Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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@mod @mod_scorm
Feature: Viewing scorm reports in separate and visible groups mode
  In order to view reports for large courses
  As a teacher
  I need to filter the users on the reports page by group

    And the following "courses" exist:
      | fullname      | shortname |
      | Test Course 1 | C1        |
    And the following "groups" exist:
      | name    | course | idnumber | participation |
      | Group 1 | C1     | G1       | 1             |
      | Group 2 | C1     | G2       | 1             |
      | Group 3 | C1     | G3       | 0             |
    And the following "users" exist:
      | username   | firstname     | lastname | email                  |
      | teacher1   | TeacherG1     | 1        |   |
      | noneditor1 | NoneditorG1   | 1        | |
      | noneditor2 | NoneditorNone | 2        | |
      | user1      | User1G1       | 1        |      |
      | user2      | User2G2       | 2        |      |
      | user3      | User3None     | 3        |      |
      | user4      | User4NPgroup  | 4        |      |
    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
      | user       | course | role           |
      | teacher1   | C1     | editingteacher |
      | noneditor1 | C1     | teacher        |
      | noneditor2 | C1     | teacher        |
      | user1      | C1     | student        |
      | user2      | C1     | student        |
      | user3      | C1     | student        |
      | user4      | C1     | student        |
    And the following "group members" exist:
      | user       | group |
      | teacher1   | G1    |
      | noneditor1 | G1    |
      | user1      | G1    |
      | user2      | G2    |
      | user4      | G3    |
    And the following "activities" exist:
      | activity | course | name           | packagefilepath                                  | forcenewattempt | idnumber | groupmode |
      | scorm    | C1     | Separate scorm | mod/scorm/tests/packages/      | 0               | scorm1   | 1         |
      | scorm    | C1     | Visible scorm  | mod/scorm/tests/packages/      | 0               | scorm2   | 2         |

  Scenario Outline: Editing teachers should see all groups on the Reports page. Non-editing teachers should see just their own
  groups in Separate groups mode, all groups in Visible groups mode.
    Given I am on the "<scorm>" "scorm activity" page logged in as "<user>"
    And I navigate to "Reports" in current page administration
    Then I <all> see "All participants"
    And I <G1> see "Group 1"
    And I <G2> see "Group 2"
    And I should not see "Group 3"
    And I <user1> see "User1G1"
    And I <user2> see "User2G2"
    And I <user3> see "User3None"
    And I <user4> see "User4NPgroup"

      | scorm  | user       | all        | G1         | G2         | user1  | user2      | user3      | user4      |
      | scorm1 | teacher1   | should     | should     | should     | should | should     | should     | should     |
      | scorm1 | noneditor1 | should not | should     | should not | should | should not | should not | should not |
      | scorm1 | noneditor2 | should     | should not | should not | should | should     | should     | should     |
      | scorm2 | teacher1   | should     | should     | should     | should | should     | should     | should     |
      | scorm2 | noneditor1 | should     | should     | should     | should | should not | should not | should not |
      | scorm2 | noneditor2 | should     | should     | should     | should | should not | should not | should not |