Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * unilabel type grid.
 * @package     unilabeltype_grid
 * @author      Andreas Grabs <>
 * @copyright   2018 onwards Grabs EDV {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace unilabeltype_grid;

 * Content type definition.
 * @package     unilabeltype_grid
 * @author      Andreas Grabs <>
 * @copyright   2018 onwards Grabs EDV {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class content_type extends \mod_unilabel\content_type {
    /** @var \stdClass */
    private $unilabeltyperecord;

    /** @var array */
    private $tiles;

    /** @var \stdClass */
    private $cm;

    /** @var \context */
    private $context;

     * Constructor.
     * @return void
    public function __construct() {

     * Get true if the unilabeltype supports sortorder by using drag-and-drop.
     * @return bool
    public function use_sortorder() {
        return true;

     * Add elements to the activity settings form.
     * @param  \mod_unilabel\edit_content_form $form
     * @param  \context                        $context
     * @return void
    public function add_form_fragment(\mod_unilabel\edit_content_form $form, \context $context) {
        global $PAGE, $OUTPUT;

        $unilabeltyperecord = $this->load_unilabeltype_record($form->unilabel->id);

        $mform  = $form->get_mform();
        $prefix = $this->component . '_';

        $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', $prefix . 'showintro', get_string('showunilabeltext', $this->component));

        $mform->addElement('header', $prefix . 'hdr', $this->get_name());
        $mform->addHelpButton($prefix . 'hdr', 'pluginname', $this->component);

        $numbers = array_combine(range(1, 6), range(1, 6));
        $mform->addElement('select', $prefix . 'columns', get_string('columns', $this->component), $numbers);

        // In all smaller displays we can not use 5 columns. It is not supported by bootstrap and css injection will not work here.
        $numbers       = [1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 6 => 6];
        $strdefaultcol = get_string('default_columns', $this->component);
        $columnsmiddle = $mform->createElement('select', $prefix . 'columnsmiddle', '', $numbers);
        $defaultmiddle = $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', $prefix . 'defaultmiddle', $strdefaultcol);
            $prefix . 'group_middle',
            get_string('columnsmiddle', $this->component),
            [' '],
        $mform->disabledIf($prefix . 'columnsmiddle', $prefix . 'defaultmiddle', 'checked');

        $columnssmall = $mform->createElement('select', $prefix . 'columnssmall', '', $numbers);
        $defaultsmall = $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', $prefix . 'defaultsmall', $strdefaultcol);
            $prefix . 'group_small',
            get_string('columnssmall', $this->component),
            [' '],
        $mform->disabledIf($prefix . 'columnssmall', $prefix . 'defaultsmall', 'checked');

        $numbers = array_combine(range(100, 600, 50), range(100, 600, 50));
        $numbers = [0 => get_string('autoheight', $this->component)] + $numbers;
        $mform->addElement('select', $prefix . 'height', get_string('height', $this->component), $numbers);
        $mform->addHelpButton($prefix . 'height', 'height', $this->component);

        $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', $prefix . 'usemobile', get_string('use_mobile_images', $this->component));
        $mform->addHelpButton($prefix . 'usemobile', 'use_mobile_images', $this->component);

        // Prepare the activity url picker.
        $formid       = $mform->getAttribute('id');
        $course       = $form->get_course();
        $picker       = new \mod_unilabel\output\component\activity_picker($course, $formid);
        $inputidbase  = 'id_' . $prefix . 'url_';
        $pickerbutton = new \mod_unilabel\output\component\activity_picker_button($formid, $inputidbase);
        $mform->addElement('html', $OUTPUT->render($picker));

        $repeatarray = [];
        // If we want each repeated elment in a numbered group we add a header with '{no}' in its label.
        // This is replaced by the number of element.
        $elementheader = $mform->createElement('header', 'singleelementheader', get_string('tile', $this->component) . '-{no}');
        $repeatarray[] = $elementheader;

        $repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'sortorder'

        $repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'title',
            get_string('title', $this->component) . '-{no}',
            ['size' => 50]
        $repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'content',
            get_string('content', $this->component) . '-{no}',
            ['rows' => 10],
        $urlelement = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'url',
            get_string('url', $this->component) . '-{no}',
            ['size' => 50]
        $mform->setType($prefix . 'url', PARAM_URL);
        $newwindowelement = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'newwindow',

        $repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'urlgroup',
            get_string('url', $this->component) . '-{no}',
            [$urlelement, $newwindowelement],
        $repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'activitypickerbutton',
        $repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'image',
            get_string('image', $this->component) . '-{no}',
        $repeatarray[] = $mform->createElement(
            $prefix . 'image_mobile',
            get_string('image_mobile', $this->component) . '-{no}',

        $repeatedoptions                                   = [];
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'sortorder']['type']    = PARAM_INT;
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'title']['type']        = PARAM_TEXT;
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'url']['type']          = PARAM_URL;
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'content']['type']      = PARAM_RAW;
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'image']['type']        = PARAM_FILE;
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'image_mobile']['type'] = PARAM_FILE;
        // Adding the help buttons.
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'content']['helpbutton']      = ['content', $this->component];
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'urlgroup']['helpbutton']     = ['url', $this->component];
        $repeatedoptions[$prefix . 'image_mobile']['helpbutton'] = ['image_mobile', $this->component];

        $defaultrepeatcount = 1; // The default count for tiles.
        $repeatcount        = count($this->tiles);

        $nextel = $form->repeat_elements(
            'multiple_chosen_elements_count', // We need a fixed name here to get drag and drop work.
            $prefix . 'add_more_elements_btn', // This element musst be called so to get removed when dnd is enabled.
            $defaultrepeatcount, // Each time we add 3 elements.
            get_string('addmoretiles', $this->component),

        // This elements are needed by js to set empty hidden fields while deleting an element.
        $myelements = [

        // Render the button to add elements.
        $btn = $OUTPUT->render_from_template('mod_unilabel/load_element_button', [
            'type' => $this->type,
            'formid' => $formid,
            'contextid' => $context->id,
            'courseid' => $course->id,
            'prefix' => $prefix,
        $mform->addElement('html', $btn);
                $this->use_sortorder(), // Use drag and drop.

     * Get the default values for the settings form.
     * @param  array     $data
     * @param  \stdClass $unilabel
     * @return array
    public function get_form_default($data, $unilabel) {
        global $DB;

        $cm      = get_coursemodule_from_instance('unilabel', $unilabel->id);
        $context = \context_module::instance($cm->id);

        $prefix = $this->component . '_';

        // Set default data for the grid in generel.
        if (!$unilabeltyperecord = $this->load_unilabeltype_record($unilabel->id)) {
            $data[$prefix . 'columns']       = $this->config->columns ?? 4;
            $data[$prefix . 'columnsmiddle'] = $this->get_default_col_middle($this->config->columns ?? 4);
            $data[$prefix . 'defaultmiddle'] = true;
            $data[$prefix . 'columnssmall']  = $this->get_default_col_small();
            $data[$prefix . 'defaultsmall']  = true;
            $data[$prefix . 'height']        = $this->config->height ?? 300;
            $data[$prefix . 'showintro']     = !empty($this->config->showintro);
            $data[$prefix . 'usemobile']     = !empty($this->config->usemobile);

            return $data;

        $data[$prefix . 'columns'] = $unilabeltyperecord->columns;
        if (empty($unilabeltyperecord->columnsmiddle)) {
            $data[$prefix . 'columnsmiddle'] = $this->get_default_col_middle($unilabeltyperecord->columns);
            $data[$prefix . 'defaultmiddle'] = true;
        } else {
            $data[$prefix . 'columnsmiddle'] = $unilabeltyperecord->columnsmiddle;
            $data[$prefix . 'defaultmiddle'] = false;
        if (empty($unilabeltyperecord->columnssmall)) {
            $data[$prefix . 'columnssmall'] = $this->get_default_col_small();
            $data[$prefix . 'defaultsmall'] = true;
        } else {
            $data[$prefix . 'columnssmall'] = $unilabeltyperecord->columnssmall;
            $data[$prefix . 'defaultsmall'] = false;

        $data[$prefix . 'height']    = $unilabeltyperecord->height;
        $data[$prefix . 'showintro'] = $unilabeltyperecord->showintro;
        $data[$prefix . 'usemobile'] = $unilabeltyperecord->usemobile;

        // Set default data for tiles.
        $tiles = $DB->get_records(
                'gridid' => $unilabeltyperecord->id,
            'sortorder ASC',
        if (!$tiles) {
            return $data;

        $index = 0;
        foreach ($tiles as $tile) {
            // Prepare the title field.
            $elementname        = $prefix . 'title[' . $index . ']';
            $data[$elementname] = $tile->title;

            // Prepare the url field.
            $elementname        = $prefix . 'url[' . $index . ']';
            $data[$elementname] = $tile->url;

            // Prepare the newwindow field.
            $elementname = $prefix . 'newwindow[' . $index . ']';
            $data[$elementname] = $tile->newwindow;

            // Prepare the content field.
            $elementname                = $prefix . 'content[' . $index . ']';
            $draftitemidcontent         = 0;
            $data[$elementname]['text'] = file_prepare_draft_area(
                ['subdirs' => true],

            $data[$elementname]['format'] = FORMAT_HTML;
            $data[$elementname]['itemid'] = $draftitemidcontent;

            // Prepare the images.
            // $draftitemid is set by the function file_prepare_draft_area().
            $draftitemidimage = 0; // This is needed to create a new draftitemid.
            file_prepare_draft_area($draftitemidimage, $context->id, $this->component, 'image', $tile->id);
            $elementname        = $prefix . 'image[' . $index . ']';
            $data[$elementname] = $draftitemidimage;

            // Prepare the mobile images.
            // $draftitemid is set by the function file_prepare_draft_area().
            $draftitemidimagemobile = 0; // This is needed to create a new draftitemid.
            file_prepare_draft_area($draftitemidimagemobile, $context->id, $this->component, 'image_mobile', $tile->id);
            $elementname        = $prefix . 'image_mobile[' . $index . ']';
            $data[$elementname] = $draftitemidimagemobile;

            // Prepare the sortorder field.
            $elementname        = $prefix . 'sortorder[' . $index . ']';
            $data[$elementname] = $tile->sortorder ?? ($index + 1);


        return $data;

     * Get the namespace of this content type.
     * @return string
    public function get_namespace() {
        return __NAMESPACE__;

     * Get the html formated content for this type.
     * @param  \stdClass             $unilabel
     * @param  \stdClass             $cm
     * @param  \plugin_renderer_base $renderer
     * @return string
    public function get_content($unilabel, $cm, \plugin_renderer_base $renderer) {
        if (!$unilabeltyperecord = $this->load_unilabeltype_record($unilabel->id)) {
            $content = [
                'intro'    => get_string('nocontent', $this->component),
                'cmid'     => $cm->id,
                'hastiles' => false,
        } else {
            $intro     = $this->format_intro($unilabel, $cm);
            $showintro = !empty($unilabeltyperecord->showintro);
            $content   = [
                'showintro'    => $showintro,
                'intro'        => $showintro ? $intro : '',
                'columnssmall' => 1,
                'height'       => $unilabeltyperecord->height,
                'autoheight'   => empty($unilabeltyperecord->height),
                'tiles'        => array_values($this->tiles),
                'hastiles'     => count($this->tiles) > 0,
                'cmid'         => $cm->id,
            $content['colclasses'] = $this->get_bootstrap_cols(

        $content = $renderer->render_from_template('unilabeltype_grid/grid', $content);

        return $content;

     * Delete the content of this type.
     * @param  int  $unilabelid
     * @return void
    public function delete_content($unilabelid) {
        global $DB;

        $unilabeltyperecord = $this->load_unilabeltype_record($unilabelid);

        // Delete all tiles.
        if (!empty($unilabeltyperecord)) {
            $DB->delete_records('unilabeltype_grid_tile', ['gridid' => $unilabeltyperecord->id]);

        $DB->delete_records('unilabeltype_grid', ['unilabelid' => $unilabelid]);

     * Save the content from settings page.
     * @param  \stdClass $formdata
     * @param  \stdClass $unilabel
     * @return bool
    public function save_content($formdata, $unilabel) {
        global $DB, $USER;

        // We want to keep the tiles consistent so we start a transaction here.
        $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();

        $prefix = $this->component . '_';

        // First save the grid record.
        if (!$unilabeltyperecord = $DB->get_record('unilabeltype_grid', ['unilabelid' => $unilabel->id])) {
            $unilabeltyperecord             = new \stdClass();
            $unilabeltyperecord->unilabelid = $unilabel->id;
            $unilabeltyperecord->id         = $DB->insert_record('unilabeltype_grid', $unilabeltyperecord);

        $columns                           = !empty($formdata->{$prefix . 'columns'}) ? $formdata->{$prefix . 'columns'} : 0;
        $unilabeltyperecord->columns       = $columns;
        $columnsmiddle                     = !empty($formdata->{$prefix . 'defaultmiddle'})
                                                ? null : $formdata->{$prefix . 'columnsmiddle'};
        $unilabeltyperecord->columnsmiddle = $columnsmiddle;
        $columnssmall                      = !empty($formdata->{$prefix . 'defaultsmall'})
                                                ? null : $formdata->{$prefix . 'columnssmall'};
        $unilabeltyperecord->columnssmall  = $columnssmall;

        $unilabeltyperecord->height    = $formdata->{$prefix . 'height'};
        $unilabeltyperecord->showintro = $formdata->{$prefix . 'showintro'};
        $unilabeltyperecord->usemobile = !empty($formdata->{$prefix . 'usemobile'});

        $DB->update_record('unilabeltype_grid', $unilabeltyperecord);

        $fs          = get_file_storage();
        $context     = \context_module::instance($formdata->cmid);
        $usercontext = \context_user::instance($USER->id);

        // First: remove old tile images.
        // We use the module_context as context and this component as component.
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, $this->component, 'image');
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, $this->component, 'image_mobile');
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, $this->component, 'content');

        // Second: remove old tile records.
        $DB->delete_records('unilabeltype_grid_tile', ['gridid' => $unilabeltyperecord->id]);

        // How many tiles could be defined (we have an array here)?
        // They may not all used so some could be left out.
        $potentialtilecount = $formdata->multiple_chosen_elements_count;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $potentialtilecount; ++$i) {
            // Get the draftitemids to identify the submitted files in image, imagemobile and content.
            // We only create a record if we have at least a title, a file or a content.
            $draftitemid = $formdata->{$prefix . 'image'}[$i];
            // Do we have an image? We get this information with file_get_draft_area_info().
            $fileinfo = file_get_draft_area_info($draftitemid);
            $title   = $formdata->{$prefix . 'title'}[$i];
            $content = $formdata->{$prefix . 'content'}[$i]['text'] ?? '';
            if (empty($title) && $fileinfo['filecount'] < 1 && !$this->html_has_content($content)) {
            if (!empty($unilabeltyperecord->usemobile)) {
                $draftitemidmobile = $formdata->{$prefix . 'image_mobile'}[$i];
            $draftitemidcontent = $formdata->{$prefix . 'content'}[$i]['itemid'];
            $sortorder = $formdata->{$prefix . 'sortorder'}[$i];

            $tilerecord            = new \stdClass();
            $tilerecord->gridid    = $unilabeltyperecord->id;
            $tilerecord->title     = $title;
            $tilerecord->url       = $formdata->{$prefix . 'url'}[$i];
            $tilerecord->newwindow = !empty($formdata->{$prefix . 'newwindow'}[$i]);
            $tilerecord->sortorder = $sortorder;

            $tilerecord->content = ''; // Dummy content.
            $tilerecord->id      = $DB->insert_record('unilabeltype_grid_tile', $tilerecord);

            // Save draft files from content and convert the pluginfile links.
            $tilerecord->content = file_save_draft_area_files(
            $DB->update_record('unilabeltype_grid_tile', $tilerecord);

            // Now we can save our draft files for image and imagemobile.
            file_save_draft_area_files($draftitemid, $context->id, $this->component, 'image', $tilerecord->id);
            if (!empty($formdata->{$prefix . 'usemobile'})) {


        return !empty($unilabeltyperecord->id);

     * Load and cache the unilabel record.
     * @param  int       $unilabelid
     * @return \stdClass
    public function load_unilabeltype_record($unilabelid) {
        global $DB;

        if (empty($this->unilabeltyperecord)) {
            if (!$this->unilabeltyperecord = $DB->get_record('unilabeltype_grid', ['unilabelid' => $unilabelid])) {
                $this->tiles = [];

            $this->cm      = get_coursemodule_from_instance('unilabel', $unilabelid);
            $this->context = \context_module::instance($this->cm->id);

            $tiles = $DB->get_records('unilabeltype_grid_tile', ['gridid' => $this->unilabeltyperecord->id], 'sortorder ASC');
            $index = 0;

            foreach ($tiles as $tile) {
                $tile->imageurl       = $this->get_image_for_tile($tile);
                $tile->imagemobileurl = $this->get_image_mobile_for_tile($tile);
                $tile->title          = empty($tile->title) ? get_string('tilenr', $this->component, $index + 1) : $tile->title;
                $tile->content        = $this->format_content($tile, $this->context);
                $tile->nr             = $index;
            $this->tiles = $tiles;

        return $this->unilabeltyperecord;

     * Get the image url for the given tile.
     * @param  \stdClass $tile
     * @return string
    private function get_image_for_tile($tile) {
        $fs = get_file_storage();

        $files = $fs->get_area_files($this->context->id, $this->component, 'image', $tile->id, '', $includedirs = false);
        if (!$file = array_shift($files)) {
            return '';
        $imageurl = \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url(

        return $imageurl;

     * Get the mobile image url.
     * @param  \stdClass $tile
     * @return string
    private function get_image_mobile_for_tile($tile) {
        $fs = get_file_storage();

        $files = $fs->get_area_files(
            $includedirs = false
        if (!$file = array_shift($files)) {
            return '';
        $imageurl = \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url(

        return $imageurl;

     * Check whether ther is content or not.
     * @param  string $content
     * @return bool
    private function html_has_content($content) {
        $searches = [
            '<br />',

        $check = trim(str_replace($searches, '', $content));

        return !empty($check);

     * Get the options array to support files in editor.
     * @param  \context $context
     * @return array
    public function editor_options($context) {
        return [
            'maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES,
            'noclean'  => true,
            'context'  => $context,
            'subdirs'  => true,

     * Get the options array for a file manager.
     * @param \context $context
     * @return array
    public function manager_options($context) {
        return [
            'maxfiles'       => 1,
            'subdirs'        => false,
            'accepted_types' => ['web_image'],

     * Get the format options array.
     * @param  \context $context
     * @return array
    public function format_options($context) {
        return [
            'noclean' => true,
            'context' => $context,

     * Format the content of a tile.
     * @param  \stdClass $tile
     * @param  \context  $context
     * @return string
    public function format_content($tile, $context) {
        global $CFG;
        require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');

        $options = $this->format_options($context);
        $content = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls(

        return trim(format_text($content, FORMAT_HTML, $options, null));

     * Check that this plugin is activated on config settings.
     * @return bool
    public function is_active() {
        return !empty($this->config->active);