Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

# Intro

[Zoom]( is a web- and app-based video conferencing service. This
plugin offers tight integration with Moodle, supporting meeting creation,
synchronization, grading and backup/restore.

## Prerequisites

This plugin is designed for Educational or Business Zoom accounts.

To connect to the Zoom APIs, this plugin requires an account-level app to be

### Server-to-Server OAuth
To [create an account-level Server-to-Server OAuth app](, the `Server-to-server OAuth app`
permission is required. You should create a separate Server-to-Server OAuth app for each Moodle install.

The Server-to-Server OAuth app will generate a client ID, client secret and account ID.

#### Granular scopes
At a minimum, the following scopes are required:

- meeting:read:meeting:admin (Get meeting)
- meeting:read:invitation:admin (Get meeting invitation)
- meeting:delete:meeting:admin (Delete meeting)
- meeting:update:meeting:admin (Update meeting)
- meeting:write:meeting:admin (Create meeting)
- user:read:list_schedulers:admin (List schedulers)
- user:read:settings:admin (Get user settings)
- user:read:user:admin (Get user)

Optional functionality can be enabled by granting additional scopes:

- Meeting registrations
    - meeting:read:list_registrants:admin (Get registrants)
- Reports for meetings / webinars (Licensed accounts and higher)
    - report:read:list_meeting_participants:admin
    - report:read:list_webinar_participants:admin
    - report:read:list_users:admin
    - report:read:user:admin
- Faster reports for meetings / webinars (Business accounts and higher)
    - dashboard:read:list_meeting_participants:admin
    - dashboard:read:list_meetings:admin
    - dashboard:read:list_webinar_participants:admin
    - dashboard:read:list_webinars:admin
- Allow recordings to be viewed (zoom | viewrecordings)
    - cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files:admin
    - cloud_recording:read:list_user_recordings:admin
    - cloud_recording:read:recording_settings:admin
- Tracking fields (zoom | defaulttrackingfields)
    - Not yet supported by Zoom
- Recycle licenses (zoom | utmost), (zoom | recycleonjoin)
    - user:read:list_users:admin
    - user:update:user:admin
- Webinars (zoom | showwebinars), (zoom | webinardefault)
    - webinar:read:list_registrants:admin
    - webinar:read:webinar:admin
    - webinar:delete:webinar:admin
    - webinar:update:webinar:admin
    - webinar:write:webinar:admin

#### Classic scopes
At a minimum, the following scopes are required:

- meeting:read:admin (Read meeting details)
- meeting:write:admin (Create/Update meetings)
- user:read:admin (Read user details)

Optional functionality can be enabled by granting additional scopes:

- Reports for meetings / webinars
    - dashboard_meetings:read:admin (Business accounts and higher)
    - dashboard_webinars:read:admin  (Business accounts and higher)
    - report:read:admin (Pro accounts and higher)
- Allow recordings to be viewed (zoom | viewrecordings)
    - recording:read:admin
- Tracking fields (zoom | defaulttrackingfields)
    - tracking_fields:read:admin
- Recycle licenses (zoom | utmost), (zoom | recycleonjoin)
    - user:write:admin
- Webinars (zoom | showwebinars), (zoom | webinardefault)
    - webinar:read:admin
    - webinar:write:admin

## Installation

1. [Install plugin]( to the /mod/zoom folder in Moodle.
2. After installing the plugin, the following settings need to be configured to use the plugin:

- Zoom account ID (mod_zoom | accountid)
- Zoom client ID (mod_zoom | clientid)
- Zoom client secret (mod_zoom | clientsecret)

If you get "Access token is expired" errors, make sure the date/time on your
server is properly synchronized with the time servers.