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* Library providing functions that implement the module's features.
* @package mod_subcourse
* @copyright 2017 David Mudrák <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Returns the list of courses the grades can be taken from
* Returned are courses in which the user has permission to view the grade
* book. Never returns the current course (as a course cannot be a subcourse of
* itself) and the site course (the front page course). If the userid is not
* passed, the current user is expected.
* @param int $userid Id of user for which we want to get the list of courses
* @return array list of course records
function subcourse_available_courses($userid = null) {
global $COURSE, $USER;
$courses = [];
if (empty($userid)) {
$userid = $USER->id;
$fields = 'fullname,shortname,idnumber,category,visible,sortorder';
$mycourses = get_user_capability_course('moodle/grade:viewall', $userid, true, $fields, 'sortorder');
if ($mycourses) {
$ignorecourses = [$COURSE->id, SITEID];
foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
if (in_array($mycourse->id, $ignorecourses)) {
$courses[] = $mycourse;
return $courses;
* Fetches grade_item info and grades from the referenced course
* Returned structure is
* object(
* ->grades = array[userid] of object(->userid ->rawgrade ->feedback ->feedbackformat ->hidden)
* ->grademax
* ->grademin
* ->itemname
* ...
* )
* @param int $subcourseid ID of subcourse instance
* @param int $refcourseid ID of referenced course
* @param bool $gradeitemonly If true, fetch only grade item info without grades
* @param int|array $userids If fetching grades, limit only to this user(s), defaults to all.
* @param bool $fetchpercentage Re-calculate the grade value so that the displayed percentage matches the original.
* @return stdClass containing grades array and gradeitem info
function subcourse_fetch_refgrades($subcourseid, $refcourseid, $gradeitemonly = false, $userids = [], $fetchpercentage = false) {
if (empty($refcourseid)) {
throw new coding_exception('Empty referenced course id');
$fetchedfields = subcourse_get_fetched_item_fields();
$return = new stdClass();
$return->grades = [];
$refgradeitem = grade_item::fetch_course_item($refcourseid);
// Get grade_item info.
foreach ($fetchedfields as $property) {
if (isset($refgradeitem->$property)) {
$return->$property = $refgradeitem->$property;
} else {
$return->$property = null;
// If the remote grade_item is non-global scale, do not fetch grades - they can't be used.
if (($refgradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) && (!subcourse_is_global_scale($refgradeitem->scaleid))) {
$gradeitemonly = true;
debugging(get_string('errlocalremotescale', 'subcourse'));
$return->localremotescale = true;
if (!$gradeitemonly) {
// Get grades.
if (!is_array($userids)) {
$userids = [$userids];
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("subcourse", $subcourseid);
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
$users = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/subcourse:begraded', ',u.lastname',
'u.lastname', '', '', '', '', false, true);
foreach ($users as $user) {
if ($userids && !in_array($user->id, $userids)) {
$grade = new grade_grade(['itemid' => $refgradeitem->id, 'userid' => $user->id]);
$return->grades[$user->id] = new stdClass();
$return->grades[$user->id]->userid = $user->id;
$return->grades[$user->id]->feedback = $grade->feedback;
$return->grades[$user->id]->feedbackformat = $grade->feedbackformat;
$return->grades[$user->id]->hidden = $grade->hidden;
if ($grade->finalgrade === null) {
// No grade set yet.
$return->grades[$user->id]->rawgrade = null;
} else if (empty($fetchpercentage)) {
// Fetch the raw value of the final grade in the referenced course.
$return->grades[$user->id]->rawgrade = $grade->finalgrade;
} else {
// Re-calculate the value so that the displayed percentage matches.
// This may make difference when there are excluded grades in the referenced course.
if ($grade->rawgrademax > 0) {
$ratio = ($grade->finalgrade - $grade->rawgrademin) / ($grade->rawgrademax - $grade->rawgrademin);
$fakevalue = $return->grademin + $ratio * ($return->grademax - $return->grademin);
$return->grades[$user->id]->rawgrade = grade_floatval($fakevalue);
} else {
$return->grades[$user->id]->rawgrade = 0;
return $return;
* Create or update grade item and grades for given subcourse
* @param int $courseid ID of referencing course (the course containing the instance of
* subcourse)
* @param int $subcourseid ID of subcourse instance
* @param int $refcourseid ID of referenced course (the course to take grades from)
* @param str $itemname Set the itemname
* @param bool $gradeitemonly If true, fetch only grade item info without grades
* @param bool $reset Reset grades in gradebook
* @param int|array $userids If fetching grades, limit only to this user(s), defaults to all.
* @param bool $fetchpercentage Re-calculate the grade value so that the displayed percentage matches the original.
* @return int GRADE_UPDATE_OK etc
function subcourse_grades_update($courseid, $subcourseid, $refcourseid, $itemname = null,
$gradeitemonly = false, $reset = false, $userids = [], $fetchpercentage = null) {
global $DB;
if (empty($refcourseid)) {
if (!$DB->record_exists('course', ['id' => $refcourseid])) {
if (!$gradeitemonly && $fetchpercentage === null) {
debugging('Performance: The caller should provide the fetchpercentage value to avoid an extra DB call.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$fetchpercentage = $DB->get_field('subcourse', 'fetchpercentage', ['id' => $subcourseid]);
$fetchedfields = subcourse_get_fetched_item_fields();
$refgrades = subcourse_fetch_refgrades($subcourseid, $refcourseid, $gradeitemonly, $userids, $fetchpercentage);
if (!empty($refgrades->localremotescale)) {
// Unable to fetch remote grades - local scale is used in the remote course.
$params = [];
foreach ($fetchedfields as $property) {
if (isset($refgrades->$property)) {
$params[$property] = $refgrades->$property;
if (!empty($itemname)) {
$params['itemname'] = $itemname;
$grades = $refgrades->grades;
if ($reset) {
$params['reset'] = true;
$grades = null;
$result = grade_update('mod/subcourse', $courseid, 'mod', 'subcourse', $subcourseid, 0, $grades, $params);
// The {@see grade_update()} does not change the grade hidden state so we need to perform it manually now.
if (!$gradeitemonly && $result == GRADE_UPDATE_OK) {
$gi = grade_item::fetch([
'source' => 'mod/subcourse',
'courseid' => $courseid,
'itemtype' => 'mod',
'itemmodule' => 'subcourse',
'iteminstance' => $subcourseid,
'itemnumber' => 0
$gs = grade_grade::fetch_all(['itemid' => $gi->id]);
if (!empty($gs)) {
foreach ($gs as $g) {
if (isset($refgrades->grades[$g->userid])) {
if ($refgrades->grades[$g->userid]->hidden != $g->hidden) {
$g->grade_item = $gi;
return $result;
* Checks if a remote scale can be re-used, i.e. if it is global (standard, server wide) scale
* @param mixed $scaleid ID of the scale
* @return boolean True if scale is global, false if not.
function subcourse_is_global_scale($scaleid) {
global $DB;
if (!is_numeric($scaleid)) {
throw new moodle_exception('errnonnumeric', 'subcourse');
if (!$DB->get_record('scale', ['id' => $scaleid, 'courseid' => 0], 'id')) {
// No such scale with courseid 0.
return false;
} else {
// Found the global scale.
return true;
* Updates the timefetched timestamp for given subcourses
* @param array|int $subcourseids ID of subcourse instance or array of IDs
* @param mixed $time The timestamp, defaults to the current time
* @return bool
function subcourse_update_timefetched($subcourseids, $time = null) {
global $DB;
if (empty($subcourseids)) {
return false;
if (is_numeric($subcourseids)) {
$subcourseids = [$subcourseids];
if (!is_array($subcourseids)) {
return false;
if (is_null($time)) {
$time = time();
if (!is_numeric($time)) {
return false;
list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($subcourseids);
$DB->set_field_select('subcourse', 'timefetched', $time, "id $sql", $params);
return true;
* The list of fields to copy from remote grade_item
* @return array
function subcourse_get_fetched_item_fields() {
return ['gradetype', 'grademax', 'grademin', 'scaleid', 'hidden'];
* Return if the user has a grade for the activity and the string representation of the grade.
* @param stdClass $subcourse Subcourse activity record with id and course properties set
* @param int $userid User id to get the grade for
* @return string $strgrade
function subcourse_get_current_grade(stdClass $subcourse, int $userid): ?string {
$currentgrade = grade_get_grades($subcourse->course, 'mod', 'subcourse', $subcourse->id, $userid);
$strgrade = null;
if (!empty($currentgrade->items[0]->grades)) {
$currentgrade = reset($currentgrade->items[0]->grades);
if (isset($currentgrade->grade) && !($currentgrade->hidden)) {
$strgrade = $currentgrade->str_grade;
return $strgrade;
* Mark the course module as viewed by the user.
* @param stdClass $subcourse Subcourse record.
* @param context $context Course module context.
* @param stdClass $course Course record.
* @param cm_info|object $cm Course module info.
function subcourse_set_module_viewed(stdClass $subcourse, context $context, stdClass $course, $cm) {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/completionlib.php');
$completion = new completion_info($course);
$event = \mod_subcourse\event\course_module_viewed::create([
'objectid' => $subcourse->id,
'context' => $context,
$event->add_record_snapshot('course_modules', $cm);
$event->add_record_snapshot('course', $course);
$event->add_record_snapshot('subcourse', $subcourse);