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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* Provides support for the conversion of moodle1 backup to the moodle2 format
* @package mod_resource
* @copyright 2011 Andrew Davis <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Resource conversion handler
class moodle1_mod_resource_handler extends moodle1_mod_handler {
/** @var moodle1_file_manager instance */
protected $fileman = null;
/** @var array of resource successors handlers */
private $successors = array();
* Declare the paths in moodle.xml we are able to convert
* The method returns list of {@link convert_path} instances.
* For each path returned, the corresponding conversion method must be
* defined.
* actually exist in the file. The last element with the module name was
* appended by the moodle1_converter class.
* @return array of {@link convert_path} instances
public function get_paths() {
return array(
new convert_path(
'renamefields' => array(
'summary' => 'intro',
'newfields' => array(
'introformat' => 0,
'dropfields' => array(
* This methods detects the resource type and eventually re-dispatches it to the
* corresponding resource successor (url, forum, page, imscp).
public function process_resource(array $data, array $raw) {
global $CFG;
// replay the upgrade step 2009042001
if ($CFG->texteditors !== 'textarea') {
$data['intro'] = text_to_html($data['intro'], false, false, true);
$data['introformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
// fix invalid null popup and options data
if (!array_key_exists('popup', $data) or is_null($data['popup'])) {
$data['popup'] = '';
if (!array_key_exists ('options', $data) or is_null($data['options'])) {
$data['options'] = '';
// decide if the legacy resource should be handled by a successor module
if ($successor = $this->get_successor($data['type'], $data['reference'])) {
// the instance id will be kept
$instanceid = $data['id'];
// move the instance from the resource's modinfo stash to the successor's
// modinfo stash
$resourcemodinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('modinfo_resource');
$successormodinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('modinfo_'.$successor->get_modname());
$successormodinfo['instances'][$instanceid] = $resourcemodinfo['instances'][$instanceid];
$this->converter->set_stash('modinfo_resource', $resourcemodinfo);
$this->converter->set_stash('modinfo_'.$successor->get_modname(), $successormodinfo);
// get the course module information for the legacy resource module
$cminfo = $this->get_cminfo($instanceid);
// use the version of the successor instead of the current mod/resource
// beware - the version.php declares info via $module object, do not use
// a variable of such name here
$plugin = new stdClass();
$plugin->version = null;
$module = $plugin;
include $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$successor->get_modname().'/version.php';
$cminfo['version'] = $plugin->version;
// stash the new course module information for this successor
$cminfo['modulename'] = $successor->get_modname();
$this->converter->set_stash('cminfo_'.$cminfo['modulename'], $cminfo, $instanceid);
// rewrite the coursecontents stash
$coursecontents = $this->converter->get_stash('coursecontents');
$coursecontents[$cminfo['id']]['modulename'] = $successor->get_modname();
$this->converter->set_stash('coursecontents', $coursecontents);
// delegate the processing to the successor handler
return $successor->process_legacy_resource($data, $raw);
// no successor is interested in this record, convert it to the new mod_resource (aka File module)
$resource = array();
$resource['id'] = $data['id'];
$resource['name'] = $data['name'];
$resource['intro'] = $data['intro'];
$resource['introformat'] = $data['introformat'];
$resource['tobemigrated'] = 0;
$resource['legacyfiles'] = RESOURCELIB_LEGACYFILES_ACTIVE;
$resource['legacyfileslast'] = null;
$resource['filterfiles'] = 0;
$resource['revision'] = 1;
$resource['timemodified'] = $data['timemodified'];
// populate display and displayoptions fields
$options = array('printintro' => 1);
if ($data['options'] == 'frame') {
$resource['display'] = RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_FRAME;
} else if ($data['options'] == 'objectframe') {
$resource['display'] = RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_EMBED;
} else if ($data['options'] == 'forcedownload') {
$resource['display'] = RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_DOWNLOAD;
} else if ($data['popup']) {
$resource['display'] = RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_POPUP;
$rawoptions = explode(',', $data['popup']);
foreach ($rawoptions as $rawoption) {
list($name, $value) = explode('=', trim($rawoption), 2);
if ($value > 0 and ($name == 'width' or $name == 'height')) {
$options['popup'.$name] = $value;
} else {
$resource['display'] = RESOURCELIB_DISPLAY_AUTO;
$resource['displayoptions'] = serialize($options);
// get the course module id and context id
$instanceid = $resource['id'];
$currentcminfo = $this->get_cminfo($instanceid);
$moduleid = $currentcminfo['id'];
$contextid = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_MODULE, $moduleid);
// get a fresh new file manager for this instance
$this->fileman = $this->converter->get_file_manager($contextid, 'mod_resource');
// convert course files embedded into the intro
$this->fileman->filearea = 'intro';
$this->fileman->itemid = 0;
$resource['intro'] = moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files($resource['intro'], $this->fileman);
// convert the referenced file itself as a main file in the content area
$reference = $data['reference'];
if (strpos($reference, '$@FILEPHP@$') === 0) {
$reference = str_replace(array('$@FILEPHP@$', '$@SLASH@$', '$@FORCEDOWNLOAD@$'), array('', '/', ''), $reference);
$this->fileman->filearea = 'content';
$this->fileman->itemid = 0;
// Rebuild the file path.
$curfilepath = '/';
if ($reference) {
$curfilepath = pathinfo('/'.$reference, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
if ($curfilepath != '/') {
$curfilepath .= '/';
try {
$this->fileman->migrate_file('course_files/'.$reference, $curfilepath, null, 1);
} catch (moodle1_convert_exception $e) {
// the file probably does not exist
$this->log('error migrating the resource main file', backup::LOG_WARNING, 'course_files/'.$reference);
// write resource.xml
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('activity', array('id' => $instanceid, 'moduleid' => $moduleid,
'modulename' => 'resource', 'contextid' => $contextid));
$this->write_xml('resource', $resource, array('/resource/id'));
// write inforef.xml
foreach ($this->fileman->get_fileids() as $fileid) {
$this->write_xml('file', array('id' => $fileid));
* Give succesors a chance to finish their job
public function on_resource_end(array $data) {
if ($successor = $this->get_successor($data['type'], $data['reference'])) {
/// internal implementation details follow /////////////////////////////////
* Returns the handler of the new 2.0 mod type according the given type of the legacy 1.9 resource
* @param string $type the value of the 'type' field in 1.9 resource
* @param string $reference a file path. Necessary to differentiate files from web URLs
* @throws moodle1_convert_exception for the unknown types
* @return null|moodle1_mod_handler the instance of the handler, or null if the type does not have a successor
protected function get_successor($type, $reference) {
switch ($type) {
case 'text':
case 'html':
$name = 'page';
case 'directory':
$name = 'folder';
case 'ims':
$name = 'imscp';
case 'file':
// if starts with $@FILEPHP@$ then it is URL link to a local course file
// to be migrated to the new resource module
if (strpos($reference, '$@FILEPHP@$') === 0) {
$name = null;
// if http:// https:// ftp:// OR starts with slash need to be converted to URL
if (strpos($reference, '://') or strpos($reference, '/') === 0) {
$name = 'url';
} else {
$name = null;
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('unknown_resource_successor', $type);
if (is_null($name)) {
return null;
if (!isset($this->successors[$name])) {
$this->log('preparing resource successor handler', backup::LOG_DEBUG, $name);
$class = 'moodle1_mod_'.$name.'_handler';
$this->successors[$name] = new $class($this->converter, 'mod', $name);
// add the successor into the modlist stash
$modnames = $this->converter->get_stash('modnameslist');
$modnames[] = $name;
$modnames = array_unique($modnames); // should not be needed but just in case
$this->converter->set_stash('modnameslist', $modnames);
// add the successor's modinfo stash
$modinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('modinfo_resource');
$modinfo['name'] = $name;
$modinfo['instances'] = array();
$this->converter->set_stash('modinfo_'.$name, $modinfo);
return $this->successors[$name];