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// This file is part of the Zoom plugin for Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Task: get_meeting_reports
* @package mod_zoom
* @copyright 2018 UC Regents
* @author Kubilay Agi
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_zoom\task;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/zoom/locallib.php');
use context_course;
use core\message\message;
use core\task\scheduled_task;
use core_user;
use dml_exception;
use Exception;
use html_writer;
use mod_zoom\not_found_exception;
use mod_zoom\retry_failed_exception;
use mod_zoom\webservice_exception;
use moodle_exception;
use moodle_url;
use stdClass;
* Scheduled task to get the meeting participants for each .
class get_meeting_reports extends scheduled_task {
* Percentage in which we want similar_text to reach before we consider
* using its results.
private const SIMILARNAME_THRESHOLD = 60;
* Used to determine if debugging is turned on or off for outputting messages.
* @var bool
public $debuggingenabled = false;
* The mod_zoom\webservice instance used to query for data. Can be stubbed
* for unit testing.
* @var mod_zoom\webservice
public $service = null;
* Sort meetings by end time.
* @param array $a One meeting/webinar object array to compare.
* @param array $b Another meeting/webinar object array to compare.
private function cmp($a, $b) {
if ($a->end_time == $b->end_time) {
return 0;
return ($a->end_time < $b->end_time) ? -1 : 1;
* Gets the meeting IDs from the queue, retrieve the information for each
* meeting, then remove the meeting from the queue.
* @param string $paramstart If passed, will find meetings starting on given date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
* @param string $paramend If passed, will find meetings ending on given date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
* @param array $hostuuids If passed, will find only meetings for given array of host uuids.
public function execute($paramstart = null, $paramend = null, $hostuuids = null) {
try {
$this->service = zoom_webservice();
} catch (moodle_exception $exception) {
mtrace('Skipping task - ', $exception->getMessage());
// See if we cannot make anymore API calls.
$retryafter = get_config('zoom', 'retry-after');
if (!empty($retryafter) && time() < $retryafter) {
mtrace('Out of API calls, retry after ' . userdate($retryafter, get_string('strftimedaydatetime', 'core_langconfig')));
$this->debuggingenabled = debugging();
// If running as a task, then record when we last left off if
// interrupted or finish.
$runningastask = true;
if (!empty($hostuuids)) {
$runningastask = false;
if (!empty($paramstart)) {
$starttime = strtotime($paramstart);
$runningastask = false;
} else {
$starttime = get_config('zoom', 'last_call_made_at');
if (empty($starttime)) {
// Zoom only provides data from 30 days ago.
$starttime = strtotime('-30 days');
if (!empty($paramend)) {
$endtime = strtotime($paramend);
$runningastask = false;
if (empty($endtime)) {
$endtime = time();
// Zoom requires this format when passing the to and from arguments.
// Zoom just returns all the meetings from the day range instead of
// actual time range specified.
$start = gmdate('Y-m-d', $starttime);
$end = gmdate('Y-m-d', $endtime);
mtrace(sprintf('Finding meetings between %s to %s', $start, $end));
$recordedallmeetings = true;
$dashboardscopes = [
$reportscopes = [
// Can only query on $hostuuids using Report API.
if (empty($hostuuids) && $this->service->has_scope($dashboardscopes)) {
$allmeetings = $this->get_meetings_via_dashboard($start, $end);
} else if ($this->service->has_scope($reportscopes)) {
$allmeetings = $this->get_meetings_via_reports($start, $end, $hostuuids);
} else {
mtrace('Skipping task - missing OAuth scopes required for reports');
// Sort all meetings based on end_time so that we know where to pick
// up again if we run out of API calls.
$allmeetings = array_map([$this, 'normalize_meeting'], $allmeetings);
usort($allmeetings, [$this, 'cmp']);
mtrace("Processing " . count($allmeetings) . " meetings");
foreach ($allmeetings as $meeting) {
// Only process meetings if they happened after the time we left off.
$meetingtime = ($meeting->end_time == intval($meeting->end_time)) ? $meeting->end_time : strtotime($meeting->end_time);
if ($runningastask && $meetingtime <= $starttime) {
try {
if (!$this->process_meeting_reports($meeting)) {
// If returned false, then ran out of API calls or got
// unrecoverable error. Try to pick up where we left off.
if ($runningastask) {
// Only want to resume if we were processing all reports.
$recordedallmeetings = false;
set_config('last_call_made_at', $meetingtime - 1, 'zoom');
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Some unknown error, need to handle it so we can record
// where we left off.
if ($runningastask) {
$recordedallmeetings = false;
set_config('last_call_made_at', $meetingtime - 1, 'zoom');
if ($recordedallmeetings && $runningastask) {
// All finished, so save the time that we set end time for the initial query.
set_config('last_call_made_at', $endtime, 'zoom');
* Formats participants array as a record for the database.
* @param stdClass $participant Unformatted array received from web service API call.
* @param int $detailsid The id to link to the zoom_meeting_details table.
* @param array $names Array that contains mappings of user's moodle ID to the user's name.
* @param array $emails Array that contains mappings of user's moodle ID to the user's email.
* @return array Formatted array that is ready to be inserted into the database table.
public function format_participant($participant, $detailsid, $names, $emails) {
global $DB;
$moodleuser = null;
$moodleuserid = null;
$name = null;
// Consolidate fields.
$participant->name = $participant->name ?? $participant->user_name ?? '';
$participant->id = $participant->id ?? $participant->participant_user_id ?? '';
$participant->user_email = $participant->user_email ?? $participant->email ?? '';
// Cleanup the name. For some reason # gets into the name instead of a comma.
$participant->name = str_replace('#', ',', $participant->name);
// Extract the ID and name from the participant's name if it is in the format "(id)Name".
if (preg_match('/^\((\d+)\)(.+)$/', $participant->name, $matches)) {
$moodleuserid = $matches[1];
$name = trim($matches[2]);
} else {
$name = $participant->name;
// Try to see if we successfully queried for this user and found a Moodle id before.
if (!empty($participant->id)) {
// Sometimes uuid is blank from Zoom.
$participantmatches = $DB->get_records(
['uuid' => $participant->id],
'id, userid, name'
if (!empty($participantmatches)) {
// Found some previous matches. Find first one with userid set.
foreach ($participantmatches as $participantmatch) {
if (!empty($participantmatch->userid)) {
$moodleuserid = $participantmatch->userid;
$name = $participantmatch->name;
// Did not find a previous match.
if (empty($moodleuserid)) {
if (!empty($participant->user_email) && ($moodleuserid = array_search(strtoupper($participant->user_email), $emails))) {
// Found email from list of enrolled users.
$name = $names[$moodleuserid];
} else if (!empty($participant->name) && ($moodleuserid = array_search(strtoupper($participant->name), $names))) {
// Found name from list of enrolled users.
$name = $names[$moodleuserid];
} else if (
&& ($moodleuser = $DB->get_record('user', [
'email' => $participant->user_email,
'deleted' => 0,
'suspended' => 0,
) {
// This is the case where someone attends the meeting, but is not enrolled in the class.
$moodleuserid = $moodleuser->id;
$name = strtoupper(fullname($moodleuser));
} else if (!empty($participant->name) && ($moodleuserid = $this->match_name($participant->name, $names))) {
// Found name by using fuzzy text search.
$name = $names[$moodleuserid];
} else {
// Did not find any matches, so use what is given by Zoom.
$name = $participant->name;
$moodleuserid = null;
if ($participant->user_email === '') {
if (!empty($moodleuserid)) {
$participant->user_email = $DB->get_field('user', 'email', ['id' => $moodleuserid]);
} else {
$participant->user_email = null;
if ($participant->id === '') {
$participant->id = null;
return [
'name' => $name,
'userid' => $moodleuserid,
'detailsid' => $detailsid,
'zoomuserid' => $participant->user_id,
'uuid' => $participant->id,
'user_email' => $participant->user_email,
'join_time' => strtotime($participant->join_time),
'leave_time' => strtotime($participant->leave_time),
'duration' => $participant->duration,
* Get enrollment for given course.
* @param int $courseid
* @return array Returns an array of names and emails.
public function get_enrollments($courseid) {
// Loop through each user to generate name->uids mapping.
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid);
$enrolled = get_enrolled_users($coursecontext);
$names = [];
$emails = [];
foreach ($enrolled as $user) {
$name = strtoupper(fullname($user));
$names[$user->id] = $name;
$emails[$user->id] = strtoupper(zoom_get_api_identifier($user));
return [$names, $emails];
* Get meetings first by querying for active hostuuids for given time
* period. Then find meetings that host have given in given time period.
* This is the older method of querying for meetings. It has been superseded
* by the Dashboard API. However, that API is only available for Business
* accounts and higher. The Reports API is available for Pro user and up.
* This method is kept for those users that have Pro accounts and using
* this plugin.
* @param string $start If passed, will find meetings starting on given date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
* @param string $end If passed, will find meetings ending on given date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
* @param array $hostuuids If passed, will find only meetings for given array of host uuids.
* @return array
public function get_meetings_via_reports($start, $end, $hostuuids) {
global $DB;
mtrace('Using Reports API');
if (empty($hostuuids)) {
$this->debugmsg('Empty hostuuids, querying all hosts');
// Get all hosts.
$activehostsuuids = $this->service->get_active_hosts_uuids($start, $end);
} else {
$this->debugmsg('Hostuuids passed');
// Else we just want a specific hosts.
$activehostsuuids = $hostuuids;
$allmeetings = [];
$localhosts = $DB->get_records_menu('zoom', null, '', 'id, host_id');
mtrace("Processing " . count($activehostsuuids) . " active host uuids");
foreach ($activehostsuuids as $activehostsuuid) {
// This API call returns information about meetings and webinars,
// don't need extra functionality for webinars.
$usersmeetings = [];
if (in_array($activehostsuuid, $localhosts)) {
$this->debugmsg('Getting meetings for host uuid ' . $activehostsuuid);
try {
$usersmeetings = $this->service->get_user_report($activehostsuuid, $start, $end);
} catch (not_found_exception $e) {
// Zoom API returned user not found for a user it said had,
// meetings. Have to skip user.
$this->debugmsg("Skipping $activehostsuuid because user does not exist on Zoom");
} catch (retry_failed_exception $e) {
// Hit API limit, so cannot continue.
mtrace($e->response . ': ' . $e->zoomerrorcode);
} else {
// Ignore hosts who hosted meetings outside of integration.
$this->debugmsg(sprintf('Found %d meetings for user', count($usersmeetings)));
foreach ($usersmeetings as $usermeeting) {
$allmeetings[] = $usermeeting;
return $allmeetings;
* Get meetings and webinars using Dashboard API.
* @param string $start If passed, will find meetings starting on given date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
* @param string $end If passed, will find meetings ending on given date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
* @return array
public function get_meetings_via_dashboard($start, $end) {
mtrace('Using Dashboard API');
$meetingscopes = [
$webinarscopes = [
$meetings = [];
if ($this->service->has_scope($meetingscopes)) {
$meetings = $this->service->get_meetings($start, $end);
$webinars = [];
if ($this->service->has_scope($webinarscopes)) {
$webinars = $this->service->get_webinars($start, $end);
$allmeetings = array_merge($meetings, $webinars);
return $allmeetings;
* Returns name of task.
* @return string
public function get_name() {
return get_string('getmeetingreports', 'mod_zoom');
* Tries to match a given name to the roster using two different fuzzy text
* matching algorithms and if they match, then returns the match.
* @param string $nametomatch
* @param array $rosternames Needs to be an array larger than 3 for any
* meaningful results.
* @return int Returns id for $rosternames. Returns false if no match found.
private function match_name($nametomatch, $rosternames) {
if (count($rosternames) < 3) {
return false;
$nametomatch = strtoupper($nametomatch);
$similartextscores = [];
$levenshteinscores = [];
foreach ($rosternames as $name) {
similar_text($nametomatch, $name, $percentage);
if ($percentage > self::SIMILARNAME_THRESHOLD) {
$similartextscores[$name] = $percentage;
$levenshteinscores[$name] = levenshtein($nametomatch, $name);
// If we did not find any quality matches, then return false.
if (empty($similartextscores)) {
return false;
// Simlar text has better matches with higher numbers.
reset($similartextscores); // Make sure key gets first element.
$stmatch = key($similartextscores);
// Levenshtein has better matches with lower numbers.
reset($levenshteinscores); // Make sure key gets first element.
$lmatch = key($levenshteinscores);
// If both matches, then we can be rather sure that it is the same user.
if ($stmatch == $lmatch) {
$moodleuserid = array_search($stmatch, $rosternames);
return $moodleuserid;
} else {
return false;
* Outputs finer grained debugging messaging if debug mode is on.
* @param string $msg
public function debugmsg($msg) {
if ($this->debuggingenabled) {
* Saves meeting details and participants for reporting.
* @param object $meeting Normalized meeting object
* @return boolean
public function process_meeting_reports($meeting) {
global $DB;
'Processing meeting %s|%s that occurred at %s',
// If meeting doesn't exist in the zoom database, the instance is
// deleted, and we don't need reports for these.
if (!($zoomrecord = $DB->get_record('zoom', ['meeting_id' => $meeting->meeting_id], '*', IGNORE_MULTIPLE))) {
mtrace('Meeting does not exist locally; skipping');
return true;
$meeting->zoomid = $zoomrecord->id;
// Insert or update meeting details.
if (!($DB->record_exists('zoom_meeting_details', ['uuid' => $meeting->uuid]))) {
$this->debugmsg('Inserting zoom_meeting_details');
$detailsid = $DB->insert_record('zoom_meeting_details', $meeting);
} else {
// Details entry already exists, so update it.
$this->debugmsg('Updating zoom_meeting_details');
$detailsid = $DB->get_field('zoom_meeting_details', 'id', ['uuid' => $meeting->uuid]);
$meeting->id = $detailsid;
$DB->update_record('zoom_meeting_details', $meeting);
try {
$participants = $this->service->get_meeting_participants($meeting->uuid, $zoomrecord->webinar);
} catch (not_found_exception $e) {
mtrace(sprintf('Warning: Cannot find meeting %s|%s; skipping', $meeting->meeting_id, $meeting->uuid));
return true; // Not really a show stopping error.
} catch (webservice_exception $e) {
mtrace($e->response . ': ' . $e->zoomerrorcode);
return false;
// Loop through each user to generate name->uids mapping.
[$names, $emails] = $this->get_enrollments($zoomrecord->course);
$this->debugmsg(sprintf('Processing %d participants', count($participants)));
// Now try to insert new participant records.
// There is no unique key, so we make sure each record's data is distinct.
try {
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$count = $DB->count_records('zoom_meeting_participants', ['detailsid' => $detailsid]);
if (!empty($count)) {
$this->debugmsg(sprintf('Existing participant records: %d', $count));
// No need to delete old records, we don't insert matching records.
// To prevent sending notifications every time the task ran check if there is inserted new records.
$recordupdated = false;
foreach ($participants as $rawparticipant) {
'Working on %s (user_id: %d, uuid: %s)',
$participant = $this->format_participant($rawparticipant, $detailsid, $names, $emails);
// These conditions are enough.
$conditions = [
'name' => $participant['name'],
'userid' => $participant['userid'],
'detailsid' => $participant['detailsid'],
'zoomuserid' => $participant['zoomuserid'],
'join_time' => $participant['join_time'],
'leave_time' => $participant['leave_time'],
// Check if the record already exists.
if ($record = $DB->get_record('zoom_meeting_participants', $conditions)) {
// The exact record already exists, so do nothing.
$this->debugmsg('Record already exists ' . $record->id);
} else {
// Insert all new records.
$recordid = $DB->insert_record('zoom_meeting_participants', $participant, true);
// At least one new record inserted.
$recordupdated = true;
$this->debugmsg('Inserted record ' . $recordid);
// If there are new records and the grading method is attendance duration.
// Check the grading method settings.
if (!empty($zoomrecord->grading_method)) {
$gradingmethod = $zoomrecord->grading_method;
} else if ($defaultgrading = get_config('gradingmethod', 'zoom')) {
$gradingmethod = $defaultgrading;
} else {
$gradingmethod = 'entry';
if ($recordupdated && $gradingmethod === 'period') {
// Grade users according to their duration in the meeting.
$this->grading_participant_upon_duration($zoomrecord, $detailsid);
} catch (dml_exception $exception) {
mtrace('ERROR: Cannot insert zoom_meeting_participants: ' . $exception->getMessage());
return false;
$this->debugmsg('Finished updating meeting report');
return true;
* Update the grades of users according to their duration in the meeting.
* @param object $zoomrecord
* @param int $detailsid
* @return void
public function grading_participant_upon_duration($zoomrecord, $detailsid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php');
$courseid = $zoomrecord->course;
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
// Get grade list for items.
$gradelist = grade_get_grades($courseid, 'mod', 'zoom', $zoomrecord->id);
// Is this meeting is not gradable, return.
if (empty($gradelist->items)) {
$gradeitem = $gradelist->items[0];
$itemid = $gradeitem->id;
$grademax = $gradeitem->grademax;
$oldgrades = $gradeitem->grades;
// After check and testing, these timings are the actual meeting timings returned from zoom
// ... (i.e.when the host start and end the meeting).
// Not like those on 'zoom' table which represent the settings from zoom activity.
$meetingtime = $DB->get_record('zoom_meeting_details', ['id' => $detailsid], 'start_time, end_time');
if (empty($zoomrecord->recurring)) {
$end = min($meetingtime->end_time, $zoomrecord->start_time + $zoomrecord->duration);
$start = max($meetingtime->start_time, $zoomrecord->start_time);
$meetingduration = $end - $start;
} else {
$meetingduration = $meetingtime->end_time - $meetingtime->start_time;
// Get the required records again.
$records = $DB->get_records('zoom_meeting_participants', ['detailsid' => $detailsid], 'join_time ASC');
// Initialize the data arrays, indexing them later with userids.
$durations = [];
$join = [];
$leave = [];
// Looping the data to calculate the duration of each user.
foreach ($records as $record) {
$userid = $record->userid;
if (empty($userid)) {
if (is_numeric($record->name)) {
// In case the participant name looks like an integer, we need to avoid a conflict.
$userid = '~' . $record->name . '~';
} else {
$userid = $record->name;
// Check if there is old duration stored for this user.
if (!empty($durations[$userid])) {
$old = new stdClass();
$old->duration = $durations[$userid];
$old->join_time = $join[$userid];
$old->leave_time = $leave[$userid];
// Calculating the overlap time.
$overlap = $this->get_participant_overlap_time($old, $record);
// Set the new data for next use.
$leave[$userid] = max($old->leave_time, $record->leave_time);
$join[$userid] = min($old->join_time, $record->join_time);
$durations[$userid] = $old->duration + $record->duration - $overlap;
} else {
$leave[$userid] = $record->leave_time;
$join[$userid] = $record->join_time;
$durations[$userid] = $record->duration;
// Used to count the number of users being graded.
$graded = 0;
$alreadygraded = 0;
// Array of unidentified users that need to be graded manually.
$needgrade = [];
// Array of found user ids.
$found = [];
// Array of non-enrolled users.
$notenrolled = [];
// Now check the duration for each user and grade them according to it.
foreach ($durations as $userid => $userduration) {
// Setup the grade according to the duration.
$newgrade = min($userduration * $grademax / $meetingduration, $grademax);
// Double check that this is a Moodle user.
if (is_integer($userid) && (isset($found[$userid]) || $DB->record_exists('user', ['id' => $userid]))) {
// Successfully found this user in Moodle.
if (!isset($found[$userid])) {
$found[$userid] = true;
$oldgrade = null;
if (isset($oldgrades[$userid])) {
$oldgrade = $oldgrades[$userid]->grade;
// Check if the user is enrolled before assign the grade.
if (is_enrolled($context, $userid)) {
// Compare with the old grade and only update if the new grade is higher.
// Use number_format because the old stored grade only contains 5 decimals.
if (empty($oldgrade) || $oldgrade < number_format($newgrade, 5)) {
$gradegrade = [
'rawgrade' => $newgrade,
'userid' => $userid,
'usermodified' => $userid,
'dategraded' => '',
'feedbackformat' => '',
'feedback' => '',
zoom_grade_item_update($zoomrecord, $gradegrade);
$this->debugmsg('grade updated for user with id: ' . $userid
. ', duration =' . $userduration
. ', maxgrade =' . $grademax
. ', meeting duration =' . $meetingduration
. ', User grade:' . $newgrade);
} else {
$this->debugmsg('User already has a higher grade. Old grade: ' . $oldgrade
. ', New grade: ' . $newgrade);
} else {
$notenrolled[$userid] = fullname(core_user::get_user($userid));
} else {
// This means that this user was not identified.
// Provide information about participants that need to be graded manually.
$a = [
'userid' => $userid,
'grade' => $newgrade,
$needgrade[] = get_string('nonrecognizedusergrade', 'mod_zoom', $a);
// Get the list of users who clicked join meeting and were not recognized by the participant report.
$allusers = $this->get_users_clicked_join($zoomrecord);
$notfound = [];
foreach ($allusers as $userid) {
if (!isset($found[$userid])) {
$notfound[$userid] = fullname(core_user::get_user($userid));
// Try not to spam the instructors, only notify them when grades have changed.
if ($graded > 0) {
// Sending a notification to teachers in this course about grades, and users that need to be graded manually.
$notifydata = [
'graded' => $graded,
'alreadygraded' => $alreadygraded,
'needgrade' => $needgrade,
'courseid' => $courseid,
'zoomid' => $zoomrecord->id,
'itemid' => $itemid,
'name' => $zoomrecord->name,
'notfound' => $notfound,
'notenrolled' => $notenrolled,
* Calculate the overlap time for a participant.
* @param object $record1 Record data 1.
* @param object $record2 Record data 2.
* @return int the overlap time
public function get_participant_overlap_time($record1, $record2) {
// Determine which record starts first.
if ($record1->join_time < $record2->join_time) {
$old = $record1;
$new = $record2;
} else {
$old = $record2;
$new = $record1;
$oldjoin = (int) $old->join_time;
$oldleave = (int) $old->leave_time;
$newjoin = (int) $new->join_time;
$newleave = (int) $new->leave_time;
// There are three possible cases.
if ($newjoin >= $oldleave) {
// First case - No overlap.
// Example: old(join: 15:00 leave: 15:30), new(join: 15:35 leave: 15:50).
// No overlap.
$overlap = 0;
} else if ($newleave > $oldleave) {
// Second case - Partial overlap.
// Example: new(join: 15:15 leave: 15:45), old(join: 15:00 leave: 15:30).
// 15 min overlap.
$overlap = $oldleave - $newjoin;
} else {
// Third case - Complete overlap.
// Example: new(join: 15:15 leave: 15:29), old(join: 15:00 leave: 15:30).
// 14 min overlap (new duration).
$overlap = $new->duration;
return $overlap;
* Sending a notification to all teachers in the course notify them about grading
* also send the names of the users needing a manual grading.
* return array of messages ids and false if there is no users in this course
* with the capability of edit grades.
* @param array $data
* @return array|bool
public function notify_teachers($data) {
// Number of users graded automatically.
$graded = $data['graded'];
// Number of users already graded.
$alreadygraded = $data['alreadygraded'];
// Number of users need to be graded.
$needgradenumber = count($data['needgrade']);
// List of users need grading.
$needstring = get_string('grading_needgrade', 'mod_zoom');
$needgrade = (!empty($data['needgrade'])) ? $needstring . implode('<br>', $data['needgrade']) . "\n" : '';
$zoomid = $data['zoomid'];
$itemid = $data['itemid'];
$name = $data['name'];
$courseid = $data['courseid'];
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
// Get teachers in the course (actually those with the ability to edit grades).
$teachers = get_enrolled_users($context, 'moodle/grade:edit', 0, 'u.*', null, 0, 0, true);
// Grading item url.
$gurl = new moodle_url(
'id' => $courseid,
'item' => 'grade',
'itemid' => $itemid,
$gradeurl = html_writer::link($gurl, get_string('gradinglink', 'mod_zoom'));
// Zoom instance url.
$zurl = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/view.php', ['id' => $zoomid]);
$zoomurl = html_writer::link($zurl, $name);
// Data object used in lang strings.
$a = (object) [
'name' => $name,
'graded' => $graded,
'alreadygraded' => $alreadygraded,
'needgrade' => $needgrade,
'number' => $needgradenumber,
'gradeurl' => $gradeurl,
'zoomurl' => $zoomurl,
'notfound' => '',
'notenrolled' => '',
// Get the list of users clicked join meeting but not graded or reconized.
// This helps the teacher to grade them manually.
$notfound = $data['notfound'];
if (!empty($notfound)) {
$a->notfound = get_string('grading_notfound', 'mod_zoom');
foreach ($notfound as $userid => $fullname) {
$params = ['item' => 'user', 'id' => $courseid, 'userid' => $userid];
$url = new moodle_url('/grade/report/singleview/index.php', $params);
$userurl = html_writer::link($url, $fullname . ' (' . $userid . ')');
$a->notfound .= '<br> ' . $userurl;
$notenrolled = $data['notenrolled'];
if (!empty($notenrolled)) {
$a->notenrolled = get_string('grading_notenrolled', 'mod_zoom');
foreach ($notenrolled as $userid => $fullname) {
$userurl = new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', ['id' => $userid]);
$profile = html_writer::link($userurl, $fullname);
$a->notenrolled .= '<br>' . $profile;
// Prepare the message.
$message = new message();
$message->component = 'mod_zoom';
$message->name = 'teacher_notification'; // The notification name from message.php.
$message->userfrom = core_user::get_noreply_user();
$message->subject = get_string('gradingmessagesubject', 'mod_zoom', $a);
$messagebody = get_string('gradingmessagebody', 'mod_zoom', $a);
$message->fullmessage = $messagebody;
$message->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_MARKDOWN;
$message->fullmessagehtml = "<p>$messagebody</p>";
$message->smallmessage = get_string('gradingsmallmeassage', 'mod_zoom', $a);
$message->notification = 1;
$message->contexturl = $gurl; // This link redirect the teacher to the page of item's grades.
$message->contexturlname = get_string('gradinglink', 'mod_zoom');
// Email content.
$content = ['*' => ['header' => $message->subject, 'footer' => '']];
$message->set_additional_content('email', $content);
$messageids = [];
if (!empty($teachers)) {
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
$message->userto = $teacher;
// Actually send the message for each teacher.
$messageids[] = message_send($message);
} else {
return false;
return $messageids;
* The meeting object from the Dashboard API differs from the Report API, so
* normalize the meeting object to conform to what is expected it the
* database.
* @param object $meeting
* @return object Normalized meeting object
public function normalize_meeting($meeting) {
$normalizedmeeting = new stdClass();
// Returned meeting object will not be using Zoom's id, because it is a
// primary key in our own tables.
$normalizedmeeting->meeting_id = $meeting->id;
// Convert times to Unixtimestamps.
$normalizedmeeting->start_time = strtotime($meeting->start_time);
$normalizedmeeting->end_time = strtotime($meeting->end_time);
// Copy values that are named the same.
$normalizedmeeting->uuid = $meeting->uuid;
$normalizedmeeting->topic = $meeting->topic;
// Dashboard API has duration as H:M:S while report has it in minutes.
$timeparts = explode(':', $meeting->duration);
// Convert duration into minutes.
if (count($timeparts) === 1) {
// Time is already in minutes.
$normalizedmeeting->duration = intval($meeting->duration);
} else if (count($timeparts) === 2) {
// Time is in MM:SS format.
$normalizedmeeting->duration = $timeparts[0];
} else {
// Time is in HH:MM:SS format.
$normalizedmeeting->duration = 60 * $timeparts[0] + $timeparts[1];
// Copy values that are named differently.
$normalizedmeeting->participants_count = $meeting->participants ?? $meeting->participants_count;
// Dashboard API does not have total_minutes.
$normalizedmeeting->total_minutes = $meeting->total_minutes ?? null;
return $normalizedmeeting;
* Get list of all users clicked (join meeting) in a given zoom instance.
* @param object $zoomrecord
* @return array<int>
public function get_users_clicked_join($zoomrecord) {
global $DB;
$logmanager = get_log_manager();
if (!$readers = $logmanager->get_readers('core\log\sql_reader')) {
// Should be using 2.8, use old class.
$readers = $logmanager->get_readers('core\log\sql_select_reader');
$reader = array_pop($readers);
if ($reader === null) {
return [];
$params = [
'courseid' => $zoomrecord->course,
'objectid' => $zoomrecord->id,
$selectwhere = "eventname = '\\\\mod_zoom\\\\event\\\\join_meeting_button_clicked'
AND courseid = :courseid
AND objectid = :objectid";
$events = $reader->get_events_select($selectwhere, $params, 'userid ASC', 0, 0);
$userids = [];
foreach ($events as $event) {
if (
$event->other['meetingid'] === $zoomrecord->meeting_id &&
!in_array($event->userid, $userids, true)
) {
$userids[] = $event->userid;
return $userids;