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* Provides support for the conversion of moodle1 backup to the moodle2 format
* @package workshopform_accumulative
* @copyright 2011 David Mudrak <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Conversion handler for the accumulative grading strategy data
class moodle1_workshopform_accumulative_handler extends moodle1_workshopform_handler {
/** @var used by {@link self::migrate_legacy_scales()} */
private $newscaleids = array();
* Converts <ELEMENT> into <workshopform_accumulative_dimension>
public function process_legacy_element(array $data, array $raw) {
// prepare a fake record and re-use the upgrade logic
$fakerecord = (object)$data;
$newscaleid = $this->get_new_scaleid($data['scale']);
$converted = (array)workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_element($fakerecord, $newscaleid, 12345678);
$converted['id'] = $data['id'];
$this->write_xml('workshopform_accumulative_dimension', $converted, array('/workshopform_accumulative_dimension/id'));
return $converted;
* If needed, creates new standard (global) scale to replace the legacy workshop one and returns the mapping
* If the given $oldscaleid represents a scale, returns array $oldscaleid => $newscaleid that
* can be used as a parameter for {@link workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_element()}. Otherwise
* this method returns empty array.
* In workshop 1.x, scale field in workshop_elements had the following meaning:
* 0 | 2 point Yes/No scale
* 1 | 2 point Present/Absent scale
* 2 | 2 point Correct/Incorrect scale
* 3 | 3 point Good/Poor scale
* 4 | 4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale
* 5 | 5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale
* 6 | 7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale
* 7 | Score out of 10
* 8 | Score out of 20
* 9 | Score out of 100
* @see workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_scales()
* @param int $oldscaleid the value of the 'scale' field in the moodle.xml backup file
* @return array (int)oldscaleid => (int)newscaleid
protected function get_new_scaleid($oldscaleid) {
if ($oldscaleid >= 0 and $oldscaleid <= 6) {
// we need a new scale id
if (!isset($this->newscaleids[$oldscaleid])) {
// this is the first time the legacy scale is used in moodle.xml
// let us migrate it
$scale = $this->get_new_scale_definition($oldscaleid);
// other scales are already stashed - let us append a new artificial record
$currentscaleids = $this->converter->get_stash_itemids('scales');
if (empty($currentscaleids)) {
$scale['id'] = 1;
} else {
$scale['id'] = max($currentscaleids) + 1;
$this->converter->set_stash('scales', $scale, $scale['id']);
$this->newscaleids[$oldscaleid] = $scale['id'];
// inform the workshop instance that it should annotate the new scale
$inforefman = $this->parenthandler->get_inforef_manager();
$inforefman->add_ref('scale', $scale['id']);
return array($oldscaleid => $this->newscaleids[$oldscaleid]);
} else {
// not a scale
return array();
* Returns a definition of a legacy workshop scale
* @see workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_scales
* @param object $oldscaleid
* @return array
private function get_new_scale_definition($oldscaleid) {
$data = array(
'userid' => 0, // restore will remap to the current user
'courseid' => 0, // global scale
'description' => '',
'descriptionformat' => FORMAT_HTML,
switch ($oldscaleid) {
case 0:
$data['name'] = get_string('scalename0', 'workshopform_accumulative');
$data['scale'] = implode(',', array(get_string('no'), get_string('yes')));
case 1:
$data['name'] = get_string('scalename1', 'workshopform_accumulative');
$data['scale'] = implode(',', array(get_string('absent', 'workshopform_accumulative'),
get_string('present', 'workshopform_accumulative')));
case 2:
$data['name'] = get_string('scalename2', 'workshopform_accumulative');
$data['scale'] = implode(',', array(get_string('incorrect', 'workshopform_accumulative'),
get_string('correct', 'workshopform_accumulative')));
case 3:
$data['name'] = get_string('scalename3', 'workshopform_accumulative');
$data['scale'] = implode(',', array('* ' . get_string('poor', 'workshopform_accumulative'),
'*** ' . get_string('good', 'workshopform_accumulative')));
case 4:
$data['name'] = get_string('scalename4', 'workshopform_accumulative');
$data['scale'] = implode(',', array('* ' . get_string('verypoor', 'workshopform_accumulative'),
'**** ' . get_string('excellent', 'workshopform_accumulative')));
case 5:
$data['name'] = get_string('scalename5', 'workshopform_accumulative');
$data['scale'] = implode(',', array('* ' . get_string('verypoor', 'workshopform_accumulative'),
'***** ' . get_string('excellent', 'workshopform_accumulative')));
case 6:
$data['name'] = get_string('scalename6', 'workshopform_accumulative');
$data['scale'] = implode(',', array('* ' . get_string('verypoor', 'workshopform_accumulative'),
'******* ' . get_string('excellent', 'workshopform_accumulative')));
return $data;
* Transforms a given record from workshop_elements_old into an object to be saved into workshopform_accumulative
* @param stdClass $old legacy record from workshop_elements_old
* @param array $newscaleids mapping from old scale types into new standard ones
* @param int $newworkshopid id of the new workshop instance that replaced the previous one
* @return stdclass to be saved in workshopform_accumulative
function workshopform_accumulative_upgrade_element(stdclass $old, array $newscaleids, $newworkshopid) {
$new = new stdclass();
$new->workshopid = $newworkshopid;
$new->sort = $old->elementno;
$new->description = $old->description;
$new->descriptionformat = FORMAT_HTML;
// calculate new grade/scale of the element
if ($old->scale >= 0 and $old->scale <= 6 and isset($newscaleids[$old->scale])) {
$new->grade = -$newscaleids[$old->scale];
} elseif ($old->scale == 7) {
$new->grade = 10;
} elseif ($old->scale == 8) {
$new->grade = 20;
} elseif ($old->scale == 9) {
$new->grade = 100;
} else {
$new->grade = 0; // something is wrong
// calculate new weight of the element. Negative weights are not supported any more and
// are replaced with weight = 0. Legacy workshop did not store the raw weight but the index
// in the array of weights (see $WORKSHOP_EWEIGHTS in workshop 1.x)
// workshop 2.0 uses integer weights only (0-16) so all previous weights are multiplied by 4.
switch ($old->weight) {
case 8: $new->weight = 1; break;
case 9: $new->weight = 2; break;
case 10: $new->weight = 3; break;
case 11: $new->weight = 4; break;
case 12: $new->weight = 6; break;
case 13: $new->weight = 8; break;
case 14: $new->weight = 16; break;
default: $new->weight = 0;
return $new;