var array
private $mockparticipantsdata;
* Fake data from get_meeting_participants().
* @var object
private $zoomdata;
* Mocks the mod_zoom\webservice->get_meeting_participants() call, so we
* don't actually call the real Zoom API.
* @param string $meetinguuid The meeting or webinar's UUID.
* @param bool $webinar Whether the meeting or webinar whose information you want is a webinar.
* @return array The specified meeting participants array for given meetinguuid.
public function mock_get_meeting_participants($meetinguuid, $webinar) {
return $this->mockparticipantsdata[$meetinguuid] ?? null;
* Setup.
public function setUp(): void {
$this->meetingtask = new \mod_zoom\task\get_meeting_reports();
$data = [
'user_id' => 123456789,
'name' => 'SMITH, JOE',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2019-01-01T00:01:00Z',
'duration' => 60,
$this->zoomdata = (object) $data;
* Make sure that format_participant() filters bad data from Zoom.
public function test_format_participant_filtering(): void {
// Sometimes Zoom has a # instead of comma in the name.
$this->zoomdata->name = 'SMITH# JOE';
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, [], []);
$this->assertEquals('SMITH, JOE', $participant['name']);
* Make sure that format_participant() can match Moodle users.
public function test_format_participant_matching(): void {
global $DB;
// 1) If user does not match, verify that we are using data from Zoom.
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, [], []);
$this->assertEquals($this->zoomdata->name, $participant['name']);
$this->assertEquals($this->zoomdata->user_email, $participant['user_email']);
// 2) Try to match view via system email.
// Add user's email to Moodle system.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(
['email' => $this->zoomdata->user_email]
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, [], []);
$this->assertEquals($user->id, $participant['userid']);
$this->assertEquals(strtoupper(fullname($user)), $participant['name']);
$this->assertEquals($user->email, $participant['user_email']);
// 3) Try to match view via enrolled name.
// Change user's name to make sure we are matching on name.
$user->firstname = 'Firstname';
$user->lastname = 'Lastname';
$DB->update_record('user', $user);
// Set to blank so previous test does not trigger.
$this->zoomdata->user_email = '';
// Create course and enroll user.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
[$names, $emails] = $this->meetingtask->get_enrollments($course->id);
// Before Zoom data is changed, should return nothing.
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
// Change Zoom data and now user should be found.
$this->zoomdata->name = strtoupper(fullname($user));
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
$this->assertEquals($user->id, $participant['userid']);
$this->assertEquals($names[$participant['userid']], $participant['name']);
// Email should match what Zoom gives us.
$this->assertEquals($this->zoomdata->user_email, $participant['user_email']);
// 4) Try to match view via enrolled email.
// Change user's email to make sure we are matching on email.
$user->email = '';
$DB->update_record('user', $user);
// Change name so previous test does not trigger.
$this->zoomdata->name = 'Something Else';
// Since email changed, update enrolled user data.
[$names, $emails] = $this->meetingtask->get_enrollments($course->id);
// Before Zoom data is changed, should return nothing.
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
// Change Zoom data and now user should be found.
$this->zoomdata->user_email = $user->email;
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
$this->assertEquals($user->id, $participant['userid']);
$this->assertEquals($names[$participant['userid']], $participant['name']);
// Email should match what Zoom gives us.
$this->assertEquals($this->zoomdata->user_email, $participant['user_email']);
// 5) Try to match user via id (uuid).
// Insert previously generated $participant data, but with UUID set.
$participant['uuid'] = $this->zoomdata->id;
// Set userid to a given value so we know we got a match.
$participant['userid'] = 999;
$recordid = $DB->insert_record('zoom_meeting_participants', $participant);
// Should return the found entry in zoom_meeting_participants.
$newparticipant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
$this->assertEquals($participant['uuid'], $newparticipant['uuid']);
$this->assertEquals(999, $newparticipant['userid']);
$this->assertEquals($participant['name'], $newparticipant['name']);
// Email should match what Zoom gives us.
$this->assertEquals($this->zoomdata->user_email, $newparticipant['user_email']);
* Make sure that format_participant() can match Moodle users more
* aggressively on name.
public function test_format_participant_name_matching(): void {
// Enroll a bunch of users. Note: names were generated by
// and any similarity to anyone
// real or ficitional is concidence and not intentional.
$users[0] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'VAN ANTWERPEN',
'firstname' => 'LORETO ZAHIRA',
$users[1] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'POWER',
'firstname' => 'TEIMURAZI ELLI',
$users[2] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'LITTLE',
'firstname' => 'BASEMATH ALIZA',
$users[3] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'MUTTON',
'firstname' => 'RADOVAN BRIANNA',
$users[4] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'MUTTON',
'firstname' => 'BRUNO EVGENIJA',
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
[$names, $emails] = $this->meetingtask->get_enrollments($course->id);
// 1) Make sure we match someone with middle name missing.
$users[0]->firstname = 'LORETO';
$this->zoomdata->name = fullname($users[0]);
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
$this->assertEquals($users[0]->id, $participant['userid']);
// 2) Make sure that name matches even if there are no spaces.
$users[1]->firstname = str_replace(' ', '', $users[1]->firstname);
$this->zoomdata->name = fullname($users[1]);
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
$this->assertEquals($users[1]->id, $participant['userid']);
// 3) Make sure that name matches even if we have different ordering.
$this->zoomdata->name = 'MUTTON, RADOVAN BRIANNA';
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
$this->assertEquals($users[3]->id, $participant['userid']);
// 4) Make sure we do not match users if just last name is the same.
$users[2]->firstname = 'JOSH';
$this->zoomdata->name = fullname($users[2]);
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
// 5) Make sure we do not match users if name is not similar to anything.
$users[4]->firstname = 'JOSH';
$users[4]->lastname = 'SMITH';
$this->zoomdata->name = fullname($users[4]);
$participant = $this->meetingtask->format_participant($this->zoomdata, 1, $names, $emails);
* Tests that we can handle when the Zoom API sometimes returns invalid
* userids in the report/meeting/participants call.
public function test_invalid_userids(): void {
global $DB, $SITE;
// Make sure we start with nothing.
$this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_details'));
$this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_participants'));
$this->mockparticipantsdata = [];
// First mock the webservice object, so we can inject the return values
// for get_meeting_participants.
$mockwwebservice = $this->createMock('\mod_zoom\webservice');
// What we want get_meeting_participants to return.
$participant1 = new stdClass();
// Sometimes Zoom returns timestamps appended to user_ids.
$participant1->id = '';
$participant1->user_id = '02020-04-01 15:02:01:040';
$participant1->name = 'John Smith';
$participant1->user_email = '';
$participant1->join_time = '2020-04-01T15:02:01Z';
$participant1->leave_time = '2020-04-01T15:02:01Z';
$participant1->duration = 0;
$this->mockparticipantsdata['someuuid'][] = $participant1;
// Have another participant with normal data.
$participant2 = new stdClass();
$participant2->id = '';
$participant2->user_id = 123;
$participant2->name = 'Jane Smith';
$participant2->user_email = '';
$participant2->join_time = '2020-04-01T15:00:00Z';
$participant2->leave_time = '2020-04-01T15:10:00Z';
$participant2->duration = 10;
$this->mockparticipantsdata['someuuid'][] = $participant2;
// Make get_meeting_participants() return our results array.
->will($this->returnCallback([$this, 'mock_get_meeting_participants']));
$mockwwebservice->get_meeting_participants('someuuid', false)
// Now fake the meeting details.
$meeting = new stdClass();
$meeting->id = 12345;
$meeting->topic = 'Some meeting';
$meeting->start_time = '2020-04-01T15:00:00Z';
$meeting->end_time = '2020-04-01T16:00:00Z';
$meeting->uuid = 'someuuid';
$meeting->duration = 60;
$meeting->participants = 3;
// Insert stub data for zoom table.
$DB->insert_record('zoom', [
'course' => $SITE->id,
'meeting_id' => $meeting->id,
'name' => 'Zoom',
'exists_on_zoom' => ZOOM_MEETING_EXISTS,
// Run task process_meeting_reports() and should insert participants.
$this->meetingtask->service = $mockwwebservice;
$meeting = $this->meetingtask->normalize_meeting($meeting);
// Make sure that only one details is added and two participants.
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_details'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_participants'));
// Add in one more participant, make sure we update details and added
// one more participant.
$participant3 = new stdClass();
$participant3->id = 'someuseruuid';
$participant3->user_id = 234;
$participant3->name = 'Joe Smith';
$participant3->user_email = '';
$participant3->join_time = '2020-04-01T15:05:00Z';
$participant3->leave_time = '2020-04-01T15:35:00Z';
$participant3->duration = 30;
$this->mockparticipantsdata['someuuid'][] = $participant3;
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_details'));
$this->assertEquals(3, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_participants'));
* Tests that normalize_meeting() can handle different meeting records from
* Dashboard API versus the Report API.
public function test_normalize_meeting(): void {
$dashboardmeeting = [
'uuid' => 'sfsdfsdfc6122222d',
'id' => 1000000,
'topic' => 'Awesome meeting',
'host' => 'John Doe',
'email' => '',
'user_type' => 2,
'start_time' => '2019-07-14T09:05:19.754Z',
'end_time' => '2019-08-14T09:05:19.754Z',
'duration' => '01:21:18',
'participants' => 4,
'has_pstn' => false,
'has_voip' => false,
'has_3rd_party_audio' => false,
'has_video' => false,
'has_screen_share' => false,
'has_recording' => false,
'has_sip' => false,
$meeting = $this->meetingtask->normalize_meeting((object) $dashboardmeeting);
$this->assertEquals($dashboardmeeting['uuid'], $meeting->uuid);
$this->assertEquals($dashboardmeeting['id'], $meeting->meeting_id);
$this->assertEquals($dashboardmeeting['topic'], $meeting->topic);
$this->assertEquals($meeting->duration, 81);
$this->assertEquals($dashboardmeeting['participants'], $meeting->participants_count);
// Try duration under an hour.
$dashboardmeeting['duration'] = '10:01';
$meeting = $this->meetingtask->normalize_meeting((object) $dashboardmeeting);
$this->assertEquals($meeting->duration, 10);
$reportmeeting = [
'uuid' => 'sfsdfsdfc6122222d',
'id' => 1000000,
'type' => 2,
'topic' => 'Awesome meeting',
'user_name' => 'John Doe',
'user_email' => '',
'start_time' => '2019-07-14T09:05:19.754Z',
'end_time' => '2019-08-14T09:05:19.754Z',
'duration' => 11,
'total_minutes' => 11,
'participants_count' => 4,
$meeting = $this->meetingtask->normalize_meeting((object) $reportmeeting);
$this->assertEquals($reportmeeting['uuid'], $meeting->uuid);
$this->assertEquals($reportmeeting['id'], $meeting->meeting_id);
$this->assertEquals($reportmeeting['topic'], $meeting->topic);
$this->assertEquals($reportmeeting['participants_count'], $meeting->participants_count);
$this->assertEquals($reportmeeting['total_minutes'], $meeting->total_minutes);
* Testing the grading method according to users duration in a meeting.
* @return void
public function test_grading_method(): void {
global $DB;
// Make sure we start with nothing.
// Deleting all records from previous tests.
if ($DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_details') > 0) {
if ($DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_participants') > 0) {
// Generate fake course.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$teacher = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'editingteacher');
// Check that this teacher has the required capability to receive notification.
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
$graders = get_users_by_capability($context, 'moodle/grade:edit');
$this->assertEquals(1, count($graders));
$firstkey = key($graders);
$this->assertEquals($graders[$firstkey]->id, $teacher->id);
// Now fake the meeting details.
$meeting = new stdClass();
$meeting->id = 456123;
$meeting->topic = 'Some meeting';
$meeting->start_time = '2020-04-01T15:00:00Z';
$meeting->end_time = '2020-04-01T17:00:00Z';
$meeting->uuid = 'someuuid123';
$meeting->duration = 120; // In minutes.
$meeting->participants = 4;
// Create a new zoom instance.
$params = [
'course' => $course->id,
'meeting_id' => $meeting->id,
'grade' => 60,
'name' => 'Zoom',
'exists_on_zoom' => ZOOM_MEETING_EXISTS,
'start_time' => strtotime('2020-04-01T15:00:00Z'),
'duration' => 120 * 60, // In seconds.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_zoom');
$instance = $generator->create_instance($params);
$id = $instance->id;
// Normalize the meeting.
$meeting = $this->meetingtask->normalize_meeting($meeting);
$meeting->zoomid = $id;
$detailsid = $DB->insert_record('zoom_meeting_details', $meeting);
$zoomrecord = $DB->get_record('zoom', ['id' => $id]);
// Create users and corresponding meeting participants.
$rawparticipants = [];
$participants = [];
// Enroll a bunch of users. Note: names were generated by
// and any similarity to anyone
// real or fictional is coincidence and not intentional.
$users[0] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'Arytis',
'firstname' => 'Oitaa',
$users[1] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'Chouxuong',
'firstname' => 'Khah',
$users[2] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'Spialdiouniem',
'firstname' => 'Basem',
$users[3] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'Padhzinnuj',
'firstname' => 'Nibba',
$users[4] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([
'lastname' => 'Apea',
'firstname' => 'Ziqit',
foreach ($users as $user) {
$this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
[$names, $emails] = $this->meetingtask->get_enrollments($course->id);
// Create a participant with 5 min overlap.
// Total time 35 min, total grade 17.5 .
$rawparticipants[1] = (object) [
'id' => 32132165,
'user_id' => 4456,
'name' => 'Oitaa Arytis',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2023-05-01T15:05:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2023-05-01T15:35:00Z',
'duration' => 30 * 60,
$participants[1] = (object) $this->meetingtask->format_participant($rawparticipants[1], $detailsid, $names, $emails);
$rawparticipants[2] = (object) [
'id' => 32132165,
'user_id' => 4456,
'name' => 'Oitaa Arytis',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2023-05-01T15:30:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2023-05-01T15:40:00Z',
'duration' => 10 * 60,
$participants[2] = (object) $this->meetingtask->format_participant($rawparticipants[2], $detailsid, $names, $emails);
$overlap = $this->meetingtask->get_participant_overlap_time($participants[1], $participants[2]);
$this->assertEquals(5 * 60, $overlap);
// Also check for the same result if the data inverted.
$overlap = $this->meetingtask->get_participant_overlap_time($participants[2], $participants[1]);
$this->assertEquals(5 * 60, $overlap);
// Create a participant with 30 min overlap.
// Total duration 60 min. expect a mark of 30 .
$rawparticipants[3] = (object) [
'id' => '',
'user_id' => 1234,
'name' => 'Chouxuong Khah',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2023-05-01T15:00:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2023-05-01T16:00:00Z',
'duration' => 60 * 60,
$participants[3] = (object) $this->meetingtask->format_participant($rawparticipants[3], $detailsid, $names, $emails);
$rawparticipants[4] = (object) [
'id' => '',
'user_id' => 1234,
'name' => 'Chouxuong Khah',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2023-05-01T15:30:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2023-05-01T16:00:00Z',
'duration' => 30 * 60,
$participants[4] = (object) $this->meetingtask->format_participant($rawparticipants[4], $detailsid, $names, $emails);
$overlap = $this->meetingtask->get_participant_overlap_time($participants[3], $participants[4]);
$this->assertEquals(30 * 60, $overlap);
// Also check for the same result if the data inverted.
$overlap = $this->meetingtask->get_participant_overlap_time($participants[4], $participants[3]);
$this->assertEquals(30 * 60, $overlap);
// Another user with no overlaping.
// Total duration 60 min. Expect mark 30 .
$rawparticipants[5] = (object) [
'id' => '',
'user_id' => 564312,
'name' => 'Spialdiouniem Basem',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2023-05-01T15:10:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2023-05-01T16:00:00Z',
'duration' => 50 * 60,
$participants[5] = (object) $this->meetingtask->format_participant($rawparticipants[5], $detailsid, $names, $emails);
$rawparticipants[6] = (object) [
'id' => '',
'user_id' => 564312,
'name' => 'Spialdiouniem Basem',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2023-05-01T16:30:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2023-05-01T16:40:00Z',
'duration' => 10 * 60,
$participants[6] = (object) $this->meetingtask->format_participant($rawparticipants[6], $detailsid, $names, $emails);
$overlap = $this->meetingtask->get_participant_overlap_time($participants[5], $participants[6]);
$this->assertEquals(0, $overlap);
// Also check for the same result if the data inverted.
$overlap = $this->meetingtask->get_participant_overlap_time($participants[6], $participants[5]);
$this->assertEquals(0, $overlap);
// Adding another participant.
// Total duration 90 min, expect mark 45 .
$rawparticipants[7] = (object) [
'id' => '',
'user_id' => 789453,
'name' => 'Padhzinnuj Nibba',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2023-05-01T15:30:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2023-05-01T17:00:00Z',
'duration' => 90 * 60,
// Adding a participant at which matching names will fail.
// His duration is 110 min, this grant him a grade of 55.
$rawparticipants[8] = (object) [
'id' => '',
'user_id' => 168452,
'name' => 'Farouk',
'user_email' => '',
'join_time' => '2023-05-01T15:10:00Z',
'leave_time' => '2023-05-01T17:00:00Z',
'duration' => 110 * 60,
$this->mockparticipantsdata['someuuid123'] = $rawparticipants;
// First mock the webservice object, so we can inject the return values
// for get_meeting_participants.
$mockwwebservice = $this->createMock('\mod_zoom\webservice');
$this->meetingtask->service = $mockwwebservice;
// Make get_meeting_participants() return our results array.
->will($this->returnCallback([$this, 'mock_get_meeting_participants']));
$mockwwebservice->get_meeting_participants('someuuid123', false)
// Now let's test the grades.
$DB->set_field('zoom', 'grading_method', 'period', ['id' => $zoomrecord->id]);
// Prepare messages.
$this->preventResetByRollback(); // Messaging does not like transactions...
$sink = $this->redirectMessages();
// Process meeting reports should call the function grading_participant_upon_duration
// and insert grades.
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_details'));
$this->assertEquals(8, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_participants'));
$usersids = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$usersids[] = $user->id;
// Get the gradelist for all users created.
$gradelist = grade_get_grades($course->id, 'mod', 'zoom', $zoomrecord->id, $usersids);
$gradelistitems = $gradelist->items;
$grades = $gradelistitems[0]->grades;
// Check grades of first user.
$grade = $grades[$users[0]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(17.5, $grade);
// Check grades of second user.
$grade = $grades[$users[1]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(30, $grade);
// Check grades of third user.
$grade = $grades[$users[2]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(30, $grade);
// Check grades for fourth user.
$grade = $grades[$users[3]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(45, $grade);
// This user didn't enter the meeting.
$grade = $grades[$users[4]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(null, $grade);
// Let's check the teacher notification if it is ok?
$messages = $sink->get_messages();
// Only one teacher, means only one message.
$this->assertEquals(1, count($messages));
// Verify that it has been sent to the teacher.
$this->assertEquals($teacher->id, $messages[0]->useridto);
// Check the content of the message.
// Grading item url.
$gurl = new moodle_url(
'id' => $course->id,
'item' => 'grade',
'itemid' => $gradelistitems[0]->id,
$gradeurl = html_writer::link($gurl, get_string('gradinglink', 'mod_zoom'));
// Zoom instance url.
$zurl = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/view.php', ['id' => $id]);
$zoomurl = html_writer::link($zurl, $zoomrecord->name);
// The user need grading.
$needgradestr = get_string('grading_needgrade', 'mod_zoom');
$needgrade[] = '(Name: Farouk, grade: 55)';
$needgrade = $needgradestr . implode('<br>', $needgrade) . "\n";
$a = (object) [
'name' => $zoomrecord->name,
'graded' => 4,
'alreadygraded' => 0,
'needgrade' => $needgrade,
'number' => 1,
'gradeurl' => $gradeurl,
'zoomurl' => $zoomurl,
'notfound' => '',
'notenrolled' => '',
$messagecontent = get_string('gradingmessagebody', 'mod_zoom', $a);
$this->assertStringContainsString($messagecontent, $messages[0]->fullmessage);
// Redo the process again to be sure that no grades have been changed.
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_details'));
$this->assertEquals(8, $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_participants'));
$gradelist = grade_get_grades($course->id, 'mod', 'zoom', $zoomrecord->id, $usersids);
$gradelistitems = $gradelist->items;
$grades = $gradelistitems[0]->grades;
// Check grade for first user.
$grade = $grades[$users[0]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(17.5, $grade);
// Check grade for second user.
$grade = $grades[$users[1]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(30, $grade);
// Check grade for third user.
$grade = $grades[$users[2]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(30, $grade);
// Check grade for fourth user.
$grade = $grades[$users[3]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(45, $grade);
// This user didn't enter the meeting.
$grade = $grades[$users[4]->id]->grade;
$this->assertEquals(null, $grade);
// Let's check if the teacher notification is ok.
$messages = $sink->get_messages();
// No new messages as there has not been an update for participants.
$this->assertEquals(1, count($messages));