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* Strings for reengagement.
* @package mod_reengagement
* @author Peter Bulmer <>
* @copyright 2016 Catalyst IT {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['pluginname'] = 'Reengagement';
$string['reengagement'] = 'reengagement';
$string['pluginadministration'] = '';
$string['modulename'] = 'Reengagement';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Reengagements';
$string['modulename_help'] = 'The Reengagement activity provides a way for you to send timely notifications to students and 3rd parties, which can include reminders to return to the course and complete activities.
The notification trigger is a specified period of time after a starting event, which may be enrolment in the course, completing an activity, or other course variables.
Notifications can be set to repeat for a limited run, and/or until the target activity is completed, and can have delay periods between repeats.
If the user has already completed the target activity, no email is sent.
You could use this plugin to: <ul>
<li>Selectively release timed content in a course.</li>
<li>Repeatedly remind students that an assignment is overdue.</li>
<li>Advise training managers that the course is complete.</li>
The Reengagement activity is very flexible, explore what you can do with it.
<a href=>More Help</a>';
// Alphabetized.
$string['activitycompleted'] = 'This activity has been marked as complete';
$string['afterdelay'] = 'After delay';
$string['areyousure'] = 'Are you sure you want to make this change?';
$string['completion'] = 'Completion';
$string['completionwillturnon'] = 'Note that adding this activity to the course will enable activity completion.';
$string['completeattimex'] = 'This activity will complete at {$a}';
$string['completiontime'] = 'Completion time';
$string['completiondatesupdated'] = 'Completion dates updated.';
$string['crontask'] = 'Reengagement cron task';
$string['cronwarning'] = 'The Reengagment scheduled task has not been run in the past 8 hours - Cron must be configured to allow Reenagagements to function correctly.';
$string['days'] = 'Days';
$string['duration'] = 'Duration';
$string['duration_help'] = '<p>The reengagement duration is the period of time between a user starting a reengagement, and being marked as finished.
The reengagement duration is specified as a period length (eg Weeks) and number of period (eg 7).</p>
<p>This example would mean that a user starting a reengagement period now would be marked as compete in 7 weeks time.</p>
$string['thirdpartyemails'] = 'Third-party recipients';
$string['thirdpartyemails_help'] = 'A comma-separated list of email addresses for third-parties that should be receiving a notification when the user does.';
$string['emailcontent'] = 'Notification content (User)';
$string['emailcontent_help'] = 'When the module notifies a user, it takes the notification content from this field.';
$string['emailcontentthirdparty'] = 'Notification content (Third-party)';
$string['emailcontentthirdparty_help'] = 'When the module notifies a third-party, it takes the notification content from this field.';
$string['emailcontentmanager'] = 'Notification content (Manager)';
$string['emailcontentmanager_help'] = 'When the module notifies a user\'s manager(s), it takes the notification content from this field.';
$string['emailcontentthirdpartydefaultvalue'] = 'This is a reminder notification from course %courseshortname%, regarding user %userfirstname% %userlastname%.';
$string['emailcontentdefaultvalue'] = 'This is a reminder notification from course %courseshortname%.';
$string['emailcontentmanagerdefaultvalue'] = 'This is a reminder notification from course %courseshortname%, regarding user %userfirstname% %userlastname%.';
$string['emaildelay'] = 'Notification delay';
$string['emaildelay_help'] = 'When module is set to notify users "after delay", this setting controls how long the delay is.';
$string['emailrecipient'] = 'Notify recipient(s)';
$string['emailrecipient_help'] = 'When a notification needs to be sent out to prompt a user\'s re-engagement with the course, this setting controls if a notification is sent to the user, their manager(s), or both.';
$string['emailsubject'] = 'Notification subject (User)';
$string['emailsubject_help'] = 'When the module notifies a user, it takes the notification subject from this field.';
$string['emailsubjectmanager'] = 'Notification subject (Manager(s))';
$string['emailsubjectmanager_help'] = 'When the module notifies a user\'s manager(s), it takes the notification subject from this field.';
$string['emailsubjectthirdparty'] = 'Notification subject (Third-party)';
$string['emailsubjectthirdparty_help'] = 'When the module notifies a third-party, it takes the notification subject from this field.';
$string['emailtime'] = 'Notify time';
$string['emailuser'] = 'Notify user';
$string['emailuser_help'] = 'When the activity should notify users: <ul>
<li>Never: Don\'t notify users.</li>
<li>On reengagement completion: Notify the user when the reengagement activity is completed.</li>
<li>After Delay: Notify the user a set time after they have started the module.</li>
$string['errornoid'] = 'You must specify a course_module ID or an instance ID';
$string['errorreengagementnotvalid'] = 'This reengagement module is not enabled for your account.
Please contact your administrator if you feel this is in error';
$string['frequencytoohigh'] = 'The maximum reminder count with the delay period you have set is {$a}.';
$string['periodtoolow'] = 'The delay is too low - it must be at least 5 minutes.';
$string['hours'] = 'Hours';
$string['introdefaultvalue'] = 'This is a reengagement activity. Its purpose is to enforce a time lapse between the activities which preceed it, and the activities which follow it.';
$string['messageprovider:mod_reengagement'] = 'Re-engagement notifications';
$string['minutes'] = 'Minutes';
$string['mustenablecompletionavailability'] = 'Completion tracking and restricted access settings must be enabled to use the reengagement activity.';
$string['never'] = 'Never';
$string['newcompletiontime'] = 'New completion time';
$string['nochange'] = 'No change';
$string['nochangenoaccess'] = 'No change (user has not accessed course)';
$string['noemailattimex'] = 'Message scheduled for {$a} will not be sent because you have completed the target activity';
$string['nosuppresstarget'] = 'No target activity selected';
$string['oncompletion'] = 'On reengagement completion';
$string['receiveemailattimex'] = 'Message will be sent on {$a}.';
$string['receiveemailattimexunless'] = 'Message will be sent on {$a} unless you complete target activity.';
$string['reengagement:addinstance'] = 'reengagement:addinstance';
$string['reengagement:startreengagement'] = 'Start Reengagement';
$string['reengagement:editreengagementduration'] = 'Edit Reengagement Duration';
$string['reengagement:bulkactions'] = 'Perform bulk actions on reengagment';
$string['reengagementduration'] = 'Reengagement duration';
$string['reengagementfieldset'] = 'Reengagement details';
$string['reengagementintro'] = 'Reengagement intro';
$string['reengagementname'] = 'Reengagement name';
$string['reengagementsinprogress'] = 'Reengagements in progress';
$string['remindercount'] = 'Reminder count';
$string['remindercount_help'] = 'This is the number of times an e-mail is sent after each delay period. There are some limits to the values you can use<ul>
<li>less than 24 hrs - limit of 2 reminders.</li>
<li>less than 5 days - limit of 10 reminders.</li>
<li>less than 15 days - limit of 26 reminders.</li>
<li>over 15 days - maximum limit of 40 reminders.</li></ul>';
$string['resetbyfirstaccess'] = 'By first course access and a duration of: {$a}';
$string['resetbyenrolment'] = 'By enrolment creation date and a duration of: {$a}';
$string['resetbyspecificdate'] = 'By specified date';
$string['resetcompletion'] = 'Reset completion date';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Reengagement - activity information';
$string['specifydate'] = 'Set completion date to:';
$string['suppressemail'] = 'Suppress notification if target activity complete';
$string['suppressemail_help'] = 'This option instructs the activity to suppress notifications to users where a named activity is complete.';
$string['suppresstarget'] = 'Target activity.';
$string['suppresstarget_help'] = 'Use this dropdown to choose which activity should be checked for completion before sending the reminder notification.';
$string['userandmanager'] = 'User and Manager(s)';
$string['weeks'] = 'Weeks';
$string['withselectedusers'] = 'With selected users...';
$string['withselectedusers_help'] = '* Send message - For sending a message to one or more participants
* Reset completion date by course access - For adjusting the reengagement completion date based on the first access to this course.';
$string['seconds'] = 'Seconds';
$string['privacy:metadata:reengagement'] = 'Reengagement ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'User id this record relates to';
$string['privacy:metadata:completiontime'] = 'When this module will be complete';
$string['privacy:metadata:emailtime'] = 'When this user should be emailed';
$string['privacy:metadata:emailsent'] = 'Email has been sent';
$string['privacy:metadata:reengagement_inprogress'] = 'Reengagement activities in progress';