Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
@mod @mod_subcourse
Feature: Progress and grade in referenced course can be displayed on the course main page
In order to control the look and feel of my course outline page
As a teacher
I need to be able to configure whether progress and grade in the referenced course is displayed on my course main page
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | |
| student1 | Student | 1 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| MainCourse | M | 0 |
| RefCourse | R | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | M | editingteacher |
| student1 | M | student |
| teacher1 | R | editingteacher |
| student1 | R | student |
# Set grades in the referenced course.
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "RefCourse" course homepage
And I navigate to "Settings" in current page administration
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Enable completion tracking | Yes |
And I press "Save and display"
And I turn editing mode on
And I add a "Text and media area" to section "1" and I fill the form with:
| Text | Just a simple module to activate progress tracking |
And I turn editing mode off
And I navigate to "Setup > Gradebook setup" in the course gradebook
And I press "Add grade item"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Item name | Manual item 1 |
| Maximum grade | 10 |
And I press "Save changes"
And I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
And I turn editing mode on
And I give the grade "5" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Manual item 1"
And I press "Save"
And I turn editing mode off
Scenario: Progress and grade displayed on both course main page and subcourse view page.
Given I am on "MainCourse" course homepage
And I turn editing mode on
And I add a "Subcourse" to section "1" and I fill the form with:
| Subcourse name | Unit course 1 |
| Fetch grades from | RefCourse (R) |
| Redirect to the referenced course | 0 |
| Display progress from referenced course on course page | 1 |
| Display grade from referenced course on course page | 1 |
And I turn editing mode off
And I am on "MainCourse" course homepage
And I am on the "Unit course 1" "subcourse activity" page logged in as teacher1
And I follow "Fetch grades now"
And I log out
When I log in as "student1"
And I am on "MainCourse" course homepage
Then I should see "Progress:" in the "[data-activityname='Unit course 1']" "css_element"
And I should see "Current grade:" in the "[data-activityname='Unit course 1']" "css_element"
And I am on the "Unit course 1" "subcourse activity" page logged in as student1
And I should see "Progress:" in the ".subcourseinfo-progress" "css_element"
And I should see "Current grade:" in the ".subcourseinfo-grade" "css_element"
Scenario: Progress and grade displayed on subcourse view page only.
Given I am on "MainCourse" course homepage
And I turn editing mode on
And I add a "Subcourse" to section "1" and I fill the form with:
| Subcourse name | Unit course 1 |
| Fetch grades from | RefCourse (R) |
| Redirect to the referenced course | 0 |
| Display progress from referenced course on course page | 0 |
| Display grade from referenced course on course page | 0 |
And I turn editing mode off
And I am on "MainCourse" course homepage
And I am on the "Unit course 1" "subcourse activity" page logged in as teacher1
And I follow "Fetch grades now"
And I log out
When I log in as "student1"
And I am on "MainCourse" course homepage
Then I should not see "Progress:" in the "[data-activityname='Unit course 1']" "css_element"
And I should not see "Current grade:" in the "[data-activityname='Unit course 1']" "css_element"
And I am on the "Unit course 1" "subcourse activity" page logged in as student1
And I should see "Progress:" in the ".subcourseinfo-progress" "css_element"
And I should see "Current grade:" in the ".subcourseinfo-grade" "css_element"