Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of the Zoom plugin for Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * English strings for zoom.
 * @package    mod_zoom
 * @copyright  2015 UC Regents
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

$string['accountid'] = 'Zoom account ID';
$string['accountid_desc'] = '';
$string['actions'] = 'Actions';
$string['activitydate:ended'] = 'Ended: ';
$string['activitydate:started'] = 'Started: ';
$string['activitydate:starts'] = 'Starts: ';
$string['addparticipant'] = 'Add a participant';
$string['addparticipantgroup'] = 'Add a group of participants';
$string['addroom'] = 'Add a room';
$string['addroomalert'] = 'Add a room by clicking';
$string['addtocalendar'] = 'Add to calendar';
$string['allmeetings'] = 'All meetings';
$string['allmeetings_desc'] = 'With this setting, you can control if a link to the Zoom activity index page will be shown at the bottom of every activity instance overview page or not. This setting only affects the presentation of the link on the Zoom activity overview pages. Even if you decide not to show the link there, the user might still be able to access the Zoom activity index page through other links within the course.';
$string['allmeetings_disable'] = 'Disable all meetings link';
$string['allmeetings_enable'] = 'Enable all meetings link';
$string['alternative_hosts'] = 'Alternative Hosts';
$string['alternative_hosts_desc'] = 'With this setting, you can control if the option to choose alternative hosts is shown to users in the activity instance settings or not. Two types of widgets are available: A plain input field which accepts comma-separated email addresses. And a user picker with autocompletion which provides easy selection of users who are enrolled into the course, have a Zoom account and have a role out of {$a->roles}. Alternative hosts which might have been set by the teacher in Zoom directly but are not selectable from within the Moodle user picker are still shown on the activity overview page and are also preserved when a meeting is updated from within Moodle.';
$string['alternative_hosts_disable'] = 'Disable alternative hosts option';
$string['alternative_hosts_help'] = "The alternative host option allows you to schedule meetings and designate other Zoom user(s) to start the meeting as well. These users will receive an email from Zoom notifying them that they've been added as an alternative host, with a link to start the meeting.\n\nAs input format, please provide the email address(es) of the alternative host(s). You can separate multiple emails by a comma (without spaces).";
$string['alternative_hosts_inputfield'] = 'Show alternative hosts option as plain input field';
$string['alternative_hosts_picker'] = 'Show alternative hosts option as user picker with autocompletion';
$string['alternative_hosts_picker_help'] = "The alternative host option allows you to schedule meetings and designate other Zoom user(s) enrolled in this course to start the meeting as well. These users will receive an email from Zoom notifying them that they've been added as an alternative host, with a link to start the meeting.\n\nYou can pick one or multiple alternative hosts based on your meeting needs.\n\nIf you can't find a particular user in this user picker, this user either is not enrolled into this course with an appropriate role or does not have an eligible account on Zoom.";
$string['alternative_hosts_picker_noneselected'] = 'No alternative host selected';
$string['alternative_hosts_picker_placeholder'] = 'Select user(s)';
$string['apiendpoint'] = 'Zoom API Endpoint';
$string['apiendpoint_desc'] = 'Choose which Zoom API endpoint the Zoom activity will use to connect. The global API endpoint should work for all users. The European Union (EU) API endpoint is only intended for users who have a Zoom license with the EU provisioning option. If you are unsure, use the global API endpoint.';
$string['apiendpoint_eu'] = 'EU API Endpoint';
$string['apiendpoint_global'] = 'Global API Endpoint';
$string['apiidentifier'] = 'Zoom API Identifier';
$string['apiidentifier_desc'] = 'The identifier field to use when making a call to the Zoom API';
$string['apiurl'] = 'Zoom API url';
$string['apiurl_desc'] = '';
$string['audio_both'] = 'Computer audio and Telephone';
$string['audio_telephony'] = 'Telephone only';
$string['audio_voip'] = 'Computer audio only';
$string['audiodefault'] = 'Audio default';
$string['authentication'] = 'Authentication';
$string['autorecording_cloud'] = 'Cloud';
$string['autorecording_local'] = 'Local';
$string['autorecording_none'] = 'None';
$string['autorecording_userdefault'] = 'Use default Zoom user settings';
$string['autorecordingoptionsupdate'] = 'Update auto recording options';
$string['breakoutrooms'] = 'Breakout rooms';
$string['cachedef_oauth'] = 'Zoom OAuth token cache';
$string['cachedef_zoomid'] = 'Zoom user id mappings';
$string['cachedef_zoommeetingsecurity'] = 'Zoom meeting security settings, including meeting password requirements of the account';
$string['calendardescriptionURL'] = 'Meeting join URL: {$a}.';
$string['calendardescriptionintro'] = "\nDescription:\n{\$a}";
$string['calendariconalt'] = 'Calendar icon';
$string['changehost'] = 'Change host';
$string['clickjoin'] = 'Clicked join meeting button';
$string['clientid'] = 'Zoom client ID';
$string['clientid_desc'] = '';
$string['clientsecret'] = 'Zoom client secret';
$string['clientsecret_desc'] = '';
$string['connectionfailed'] = 'Connection failed: ';
$string['connectionok'] = 'Connection working.';
$string['connectionsettings'] = 'Connection settings';
$string['connectionsettings_desc'] = 'These settings define how Moodle connects to Zoom.';
$string['connectionstatus'] = 'Connection status';
$string['day'] = 'Day(s)';
$string['defaultsettings'] = 'Default Zoom settings';
$string['defaultsettings_help'] = 'These settings define the defaults for all new Zoom meetings and webinars.';
$string['deletemeetingrecordings'] = 'Delete meeting recordings from Moodle';
$string['deleteroom'] = 'Delete room';
$string['displayfirstname'] = 'First name only';
$string['displayfullname'] = 'Full name';
$string['displayid'] = '(user id) only';
$string['displayidfullname'] = '(user id) followed by fullname';
$string['displayleadtime'] = 'Display lead time';
$string['displayleadtime_desc'] = 'If enabled, the leadtime will be displayed to the users. This way, users are informed that / when they can join the meeting before the scheduled start time. This might keep users from constantly reloading the page until they can join.';
$string['displayleadtime_nohideif'] = 'Please note: This setting is only processed if the \'{$a}\' setting is set to a value greater than zero.';
$string['displaypassword'] = 'Display passcode';
$string['displaypassword_help'] = 'If enabled the meeting passcode will always be displayed to non-hosts.';
$string['downloadical'] = 'Download iCal';
$string['downloadical_desc'] = 'With this setting, you can control if a link to download an iCal file for the meeting will be shown on the activity instance overview page or not. This setting only affects the possibility to download an iCal file for third-party calendar tools. Regardless of this setting, the Zoom meeting activity will add a calendar entry into the Moodle calendar as soon as a meeting start date is set.';
$string['downloadical_disable'] = 'Disable download iCal link';
$string['downloadical_enable'] = 'Enable download iCal link';
$string['duration'] = 'Duration (minutes)';
$string['encryptiontype'] = 'Encryption type';
$string['encryptiontype_alwaysshow'] = 'Always show encryption type chooser regardless if the user can use end-to-end encryption or not';
$string['encryptiontype_desc'] = 'With this setting, you can control if the option to choose end-to-end encryption over enhanced encryption is shown to users in the activity instance settings or not. This setting only affects the Moodle activity instance settings. Even if you decide to always show the option, the user will still need end-to-end encryption in Zoom to finally enable end-to-end encryption.';
$string['encryptiontype_disable'] = 'Disable encryption type chooser';
$string['encryptiontype_showonlyife2epossible'] = 'Show encryption type chooser only if the user can use end-to-end encryption';
$string['end_date_option_after'] = 'After';
$string['end_date_option_by'] = 'By';
$string['end_date_option_occurrences'] = 'occurrences';
$string['enddate'] = 'End date';
$string['endtime'] = 'End time';
$string['err_downloadicaldisabled'] = 'Downloading Zoom meeting iCal files was disabled.';
$string['err_downloadicalrecurringempty'] = 'Downloading Zoom meeting iCal file is not possible for this meeting as it does not contain at least a single occurrence.';
$string['err_downloadicalrecurringnofixed'] = 'Downloading Zoom meeting iCal file is not possible for this meeting as it is a recurring meeting with no fixed time.';
$string['err_duration_nonpositive'] = 'The duration must be positive.';
$string['err_duration_too_long'] = 'The duration cannot exceed 150 hours.';
$string['err_end_date'] = 'Recurrence end date cannot be in the past';
$string['err_end_date_before_start'] = 'Recurrence end date cannot be before start date';
$string['err_invalid_password'] = 'Passcode contains invalid characters.';
$string['err_long_timeframe'] = 'Requested time frame too long, showing results of latest month in range.';
$string['err_password'] = 'Passcode may only contain the following characters: [a-z A-Z 0-9 @ - _ *]. Max of 10 characters.';
$string['err_password_required'] = 'Passcode is required.';
$string['err_repeat_monthly_interval'] = 'Max interval for monthly meeting is 3 months';
$string['err_repeat_weekly_interval'] = 'Max interval for weekly meeting is 12 weeks';
$string['err_start_time_past'] = 'The start date cannot be in the past.';
$string['err_start_time_past_recurring'] = 'For recurring meetings, the date portion of this field is the earliest possible date for the next meeting. This date must be today or in the future.';
$string['err_weekly_days'] = 'Select day(s) for the recurring weekly meeting';
$string['erroraddinstance'] = 'Could not create new zoom meeting. Invalid options selected for a recurring meeting.';
$string['errorwebservice'] = 'Zoom webservice error: {$a}.';
$string['errorwebservice_badrequest'] = 'Zoom received a bad request: {$a}';
$string['errorwebservice_notfound'] = 'The resource does not exists';
$string['export'] = 'Export';
$string['externaluser'] = 'External user';
$string['firstjoin'] = 'First able to join';
$string['firstjoin_desc'] = 'The earliest a user can join a scheduled meeting (minutes before start).';
$string['getmeetingrecordings'] = 'Get meeting recordings from Zoom';
$string['getmeetingreports'] = 'Get meeting report from Zoom';
$string['globalsettings'] = 'Global settings';
$string['globalsettings_desc'] = 'These settings apply to the Zoom plugin as a whole.';
$string['grading_needgrade'] = "The following users need to be graded manually as they could not be identified:\n";
$string['grading_notenrolled'] = "The following users joined the meeting but were not recognized as enroled users:\n";
$string['grading_notfound'] = "List of users who clicked to join the meeting, but were not recognized in the participant report:\n";
$string['gradingentry'] = 'Upon entry';
$string['gradinglink'] = 'Review or update grades';
$string['gradingmessagebody'] = 'For Zoom Meeting session: {$a->zoomurl};
Number of users that have been automatically graded according to their duration in the meeting: {$a->graded}.
Number of users that were already graded: {$a->alreadygraded}.
Review or update users grades here: {$a->gradeurl}
$string['gradingmessagesubject'] = 'User grades for Zoom meeting: {$a->name}';
$string['gradingmethod'] = 'Grading method';
$string['gradingmethod_heading'] = 'Options for grading method';
$string['gradingmethod_heading_help'] = 'Decide which method to use when grading Zoom participation.';
$string['gradingmethod_help'] = 'Choose the method to use when grading student participation.<br>
Upon entry: the student receives full marks (max grade) when they click to join the meeting in Moodle.<br>
Attendance duration: the student receives a score based on the percentage of their meeting attendance compared to the total meeting duration.<br>
Notes regarding Attendance duration method:<br>
- This method requires the display name to contain id or fullname.<br>
- It is recommended to set the setting \'zoom | defaultjoinbeforehost\' to (No) so the meeting duration is accurate.<br>
- Some students who are already signed in to the Zoom client with details not matching those in Moodle must be graded manually after reviewing the meeting report.';
$string['gradingperiod'] = 'Attendance Duration';
$string['gradingsmallmeassage'] = 'User grades quick report for {$a->name}:
Need manual grading: {$a->number}
Graded users: {$a->graded + $a->alreadygraded}';
$string['host'] = 'Host';
$string['hostintro'] = '<a target="_blank" href="">Alternative Hosts</a> can start Zoom meetings and manage the Waiting Room.';
$string['indicator:cognitivedepth'] = 'Zoom cognitive';
$string['indicator:cognitivedepth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the cognitive depth reached by the student in a Zoom activity.';
$string['indicator:socialbreadth'] = 'Zoom social';
$string['indicator:socialbreadth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the social breadth reached by the student in a Zoom activity.';
$string['instanceusers'] = 'Check instance users';
$string['instanceusers_desc'] = 'If Redefine licenses is enabled, only check licensed users on this Moodle instance. Useful for setups where separate instances are dividing up a single pool of Zoom licenses.';
$string['invalid_status'] = 'Status invalid, check the database.';
$string['invalidscheduleuser'] = 'You cannot schedule for the specified user.';
$string['invitation_dialin'] = 'Dial in pattern';
$string['invitation_dialin_help'] = 'The regex pattern to find the Zoom meeting dial in numbers.';
$string['invitation_h323'] = 'H.323 message pattern';
$string['invitation_h323_help'] = 'The regex pattern to find the Zoom meeting H.323 information. If your invitations do not contain SIP or H.323 elements, set the matching regular expression pattern to an empty string. (This especially applies to servers with debugging enabled, because it can break the format of special file types like the iCal export.)';
$string['invitation_icallink'] = 'iCal link message pattern';
$string['invitation_icallink_help'] = 'The regex pattern to find the Zoom meeting iCal link.';
$string['invitation_invite'] = 'Invite message pattern';
$string['invitation_invite_help'] = 'The regex pattern to find the Zoom meeting introduction message.';
$string['invitation_joinurl'] = 'Join URL pattern';
$string['invitation_joinurl_help'] = 'The regex pattern to find the Zoom meeting join url.';
$string['invitation_onetapmobile'] = 'One tap mobile pattern';
$string['invitation_onetapmobile_help'] = 'The regex pattern to find the Zoom meeting one tap mobile details.';
$string['invitation_sip'] = 'SIP pattern';
$string['invitation_sip_help'] = 'The regex pattern to find the Zoom meeting SIP information. If your invitations do not contain SIP or H.323 elements, set the matching regular expression pattern to an empty string. (This especially applies to servers with debugging enabled, because it can break the format of special file types like the iCal export.)';
$string['invitationmatchnotfound'] = 'No match found in zoom invitation for element: "{$a->element}" with pattern: "{$a->pattern}".';
$string['invitationmodificationfailed'] = 'Error in regex for zoom invitation element: "{$a->element}" with pattern: "{$a->pattern}".';
$string['invitationregex'] = 'Zoom invitation regex and capabilities';
$string['invitationregex_help'] = 'Define the regex patterns to isolate each part of a zoom invitation so the information can be controlled by capabilities.';
$string['invitationregex_nohideif'] = 'Please note: The regex patterns will only be used if the \'{$a}\' setting is enabled.';
$string['invitationregexenabled'] = 'Enable zoom invitation regex and capabilities.';
$string['invitationregexenabled_help'] = 'When enabled, the zoom invitation shown in the activity will be broken up into elements using the following regex and capabilities will be used to decide which parts to display to each user. See zoom/viewjoinurl and zoom/viewdialin capabilities.';
$string['invitationremoveicallink'] = 'Remove zoom invitation iCal link';
$string['invitationremoveicallink_help'] = 'If enabled, the iCal link which may be included in the zoom meeting email message will be stripped using the invitation_icallink regex pattern.';
$string['invitationremoveinvite'] = 'Remove zoom invitation invite message';
$string['invitationremoveinvite_help'] = 'If enabled, the introduction sentence in the zoom meeting email message will be stripped using the invitation_invite regex pattern.';
$string['join'] = 'Join';
$string['join_meeting'] = 'Join Meeting';
$string['joinbeforehost'] = 'Join meeting before host';
$string['joinbeforehostenable'] = 'Allow participants to join anytime';
$string['joinlink'] = 'Join link';
$string['jointime'] = 'Join time';
$string['leavetime'] = 'Leave time';
$string['licenseonjoin'] = 'Select this option if you would like the host to receive a license upon starting the meeting, <i>as well as</i> upon creation.';
$string['licensesettings'] = 'License settings';
$string['licensesettings_desc'] = 'These settings define the way how Moodle handles your Zoom license.';
$string['licensesnumber'] = 'Number of licenses';
$string['lowlicenses'] = 'If the number of your licenses exceeds those required, then when you create each new activity by the user, it will be assigned a PRO license by lowering the status of another user. The option is effective when the number of active PRO-licenses is more than 5.';
$string['maskparticipantdata'] = 'Mask participant data';
$string['maskparticipantdata_help'] = 'Prevents participant data from appearing in reports (useful for sites that mask participant data, e.g., for HIPAA).';
$string['media'] = 'Media';
$string['meeting_finished'] = 'Finished';
$string['meeting_invite'] = 'Phone/Dial-In info';
$string['meeting_invite_hide'] = 'Hide meeting invitation';
$string['meeting_invite_show'] = 'Show meeting invitation';
$string['meeting_nonexistent_on_zoom'] = 'Nonexistent on Zoom';
$string['meeting_not_started'] = 'Not started';
$string['meeting_started'] = 'In progress';
$string['meeting_time'] = 'Start Time';
$string['meetingcapacitywarning'] = 'Meeting capacity warning';
$string['meetingcapacitywarning_desc'] = 'With this setting, you can show a warning notification if there are more active and enrolled participants in the course than the host\'s Zoom license meeting capacity is. The notification will be shown to the host (and alternative hosts) on the Zoom activity overview page. It will recommend the host to turn to the Zoom account owner to obtain a larger Zoom license if necessary. You can change this message through Moodle language customization.';
$string['meetingcapacitywarning_disable'] = 'Disable meeting capacity warning';
$string['meetingcapacitywarning_enable'] = 'Enable meeting capacity warning';
$string['meetingcapacitywarningbodyalthost'] = 'The Zoom license of this meeting\'s host, {$a->hostname}, has a capacity of <strong>{$a->meetingcapacity} meeting participants</strong>, but this course has <strong><a href="{$a->courseparticipantsurl}">{$a->eligiblemeetingparticipants} enrolled and active participants</a></strong>.';
$string['meetingcapacitywarningbodyrealhost'] = 'Your Zoom license has a capacity of <strong><a href="{$a->zoomprofileurl}" target="_blank">{$a->meetingcapacity} meeting participants</a></strong>, but this course has <strong><a href="{$a->courseparticipantsurl}">{$a->eligiblemeetingparticipants} enrolled and active participants</a></strong>.';
$string['meetingcapacitywarningcontactalthost'] = 'Please ask the host to turn to the Zoom account owner to obtain a larger Zoom license if all of these course participants need to join the meeting.';
$string['meetingcapacitywarningcontactrealhost'] = 'Please turn to the Zoom account owner to obtain a larger Zoom license if all of these course participants need to join the meeting.';
$string['meetingcapacitywarningheading'] = 'Meeting capacity warning:';
$string['meetingparticipantsdeleted'] = 'Meeting participant user data deleted.';
$string['meetingrecordingviewsdeleted'] = 'Meeting recording user view data deleted.';
$string['messageprovider:teacher_notification'] = 'Notify teachers about user grades (according to duration) in a Zoom session';
$string['modulename'] = 'Zoom meeting';
$string['modulename_help'] = 'Zoom is a video and web conferencing platform that gives authorized users the ability to host online meetings.';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Zoom Meetings';
$string['month'] = 'Month(s)';
$string['month_day_text'] = 'of the month';
$string['newmeetings'] = 'New Meetings';
$string['nextoccurrence'] = 'Next occurrence';
$string['nomeetinginstances'] = 'No sessions found for this meeting.';
$string['nonrecognizedusergrade'] = '(Name: {$a->userid}, grade: {$a->grade})';
$string['nooccurrenceleft'] = 'The last occurrence is already over';
$string['noparticipants'] = 'No participants found for this session at this time.';
$string['norecordings'] = 'No recordings found for this meeting at this time.';
$string['norooms'] = 'No Rooms';
$string['nosessions'] = 'No sessions found for specified range.';
$string['nozooms'] = 'No meetings';
$string['nozoomsfound'] = 'No meetings found for the given course.';
$string['occurson'] = 'Occurs On';
$string['off'] = 'Off';
$string['oldmeetings'] = 'Concluded Meetings';
$string['on'] = 'On';
$string['option_allow_recording_change'] = 'Allow change recording';
$string['option_allow_recording_change_help'] = 'Allow the user to change recording setup at activity creation time';
$string['option_audio'] = 'Audio options';
$string['option_audio_help'] = 'With this option, you can allow users to call in using Telephone only, Computer audio only or both';
$string['option_authenticated_users'] = 'Require authentication to join';
$string['option_authenticated_users_help'] = "Enabling this option requires all attendees to sign in with their authorized zoom account to be able to join the meeting. It does <em>not</em> relate to logging into Moodle in any way.";
$string['option_auto_recording'] = 'Automatic recording';
$string['option_auto_recording_help'] = 'Enabling this option will automatically record the meeting';
$string['option_encryption_type'] = 'Encryption';
$string['option_encryption_type_endtoendencryption'] = 'End-to-end encryption';
$string['option_encryption_type_enhancedencryption'] = 'Enhanced encryption';
$string['option_encryption_type_help'] = "With this option, you control the level of encryption and privacy of this meeting.\n\n*Enhanced encryption* means that the encryption key is stored in the Zoom cloud.\n\n*End-to-end encryption* means that the encryption key is stored on your local device and no one else can obtain your encryption key, not even Zoom.\n\nPlease note that when you enable end-to-end encryption, several features will not be available from within the meeting - [See details in the Zoom documentation](";
$string['option_host_video'] = 'Host video';
$string['option_host_video_help'] = 'Enabling this option will enable the host\'s video when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the host will have the option to start his/her video.';
$string['option_jbh'] = 'Join before host';
$string['option_jbh_help'] = "Enabling this option allows attendees to join the meeting before the host joins or when the host cannot attend the meeting.\n\nThis option is mutually exclusive with the 'Waiting room' option, so selecting one will disable the other.";
$string['option_mute_upon_entry'] = 'Mute participants upon entry';
$string['option_mute_upon_entry_help'] = 'Enabling this option wil automatically mute all participants when they join the meeting. Participants can unmute themselves after joining the meeting.';
$string['option_participants_video'] = 'Participants video';
$string['option_participants_video_help'] = 'Enabling this option will enable the participants\' video when joining the meeting. Even if you choose off, the participants will have the option to start their video.';
$string['option_proxyhost'] = 'Use proxy';
$string['option_proxyhost_desc'] = 'The proxy set here as \'<code>&lt;hostname&gt;:&lt;port&gt;</code>\' is used only for communicating with Zoom. Leave empty to use the Moodle default proxy settings. You only need to set this if you do not want to set a global proxy in Moodle.';
$string['option_view_recordings'] = 'Allow recordings to be viewed';
$string['option_waiting_room'] = 'Waiting room';
$string['option_waiting_room_help'] = "Enabling this option allows the host to control when a participant joins the meeting.\n\nThis option is mutually exclusive with the 'Join before host' option, so selecting one will disable the other.";
$string['participantdatanotavailable'] = 'Details not available';
$string['participantdatanotavailable_help'] = 'Participant data is not available for this Zoom session (e.g., due to HIPAA-compliance).';
$string['participantgroups'] = 'Participant groups';
$string['participants'] = 'Participants';
$string['password'] = 'Passcode';
$string['password_allowed_char'] = 'Passcode may only contain the following characters: [a-z A-Z 0-9 @ - _ *].';
$string['password_consecutive'] = 'Maximum of {$a} consecutive characters (abcd, 1111, 1234, etc.).';
$string['password_length'] = 'Minimum of {$a} character(s).';
$string['password_letter'] = 'Passcode must contain at least 1 letter.';
$string['password_lower_upper'] = 'Passcode must include both lower and uppercase characters.';
$string['password_max_length'] = 'Maximum of 10 characters.';
$string['password_number'] = 'Passcode must contain at least 1 number.';
$string['password_only_numeric'] = 'Passcode may only contain numbers and no other characters.';
$string['password_special'] = 'Passcode must have at least 1 special character (@-_*).';
$string['passwordprotected'] = 'Passcode Protected';
$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Manage Zoom meeting';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Zoom meeting';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_breakout_participants'] = 'The database table to store a list of zoom meeting breakout rooms participants';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_breakout_participants:userid'] = 'The id of the participant user';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_details'] = 'The database table that stores information about each meeting instance.';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_details:topic'] = 'The name of the meeting that the user attended.';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_participants'] = 'The database table that stores information about meeting participants.';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_participants:duration'] = 'How long the participant was in the meeting';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_participants:join_time'] = 'The time that the participant joined the meeting';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_participants:leave_time'] = 'The time that the participant left the meeting';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_participants:name'] = 'The name of the participant';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_participants:user_email'] = 'The email of the participant';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_view'] = 'The database table to track users that view the meeting recordings';
$string['privacy:metadata:zoom_meeting_view:userid'] = 'The id of the user that viewed the recording';
$string['recording'] = 'Recording';
$string['recordingadd'] = 'Add Recording';
$string['recordingdate'] = 'Recording Date';
$string['recordingdelete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the recording "{$a}"?';
$string['recordinghide'] = 'Hide Recording (Currently Visible)';
$string['recordinglink'] = 'Recording Link';
$string['recordingname'] = 'Title';
$string['recordingnotfound'] = 'Recording could not be found';
$string['recordingnotvisible'] = 'Recording is not visible. Please contact your System Administrator if you believe this is an error';
$string['recordingpasscode'] = 'Recording Passcode';
$string['recordings'] = 'Recordings';
$string['recordingshow'] = 'Show Recording (Currently Hidden)';
$string['recordingshowtoggle'] = 'Toggle Show Recording';
$string['recordingtype_active_speaker'] = 'Active Speaker';
$string['recordingtype_audio_interpretation'] = 'Audio Interpretation';
$string['recordingtype_audio_only'] = 'Audio Only';
$string['recordingtype_audio_transcript'] = 'Audio Transcript';
$string['recordingtype_chat'] = 'Chat File';
$string['recordingtype_closed_caption'] = 'Closed Caption';
$string['recordingtype_gallery'] = 'Gallery View';
$string['recordingtype_poll'] = 'Poll';
$string['recordingtype_production_studio'] = 'Production Studio';
$string['recordingtype_shared'] = 'Shared Screen';
$string['recordingtype_shared_gallery'] = 'Shared Screen with Gallery View';
$string['recordingtype_shared_speaker'] = 'Shared Screen with Speaker View';
$string['recordingtype_shared_speaker_cc'] = 'Shared Screen with Speaker View (CC)';
$string['recordingtype_sign'] = 'Sign Interpretation';
$string['recordingtype_speaker'] = 'Speaker View';
$string['recordingtype_summary'] = 'Summary';
$string['recordingtype_summary_next_steps'] = 'Summary Next Steps';
$string['recordingtype_summary_smart_chapters'] = 'Summary Smart Chapters';
$string['recordingtype_timeline'] = 'Timeline';
$string['recordingurl'] = 'Recording URL';
$string['recordingview'] = 'View Recordings';
$string['recordingvisibility'] = 'Are recordings for this meeting visible by default?';
$string['recordingvisibility_help'] = 'When new recordings for this meeting are fetched, should they be visible in Moodle by default?';
$string['recreatesuccessful'] = 'Sucessfully recreated meeting';
$string['recurrence_option_daily'] = 'Daily';
$string['recurrence_option_monthly'] = 'Monthly';
$string['recurrence_option_no_time'] = 'No Fixed Time';
$string['recurrence_option_weekly'] = 'Weekly';
$string['recurrencetype'] = 'Recurrence';
$string['recurringmeeting'] = 'Recurring meeting';
$string['recurringmeeting_help'] = 'Enabling this option will make the meeting a recurring meeting without an end date or time. It can then be accessed anytime.';
$string['recurringmeetingexplanation'] = 'The meeting does not have an end date or time';
$string['recurringmeetinglong'] = 'Recurring meeting (meeting with no end date or time)';
$string['recurringmeetingthisis'] = 'This is a recurring meeting';
$string['recycleonjoin'] = 'Recycle license upon join';
$string['redefinelicenses'] = 'Redefine licenses';
$string['refreshreports'] = 'Refresh session reports';
$string['register'] = 'Register';
$string['registration'] = 'Require registration';
$string['registration_help'] = 'Enabling this option will force participants to register for the Zoom meeting/webinar before joining.';
$string['registration_text'] = 'Force participants to register for the meeting/webinar';
$string['repeatinterval'] = 'Repeat Every';
$string['report'] = 'Reports';
$string['reportapicalls'] = 'Report API calls exhausted';
$string['requirepasscode'] = 'Require meeting passcode';
$string['requirepasscode_help'] = 'Enabling this option will require that the host sets a passcode for the meeting. Joining participants will be required to input this before joining the meeting. Participants who enter the meeting from within the Moodle activity do not need to input this passcode.';
$string['resetapicalls'] = 'Reset the number of available API calls';
$string['resetzoomsall'] = 'Delete all user grades, recording user view data, and meeting participant user data.';
$string['room'] = 'Room';
$string['roomname'] = 'Room name';
$string['rooms'] = 'Rooms';
$string['schedule'] = 'Schedule';
$string['schedulefor'] = 'Schedule meeting for';
$string['schedulefor_help'] = 'You can schedule meetings on behalf of another user. As a prerequisite, this user must have assigned you scheduling privilege in Zoom. The selected user will be the host of the meeting and will be the one whose Zoom license will be used for the meeting.';
$string['scheduleforself'] = 'Yourself';
$string['schedulingprivilege'] = 'Scheduling privilege';
$string['schedulingprivilege_desc'] = 'With this setting, you can control if the scheduling privilege option is shown to users in the activity instance settings or not. This setting only affects the Moodle activity instance settings. Even if you decide to show the option, the user will still need to get the scheduling privilege granted by another user in Zoom to finally schedule a meeting for the other user.';
$string['schedulingprivilege_disable'] = 'Disable scheduling privilege option';
$string['schedulingprivilege_enable'] = 'Enable scheduling privilege option';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Zoom - activity information';
$string['security'] = 'Security';
$string['selectionarea'] = 'No selection';
$string['sessions'] = 'Sessions';
$string['sessionsreport'] = 'Sessions report';
$string['sesskeyinvalid'] = 'Invalid session detected. Cannot proceed further.';
$string['setpasscode'] = 'Set passcode';
$string['showmedia'] = 'Show Media section';
$string['showmedia_help'] = 'Enabling this option will show the Media section on the meeting activity page.';
$string['showmediaonview'] = 'Show Media section on meeting page';
$string['showschedule'] = 'Show Schedule section';
$string['showschedule_help'] = 'Enabling this option will show the Schedule section on the meeting activity page.';
$string['showscheduleonview'] = 'Show Schedule section on meeting page';
$string['showsecurity'] = 'Show Security section';
$string['showsecurity_help'] = 'Enabling this option will show the Security section on the meeting activity page.';
$string['showsecurityonview'] = 'Show Security section on meeting page';
$string['start'] = 'Start';
$string['start_meeting'] = 'Start Meeting';
$string['start_time'] = 'When';
$string['starthostjoins'] = 'Start video when host joins';
$string['startpartjoins'] = 'Start video when participant joins';
$string['starttime'] = 'Start time';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['supplementaryfeaturessettings'] = 'Supplementary features settings';
$string['supplementaryfeaturessettings_desc'] = 'These settings control if and how supplementary Zoom features are provided to the users.';
$string['title'] = 'Title';
$string['topic'] = 'Topic';
$string['trackingfields'] = 'Tracking fields';
$string['trackingfields_help'] = 'Enter the tracking field name(s)/label(s), separated by commas, to enable for Zoom activities.';
$string['trackingfields_recommendedvalues'] = 'Recommended values: ';
$string['unamedisplay'] = 'User display name';
$string['unamedisplay_help'] = 'How the name of a user should be displayed in meetings (only works for users who are not logged in to the Zoom client).';
$string['unavailable'] = 'You are unable to join at this time.';
$string['unavailablefinished'] = 'The meeting has finished already.';
$string['unavailablefirstjoin'] = 'You can join {$a->mins} minutes before the scheduled start time at the earliest.';
$string['unavailablenotstartedyet'] = 'The meeting has not started yet.';
$string['updatemeetings'] = 'Update meeting settings from Zoom';
$string['updatetrackingfields'] = 'Update tracking field settings from Zoom';
$string['usepersonalmeeting'] = 'Use personal meeting ID {$a}';
$string['waitingroom'] = 'Waiting room';
$string['waitingroomenable'] = 'Enable waiting room';
$string['webinar'] = 'Webinar';
$string['webinar_already_false'] = '<p><b>This module was already set as a meeting, not webinar. You cannot toggle this setting after creating the meeting.</b></p>';
$string['webinar_already_true'] = '<p><b>This module was already set as a webinar, not meeting. You cannot toggle this setting after creating the webinar.</b></p>';
$string['webinar_alwaysshow'] = 'Always show webinar option regardless if the user has a license to host webinars';
$string['webinar_by_default'] = 'Webinar by default';
$string['webinar_by_default_desc'] = 'Create Zoom instance as a webinar by default.';
$string['webinar_desc'] = 'With this setting, you can control if the option to create a webinar is shown to users during the creation of a meeting or not. This setting only affects the Moodle activity instance settings. Even if you decide to always show the option, the user will still need a valid license for webinars to finally host a webinar.';
$string['webinar_disable'] = 'Disable webinars';
$string['webinar_help'] = "Webinars give hosts enhanced control and flexibility for hosting meetings with larger audiences.\n\nThis option is only available to pre-authorized Zoom accounts.";
$string['webinar_showonlyiflicense'] = 'Show webinar option only if the user has a license to host webinars';
$string['webinarthisis'] = 'This is a webinar';
$string['week'] = 'Week(s)';
$string['weekoption_first'] = 'First';
$string['weekoption_fourth'] = 'Fourth';
$string['weekoption_last'] = 'Last';
$string['weekoption_second'] = 'Second';
$string['weekoption_third'] = 'Third';
$string['zoom:addinstance'] = 'Add a new Zoom meeting';
$string['zoom:eligiblealternativehost'] = 'Selectable as alternative host within Zoom meetings';
$string['zoom:refreshsessions'] = 'Refresh Zoom meeting reports';
$string['zoom:view'] = 'View Zoom meetings';
$string['zoom:viewdialin'] = 'View Zoom dial-in information';
$string['zoom:viewjoinurl'] = 'View Zoom join url';
$string['zoomerr'] = 'An error occured with Zoom.';
$string['zoomerr_alternativehostusernotfound'] = 'User {$a} was not found on Zoom.';
$string['zoomerr_apilimit'] = 'Reached the maximum daily rate limit for this API. Retry at {$a}';
$string['zoomerr_field_missing'] = '{$a} not found';
$string['zoomerr_id_missing'] = 'You must specify a course_module ID or an instance ID';
$string['zoomerr_licensesnumber_missing'] = 'Zoom utmost setting found but, licensesnumber setting not found';
$string['zoomerr_maxretries'] = 'Retried {$a->maxretries} times to make the call, but failed: {$a->response}';
$string['zoomerr_meetingnotfound'] = 'This meeting cannot be found on Zoom. You can <a href="{$a->recreate}">recreate it here</a> or <a href="{$a->delete}">delete it completely</a>.';
$string['zoomerr_meetingnotfound_info'] = 'This meeting cannot be found on Zoom. Please contact the meeting host if you have questions.';
$string['zoomerr_no_access_token'] = 'No access token returned';
$string['zoomerr_scopes'] = 'The Zoom OAuth configuration is missing these required scopes: {$a}';
$string['zoomerr_usernotfound'] = 'Unable to find your account on Zoom. If you are using Zoom for the first time, you must activate your Zoom account by logging into <a href="{$a}" target="_blank">{$a}</a>. Once you\'ve activated your Zoom account, reload this page and continue setting up your meeting. Else make sure your email on Zoom matches your email on this system.';
$string['zoomerr_viewrecordings_off'] = 'View Recordings is switched off, task cannot run';
$string['zoomurl'] = 'Zoom home page URL';
$string['zoomurl_desc'] = '';