AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
// This file is part of the Zoom plugin for Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* The main zoom configuration form
* It uses the standard core Moodle formslib. For more info about them, please
* visit:
* @package mod_zoom
* @copyright 2015 UC Regents
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/moodleform_mod.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/zoom/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/zoom/locallib.php');
* Module instance settings form
class mod_zoom_mod_form extends moodleform_mod {
* Helper property for showing the scheduling privilege options.
* @var bool
private $showschedulingprivilege;
* Defines forms elements
public function definition() {
global $PAGE, $USER, $OUTPUT;
// We don't do anything custom with completion data, so avoid doing any unnecessary work.
$completionpagetypes = [
'course-defaultcompletion' => 'Edit completion default settings (Moodle >= 4.3)',
'course-editbulkcompletion' => 'Edit completion settings in bulk for a single course',
'course-editdefaultcompletion' => 'Edit completion default settings (Moodle < 4.3)',
if (isset($completionpagetypes[$PAGE->pagetype])) {
$config = get_config('zoom');
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd("mod_zoom/form", 'init');
$isnew = empty($this->_cm);
$zoomuserid = zoom_get_user_id(false);
// If creating a new instance, but the Zoom user does not exist.
if ($isnew && $zoomuserid === false) {
// Assume user is using Zoom for the first time.
$errstring = 'zoomerr_usernotfound';
// After they set up their account, the user should continue to the page they were on.
$nexturl = $PAGE->url;
zoom_fatal_error($errstring, 'mod_zoom', $nexturl, $config->zoomurl);
// Array of emails and proper names of Moodle users in this course that
// can add Zoom meetings, and the user can schedule.
$scheduleusers = [];
$canschedule = false;
if ($zoomuserid !== false) {
// Get the array of users they can schedule.
$canschedule = zoom_webservice()->get_schedule_for_users($zoomuserid);
if (!empty($canschedule)) {
// Add the current user.
$canschedule[$zoomuserid] = new stdClass();
$canschedule[$zoomuserid]->email = $USER->email;
// If the activity exists and the current user is not the current host.
if (!$isnew && $zoomuserid !== $this->current->host_id) {
// Get intersection of current host's schedulers and $USER's schedulers to prevent zoom errors.
$currenthostschedulers = zoom_webservice()->get_schedule_for_users($this->current->host_id);
if (!empty($currenthostschedulers)) {
// Since this is the second argument to array_intersect_key,
// the entry from $canschedule will be used, so we can just
// use true to avoid a service call.
$currenthostschedulers[$this->current->host_id] = true;
$canschedule = array_intersect_key($canschedule, $currenthostschedulers);
// Get list of users who can add Zoom activities in this context.
$moodleusers = get_enrolled_users($this->context, 'mod/zoom:addinstance', 0, 'u.*', 'lastname');
// Check each potential host to see if they are a valid host.
foreach ($canschedule as $zoomuserinfo) {
$zoomemail = strtolower($zoomuserinfo->email);
if (isset($scheduleusers[$zoomemail])) {
if ($zoomemail === strtolower($USER->email)) {
$scheduleusers[$zoomemail] = get_string('scheduleforself', 'zoom');
foreach ($moodleusers as $muser) {
if ($zoomemail === strtolower($muser->email)) {
$scheduleusers[$zoomemail] = fullname($muser);
if (!$isnew) {
try {
zoom_webservice()->get_meeting_webinar_info($this->current->meeting_id, $this->current->webinar);
} catch (\mod_zoom\webservice_exception $error) {
// If the meeting can't be found, offer to recreate the meeting on Zoom.
if (zoom_is_meeting_gone_error($error)) {
$errstring = 'zoomerr_meetingnotfound';
$param = zoom_meetingnotfound_param($this->_cm->id);
$nexturl = "/mod/zoom/view.php?id=" . $this->_cm->id;
zoom_fatal_error($errstring, 'mod_zoom', $nexturl, $param, "meeting/get : $error");
} else {
throw $error;
// If the current editing user has the host saved in the db for this meeting on their list
// of people that they can schedule for, allow them to change the host, otherwise don't.
$allowschedule = false;
if (!$isnew) {
// Only need to check if there are scheduling options available.
if (!empty($scheduleusers)) {
try {
$founduser = zoom_get_user($this->current->host_id);
if ($founduser && array_key_exists($founduser->email, $scheduleusers)) {
$allowschedule = true;
} catch (moodle_exception $error) {
// Don't need to throw an error, just leave allowschedule as false.
$allowschedule = false;
} else {
$allowschedule = true;
// Start of form definition.
$mform = $this->_form;
// Adding the "general" fieldset, where all the common settings are showed.
$mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('general', 'form'));
// Add title (stored in database as 'name').
$mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('title', 'zoom'), ['size' => '64']);
$mform->setType('name', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->addRule('name', null, 'required', null, 'client');
$mform->addRule('name', get_string('maximumchars', '', 200), 'maxlength', 200, 'client');
// Add description 'intro' and 'introformat'.
// Adding the "schedule" fieldset, where all settings relating to date and time are shown.
$mform->addElement('header', 'schedule', get_string('schedule', 'mod_zoom'));
// Add date/time. Validation in validation().
$starttimeoptions = [
'step' => 5,
'defaulttime' => time() + 3600,
$mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'start_time', get_string('start_time', 'zoom'), $starttimeoptions);
// Start time needs to be enabled/disabled based on recurring checkbox as well recurrence_type.
// Moved this control to javascript, rather than using disabledIf.
// Add duration.
$mform->addElement('duration', 'duration', get_string('duration', 'zoom'), ['optional' => false]);
// Validation in validation(). Default to one hour.
$mform->setDefault('duration', ['number' => 1, 'timeunit' => 3600]);
// Duration needs to be enabled/disabled based on recurring checkbox as well recurrence_type.
// Moved this control to javascript, rather than using disabledIf.
// Add recurring widget.
get_string('recurringmeeting', 'zoom'),
get_string('recurringmeetingthisis', 'zoom')
$mform->setDefault('recurring', $config->defaultrecurring);
$mform->addHelpButton('recurring', 'recurringmeeting', 'zoom');
// Add options for recurring meeting.
$recurrencetype = [
ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_DAILY => get_string('recurrence_option_daily', 'zoom'),
ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_WEEKLY => get_string('recurrence_option_weekly', 'zoom'),
ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_MONTHLY => get_string('recurrence_option_monthly', 'zoom'),
ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME => get_string('recurrence_option_no_time', 'zoom'),
$mform->addElement('select', 'recurrence_type', get_string('recurrencetype', 'zoom'), $recurrencetype);
// If the defaultrecurring option is active, set default recurrence_type to be No Fixed Time.
if ($config->defaultrecurring == 1) {
$mform->setDefault('recurrence_type', ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME);
$mform->hideif('recurrence_type', 'recurring', 'notchecked');
// Repeat Interval options.
$options = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 90; $i++) {
$options[$i] = $i;
$group = [];
$group[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'repeat_interval', '', $options);
$htmlspantextstart = '<span class="repeat_interval" id="interval_';
$htmlspantextend = '</span>';
$group[] = $mform->createElement('html', $htmlspantextstart . 'daily">' . get_string('day', 'zoom') . $htmlspantextend);
$group[] = $mform->createElement('html', $htmlspantextstart . 'weekly">' . get_string('week', 'zoom') . $htmlspantextend);
$group[] = $mform->createElement('html', $htmlspantextstart . 'monthly">' . get_string('month', 'zoom') . $htmlspantextend);
$mform->addGroup($group, 'repeat_group', get_string('repeatinterval', 'zoom'), null, false);
$mform->hideif('repeat_group', 'recurrence_type', 'eq', ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME);
$mform->hideif('repeat_group', 'recurring', 'notchecked');
// Weekly options.
$weekdayoptions = zoom_get_weekday_options();
$group = [];
foreach ($weekdayoptions as $key => $weekday) {
$weekdayid = 'weekly_days_' . $key;
$attributes = [];
$group[] = $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', $weekdayid, '', $weekday, null, [0, $key]);
$mform->addGroup($group, 'weekly_days_group', get_string('occurson', 'zoom'), ' ', false);
$mform->hideif('weekly_days_group', 'recurrence_type', 'noteq', ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_WEEKLY);
$mform->hideif('weekly_days_group', 'recurring', 'notchecked');
if (!empty($this->current->weekly_days)) {
$weekdaynumbers = explode(',', $this->current->weekly_days);
foreach ($weekdaynumbers as $daynumber) {
$weekdayid = 'weekly_days_' . $daynumber;
$mform->setDefault($weekdayid, $daynumber);
// Monthly options.
$monthoptions = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
$monthoptions[$i] = $i;
$monthlyweekoptions = zoom_get_monthweek_options();
$group = [];
$group[] = $mform->createElement(
get_string('day', 'calendar'),
$group[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'monthly_day', '', $monthoptions);
$group[] = $mform->createElement('static', 'month_day_text', '', get_string('month_day_text', 'zoom'));
$group[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'monthly_repeat_option', '', '', ZOOM_MONTHLY_REPEAT_OPTION_WEEK);
$group[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'monthly_week', '', $monthlyweekoptions);
$group[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'monthly_week_day', '', $weekdayoptions);
$group[] = $mform->createElement('static', 'month_week_day_text', '', get_string('month_day_text', 'zoom'));
$mform->addGroup($group, 'monthly_day_group', get_string('occurson', 'zoom'), null, false);
$mform->hideif('monthly_day_group', 'recurrence_type', 'noteq', ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_MONTHLY);
$mform->hideif('monthly_day_group', 'recurring', 'notchecked');
$mform->setDefault('monthly_repeat_option', ZOOM_MONTHLY_REPEAT_OPTION_DAY);
// End date option.
$maxoptions = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++) {
$maxoptions[$i] = $i;
$group = [];
$group[] = $mform->createElement(
get_string('end_date_option_by', 'zoom'),
$group[] = $mform->createElement('date_selector', 'end_date_time', '');
$group[] = $mform->createElement(
get_string('end_date_option_after', 'zoom'),
$group[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'end_times', '', $maxoptions);
$group[] = $mform->createElement('static', 'end_times_text', '', get_string('end_date_option_occurrences', 'zoom'));
$mform->addGroup($group, 'radioenddate', get_string('enddate', 'zoom'), null, false);
$mform->hideif('radioenddate', 'recurring', 'notchecked');
$mform->hideif('radioenddate', 'recurrence_type', 'eq', ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME);
// Set default option for end date to be "By".
$mform->setDefault('end_date_option', ZOOM_END_DATE_OPTION_BY);
// Set default end_date_time to be 1 week in the future.
$mform->setDefault('end_date_time', strtotime('+1 week'));
// Supplementary feature: Webinars.
// Only show if the admin did not disable this feature completely.
if ($config->showwebinars != ZOOM_WEBINAR_DISABLE) {
// If we are creating a new instance.
if ($isnew) {
// Check if the user has a webinar license.
$userfeatures = zoom_get_user_settings($zoomuserid)->feature;
$haswebinarlicense = !empty($userfeatures->webinar) || !empty($userfeatures->zoom_events);
// Only show if the admin always wants to show this widget or
// if the admin wants to show this widget conditionally and the user has a valid license.
if (
$config->showwebinars == ZOOM_WEBINAR_ALWAYSSHOW ||
($config->showwebinars == ZOOM_WEBINAR_SHOWONLYIFLICENSE && $haswebinarlicense)
) {
// Add webinar option, disabled if the user cannot create webinars.
$webinarattr = null;
if (!$haswebinarlicense) {
$webinarattr = ['disabled' => true, 'group' => null];
get_string('webinar', 'zoom'),
get_string('webinarthisis', 'zoom'),
$mform->setDefault('webinar', $config->webinardefault);
$mform->addHelpButton('webinar', 'webinar', 'zoom');
} else if ($this->current->webinar) {
get_string('webinar', 'zoom'),
get_string('webinar_already_true', 'zoom')
} else {
get_string('webinar', 'zoom'),
get_string('webinar_already_false', 'zoom')
// Add tracking fields, if configured in Moodle AND Zoom.
$defaulttrackingfields = zoom_clean_tracking_fields();
foreach ($defaulttrackingfields as $key => $defaulttrackingfield) {
$configname = 'tf_' . $key . '_field';
if (!empty($config->$configname)) {
$mform->addElement('text', $key, $defaulttrackingfield);
$mform->setType($key, PARAM_TEXT);
$rvprop = 'tf_' . $key . '_recommended_values';
if (!empty($config->$rvprop)) {
$key . '_recommended_values',
get_string('trackingfields_recommendedvalues', 'mod_zoom') . $config->$rvprop
$requiredproperty = 'tf_' . $key . '_required';
if (!empty($config->$requiredproperty)) {
$mform->addRule($key, null, 'required', null, 'client');
// Add show widget.
get_string('showschedule', 'zoom'),
get_string('showscheduleonview', 'zoom')
$mform->setDefault('show_schedule', $config->defaultshowschedule);
$mform->addHelpButton('show_schedule', 'showschedule', 'zoom');
// Add registration widget.
$registrationoptions = [
ZOOM_REGISTRATION_OFF => get_string('no'),
ZOOM_REGISTRATION_AUTOMATIC => get_string('registration_text', 'mod_zoom'),
$mform->addElement('select', 'registration', get_string('registration', 'mod_zoom'), $registrationoptions);
$mform->setDefault('registration', $config->defaultregistration);
$mform->addHelpButton('registration', 'registration', 'mod_zoom');
$mform->hideIf('registration', 'recurrence_type', 'eq', ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME);
// Adding the "breakout rooms" fieldset.
$mform->addElement('header', 'breakoutrooms', get_string('breakoutrooms', 'mod_zoom'));
$courseid = $this->current->course;
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
$groups = groups_get_all_groups($courseid);
$participants = get_enrolled_users($context);
// Getting Course participants.
$courseparticipants = [];
foreach ($participants as $participant) {
$courseparticipants[] = [
'participantid' => $participant->id,
'participantname' => fullname($participant) . ' <' . $participant->email . '>',
// Getting Course groups.
$coursegroups = [];
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$coursegroups[] = ['groupid' => $group->id, 'groupname' => $group->name];
// Building meeting breakout rooms template data.
$templatedata = [
'rooms' => [],
'roomscount' => 0,
'roomtoclone' => [
'toclone' => 'toclone',
'courseparticipants' => $courseparticipants,
'coursegroups' => $coursegroups,
$currentinstance = $this->current->instance;
if ($currentinstance) {
$rooms = zoom_build_instance_breakout_rooms_array_for_view($currentinstance, $courseparticipants, $coursegroups);
$templatedata['rooms'] = $rooms;
$templatedata['roomscount'] = count($rooms);
$mform->addElement('html', $OUTPUT->render_from_template('zoom/breakoutrooms_rooms', $templatedata));
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'rooms', '');
$mform->setType('rooms', PARAM_RAW);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'roomsparticipants', '');
$mform->setType('roomsparticipants', PARAM_RAW);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'roomsgroups', '');
$mform->setType('roomsgroups', PARAM_RAW);
// Adding the "security" fieldset, where all settings relating to securing and protecting the meeting are shown.
$mform->addElement('header', 'security', get_string('security', 'mod_zoom'));
// Deals with password manager issues.
if (isset($this->current->password)) {
$this->current->meetingcode = $this->current->password;
// Add password requirement prompt.
get_string('password', 'zoom'),
get_string('requirepasscode', 'zoom')
if (isset($this->current->meetingcode) && strval($this->current->meetingcode) === "") {
$mform->setDefault('requirepasscode', 0);
} else {
$mform->setDefault('requirepasscode', 1);
$mform->addHelpButton('requirepasscode', 'requirepasscode', 'zoom');
// Set default passcode and description from Zoom security settings.
$securitysettings = zoom_get_meeting_security_settings($this->current->host_id ?? $zoomuserid);
// Add password.
$mform->addElement('text', 'meetingcode', get_string('setpasscode', 'zoom'), ['maxlength' => '10']);
$mform->setType('meetingcode', PARAM_TEXT);
// Check password uses valid characters.
$regex = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9@_*-]{1,10}$/';
$mform->addRule('meetingcode', get_string('err_invalid_password', 'mod_zoom'), 'regex', $regex, 'client');
$mform->setDefault('meetingcode', zoom_create_default_passcode($securitysettings->meeting_password_requirement));
$mform->hideIf('meetingcode', 'requirepasscode', 'notchecked');
// Add passcode requirements note (use mform group trick from MDL-66251 to be able to conditionally hide this).
$passwordrequirementsgroup = [];
$passwordrequirementsgroup[] =& $mform->createElement(
$mform->addGroup($passwordrequirementsgroup, 'passwordrequirementsgroup', '', '', false);
$mform->hideIf('passwordrequirementsgroup', 'requirepasscode', 'notchecked');
// Supplementary feature: Encryption type.
// Only show if the admin did not disable this feature completely.
if ($config->showencryptiontype != ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE) {
// Check if the user can use e2e encryption.
$e2eispossible = $securitysettings->end_to_end_encrypted_meetings;
if ($config->showencryptiontype == ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_SHOWONLYIFPOSSIBLE && !$e2eispossible) {
// If user cannot use e2e and option is not shown to user,
// default to enhanced encryption.
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'option_encryption_type', ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_ENHANCED);
} else if (
$config->showencryptiontype == ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_ALWAYSSHOW ||
($config->showencryptiontype == ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_SHOWONLYIFPOSSIBLE && $e2eispossible)
) {
// Only show if the admin always wants to show this widget or
// if the admin wants to show this widget conditionally and the user can use e2e encryption.
// Add encryption type option, disabled if the user can't use e2e encryption.
$encryptionattr = null;
$defaultencryptiontype = $config->defaultencryptiontypeoption;
if (!$e2eispossible) {
$encryptionattr = ['disabled' => true];
$defaultencryptiontype = ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_ENHANCED;
get_string('option_encryption_type_enhancedencryption', 'zoom'),
get_string('option_encryption_type_endtoendencryption', 'zoom'),
], 'option_encryption_type_group', get_string('option_encryption_type', 'zoom'), null, false);
$mform->setDefault('option_encryption_type', $defaultencryptiontype);
$mform->addHelpButton('option_encryption_type_group', 'option_encryption_type', 'zoom');
$mform->disabledIf('option_encryption_type_group', 'webinar', 'checked');
$mform->setType('option_encryption_type', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
// Add waiting room widget.
get_string('option_waiting_room', 'zoom'),
get_string('waitingroomenable', 'zoom')
$mform->addHelpButton('option_waiting_room', 'option_waiting_room', 'zoom');
$mform->setDefault('option_waiting_room', $config->defaultwaitingroomoption);
$mform->disabledIf('option_waiting_room', 'webinar', 'checked');
// Add join before host widget.
get_string('option_jbh', 'zoom'),
get_string('joinbeforehostenable', 'zoom')
$mform->setDefault('option_jbh', $config->defaultjoinbeforehost);
$mform->addHelpButton('option_jbh', 'option_jbh', 'zoom');
$mform->disabledIf('option_jbh', 'webinar', 'checked');
// Add authenticated users widget.
get_string('authentication', 'zoom'),
get_string('option_authenticated_users', 'zoom')
$mform->setDefault('option_authenticated_users', $config->defaultauthusersoption);
$mform->addHelpButton('option_authenticated_users', 'option_authenticated_users', 'zoom');
// Add show widget.
get_string('showsecurity', 'zoom'),
get_string('showsecurityonview', 'zoom')
$mform->setDefault('show_security', $config->defaultshowsecurity);
$mform->addHelpButton('show_security', 'showsecurity', 'zoom');
// Adding the "media" fieldset, where all settings relating to media streams in the meeting are shown.
$mform->addElement('header', 'media', get_string('media', 'mod_zoom'));
// Add host/participants video options.
$mform->createElement('radio', 'option_host_video', '', get_string('on', 'zoom'), true),
$mform->createElement('radio', 'option_host_video', '', get_string('off', 'zoom'), false),
], 'option_host_video_group', get_string('option_host_video', 'zoom'), null, false);
$mform->setDefault('option_host_video', $config->defaulthostvideo);
$mform->addHelpButton('option_host_video_group', 'option_host_video', 'zoom');
$mform->disabledIf('option_host_video_group', 'webinar', 'checked');
$mform->createElement('radio', 'option_participants_video', '', get_string('on', 'zoom'), true),
$mform->createElement('radio', 'option_participants_video', '', get_string('off', 'zoom'), false),
], 'option_participants_video_group', get_string('option_participants_video', 'zoom'), null, false);
$mform->setDefault('option_participants_video', $config->defaultparticipantsvideo);
$mform->addHelpButton('option_participants_video_group', 'option_participants_video', 'zoom');
$mform->disabledIf('option_participants_video_group', 'webinar', 'checked');
// Add audio options.
$mform->createElement('radio', 'option_audio', '', get_string('audio_telephony', 'zoom'), ZOOM_AUDIO_TELEPHONY),
$mform->createElement('radio', 'option_audio', '', get_string('audio_voip', 'zoom'), ZOOM_AUDIO_VOIP),
$mform->createElement('radio', 'option_audio', '', get_string('audio_both', 'zoom'), ZOOM_AUDIO_BOTH),
], 'option_audio_group', get_string('option_audio', 'zoom'), null, false);
$mform->addHelpButton('option_audio_group', 'option_audio', 'zoom');
$mform->setDefault('option_audio', $config->defaultaudiooption);
// Add mute participants upon entry widget.
get_string('audiodefault', 'mod_zoom'),
get_string('option_mute_upon_entry', 'mod_zoom')
$mform->setDefault('option_mute_upon_entry', $config->defaultmuteuponentryoption);
$mform->addHelpButton('option_mute_upon_entry', 'option_mute_upon_entry', 'mod_zoom');
// Add autorecording option if enabled.
$allowrecordingchangeoption = $config->allowrecordingchangeoption;
if ($allowrecordingchangeoption) {
// Add auto recording options according to user settings.
$options = [
ZOOM_AUTORECORDING_NONE => get_string('autorecording_none', 'mod_zoom'),
$hostuserid = $zoomuserid;
if (!empty($this->current->host_id)) {
$hostuserid = $this->current->host_id;
if (!empty($hostuserid)) {
$recordingsettings = zoom_get_user_settings($hostuserid)->recording;
if (!empty($recordingsettings->local_recording)) {
$options[ZOOM_AUTORECORDING_LOCAL] = get_string('autorecording_local', 'mod_zoom');
if (!empty($recordingsettings->cloud_recording)) {
$options[ZOOM_AUTORECORDING_CLOUD] = get_string('autorecording_cloud', 'mod_zoom');
if ($config->recordingoption === ZOOM_AUTORECORDING_USERDEFAULT) {
$defaultsetting = $recordingsettings->auto_recording;
} else {
$defaultsetting = $config->recordingoption;
$mform->addElement('select', 'option_auto_recording', get_string('option_auto_recording', 'mod_zoom'), $options);
$mform->setDefault('option_auto_recording', $defaultsetting);
$mform->addHelpButton('option_auto_recording', 'option_auto_recording', 'mod_zoom');
// Add show widget.
get_string('showmedia', 'zoom'),
get_string('showmediaonview', 'zoom')
$mform->setDefault('show_media', $config->defaultshowmedia);
$mform->addHelpButton('show_media', 'showmedia', 'zoom');
// Check if there is any setting to be shown in the "host" fieldset.
$showschedulingprivilege = ($config->showschedulingprivilege != ZOOM_SCHEDULINGPRIVILEGE_DISABLE) &&
count($scheduleusers) > 1 && $allowschedule; // Check if the size is greater than 1 because
// we add the editing/creating user by default.
$this->showschedulingprivilege = $showschedulingprivilege;
$showalternativehosts = ($config->showalternativehosts != ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_DISABLE);
if ($showschedulingprivilege || $showalternativehosts) {
// Adding the "host" fieldset, where all settings relating to defining the meeting host are shown.
$mform->addElement('header', 'host', get_string('host', 'mod_zoom'));
// Supplementary feature: Alternative hosts.
// Only show if the admin did not disable this feature completely.
if ($showalternativehosts) {
// Explain alternativehosts.
$mform->addElement('static', 'hostintro', '', get_string('hostintro', 'zoom'));
// If the admin wants to show the plain input field.
if ($config->showalternativehosts == ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_INPUTFIELD) {
// Add alternative hosts.
$mform->addElement('text', 'alternative_hosts', get_string('alternative_hosts', 'zoom'), ['size' => '64']);
$mform->setType('alternative_hosts', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->addHelpButton('alternative_hosts', 'alternative_hosts', 'zoom');
// If the admin wants to show the user picker.
} else if ($config->showalternativehosts == ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_PICKER) {
// Get selectable alternative host users based on the capability.
$alternativehostschoices = zoom_get_selectable_alternative_hosts_list($this->context);
// Create autocomplete widget.
$alternativehostsoptions = [
'multiple' => true,
'showsuggestions' => true,
'placeholder' => get_string('alternative_hosts_picker_placeholder', 'zoom'),
'noselectionstring' => get_string('alternative_hosts_picker_noneselected', 'zoom'),
get_string('alternative_hosts', 'zoom'),
$mform->setType('alternative_hosts_picker', PARAM_EMAIL);
$mform->addHelpButton('alternative_hosts_picker', 'alternative_hosts_picker', 'zoom');
// Supplementary feature: Scheduling privilege.
// Only show if the admin did not disable this feature completely and if current user is able to use it.
if ($showschedulingprivilege) {
if ($allowrecordingchangeoption) {
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('mod_zoom/scheduleforchooser', 'init');
$mform->addElement('select', 'schedule_for', get_string('schedulefor', 'mod_zoom'), $scheduleusers, [
'data-scheduleforchooser-field' => 'selector',
} else {
$mform->addElement('select', 'schedule_for', get_string('schedulefor', 'mod_zoom'), $scheduleusers);
$mform->setType('schedule_for', PARAM_EMAIL);
if (!$isnew) {
$mform->disabledIf('schedule_for', 'change_schedule_for');
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'change_schedule_for', get_string('changehost', 'zoom'));
$mform->setDefault('schedule_for', strtolower(zoom_get_user($this->current->host_id)->email));
} else {
$mform->setDefault('schedule_for', strtolower(zoom_get_api_identifier($USER)));
$mform->addHelpButton('schedule_for', 'schedulefor', 'zoom');
if ($allowrecordingchangeoption) {
// Button to update auto recording options based on the user permissions in Zoom (will be hidden by JavaScript).
get_string('autorecordingoptionsupdate', 'mod_zoom'),
'data-scheduleforchooser-field' => 'updateButton',
'class' => 'd-none',
// Adding option for Recording Visiblity by default.
if (!empty($config->viewrecordings)) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'recording', get_string('recording', 'mod_zoom'));
get_string('recordingvisibility', 'mod_zoom'),
$mform->setDefault('recordings_visible_default', 1);
$mform->addHelpButton('recordings_visible_default', 'recordingvisibility', 'mod_zoom');
// Add meeting id.
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'meeting_id', -1);
$mform->setType('meeting_id', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
// Add host id (will error if user does not have an account on Zoom).
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'host_id', zoom_get_user_id());
$mform->setType('host_id', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
// Add standard grading elements.
$mform->setDefault('grade', false);
// Add standard elements, common to all modules.
// Add standard buttons, common to all modules.
* Add standard_grading_coursemodule_elements with grading for field.
* @return void
public function standard_grading_coursemodule_elements() {
$mform = $this->_form;
$itemnumber = 0;
$component = "mod_{$this->_modname}";
$gradefieldname = \core_grades\component_gradeitems::get_field_name_for_itemnumber($component, $itemnumber, 'grade');
$options = [
'entry' => get_string('gradingentry', 'mod_zoom'), // All credit upon entry.
'period' => get_string('gradingperiod', 'mod_zoom'), // Credit according to attend duration.
$mform->addElement('select', 'grading_method', get_string('gradingmethod', 'mod_zoom'), $options);
$mform->setDefault('grading_method', get_config('zoom', 'gradingmethod'));
$mform->addHelpButton('grading_method', 'gradingmethod', 'zoom');
$mform->hideIf('grading_method', "{$gradefieldname}[modgrade_type]", 'eq', 'none');
* Fill in the current page data for this course.
public function definition_after_data() {
// Get config.
$config = get_config('zoom');
if (!$config->allowrecordingchangeoption) {
$mform = $this->_form;
if ($this->showschedulingprivilege) {
$scheduleelement =& $mform->getElement('schedule_for');
$values = $scheduleelement->getValue();
if (empty($values)) {
$scheduleforuser = current($values);
$zoomuser = zoom_get_user($scheduleforuser);
$zoomuserid = $zoomuser->id;
} else if (!empty($this->current->host_id)) {
$zoomuserid = $this->current->host_id;
} else {
$zoomuserid = zoom_get_user_id(false);
$recordingelement =& $mform->getElement('option_auto_recording');
// Add auto recording options according to user settings.
$options = [
ZOOM_AUTORECORDING_NONE => get_string('autorecording_none', 'mod_zoom'),
if ($zoomuserid !== false) {
$recordingsettings = zoom_get_user_settings($zoomuserid)->recording;
if (!empty($recordingsettings->local_recording)) {
$options[ZOOM_AUTORECORDING_LOCAL] = get_string('autorecording_local', 'mod_zoom');
if (!empty($recordingsettings->cloud_recording)) {
$options[ZOOM_AUTORECORDING_CLOUD] = get_string('autorecording_cloud', 'mod_zoom');
* Allows module to modify the data returned by form get_data().
* This method is also called in the bulk activity completion form.
* Only available on moodleform_mod.
* @param stdClass $data the form data to be modified.
public function data_postprocessing($data) {
global $DB;
// Get config.
$config = get_config('zoom');
// If the admin did show the alternative hosts user picker.
if ($config->showalternativehosts == ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_PICKER) {
// If there was at least one alternative host selected, process these users.
if (count($data->alternative_hosts_picker) > 0) {
// Populate the alternative_hosts field with a concatenated string of email addresses.
// This is done as this is the format which Zoom expects and alternative_hosts is the field to store the data
// in mod_zoom.
// The alternative host user picker is just an add-on to help teachers to fill this field.
$data->alternative_hosts = implode(',', $data->alternative_hosts_picker);
// If there wasn't any alternative host selected.
} else {
$data->alternative_hosts = '';
// Unfortunately, the host is not only able to add alternative hosts in Moodle with the user picker.
// He is also able to add any alternative host with an email address in Zoom directly.
// Thus, we have to get the latest list of alternative hosts from the DB again now,
// identify the users who were not selectable at all in this form and append them to the list
// of selected alternative hosts.
// Get latest list of alternative hosts from the DB.
$result = $DB->get_field('zoom', 'alternative_hosts', ['meeting_id' => $data->meeting_id], IGNORE_MISSING);
// Proceed only if there is a field of alternative hosts already.
if ($result !== false) {
$alternativehostsdb = zoom_get_alternative_host_array_from_string($result);
// Get selectable alternative host users based on the capability.
$alternativehostschoices = zoom_get_selectable_alternative_hosts_list($this->context);
// Iterate over the latest list of alternative hosts from the DB.
foreach ($alternativehostsdb as $ah) {
// If the existing alternative host would not have been selectable.
if (!array_key_exists($ah, $alternativehostschoices)) {
// Add the alternative host to the alternative_hosts field.
if ($data->alternative_hosts == '') {
$data->alternative_hosts = $ah;
} else {
$data->alternative_hosts .= ',' . $ah;
// Add some postprocessing around the recurrence settings.
if ($data->recurring) {
// If "No fixed time" meeting selected, dont need repeat_interval and other options.
if ($data->recurrence_type == ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME) {
// Unset end_times and end_date.
// If weekly recurring is not selected, unset weekly options.
if ($data->recurrence_type != ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_WEEKLY) {
// Unset the weekly fields.
$data = zoom_remove_weekly_options($data);
// If monthly recurring is not selected, unset monthly options.
if ($data->recurrence_type != ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_MONTHLY) {
// Unset the weekly fields.
$data = zoom_remove_monthly_options($data);
// Make sure registration is not enabled for No Fixed Time recurring meetings.
if ($data->recurring && $data->recurrence_type == ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME) {
if (isset($data->registration) && $data->registration == ZOOM_REGISTRATION_AUTOMATIC) {
$data->registration = ZOOM_REGISTRATION_OFF;
* Allows module to modify data returned by get_moduleinfo_data() or prepare_new_moduleinfo_data() before calling set_data()
* This method is also called in the bulk activity completion form.
* Only available on moodleform_mod.
* @param array $defaultvalues passed by reference
public function data_preprocessing(&$defaultvalues) {
global $DB;
// Get config.
$config = get_config('zoom');
// If the admin wants to show the alternative hosts user picker.
if ($config->showalternativehosts == ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_PICKER) {
// If there is at least one alternative host set.
if (isset($defaultvalues['alternative_hosts']) && strlen($defaultvalues['alternative_hosts']) > 0) {
// Populate the alternative_hosts_picker field with an exploded array of email addresses.
// This is done as alternative_hosts is the field to store the data in mod_zoom and
// the alternative host user picker is just an add-on to help teachers to fill this field.
// At this point, the alternative_hosts field might also contain users who are not selectable in the user picker
// as they aren't a member of the course or do not have a Moodle account.
// This does not matter as user picker default values which don't have a corresponding autocomplete suggestion
// will be simply ignored.
// When the form is submitted, these non-selectable alternative hosts will be added again in data_postprocessing().
// According to the documentation, the Zoom API separates the email addresses with commas,
// but we also want to deal with semicolon-separated lists just in case.
$defaultvalues['alternative_hosts_picker'] = zoom_get_alternative_host_array_from_string(
if ($config->defaulttrackingfields !== '') {
// Populate modedit form fields with previously saved values.
$defaulttrackingfields = zoom_clean_tracking_fields();
$tfrows = $DB->get_records('zoom_meeting_tracking_fields', ['meeting_id' => $defaultvalues['id']]);
foreach ($tfrows as $tfrow) {
$tfkey = $tfrow->tracking_field;
if (!empty($defaulttrackingfields[$tfkey])) {
$defaultvalues[$tfkey] = $tfrow->value;
* More validation on form data.
* See documentation in lib/formslib.php.
* @param array $data
* @param array $files
* @return array
public function validation($data, $files) {
global $CFG, $USER;
$errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
$config = get_config('zoom');
// Only check for scheduled meetings.
if (empty($data['recurring'])) {
// Make sure start date is in the future.
if ($data['start_time'] < time() && $data['meeting_id'] < 0) {
$errors['start_time'] = get_string('err_start_time_past', 'zoom');
// Make sure duration is positive and no more than 150 hours.
if ($data['duration'] <= 0) {
$errors['duration'] = get_string('err_duration_nonpositive', 'zoom');
} else if ($data['duration'] > 150 * 60 * 60) {
$errors['duration'] = get_string('err_duration_too_long', 'zoom');
} else if ($data['recurring'] == 1 && $data['recurrence_type'] != ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME) {
// Make sure start date time (first potential date of next meeting) is in the future.
if ($data['start_time'] < time() && $data['meeting_id'] < 0) {
$errors['start_time'] = get_string('err_start_time_past_recurring', 'zoom');
// Make sure duration is positive and no more than 150 hours.
if ($data['duration'] <= 0) {
$errors['duration'] = get_string('err_duration_nonpositive', 'zoom');
} else if ($data['duration'] > 150 * 60 * 60) {
$errors['duration'] = get_string('err_duration_too_long', 'zoom');
if (!empty($data['requirepasscode']) && empty($data['meetingcode'])) {
$errors['meetingcode'] = get_string('err_password_required', 'mod_zoom');
if (isset($data['schedule_for']) && strtolower($data['schedule_for']) !== strtolower(zoom_get_api_identifier($USER))) {
$zoomuserid = zoom_get_user_id();
$scheduleusers = zoom_webservice()->get_schedule_for_users($zoomuserid);
$scheduleok = false;
foreach ($scheduleusers as $zuser) {
if (strtolower($zuser->email) === strtolower($data['schedule_for'])) {
// Found a matching email address in the Zoom users list.
$scheduleok = true;
if (!$scheduleok) {
$errors['schedule_for'] = get_string('invalidscheduleuser', 'mod_zoom');
// Supplementary feature: Alternative hosts.
// Only validate if the admin did not disable this feature completely.
if ($config->showalternativehosts != ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_DISABLE) {
// If the admin did show the plain input field.
if ($config->showalternativehosts == ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_INPUTFIELD) {
// Check if the listed alternative hosts are valid users on Zoom.
$alternativehosts = zoom_get_alternative_host_array_from_string($data['alternative_hosts']);
foreach ($alternativehosts as $alternativehost) {
if (!(zoom_get_user($alternativehost))) {
$errors['alternative_hosts'] = get_string('zoomerr_alternativehostusernotfound', 'zoom', $alternativehost);
// If the admin did show the user picker.
} else if ($config->showalternativehosts == ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_PICKER) {
// Check if the picked alternative hosts are valid users on Zoom.
foreach ($data['alternative_hosts_picker'] as $alternativehost) {
if (!(zoom_get_user($alternativehost))) {
$errors['alternative_hosts_picker'] =
get_string('zoomerr_alternativehostusernotfound', 'zoom', $alternativehost);
// Supplementary feature: Encryption type.
// Only validate if the admin did not disable this feature completely.
if ($config->showencryptiontype != ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE) {
// Check if given encryption type is valid.
if (
$data['option_encryption_type'] !== ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_ENHANCED &&
$data['option_encryption_type'] !== ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_E2EE
) {
// This will not happen unless the user tampered with the form.
// Because of this, we skip adding this string to the language pack.
$errors['option_encryption_type_group'] = 'The submitted encryption type is not valid.';
// Add validation for recurring meeting.
if ($data['recurring'] == 1) {
if ($data['recurrence_type'] == ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_WEEKLY) {
$weekdaynumbers = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
$key = 'weekly_days_' . $i;
if (!empty($data[$key])) {
$weekdaynumbers[] = $i;
if (empty($weekdaynumbers)) {
$errors['weekly_days_group'] = get_string('err_weekly_days', 'zoom');
// For weekly, maximum is 12 weeks.
if ($data['repeat_interval'] > 12) {
$errors['repeat_group'] = get_string('err_repeat_weekly_interval', 'zoom');
if ($data['recurrence_type'] == ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_MONTHLY) {
// For monthly, max is 3 months.
if ($data['repeat_interval'] > 3) {
$errors['repeat_group'] = get_string('err_repeat_monthly_interval', 'zoom');
if ($data['recurrence_type'] != ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME && $data['end_date_option'] == ZOOM_END_DATE_OPTION_BY) {
if ($data['end_date_time'] < time()) {
$errors['radioenddate'] = get_string('err_end_date', 'zoom');
if ($data['end_date_time'] < $data['start_time']) {
$errors['radioenddate'] = get_string('err_end_date_before_start', 'zoom');
return $errors;