Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

// This file is part of the Zoom plugin for Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Adding, updating, and deleting zoom meeting recordings.
 * @package    mod_zoom
 * @copyright  2020 UC Regents
 * @author     2021 Jwalit Shah <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

require(__DIR__ . '/../../config.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/lib.php');
require_once(__DIR__ . '/locallib.php');

[$course, $cm, $zoom] = zoom_get_instance_setup();

require_login($course, true, $cm);

if (!get_config('zoom', 'viewrecordings')) {
    throw new moodle_exception('recordingnotvisible', 'mod_zoom', get_string('recordingnotvisible', 'zoom'));

$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
// Set up the page.
$params = ['id' => $cm->id];
$url = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/recordings.php', $params);

$strname = $zoom->name;
$PAGE->set_title("$course->shortname: $strname");

echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($strname);

$iszoommanager = has_capability('mod/zoom:addinstance', $context);

// Set up html table.
$table = new html_table();
$table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable mod_view';
if ($iszoommanager) {
    $table->align = ['left', 'left', 'left', 'left'];
    $table->head = [
        get_string('recordingdate', 'mod_zoom'),
        get_string('recordinglink', 'mod_zoom'),
        get_string('recordingpasscode', 'mod_zoom'),
        get_string('recordingshowtoggle', 'mod_zoom'),
} else {
    $table->align = ['left', 'left', 'left'];
    $table->head = [
        get_string('recordingdate', 'mod_zoom'),
        get_string('recordinglink', 'mod_zoom'),
        get_string('recordingpasscode', 'mod_zoom'),

// Find all entries for this meeting in the database.
$recordings = zoom_get_meeting_recordings_grouped($zoom->id);
if (empty($recordings)) {
    $cell = new html_table_cell();
    $cell->colspan = count($table->head);
    $cell->text = get_string('norecordings', 'mod_zoom');
    $cell->style = 'text-align: center';
    $row = new html_table_row([$cell]);
    $table->data = [$row];
} else {
    foreach ($recordings as $grouping) {
        // Output the related recordings into the same row.
        $recordingdate = '';
        $recordinghtml = '';
        $recordingpasscode = '';
        $recordingshowhtml = '';
        foreach ($grouping as $recording) {
            // If zoom admin -> show all recordings.
            // Or if visible to students.
            if ($iszoommanager || intval($recording->showrecording) === 1) {
                if (empty($recordingdate)) {
                    $recordingdate = date('F j, Y, g:i:s a \P\T', $recording->recordingstart);

                if (empty($recordingpasscode)) {
                    $recordingpasscode = $recording->passcode;

                if ($iszoommanager && empty($recordingshowhtml)) {
                    $isrecordinghidden = intval($recording->showrecording) === 0;
                    $urlparams = [
                        'id' => $cm->id,
                        'meetinguuid' => $recording->meetinguuid,
                        'recordingstart' => $recording->recordingstart,
                        'showrecording' => ($isrecordinghidden) ? 1 : 0,
                        'sesskey' => sesskey(),
                    // If the user is a zoom admin, show the button to toggle whether students can see the recording or not.
                    $recordingshowurl = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/showrecording.php', $urlparams);
                    $recordingshowtext = get_string('recordinghide', 'mod_zoom');
                    if ($isrecordinghidden) {
                        $recordingshowtext = get_string('recordingshow', 'mod_zoom');

                    $btnclass = 'btn btn-';
                    $btnclass .= $isrecordinghidden ? 'dark' : 'primary';
                    $recordingshowbutton = html_writer::div($recordingshowtext, $btnclass);
                    $recordingshowbuttonhtml = html_writer::link($recordingshowurl, $recordingshowbutton);
                    $recordingshowhtml = html_writer::div($recordingshowbuttonhtml);

                $recordingname = trim($recording->name) . ' (' . zoom_get_recording_type_string($recording->recordingtype) . ')';
                $params = ['id' => $cm->id, 'recordingid' => $recording->id];
                $recordingurl = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/loadrecording.php', $params);
                $recordinglink = html_writer::link($recordingurl, $recordingname);
                $recordinglinkhtml = html_writer::span($recordinglink, 'recording-link', ['style' => 'margin-right:1rem']);
                $recordinghtml .= html_writer::div($recordinglinkhtml, 'recording', ['style' => 'margin-bottom:.5rem']);

        // Output only one row per grouping.
        $table->data[] = [$recordingdate, $recordinghtml, $recordingpasscode, $recordingshowhtml];

 * Get the display name for a Zoom recording type.
 * @package mod_zoom
 * @param string $recordingtype Zoom recording type.
 * @return string
function zoom_get_recording_type_string($recordingtype) {
    $recordingtypestringmap = [
        'active_speaker' => 'recordingtype_active_speaker',
        'audio_interpretation' => 'recordingtype_audio_interpretation',
        'audio_only' => 'recordingtype_audio_only',
        'audio_transcript' => 'recordingtype_audio_transcript',
        'chat_file' => 'recordingtype_chat',
        'closed_caption' => 'recordingtype_closed_caption',
        'gallery_view' => 'recordingtype_gallery',
        'poll' => 'recordingtype_poll',
        'production_studio' => 'recordingtype_production_studio',
        'shared_screen' => 'recordingtype_shared',
        'shared_screen_with_gallery_view' => 'recordingtype_shared_gallery',
        'shared_screen_with_speaker_view' => 'recordingtype_shared_speaker',
        'shared_screen_with_speaker_view(CC)' => 'recordingtype_shared_speaker_cc',
        'sign_interpretation' => 'recordingtype_sign',
        'speaker_view' => 'recordingtype_speaker',
        'summary' => 'recordingtype_summary',
        'summary_next_steps' => 'recordingtype_summary_next_steps',
        'summary_smart_chapters' => 'recordingtype_summary_smart_chapters',
        'timeline' => 'recordingtype_timeline',

    // Return some default string in case new recordingtype values are added in the future.
    if (empty($recordingtypestringmap[$recordingtype])) {
        return $recordingtype;

    return get_string($recordingtypestringmap[$recordingtype], 'mod_zoom');

echo html_writer::table($table);

echo $OUTPUT->footer();